trump no longer front runner for 2024 repub nomination for President

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What would Trump supporters do? They can't even get over his lose in the last election. Keep talking about it, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
True...probably cause the Fat Former Guy keeps talking about his loss over and over and over and over.
This is but one of many examples of your hate against Trump:

"DeSantis has steadily been cutting the fat old bastard down to size."

You call him a fat old bastard, a sign of hate on your part a man who hasn't done bad shit to you.
He's not lying, tommyboy.
It's too early to determine a GOP front runner unless you are afflicted with TDS but the elephant in the room is old Brandon and nobody on the left wants to talk about it.
DeSantis has steadily been cutting the fat old bastard down to size.

At this point he's down to his knees.

In time, we'll witness DeSantis deliver the final crushing blow.

I so look forward to that.
De Santis is a lot like Trump. If he wins will he be hounded and slandered daily too?
It's too early to determine a GOP front runner unless you are afflicted with TDS but the elephant in the room is old Brandon and nobody on the left wants to talk about it.
But we have you, right?
No one in political history has used more vitriolic verbiage than Trump.

Are you suggesting that he hated everyone he attacked in such a brutal manner as he did?

He does have a big mouth and crossed the line at times and can't let go of the overlong stolen election whining.

But the media and leftists attacked him BEFORE he got into the White House already calling for impeachment from BEFORE day one then proceeded for the next 3 years pile on bullshit after bullshit against him with that fake Russian stupidity, but YOU and many leftists lapped up the lies against Trump over and over still can't let him go today as he has been out of office for nearly 2 1/2 years.

That is the HATE you others showed for several years democrats hate him which is why they set up the stupidly party killing Joke 6 Dog and Pony show where they will get ZERO indictments out of it and the DOJ won't prosecute him because they KNOW they don't have a credible case.

I used to be a Democrat for years had to get away from them in the early 1990's but today they have turned into a leftist shithole even one of my brothers a lifelong leftist fanatic has given them up because of their constant lies and attacks on their opposition and their chronic ugliness as a party is too hard to ignore any longer.

The street riots are democrats, the big city hell holes are democrats the big crime waves are democrats, the huge fuel prices are democrat, inflation are democrat they blame everything under the sun against Trump who has been out of power for over the last two- and one-half years.

That is a miserable political party full of hate, empty of American loving solutions and plain deserving the scorn and ridicule they earned.
Wow Dems must really loath Biden if they are going to be happy to see a President DeSantis.
DeSantis has steadily been cutting the fat old bastard down to size.

At this point he's down to his knees.

In time, we'll witness DeSantis deliver the final crushing blow.

I so look forward to that.

Be careful what you wish for.

DeSantis could be a lot worse than Trump. He's more disciplined, has stronger administrative skills, and might get elected.

Meanwhile, the Dems have their own problems. Biden is too old to run for a second term, Harris is largely despised, and there really aren't a lot of Democratic governors who can step up to the bat.
I like any Republican but Trump.
Who do the dems have?

Good luck in 2024, after 4-years of democrat idiocy.
Not sure voters want to enable a party that tried to destroy our electoral system to govern the country. Remember what happened to the GOP after Nixon? Well, the crimes of trump are ten times more serious than Nixon's.

If he is not gifted the nomination for the repub party in 2024, he will launch a third party run....COUNT ON IT!
Good news!

Although I voted twice for him and would do so again in a New York minute (he was the only prominent politician who condemned the outrageous lawlessness in 2020), he should refrain from running again.

It's time for him to spend his time campaigning for whoever the Republican candidate is. His rallies are a lot of fun, and not being the candidate would give him the freedom to say what he really thinks.

The powers-that-be would never allow him to be President again. Rigging the election aside, they could still do other things to turn voters against him.

He should not feel so bad. He was President of the United States. Only 45 individuals ever had that honor. (Yes, I know that Mr. Biden is President #46. But President Cleveland is counted twice. Check the Web for the reason.)
WOW! A trumpee admitted trump is toast. I never thought I would see the day....
DeSantis might be even worse for democrats. You twats can't see past your hate for Trump. When DeSantis gets through with you, you might be wishing for the good old days of Trump.
Yup, the Donald had a bad week.

Too bad for you Ace that there won't be a presidential election for another two and a half years! And long before then all of this will have crumbled to dust and no one will care and we will have 10,000 more important things to vote about and ALL of them will involve getting Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the democrats out of office so we can then begin the criminal proceedings.
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