Trump Not Interested In CRAP Intel

This was a major reason for the Iraq War, when Cheney used his power to pressure and intimidate CIA intel analysts regarding the lack of WMD evidence.

This thread is stupid and pointless and written by an unsophisticated, know-nothing Repug dolt.

Wrong as always...Cheney went over to Langley in a very public way to sort out the conflicting information the Agency was giving the White House. He could have slipped in unannounced but he didn't and the reason he didn't was to wake their asses up to the reality that Tenet was a clown, his staffers were clowns, and there would not be another 9/11 missed on the Bush administration's watch. Not that this makes any difference to the leftist twerps in this thread who believe in gorebal warming, wiccan spells, and the healing power of the Ankh.

Translation: "I'm mentally ill....really ill...maybe I'll have a sex-change...yeah, that's the ticket!"

If that's the real-you trying to get out, then we support that. We don't judge lifestyles here, just dishonesty. We'll support whatever choice you make, as long as it's honest.
If that's the real-you trying to get out, then we support that. We don't judge lifestyles here, just dishonesty. We'll support whatever choice you make, as long as it's honest.

You're growing weaker by the minute....put on your yoga pants and scarf down some arugula. :lol:
The dirty little secret is that the CIA hasn't been on top of any important event since WW2. It seems that democrat regimes don't trust the Military so they put the CIA in charge of combat operations (how did Vietnam work out?) and walk away from the conflicts. Lets hope that Trump's appointment of "mad dog Mattis" will straighten out the relationship between the CIA and the Military.

I can tell you from first-hand experience that the CIA did a pretty fair job in Vietnam because they listened to what our recon teams told them. Anybody who's ever been through a spook debriefing will tell you they were totally suspicious of all the information they got and almost defiant about believing what they were told. You leave one of those encounters worn out thinking they were idiots but a few days later find that they'd used what they'd learned effectively.

Didn't we LOSE Vietnam? So much for the usefulness of CIA Intelligence.

Under Eisenhower and Kennedy the U S. role in Vietnam was directed by the CIA. Johnson moved it over to the military a few months after the 1964 election.
The dirty little secret is that the CIA hasn't been on top of any important event since WW2. It seems that democrat regimes don't trust the Military so they put the CIA in charge of combat operations (how did Vietnam work out?) and walk away from the conflicts. Lets hope that Trump's appointment of "mad dog Mattis" will straighten out the relationship between the CIA and the Military.

I can tell you from first-hand experience that the CIA did a pretty fair job in Vietnam because they listened to what our recon teams told them. Anybody who's ever been through a spook debriefing will tell you they were totally suspicious of all the information they got and almost defiant about believing what they were told. You leave one of those encounters worn out thinking they were idiots but a few days later find that they'd used what they'd learned effectively.

Didn't we LOSE Vietnam? So much for the usefulness of CIA Intelligence.

Under Eisenhower and Kennedy the U S. role in Vietnam was directed by the CIA. Johnson moved it over to the military a few months after the 1964 election.

A little reference for that (opinion) would reinforce it's premise.
Under Eisenhower and Kennedy the U S. role in Vietnam was directed by the CIA. Johnson moved it over to the military a few months after the 1964 election.

We dealt directly with CIA debriefers in '67-'68..where the intel went after mission-level I don't know. I do know the CIA ran all the SOG operations in Laos and Cambodia.
Trump hasn't even started and the moonbats on the left are already unglued, unhinged, and irrational.

Wait until he starts slaying their sacred cows....:rofl:

You are right 100%........... You know why? Because he is showing some stupid shit.
Busy tweeting................ SNL, pissing contest with China, continue to spread fake news, controversial reject cabinets. I do not expect him to change when he sits in the Oval Office.

Do you expect the left will just sit back and take it.
Election is over Hillary lost but idiots like you continue the never ending attacks......
continue the never ending attacks

Just having a little pre-game fun. Wait until he starts unwinding Obama's EOs and picking his SC appointments. We're all going to need hazmat suits from the meltdown.
Nice to see you're adapting well to the post-fact future. You've adopted the orange orangutan's admitted lies, and spout them as fact. There isn't a single thing in your post that's true, and you even believe that Obama was born in Kenya.

No wonder you voted for Trump.

Refute a single thing I said ya sleazy witch.....bring it.

I make a point of never engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed man, and you clearly haven't even half a brain.

You believe Obama was born in Kenya, even though your Trumpenfuhrer says he was lying to you. The problem with you Trumpbots is that you have no idea what's real and what's fake. You believe stuff that never happened, and you act as if it did.

You don't fact check, because truth and facts don't matter.

