Trump Official: We're Going To Cut The EPA In Half

We have a truck driving hauler company about 40 miles away. Always have adds in the paper looking for workers or drivers. They must be a very bad place to work as they can't find workers.
More likely, they have no trouble finding warm bodies. They just have trouble finding people willing to WORK! My company recently hired four drivers...and it took more than thirty interviews, and about fifteen people who left after anywhere from a few days to a month. That is in addition to the half dozen drivers failing road tests! (One of them-with a class A license and 6 years driving semis-could not drive a standard shift!)
. The liberal up bringing in the single parent homes and public education is what has ruined these industries chances of finding young people tough enough to take on these extreme jobs that demand so much from the human being. It is also why I fear our overall readiness for the possibility of a large scale war or even an invasion. Who the hell do we have that could stop us from being crushed ? Think about that one.

Kids today live with their parents until their 30's. When I was young the first goal you had was getting your own apartment or house. That wasn't easy because many landlords didn't want to rent to people that were too young.
. I know a young man who is under educated as far as book sense goes, but he could drive with the best of the truck driving crowd. He can drive tractor trailer with flat beds, containers, bulk tankers, straight body trucks, quads, cement mixers etc. Due to strict regulations that added all sorts of paperwork to the job, they had to let him go because he couldn't do the paperwork. This is a great example of government causing the industry to suffer greatly, because this cat could drive anything, and he could drive it safely. He drove for 10 years that I know of, and they had to let him go due to regulations/paperwork becoming to much for him.

Government is trying to put me out of a job as well because of medical issues. I almost gave up this year and said F-it. I'll go on disability if that's what they want me to do. I have a perfect driving record. No points and no CSA-2010 points either. CSA-2010 is a new point system that only applies to CDL drivers.

I know I can work, my employer knows I can work, my doctor knows I can work. But government is making it more and more difficult all the time for me to continue.
. I know an independent driver who went out and purchased a brand new KW tri-axle. He is a job creator right ? Anyway he went to re-new his medical card ? They denide him because he answered a question truthfully that he had taken a pill (one pill, one time) for his heart over 25 years prior. After his card almost ran out, and over $3,500.00 dollars later they gave him his card again. There is no telling how much revenue he lost while his truck sat for weeks getting that mess straightened out. Obama and the democrats has these doctors so scared that now the industry is suffering greatly in trying to certify drivers to drive anymore. I know these drivers, and I listen to their stories like I'm hearing your stories now Ray. It is also why retirement for certain industries should start earlier than other industries imho. Trying to literally drive people into their graves is ridiculous. Like you said, here we have these young folks sitting on their ace all day claiming there is no work while the government takes care of them.
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Having grown up around lakes and rivers too polluted to fish or swim in, I appreciate what the EPA has done in the past to clean up our environment. Nixon began the EPA after the Cuyahoga River caught fire....still hard to fathom but industry had always sent it's chemicals downstream for somebody else to deal with. DDT was banned after eagle chicks were born with beaks too deformed to eat. Acid rain from coal furnaces without scrubbers almost decimated New England's forests not to mention the paint jobs on cars up there. So a lot had to be done and they did it. But then they turned into something else and considered industry the enemy instead of a partner in cooperation. In the last 10 years they've operated like the the point they now conduct armed raids. Nobody intended that to happen but leave an agency with no oversight and that's what can happen. One of their senior management said the other day they would "resist Trump". Really? :lol:

About 15 years ago or so, the EPA said they didn't like our pollution levels here in Ohio. Okay, then stay the hell out of Ohio! Nope, they had to stick their nose in our business and force us to use E-Check in some of our counties.

Ten years and tens of millions of dollars later, the EPA tested our air again, and found no change in the pollution levels. So what did they make us do? Extend the program for another ten years.

THIS is one of the many reasons to eliminate bureaucracies like the EPA. Why should they give a damn about wasting money on something that doesn't work. It isn't their money!

Ohio is not forced to use E-check. They can ditch the program, they will just lose millions of dollars in highway funding. And it is only in seven counties who's air did not meet EPA quality standards. Those standards are LAWS passed by an elected legislature. Meet those standards, no more e-check.

Your solution is not to attempt to meet the standards. Not even to pass LAWS that change the standards. Your solution is to just do away with the enforcement mechanism behind the standards. From where I come from we call that being a CHICKEN SHIT.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Wow. Obviously I can see why you want to eliminate enforcement instead of change regulations. You are a real coward, and I am pretty sure you wouldn't call me a boy to my face.

You guys are stupid as hell. Obama didn't kill coal jobs, natural gas did. The EPA has PROPOSED new guidelines. I mean you guys do know what propose means, right?

Fact-checking Obama's rules on carbon and coal plants

So, the Chamber of commerce misinterprets the data, posts job loss predictions based on that misinterpretation, later retracts those predictions, and yet those numbers are posted everyday by internet dumbasses.

