Trump offers Year End Message....nobody cares

Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
Sounds like you cared, enough to create a thread about it.

It’s another of candy’s butt hurt threads, they have been going since 2015, she is obsessed with Trump, I’m sure she will create threads about him for years to come.

LOL...Just pointing out how you TDSers have forgotten about your blob. Love it!

I was never a TDSer, I didn’t watch his or any other presidents year end conference and as far as Trump, I never watched and of his conferences or addresses to America. The last one I remember watching is when the shuttle exploded.

You are just an obsessed fruit loop over Trump, you can’t get him out of your head, he is living there rent free and you are an idiot for letting him.

I’ve moved on to not watching Biden, time you might want to think about it instead of letting your butt hurt fester.
Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
Trump has only himself to blame.
1. Trump did not play his role as president as he should have. He never understood that every vote counts. He kept thinking that his ratings mattered more.
2. That said, the MSM's 95% negative and unfair "fake news" coverage of the Trump presidency from day-1 is a disgrace.
3. The real winner in 2020 is China, not America. Biden will sell us out and bag the cash, but won't call it the "China First" policy. We're back to the say one thing, but do another presidency, aka "no promises kept".

The reason coverage of the blob was negative is because most of the things he got behind were counter to American ideals. Banning people from coming to the nation based on their religion, banning people from serving in the military because of their sexual preference, firing people via Twitter--often times shortly after reassuring them that their job was safe. He was a disgrace and was called disgraceful by the media. If you're upset about it...tell the blob not to be disgraceful.
Don't believe your own (or the MSM's) lies!
1. America First is not against American ideals. It tries to be fair to US workers.
2. Banning potential terrorists, until they passed enhanced security checks is a good idea. There was no "Muslim Ban".
3. Gays could serve in the military, but tranny's had to pay for their own plumbing change.
4. Firing people via twitter isn't illegal or unethical?!
5. How was Trump a "disgrace"? He had personality/ego issues, like the first debate, but did a great job as president, especially managing the US economy. Here are his list of "promises kept" Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
6. The MSM is a disgrace, unfair, propaganda, and fake news. Kayleigh McEnany called the MSM out at every presser with examples.

If you think publicly firing people via text message or tweet is ethical, you have no ethics yourself.

There was a muslim ban. It's disgusting.

Transgender soldiers were dismissed and could not serve in the military.

The man is a terrible human being, a disgrace to the nation. The above policy shift concerning the military was announced via tweet. Soldiers who took a fucking oath woke up one day and found out that their own commander and chief was telling them to get lost--a commander in chief who dodged he draft because of shin splints by the way.

The only difference between your blob and a bucket of shit is the bucket.

Pedo joe is exponentially worse.

Your blob partied with pedophiles. You, therefore, support pedophiles. Why?

Your pedo joe showered with his daughter, has a son with ties to human trafficking. Why did you vote for this abomination who hates this country?
Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
Who wants to hear the self serving BS of a loser/
Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
Who wants to hear the self serving BS of a loser/

My view of most Presidents.
Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
Trump has only himself to blame.
1. Trump did not play his role as president as he should have. He never understood that every vote counts. He kept thinking that his ratings mattered more.
2. That said, the MSM's 95% negative and unfair "fake news" coverage of the Trump presidency from day-1 is a disgrace.
3. The real winner in 2020 is China, not America. Biden will sell us out and bag the cash, but won't call it the "China First" policy. We're back to the say one thing, but do another presidency, aka "no promises kept".

The press’ reporting on Trump was accurate, not ‘negative.’

When Trump said something stupid or ignorant the press reported that.

When Trump was wrong on an issue or advocated for a failed policy the press reported that.

And as Trump incessantly lied the press reported that as well, documenting why Trump’s statements were false, just as the press is supposed to do.

Again, Trump had only himself to blame.
Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.

The media has ignored anything positive said by Trump for 4 years, why stop now?

Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
Trump has only himself to blame.
1. Trump did not play his role as president as he should have. He never understood that every vote counts. He kept thinking that his ratings mattered more.
2. That said, the MSM's 95% negative and unfair "fake news" coverage of the Trump presidency from day-1 is a disgrace.
3. The real winner in 2020 is China, not America. Biden will sell us out and bag the cash, but won't call it the "China First" policy. We're back to the say one thing, but do another presidency, aka "no promises kept".

The press’ reporting on Trump was accurate, not ‘negative.’

When Trump said something stupid or ignorant the press reported that.

When Trump was wrong on an issue or advocated for a failed policy the press reported that.

And as Trump incessantly lied the press reported that as well, documenting why Trump’s statements were false, just as the press is supposed to do.

Again, Trump had only himself to blame.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

I'm not sure if you are lying to yourself when you say this or just us.
Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
Sounds like you cared, enough to create a thread about it.
Someone should would figure his ardent supporters would have done it. You guys didn't care....sad really.
So now you’re speaking for all of us?

Wow, how kind of you to inform us.

Apparently none of you blob supporters knew he was making an threads on it. You guys don't care any more.....sad really.
It’s also interesting and telling.

What it tells us is that this whole Trump ‘thing’ wasn’t about Trump the individual – Trump was merely a means to an end.

And that end was to advance the conservative agenda, an agenda that’s been around long before Trump.

‘Trump’ was only the conduit through which the right could propagate its lies and misinformation; ‘Trump’ became the focal point of white grievance politics, the fear, the ignorance, the bigotry, and the hate: the lie that white culture was ‘under attack,’ the lie that minorities were ‘taking over’ America, the lie that ‘illegal’ immigrants were flooding into the country ‘jeopardizing’ white culture – and ‘Trump’ would save white culture from being eradicated.

Trump the individual was voted out of office, no longer of interest to his supporters, an empty vessel to be abandoned; but white grievance politics is alive and well, searching for another champion to advance its hateful cause.
Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
Trump has only himself to blame.
1. Trump did not play his role as president as he should have. He never understood that every vote counts. He kept thinking that his ratings mattered more.
2. That said, the MSM's 95% negative and unfair "fake news" coverage of the Trump presidency from day-1 is a disgrace.
3. The real winner in 2020 is China, not America. Biden will sell us out and bag the cash, but won't call it the "China First" policy. We're back to the say one thing, but do another presidency, aka "no promises kept".

The reason coverage of the blob was negative is because most of the things he got behind were counter to American ideals. Banning people from coming to the nation based on their religion, banning people from serving in the military because of their sexual preference, firing people via Twitter--often times shortly after reassuring them that their job was safe. He was a disgrace and was called disgraceful by the media. If you're upset about it...tell the blob not to be disgraceful.
Don't believe your own (or the MSM's) lies!
1. America First is not against American ideals. It tries to be fair to US workers.
2. Banning potential terrorists, until they passed enhanced security checks is a good idea. There was no "Muslim Ban".
3. Gays could serve in the military, but tranny's had to pay for their own plumbing change.
4. Firing people via twitter isn't illegal or unethical?!
5. How was Trump a "disgrace"? He had personality/ego issues, like the first debate, but did a great job as president, especially managing the US economy. Here are his list of "promises kept" Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
6. The MSM is a disgrace, unfair, propaganda, and fake news. Kayleigh McEnany called the MSM out at every presser with examples.

If you think publicly firing people via text message or tweet is ethical, you have no ethics yourself.

There was a muslim ban. It's disgusting.

Transgender soldiers were dismissed and could not serve in the military.

The man is a terrible human being, a disgrace to the nation. The above policy shift concerning the military was announced via tweet. Soldiers who took a fucking oath woke up one day and found out that their own commander and chief was telling them to get lost--a commander in chief who dodged he draft because of shin splints by the way.

