Trump Needs to Take Responsibility to Save His Reelection, But it's Probably too Late

That's six months from now, Toro! With all due respect...if people are still hiding in their houses in November because of this virus then it won't matter who's elected President because there won't be anything left to govern!

What's probably going to happen is that this thing is going to dissipate, and we will go back to some sort of state of semi-normal in the coming months. But then we are likely to see a spike again in the fall and the winter, though probably not as bad as we are seeing now.

If there is any hint of it coming back, it will keep people inside.

This goes away for good when there's a vaccine for everyone, which will be mid to late 2021.
It will keep "some" people inside! Those that should be isolated during ANY flue season! If you're elderly or have medical issues a simple flu can kill you. That hasn't changed nor will it! For the rest of the population more and more people will be shown to have already been exposed to the virus and to have developed antibodies to combat it.
President Trump puts Donald J. Trump first, over all else. It's all about power, which he demonstrated when he insisted that the president had the power to order the states to reopen, overriding the governors and trampling states rights.
He backed off and is letting the governors decide and they are are scared shitless!
The president didn't back off. His own justice department said that they didn't have a leg to stand on if he continued to claim presidential powers overrode the 10th amendment and states rights.
Biden is much more flawed than Hillary. Hillary never had to have Bill step in during her interviews to keep her on track or remind her of what was being asked. Biden is toast. It is pure gas lighting at this point to pretend he is capable of being President. And, he wont be the nominee in my opinion.

People hated Hillary. 58% of people said they voted for Trump because Hillary was the Democratic candidate.

People don't hate Biden.

I don't hate Biden don't hate the Village Idiot, make fun of him!
The governors and WHO spoke out of ignorance. President Trump knew what was actually happening when he called it a hoax.

Did you mean those intelligence agencies that proved time and a again that they could not be trusted becaus they were Deep state?
Deep state means the intelligence agencies caught President Trump colluding with Vladimir Putin.

We all know that is a lie and it was Hillary doing the colluding.
I don't hate Biden don't hate the Village Idiot, make fun of him!

Perhaps. But at least 45% of the country is going to vote for him, even if he has a stroke and is unable to speak.

Hillary-hatred drove a wide swath of the country to vote for Trump. Trump-hatred is driving a wide swath of the country to vote for whomever the Democrats nominate.

To which polling numbers were you referring? The ones you only agree with?
In every major poll last week Trump was over 45% approval....Obama could only dream of numbers like that and he was re think back to the democrat over sampled polls in 2016....they are still done by the same hacks....if anything Trump has brought his numbers up during this crisis....if Joe ever comes out of his basement and faces the people like Trump does daily Biden's numbers would shrink down to nothing....and I think you and most everyone else knows this to be true....
... when the number of available tests are 75,000 and President Trump says there are 1 million tests, and that everybody who needs a test will get tested, then yes, it'a a lie. And a lie that matters. Lives depend on it.
Where is your link? Oh,, you don't have one. You are just repeating what MSNBC and CNN told you to say.
If you need a link to the truth, i'll gladly provide a link from Trumps own administration saying that.

No, you won't or you would have already done so. Dumbass!
I don't hate Biden don't hate the Village Idiot, make fun of him!

Perhaps. But at least 45% of the country is going to vote for him, even if he has a stroke and is unable to speak.

Hillary-hatred drove a wide swath of the country to vote for Trump. Trump-hatred is driving a wide swath of the country to vote for whomever the Democrats nominate.
LOL...well that show's just how ridiculous 45% of the country is...doesn't it!!!
President Trump puts Donald J. Trump first, over all else. It's all about power, which he demonstrated when he insisted that the president had the power to order the states to reopen, overriding the governors and trampling states rights.
He backed off and is letting the governors decide and they are are scared shitless!
The president didn't back off. His own justice department said that they didn't have a leg to stand on if he continued to claim presidential powers overrode the 10th amendment and states rights.

Did he try anything? No. STFU, dumbass!

Obama was a Constitutional Law expert at Harvard, yet was the most overturned President in history by the Supreme Court.
I don't hate Biden don't hate the Village Idiot, make fun of him!

Perhaps. But at least 45% of the country is going to vote for him, even if he has a stroke and is unable to speak.

Hillary-hatred drove a wide swath of the country to vote for Trump. Trump-hatred is driving a wide swath of the country to vote for whomever the Democrats nominate.
When an independent voter stands in a polling place in November and has to decide between the guy who gave us one of the best economies in decades or the guy who was the #2 man at the administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great many of those voters do you think are going to pull the lever for Joe Biden? As a wise man once said: "It's the economy, stupid!"
To which polling numbers were you referring?
None at all. Rambunctious will just make stuff up and hope nobody fact checks him. And when you do, he will change the subject.
Its not my fault that you can't win a debate with me....
Exhibit A. Subject changed, no polls linked.

Haha, I'm like your puppet master.
Define Subject change....moron....
I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.
I agree with your brother. Smart man. Playing Monday Morning QB is always easy.
... when the number of available tests are 75,000 and President Trump says there are 1 million tests, and that everybody who needs a test will get tested, then yes, it'a a lie. And a lie that matters. Lives depend on it.
Where is your link? Oh,, you don't have one. You are just repeating what MSNBC and CNN told you to say.
If you need a link to the truth, i'll gladly provide a link from Trumps own administration saying that.

No, you won't or you would have already done so. Dumbass!

The White House says it will fail to meet its goal of providing enough coronavirus test kits for 1 million people by the end of the week

The White House has said the federal government will not be able to keep its promise to deliver enough coronavirus test kits for 1 million people by the end of the week.

Vice President Mike Pence, who is leading the federal government's coronavirus response, made the acknowledgment Thursday while visiting a factory in Minnesota

"We don't have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward," he said.

On Sunday, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told ABC News that the US was "ramping up" testing and said 75,000 tests were available.
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

Biden is much more flawed than Hillary. Hillary never had to have Bill step in during her interviews to keep her on track or remind her of what was being asked. Biden is toast. It is pure gas lighting at this point to pretend he is capable of being President. And, he wont be the nominee in my opinion.
I don't have tv, so I miss out on the televised speeches. What is this talk of his wife having to keep him on track? You got a link to the whole whatever it was?
the video has been posted on this forum in several threads,,for you to miss it is your self imposed ignorance,,,,
Gee, thanks. I guess I'll just chalk it up to more "Michelle has a penis" talk then. I'm not hunting every lunatic thread on this board to prove YOUR point.
no need to go that far,,just go to the biden threads,,,

and only a person that chooses to be ignorant dismiss's video proof of the person themselves...

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