Read the study, the problem is coal is not as cost effective as natural gas and in some areas solar and wind. Coal accounted for half of all electricity produced from 2000 to 2008. Now coal is not even the predominant means of generating electricity, natural gas is.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back

Look, I am pretty sure the buggy whip industry got a little upset when the car came along. Should the government have propped up the buggy whip industry?

What most plants do is use whatever is cheaper. When gas goes up, they switch to coal. When gas prices go down, they switch to gas.

Remember too the reason gas prices are low: fracking. That's right, the same fracking leftists are against.
Having grown up around lakes and rivers too polluted to fish or swim in, I appreciate what the EPA has done in the past to clean up our environment. Nixon began the EPA after the Cuyahoga River caught fire....still hard to fathom but industry had always sent it's chemicals downstream for somebody else to deal with. DDT was banned after eagle chicks were born with beaks too deformed to eat. Acid rain from coal furnaces without scrubbers almost decimated New England's forests not to mention the paint jobs on cars up there. So a lot had to be done and they did it. But then they turned into something else and considered industry the enemy instead of a partner in cooperation. In the last 10 years they've operated like the the point they now conduct armed raids. Nobody intended that to happen but leave an agency with no oversight and that's what can happen. One of their senior management said the other day they would "resist Trump". Really? :lol:

About 15 years ago or so, the EPA said they didn't like our pollution levels here in Ohio. Okay, then stay the hell out of Ohio! Nope, they had to stick their nose in our business and force us to use E-Check in some of our counties.

Ten years and tens of millions of dollars later, the EPA tested our air again, and found no change in the pollution levels. So what did they make us do? Extend the program for another ten years.

THIS is one of the many reasons to eliminate bureaucracies like the EPA. Why should they give a damn about wasting money on something that doesn't work. It isn't their money!

Ohio is not forced to use E-check. They can ditch the program, they will just lose millions of dollars in highway funding. And it is only in seven counties who's air did not meet EPA quality standards. Those standards are LAWS passed by an elected legislature. Meet those standards, no more e-check.

Your solution is not to attempt to meet the standards. Not even to pass LAWS that change the standards. Your solution is to just do away with the enforcement mechanism behind the standards. From where I come from we call that being a CHICKEN SHIT.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Wow. Obviously I can see why you want to eliminate enforcement instead of change regulations. You are a real coward, and I am pretty sure you wouldn't call me a boy to my face.

You guys are stupid as hell. Obama didn't kill coal jobs, natural gas did. The EPA has PROPOSED new guidelines. I mean you guys do know what propose means, right?

Fact-checking Obama's rules on carbon and coal plants

So, the Chamber of commerce misinterprets the data, posts job loss predictions based on that misinterpretation, later retracts those predictions, and yet those numbers are posted everyday by internet dumbasses.

Read the study, the problem is coal is not as cost effective as natural gas and in some areas solar and wind. Coal accounted for half of all electricity produced from 2000 to 2008. Now coal is not even the predominant means of generating electricity, natural gas is.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back

Look, I am pretty sure the buggy whip industry got a little upset when the car came along. Should the government have propped up the buggy whip industry?
. If we had the EPA back then that we have today, the horse and buggly industry would be thriving, and cars would have never been heard of.... Oh and the democrats were the ones being stupid when they used threats instead of diplomacy in the dealing with the energy industries in this nation.. You lost because of it all, now deal with it.
It's only been a few days and I am already feeling sick of the winning. As a pro-environment person, this is great news! I doubt that anyone except the far left communists would oppose it. 50% of the organization seems to only be devoted to spreading that ideology, rather than on... actual environmental issues.
Leftists aren't pro-enviroment....they are just virtue signaling. Hunters and other outdoors enthusiasts on the right are the real environmentalists.
. I know a young man who is under educated as far as book sense goes, but he could drive with the best of the truck driving crowd. He can drive tractor trailer with flat beds, containers, bulk tankers, straight body trucks, quads, cement mixers etc. Due to strict regulations that added all sorts of paperwork to the job, they had to let him go because he couldn't do the paperwork. This is a great example of government causing the industry to suffer greatly, because this cat could drive anything, and he could drive it safely. He drove for 10 years that I know of, and they had to let him go due to regulations/paperwork becoming to much for him.

Government is trying to put me out of a job as well because of medical issues. I almost gave up this year and said F-it. I'll go on disability if that's what they want me to do. I have a perfect driving record. No points and no CSA-2010 points either. CSA-2010 is a new point system that only applies to CDL drivers.