The only difference between your blob and a bucket of shit is the bucket.
1. If you are referring to crooked FBI director Comey being fired by tweet, he deserved it. Falsifying evidence?!
2. There was no Muslim ban, just enhanced background checks.
3. Transgender creeps like Chelsea Manning? Good riddance.
4. Face it, you have TDS really bad, but you're okay with senility in a president, right?
5. You keep looking at Trump's flawed personality instead of his policies and results. What happened to "tolerance"?
Trump was treated unfairly from the day he came down the escalator, so he gets a pass from me on his various well-deserved paybacks.
Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
who gives 2 shits what you think? it still comes out as biased bullshit, from another asswipe, brain-dead, scum demonRAT.....just saying
Sad that the President offers a year end message and his ardent supporters (this board is about 70% right leaning) doesn't notice.

View attachment 435796

I think this, as much as anything else, is a sign that the world has moved on.
Trump has only himself to blame.
1. Trump did not play his role as president as he should have. He never understood that every vote counts. He kept thinking that his ratings mattered more.
2. That said, the MSM's 95% negative and unfair "fake news" coverage of the Trump presidency from day-1 is a disgrace.
3. The real winner in 2020 is China, not America. Biden will sell us out and bag the cash, but won't call it the "China First" policy. We're back to the say one thing, but do another presidency, aka "no promises kept".

The press’ reporting on Trump was accurate, not ‘negative.’

When Trump said something stupid or ignorant the press reported that.

When Trump was wrong on an issue or advocated for a failed policy the press reported that.

And as Trump incessantly lied the press reported that as well, documenting why Trump’s statements were false, just as the press is supposed to do.

Again, Trump had only himself to blame.
1. Google the Harvard study on negative bias toward Trump, 95% negative bias.

2. The MSM always put a negative spin on Trump and refused to print anything positive. Kayleigh McEnany proved it hundreds of times at pressers.

3. The "fake news" MSM did not report objectively, they are generally a bunch of stupid PC leftists.

4. True, Trump lied a lot. That's part of his defense mechanism to deflect the MSM's continuous negative reporting. However, ALL POLITICIANS LIE MOST OF THE TIME. That is not unusual. Lets see if the MSM tracks how many lies Joe Biden tells over time.
74 million people that voted for him, care. Speak for yourself.
And the rest of America does not and there are more of us than you!
74 million people that voted for him, care. Speak for yourself.
And the rest of America does not and there are more of us than you!
that's not true theft of an election says otherwise.
If I was a democrat and they couldn't cheat any better than they did I would be pissed because they got caught.
There was no theft conspiracy theorist. On to ignore you go!
whats wrong, moron? afraid of the TRUTH? just say put me on your (afraid of) list
xidens lies started 47 years ago, and continue to this day. just another worthless piece of shit demonRAT .
74 million people that voted for him, care. Speak for yourself.
I don't think anyone actually voted for him. I think they voted for his lies, for his conspiracy theories, and his Twitter account, but not for him.
Is Trump still relevant to someone?

No more so than any other president.
Is Trump still relevant to someone?
Trump will soon be gone – but Trump’s message of fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate is still very relevant to conservatives as expressed through white grievance politics.

The Democrats fake messages of fear, ignorance, bigotry and hate will still be relevant in 2021 with Biden. The left needs to keep the lies spinning or it all collapses.
74 million people that voted for him, care. Speak for yourself.
And the rest of America does not and there are more of us than you!
that's not true theft of an election says otherwise.
If I was a democrat and they couldn't cheat any better than they did I would be pissed because they got caught.
There was no theft conspiracy theorist. On to ignore you go!
Yes bitch you better hit ignore for fear of hearing the truth.
Go whin about Brexit

And all the Courts have said those evidence you have will not change the results of the Election and that includes the USSC!

Maybe you should hide under your blanket and cry while biting your pillow because in the end Trump only got 70+ million votes and there are more of us that voted against him or didn’t vote for him at all!
Biden looks like the dog that caught the bus.
He can't do real pressers with real questions, he just reads from the teleprompter...and he's not even sworn in yet trying to explain his policies.
The next 4-years should be hysterical.
Trump did pressers? He answered real questions?

Nothing will ever be as hysterical as the past four years. And not in a good way. Trump's hysterical tweets have only got worse since he was kicked to the kerb.

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