The world is laughing at you. Just wait until your orange clown takes office and the rest of the world opening ignores his idiocy.

Nice one Dragonlady. Agree 100%.
Trump hasn't even started and the moonbats on the left are already unglued, unhinged, and irrational.

Wait until he starts slaying their sacred cows....:rofl:

You are right 100%........... You know why? Because he is showing some stupid shit.
Busy tweeting................ SNL, pissing contest with China, continue to spread fake news, controversial reject cabinets. I do not expect him to change when he sits in the Oval Office.

Do you expect the left will just sit back and take it.
Election is over Hillary lost but idiots like you continue the never ending attacks......
Any party that would nominate Hillary as their representative needs to be laughed at. Any individual that supports that bus stop rat bag old hag lying socialist power-hungry incompetent piece of shit should just withdraw from society.
Trump hasn't even started and the moonbats on the left are already unglued, unhinged, and irrational.

Wait until he starts slaying their sacred cows....:rofl:

You are right 100%........... You know why? Because he is showing some stupid shit.
Busy tweeting................ SNL, pissing contest with China, continue to spread fake news, controversial reject cabinets. I do not expect him to change when he sits in the Oval Office.

Do you expect the left will just sit back and take it.
Election is over Hillary lost but idiots like you continue the never ending attacks......
Any party that would nominate Hillary as their representative needs to be laughed at. Any individual that supports that bus stop rat bag old hag lying socialist power-hungry incompetent piece of shit should just withdraw from society.

I think you are missing something big.
Hillary received total of 65,437,700 votes.
Trump received total of 62,792,64 votes.

There are more Americans voted against your orange monkey.
Plus number of GOPs that despised this dude.

We are all waiting for his big promises and his tax returns.
Trump hasn't even started and the moonbats on the left are already unglued, unhinged, and irrational.

Wait until he starts slaying their sacred cows....:rofl:

You are right 100%........... You know why? Because he is showing some stupid shit.
Busy tweeting................ SNL, pissing contest with China, continue to spread fake news, controversial reject cabinets. I do not expect him to change when he sits in the Oval Office.

Do you expect the left will just sit back and take it.
Election is over Hillary lost but idiots like you continue the never ending attacks......
Any party that would nominate Hillary as their representative needs to be laughed at. Any individual that supports that bus stop rat bag old hag lying socialist power-hungry incompetent piece of shit should just withdraw from society.

I think you are missing something big.
Hillary received total of 65,437,700 votes.
Trump received total of 62,792,64 votes.

There are more Americans voted against your orange monkey.
Plus number of GOPs that despised this dude.

We are all waiting for his big promises and his tax returns.
I think you missed something.
Trump won.
The bitter leftists are quick to ridicule Sarah Palin; yet we get crickets on one Not So Fine Jill Stein, who is certifiably bat shit crazy.

Dr Ben Carson is also ridiculed while at the same time our friends on the left cheered by Obama appointees that were by God corrupt.

Intellectual integrity, they don't have it...
Trump hasn't even started and the moonbats on the left are already unglued, unhinged, and irrational.

Wait until he starts slaying their sacred cows....:rofl:

You are right 100%........... You know why? Because he is showing some stupid shit.
Busy tweeting................ SNL, pissing contest with China, continue to spread fake news, controversial reject cabinets. I do not expect him to change when he sits in the Oval Office.

Do you expect the left will just sit back and take it.
Election is over Hillary lost but idiots like you continue the never ending attacks......
Any party that would nominate Hillary as their representative needs to be laughed at. Any individual that supports that bus stop rat bag old hag lying socialist power-hungry incompetent piece of shit should just withdraw from society.

I think you are missing something big.
Hillary received total of 65,437,700 votes.
Trump received total of 62,792,64 votes.

There are more Americans voted against your orange monkey.
Plus number of GOPs that despised this dude.

We are all waiting for his big promises and his tax returns.

If that son-of-a-bitch assumes office and doesn't reveal his tax returns he should be impeached.
Trump hasn't even started and the moonbats on the left are already unglued, unhinged, and irrational.

Wait until he starts slaying their sacred cows....:rofl:

You are right 100%........... You know why? Because he is showing some stupid shit.
Busy tweeting................ SNL, pissing contest with China, continue to spread fake news, controversial reject cabinets. I do not expect him to change when he sits in the Oval Office.

Do you expect the left will just sit back and take it.
Election is over Hillary lost but idiots like you continue the never ending attacks......
Any party that would nominate Hillary as their representative needs to be laughed at. Any individual that supports that bus stop rat bag old hag lying socialist power-hungry incompetent piece of shit should just withdraw from society.

Go Stroke Yourself!!!
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