I know I can work, my employer knows I can work, my doctor knows I can work. But government is making it more and more difficult all the time for me to continue.
. I know an independent driver who went out and purchased a brand new KW tri-axle. He is a job creator right ? Anyway he went to re-new his medical card ? They denide him because he answered a question truthfully that he had taken a pill for his heart over 25 years prior. After his card almost ran out, and over $3,500.00 dollars later they gave him his card again. There is no telling how much revenue he lost while his truck sat for weeks getting that mess straightened out. Obama and the democrats has these doctors so scared that now the industry is suffering greatly in trying to certify drivers to drive anymore. I know these drivers, and I listen to their stories like I'm hearing your stories now Ray. It is also why retirement for certain industries should start earlier than other industries imho. Trying to literally drive people into their graves is ridiculous. Like you said, here we have these young folks sitting on their ace all day claiming there is no work while the government takes care of them.

I was fine until they switched regulations again.

They allowed me to drive provided my doctor sign a waiver that I am safe enough to do my job. That was no problem and my doctor had all the confidence in the world for me. But then, government decided they won't accept my doctors diagnosis. Now they want government approved doctors to grant those waivers.

So the setup is, I see a new doctor that doesn't know me nor I him. I'm asking that he sign me out for a medical condition he never treated before. WTF? Who wants to do that? If he's not treating me, how can he sign me out saying he's confident I can do my job? He doesn't even know me.

So instead of government providing a doctor that would approve new patients, they give you this ten mile long list of approved doctors, and YOU have to figure out which ones will sign you out.

I spent weeks calling all these doctors and waiting for return calls. I finally found one that said he would do it. He signed me out last year, but this year, he said he couldn't. He changed his criteria for signing me out. It's nuts I tell you.

I finally got him to sign me out, but I'm going to have to try and find another one for next year which I doubt I can do. I can't blame these doctors. They are assuming a liability for a patient with a medical condition they are not treating. The best is when they just allowed my doctor--a person that's been treating me for years to decide if I can work or not.
Having grown up around lakes and rivers too polluted to fish or swim in, I appreciate what the EPA has done in the past to clean up our environment. Nixon began the EPA after the Cuyahoga River caught fire....still hard to fathom but industry had always sent it's chemicals downstream for somebody else to deal with. DDT was banned after eagle chicks were born with beaks too deformed to eat. Acid rain from coal furnaces without scrubbers almost decimated New England's forests not to mention the paint jobs on cars up there. So a lot had to be done and they did it. But then they turned into something else and considered industry the enemy instead of a partner in cooperation. In the last 10 years they've operated like the the point they now conduct armed raids. Nobody intended that to happen but leave an agency with no oversight and that's what can happen. One of their senior management said the other day they would "resist Trump". Really? :lol:

About 15 years ago or so, the EPA said they didn't like our pollution levels here in Ohio. Okay, then stay the hell out of Ohio! Nope, they had to stick their nose in our business and force us to use E-Check in some of our counties.

Ten years and tens of millions of dollars later, the EPA tested our air again, and found no change in the pollution levels. So what did they make us do? Extend the program for another ten years.

THIS is one of the many reasons to eliminate bureaucracies like the EPA. Why should they give a damn about wasting money on something that doesn't work. It isn't their money!

Ohio is not forced to use E-check. They can ditch the program, they will just lose millions of dollars in highway funding. And it is only in seven counties who's air did not meet EPA quality standards. Those standards are LAWS passed by an elected legislature. Meet those standards, no more e-check.

Your solution is not to attempt to meet the standards. Not even to pass LAWS that change the standards. Your solution is to just do away with the enforcement mechanism behind the standards. From where I come from we call that being a CHICKEN SHIT.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Wow. Obviously I can see why you want to eliminate enforcement instead of change regulations. You are a real coward, and I am pretty sure you wouldn't call me a boy to my face.

You guys are stupid as hell. Obama didn't kill coal jobs, natural gas did. The EPA has PROPOSED new guidelines. I mean you guys do know what propose means, right?

Fact-checking Obama's rules on carbon and coal plants

So, the Chamber of commerce misinterprets the data, posts job loss predictions based on that misinterpretation, later retracts those predictions, and yet those numbers are posted everyday by internet dumbasses.

Read the study, the problem is coal is not as cost effective as natural gas and in some areas solar and wind. Coal accounted for half of all electricity produced from 2000 to 2008. Now coal is not even the predominant means of generating electricity, natural gas is.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back

Look, I am pretty sure the buggy whip industry got a little upset when the car came along. Should the government have propped up the buggy whip industry?

What most plants do is use whatever is cheaper. When gas goes up, they switch to coal. When gas prices go down, they switch to gas.

Remember too the reason gas prices are low: fracking. That's right, the same fracking leftists are against.

Converting a coal plant to natural gas runs about 150 million dollars. Nobody is going to pay to switch back even if coal were to drop in price. But it won't. All the easy to get coal is gone.

And think of this, natural gas is beating coal in an Obama EPA, even with restrictions being placed on fracking. The Trump administration plans to lift some of the restrictions on fracking giving natural gas even more of a competitive advantage.

So here is a prediction I can be pretty confident in. Trump will destroy more jobs within the coal industry than Obama. Coal will produce a lower percentage of our power after Trump leaves office.

And here is a bet. I bet for every coal job lost during the Obama administration we can find TWO JOBS within the energy sector, be it a solar panel installer or a mechanical engineer working on boiler design.
We have a truck driving hauler company about 40 miles away. Always have adds in the paper looking for workers or drivers. They must be a very bad place to work as they can't find workers.
More likely, they have no trouble finding warm bodies. They just have trouble finding people willing to WORK! My company recently hired four drivers...and it took more than thirty interviews, and about fifteen people who left after anywhere from a few days to a month. That is in addition to the half dozen drivers failing road tests! (One of them-with a class A license and 6 years driving semis-could not drive a standard shift!)
. I know of a company that is going through the same things. In fact the owners are so aggravated that they are trying to sell it now. Simplify the dam thing again, but just make sure that no one drives over 10 hours total, and them being on duty in total for no more than 12 hours to end the day. Make sure people are healthy enough to drive of course, but go back to using common sense on that one also. A doctor dealing with a Truck driver over 55 years old, should also be allowed to semi-retire that driver if his or her health becomes to frail to be safe driving a truck any longer. The reason I say this is because most drivers will have been in the industry most of their lives, and don't no much of anything else, and their health at this point makes them a high risk for other companies to hire them.
It's only been a few days and I am already feeling sick of the winning. As a pro-environment person, this is great news! I doubt that anyone except the far left communists would oppose it. 50% of the organization seems to only be devoted to spreading that ideology, rather than on... actual environmental issues.
Leftists aren't pro-enviroment....they are just virtue signaling. Hunters and other outdoors enthusiasts on the right are the real environmentalists.

I doubt you have ever been "hunting". Regardless, I believe you will see a pretty concentrated effort by hunters to STOP some of Trump's plans for public land.
. I know a young man who is under educated as far as book sense goes, but he could drive with the best of the truck driving crowd. He can drive tractor trailer with flat beds, containers, bulk tankers, straight body trucks, quads, cement mixers etc. Due to strict regulations that added all sorts of paperwork to the job, they had to let him go because he couldn't do the paperwork. This is a great example of government causing the industry to suffer greatly, because this cat could drive anything, and he could drive it safely. He drove for 10 years that I know of, and they had to let him go due to regulations/paperwork becoming to much for him.

Government is trying to put me out of a job as well because of medical issues. I almost gave up this year and said F-it. I'll go on disability if that's what they want me to do. I have a perfect driving record. No points and no CSA-2010 points either. CSA-2010 is a new point system that only applies to CDL drivers.

I know I can work, my employer knows I can work, my doctor knows I can work. But government is making it more and more difficult all the time for me to continue.
. I know an independent driver who went out and purchased a brand new KW tri-axle. He is a job creator right ? Anyway he went to re-new his medical card ? They denide him because he answered a question truthfully that he had taken a pill for his heart over 25 years prior. After his card almost ran out, and over $3,500.00 dollars later they gave him his card again. There is no telling how much revenue he lost while his truck sat for weeks getting that mess straightened out. Obama and the democrats has these doctors so scared that now the industry is suffering greatly in trying to certify drivers to drive anymore. I know these drivers, and I listen to their stories like I'm hearing your stories now Ray. It is also why retirement for certain industries should start earlier than other industries imho. Trying to literally drive people into their graves is ridiculous. Like you said, here we have these young folks sitting on their ace all day claiming there is no work while the government takes care of them.

I was fine until they switched regulations again.

They allowed me to drive provided my doctor sign a waiver that I am safe enough to do my job. That was no problem and my doctor had all the confidence in the world for me. But then, government decided they won't accept my doctors diagnosis. Now they want government approved doctors to grant those waivers.

So the setup is, I see a new doctor that doesn't know me nor I him. I'm asking that he sign me out for a medical condition he never treated before. WTF? Who wants to do that? If he's not treating me, how can he sign me out saying he's confident I can do my job? He doesn't even know me.

So instead of government providing a doctor that would approve new patients, they give you this ten mile long list of approved doctors, and YOU have to figure out which ones will sign you out.

I spent weeks calling all these doctors and waiting for return calls. I finally found one that said he would do it. He signed me out last year, but this year, he said he couldn't. He changed his criteria for signing me out. It's nuts I tell you.

I finally got him to sign me out, but I'm going to have to try and find another one for next year which I doubt I can do. I can't blame these doctors. They are assuming a liability for a patient with a medical condition they are not treating. The best is when they just allowed my doctor--a person that's been treating me for years to decide if I can work or not.
. A family member of mine who is a truck driver got lucky that his doctor got onto the registry, and so he was allowed to go back to his doctor that like you had stated, "knows him and his medical history, and him as a person in dealing with that medical history". Like you say it builds confidence in who it is that one is dealing with, and tells that doctor that he can trust that the person is well enough to do the job safely.
. I know a young man who is under educated as far as book sense goes, but he could drive with the best of the truck driving crowd. He can drive tractor trailer with flat beds, containers, bulk tankers, straight body trucks, quads, cement mixers etc. Due to strict regulations that added all sorts of paperwork to the job, they had to let him go because he couldn't do the paperwork. This is a great example of government causing the industry to suffer greatly, because this cat could drive anything, and he could drive it safely. He drove for 10 years that I know of, and they had to let him go due to regulations/paperwork becoming to much for him.

Government is trying to put me out of a job as well because of medical issues. I almost gave up this year and said F-it. I'll go on disability if that's what they want me to do. I have a perfect driving record. No points and no CSA-2010 points either. CSA-2010 is a new point system that only applies to CDL drivers.

I know I can work, my employer knows I can work, my doctor knows I can work. But government is making it more and more difficult all the time for me to continue.
. I know an independent driver who went out and purchased a brand new KW tri-axle. He is a job creator right ? Anyway he went to re-new his medical card ? They denide him because he answered a question truthfully that he had taken a pill for his heart over 25 years prior. After his card almost ran out, and over $3,500.00 dollars later they gave him his card again. There is no telling how much revenue he lost while his truck sat for weeks getting that mess straightened out. Obama and the democrats has these doctors so scared that now the industry is suffering greatly in trying to certify drivers to drive anymore. I know these drivers, and I listen to their stories like I'm hearing your stories now Ray. It is also why retirement for certain industries should start earlier than other industries imho. Trying to literally drive people into their graves is ridiculous. Like you said, here we have these young folks sitting on their ace all day claiming there is no work while the government takes care of them.

I was fine until they switched regulations again.

They allowed me to drive provided my doctor sign a waiver that I am safe enough to do my job. That was no problem and my doctor had all the confidence in the world for me. But then, government decided they won't accept my doctors diagnosis. Now they want government approved doctors to grant those waivers.

So the setup is, I see a new doctor that doesn't know me nor I him. I'm asking that he sign me out for a medical condition he never treated before. WTF? Who wants to do that? If he's not treating me, how can he sign me out saying he's confident I can do my job? He doesn't even know me.

So instead of government providing a doctor that would approve new patients, they give you this ten mile long list of approved doctors, and YOU have to figure out which ones will sign you out.

I spent weeks calling all these doctors and waiting for return calls. I finally found one that said he would do it. He signed me out last year, but this year, he said he couldn't. He changed his criteria for signing me out. It's nuts I tell you.

I finally got him to sign me out, but I'm going to have to try and find another one for next year which I doubt I can do. I can't blame these doctors. They are assuming a liability for a patient with a medical condition they are not treating. The best is when they just allowed my doctor--a person that's been treating me for years to decide if I can work or not.
. A family member of mine who is a truck driver got lucky that his doctor got onto the registry, and so he was allowed to go back to his doctor that like you had stated, "knows him and his medical history, and him as a person in dealing with that medical history". Like you say it builds confidence in who it is that one is dealing with, and tells that doctor that he can trust that the person is well enough to do the job safely.

That's the first thing I tried, but it takes eight months to see my specialist, and he wasn't about to go through all that just to see one patient. He doesn't have to ever worry about not having enough patients.
About 15 years ago or so, the EPA said they didn't like our pollution levels here in Ohio. Okay, then stay the hell out of Ohio! Nope, they had to stick their nose in our business and force us to use E-Check in some of our counties.

Ten years and tens of millions of dollars later, the EPA tested our air again, and found no change in the pollution levels. So what did they make us do? Extend the program for another ten years.

THIS is one of the many reasons to eliminate bureaucracies like the EPA. Why should they give a damn about wasting money on something that doesn't work. It isn't their money!

Ohio is not forced to use E-check. They can ditch the program, they will just lose millions of dollars in highway funding. And it is only in seven counties who's air did not meet EPA quality standards. Those standards are LAWS passed by an elected legislature. Meet those standards, no more e-check.

Your solution is not to attempt to meet the standards. Not even to pass LAWS that change the standards. Your solution is to just do away with the enforcement mechanism behind the standards. From where I come from we call that being a CHICKEN SHIT.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Wow. Obviously I can see why you want to eliminate enforcement instead of change regulations. You are a real coward, and I am pretty sure you wouldn't call me a boy to my face.

You guys are stupid as hell. Obama didn't kill coal jobs, natural gas did. The EPA has PROPOSED new guidelines. I mean you guys do know what propose means, right?

Fact-checking Obama's rules on carbon and coal plants

So, the Chamber of commerce misinterprets the data, posts job loss predictions based on that misinterpretation, later retracts those predictions, and yet those numbers are posted everyday by internet dumbasses.

Read the study, the problem is coal is not as cost effective as natural gas and in some areas solar and wind. Coal accounted for half of all electricity produced from 2000 to 2008. Now coal is not even the predominant means of generating electricity, natural gas is.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back

Look, I am pretty sure the buggy whip industry got a little upset when the car came along. Should the government have propped up the buggy whip industry?

What most plants do is use whatever is cheaper. When gas goes up, they switch to coal. When gas prices go down, they switch to gas.

Remember too the reason gas prices are low: fracking. That's right, the same fracking leftists are against.

Converting a coal plant to natural gas runs about 150 million dollars. Nobody is going to pay to switch back even if coal were to drop in price. But it won't. All the easy to get coal is gone.

And think of this, natural gas is beating coal in an Obama EPA, even with restrictions being placed on fracking. The Trump administration plans to lift some of the restrictions on fracking giving natural gas even more of a competitive advantage.

So here is a prediction I can be pretty confident in. Trump will destroy more jobs within the coal industry than Obama. Coal will produce a lower percentage of our power after Trump leaves office.

And here is a bet. I bet for every coal job lost during the Obama administration we can find TWO JOBS within the energy sector, be it a solar panel installer or a mechanical engineer working on boiler design.
. Fine and dandy as long as the change is natural and not brought on by democrats playing politics with every dam thing they do. You saw them making their dam threats and grandstanding, but you want to act like they didn't do that sort of thing when you write your biased post.
About 15 years ago or so, the EPA said they didn't like our pollution levels here in Ohio. Okay, then stay the hell out of Ohio! Nope, they had to stick their nose in our business and force us to use E-Check in some of our counties.

Ten years and tens of millions of dollars later, the EPA tested our air again, and found no change in the pollution levels. So what did they make us do? Extend the program for another ten years.

THIS is one of the many reasons to eliminate bureaucracies like the EPA. Why should they give a damn about wasting money on something that doesn't work. It isn't their money!

Ohio is not forced to use E-check. They can ditch the program, they will just lose millions of dollars in highway funding. And it is only in seven counties who's air did not meet EPA quality standards. Those standards are LAWS passed by an elected legislature. Meet those standards, no more e-check.

Your solution is not to attempt to meet the standards. Not even to pass LAWS that change the standards. Your solution is to just do away with the enforcement mechanism behind the standards. From where I come from we call that being a CHICKEN SHIT.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Wow. Obviously I can see why you want to eliminate enforcement instead of change regulations. You are a real coward, and I am pretty sure you wouldn't call me a boy to my face.

You guys are stupid as hell. Obama didn't kill coal jobs, natural gas did. The EPA has PROPOSED new guidelines. I mean you guys do know what propose means, right?

Fact-checking Obama's rules on carbon and coal plants

So, the Chamber of commerce misinterprets the data, posts job loss predictions based on that misinterpretation, later retracts those predictions, and yet those numbers are posted everyday by internet dumbasses.

Read the study, the problem is coal is not as cost effective as natural gas and in some areas solar and wind. Coal accounted for half of all electricity produced from 2000 to 2008. Now coal is not even the predominant means of generating electricity, natural gas is.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back

Look, I am pretty sure the buggy whip industry got a little upset when the car came along. Should the government have propped up the buggy whip industry?

What most plants do is use whatever is cheaper. When gas goes up, they switch to coal. When gas prices go down, they switch to gas.

Remember too the reason gas prices are low: fracking. That's right, the same fracking leftists are against.

Converting a coal plant to natural gas runs about 150 million dollars. Nobody is going to pay to switch back even if coal were to drop in price. But it won't. All the easy to get coal is gone.

And think of this, natural gas is beating coal in an Obama EPA, even with restrictions being placed on fracking. The Trump administration plans to lift some of the restrictions on fracking giving natural gas even more of a competitive advantage.

So here is a prediction I can be pretty confident in. Trump will destroy more jobs within the coal industry than Obama. Coal will produce a lower percentage of our power after Trump leaves office.

And here is a bet. I bet for every coal job lost during the Obama administration we can find TWO JOBS within the energy sector, be it a solar panel installer or a mechanical engineer working on boiler design.

That's a pipe dream if I ever heard one. We have enough coal in this country to supply the world for the next century if we wanted. Fracking and domestic oil are great, but remember that DumBama reduced the amount of federal land for oil permits and exploration. Our new fuel comes from private land. When the prices get too low, the land owners put a halt to drilling until the prices increase again.

I didn't say power plants convert from gas to coal, what I said is that they can produce electricity from either. At least here, they were setup for both.
We have a truck driving hauler company about 40 miles away. Always have adds in the paper looking for workers or drivers. They must be a very bad place to work as they can't find workers.
More likely, they have no trouble finding warm bodies. They just have trouble finding people willing to WORK! My company recently hired four drivers...and it took more than thirty interviews, and about fifteen people who left after anywhere from a few days to a month. That is in addition to the half dozen drivers failing road tests! (One of them-with a class A license and 6 years driving semis-could not drive a standard shift!)
. The liberal up bringing in the single parent homes and public education is what has ruined these industries chances of finding young people tough enough to take on these extreme jobs that demand so much from the human being. It is also why I fear our overall readiness for the possibility of a large scale war or even an invasion. Who the hell do we have that could stop us from being crushed ? Think about that one.

Kids today live with their parents until their 30's. When I was young the first goal you had was getting your own apartment or house. That wasn't easy because many landlords didn't want to rent to people that were too young.
When I turned 17, I was a man who worked on a farm, got married at 18, have been married for over 40 years now. Great life, so you know how I view the situation of today.. Good grief it's crazy.
I have a bluetooth. Actually, I have 2. One is an aftermarket one that plugs into the cigarette lighter. It cost me about $20. The other one fits in my ear. It cost me less than $40. It certainly makes driving safer, and I only drive a pickup. Now why any truck driver in an 18 wheeler carrying a load of 10s of 1,000s of lbs of cargo would want to risk taking one hand off the wheel to talk on a cell phone when there is a cheap alternative that is so much safer is beyond me. Frankly, it's nonsensical. However, life has shown me that people do stupid stuff all the time. Now, personally I wouldn't care one whit if a truck driver engaged in that kind of risk when the only one at risk was the driver of the truck. However, trucks share the road with other drivers, many of whom are parents with small children. It sounds like the risk of a heavy fine is a hell of a good incentive to not do something stupid which puts so many others at risk.

The law forced my employer to buy new two-way phones that we can't even use unless you are sitting still. Bluetooth doesn't work with two way cell phones like Nextel used to have. So for a while, they just called us instead.

I've been doing this a very long time now, and I can tell you bluetooth is way more disruptive than just talking on the phone itself. You have to fiddle around to find those stupid buttons to answer or make a call, and that's way more distracting.

That's besides the fact we still use our CB radios all the time. When operating a vehicle like that, we have to shift gears, hit buttons like engine brakes, light interrupters, bright lights, use the clutch. We are doing things all the time to drive that vehicle. A stupid cell phone is not going to change anything.

Plus the fact there is much more background noise in a truck than a pickup truck, and in most cases, you can't communicate anyway.

If you want to make truck driving safer, don't worry about us, teach the idiots around us how to drive. There should be a law strictly enforced that states you can't cut in front of a truck less than five car lengths on the highway. These morons cut in front of me less than one car length and hit the brakes. They've even done this when coming to a stop on the highway like an accident.

Another law we need is no pacing a truck. If you want to pass me, fine, get in the next lane, pass, and continue that speed once you get back in front of me. Don't drive next to me because if I have to swerve out of that lane to avoid something in the road, I can't do that because the idiot next to me has been driving there for the last four miles. We also need a law that everybody has to use cruise control on the highway. So many times I get some idiot in a car going slow, and when I go to pass him, the clown speeds up and I can't move back over.

We should have laws against all these things, and heavy fines and points to boot. You could make the roads a lot safer by doing that instead of worrying about a driver using a cell phone.
. There needs to be a mandatory class that all new license seekers should have to take as pertaining to big trucks. A simulator should also be part of the class. If you can't pass the class you don't get your license. These things you speak of are very important.

LOL, would you like to try and take the test for a CDL Class A license?

If you can pass that test, then you're perfectly qualified to drive. Driving isn't about class time, driving is about experience. I don't care if you take a six month class to drive a truck, it's something you actually have to do to get good at.

In my company, my boss got sick of trying to find Class A drivers, so now he's promoting from within. He offers our straight truck drivers the opportunity to upgrade to drive tractor--trailer. So far it's working pretty well. But even though they drive straight trucks now, they have to take the test all over again for tractor-trailer. Everyone of them failed the first time and had to go back to get tested again. One guy that did it is a very good tractor-trailer driver given his experience, and even he failed the first time.

The real problem we have today are foreigners. Some of them can't speak or read English. I have no idea how they find places or get around. They are terrible drivers to boot. Every couple of months, some foreigner runs up to me and says "Mister, mister! Please back in trailer for me, I don't know how!" I have no idea how these people get a license to drive in this country. I suspect we honor CDL"s from Mexico or Canada, and they are driving on our roads today.
. I know what your mean about foreigner drivers that are being hired not to fill badly needed driver positions, but mainly it is because corporations won't have to pay American workers good money to do the job. Every dam excuse in the book has been used to replace Americans with cheap labor from abroad. There should be huge trailer parking facilities on the border, where as goods coming from Mexico are brought to the border, but then the load is transferred at this point to American drivers to finish the trip of the goods destination. Vice-a-versa.

As usual, it's all politics. If we did that, then other countries would demand we do the same by halting deliveries to Canada and Mexico.

It's not a bad paying job depending on what you do and where you go. Some over the road jobs pay close to six figures and local jobs in the 50K a year range plus benefits. Overtime? Make even more.

And many (even MOST) OTR jobs pay peanuts, and about the only way drivers can scrape by if by running illegally-often being forced to do so by their companies.

If we could halt all immigration to this country including work Visa's, the pay would have to increase because these sleaze ball places would have no choice but to offer more. If nobody will work for you, then you close down.

Another thing would be getting government off of our ass and make things fair for us. When you get a CDL, you lose some of your constitutional rights and there's nothing you can do about it.
About 15 years ago or so, the EPA said they didn't like our pollution levels here in Ohio. Okay, then stay the hell out of Ohio! Nope, they had to stick their nose in our business and force us to use E-Check in some of our counties.

Ten years and tens of millions of dollars later, the EPA tested our air again, and found no change in the pollution levels. So what did they make us do? Extend the program for another ten years.

THIS is one of the many reasons to eliminate bureaucracies like the EPA. Why should they give a damn about wasting money on something that doesn't work. It isn't their money!

Ohio is not forced to use E-check. They can ditch the program, they will just lose millions of dollars in highway funding. And it is only in seven counties who's air did not meet EPA quality standards. Those standards are LAWS passed by an elected legislature. Meet those standards, no more e-check.

Your solution is not to attempt to meet the standards. Not even to pass LAWS that change the standards. Your solution is to just do away with the enforcement mechanism behind the standards. From where I come from we call that being a CHICKEN SHIT.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Wow. Obviously I can see why you want to eliminate enforcement instead of change regulations. You are a real coward, and I am pretty sure you wouldn't call me a boy to my face.

You guys are stupid as hell. Obama didn't kill coal jobs, natural gas did. The EPA has PROPOSED new guidelines. I mean you guys do know what propose means, right?

Fact-checking Obama's rules on carbon and coal plants

So, the Chamber of commerce misinterprets the data, posts job loss predictions based on that misinterpretation, later retracts those predictions, and yet those numbers are posted everyday by internet dumbasses.

Read the study, the problem is coal is not as cost effective as natural gas and in some areas solar and wind. Coal accounted for half of all electricity produced from 2000 to 2008. Now coal is not even the predominant means of generating electricity, natural gas is.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back

Look, I am pretty sure the buggy whip industry got a little upset when the car came along. Should the government have propped up the buggy whip industry?

What most plants do is use whatever is cheaper. When gas goes up, they switch to coal. When gas prices go down, they switch to gas.

Remember too the reason gas prices are low: fracking. That's right, the same fracking leftists are against.

Converting a coal plant to natural gas runs about 150 million dollars. Nobody is going to pay to switch back even if coal were to drop in price. But it won't. All the easy to get coal is gone.

And think of this, natural gas is beating coal in an Obama EPA, even with restrictions being placed on fracking. The Trump administration plans to lift some of the restrictions on fracking giving natural gas even more of a competitive advantage.

So here is a prediction I can be pretty confident in. Trump will destroy more jobs within the coal industry than Obama. Coal will produce a lower percentage of our power after Trump leaves office.

And here is a bet. I bet for every coal job lost during the Obama administration we can find TWO JOBS within the energy sector, be it a solar panel installer or a mechanical engineer working on boiler design.
No one is going to convert them back...we are going to build hundreds of new coal plants.....
The law forced my employer to buy new two-way phones that we can't even use unless you are sitting still. Bluetooth doesn't work with two way cell phones like Nextel used to have. So for a while, they just called us instead.

I've been doing this a very long time now, and I can tell you bluetooth is way more disruptive than just talking on the phone itself. You have to fiddle around to find those stupid buttons to answer or make a call, and that's way more distracting.

That's besides the fact we still use our CB radios all the time. When operating a vehicle like that, we have to shift gears, hit buttons like engine brakes, light interrupters, bright lights, use the clutch. We are doing things all the time to drive that vehicle. A stupid cell phone is not going to change anything.

Plus the fact there is much more background noise in a truck than a pickup truck, and in most cases, you can't communicate anyway.

If you want to make truck driving safer, don't worry about us, teach the idiots around us how to drive. There should be a law strictly enforced that states you can't cut in front of a truck less than five car lengths on the highway. These morons cut in front of me less than one car length and hit the brakes. They've even done this when coming to a stop on the highway like an accident.

Another law we need is no pacing a truck. If you want to pass me, fine, get in the next lane, pass, and continue that speed once you get back in front of me. Don't drive next to me because if I have to swerve out of that lane to avoid something in the road, I can't do that because the idiot next to me has been driving there for the last four miles. We also need a law that everybody has to use cruise control on the highway. So many times I get some idiot in a car going slow, and when I go to pass him, the clown speeds up and I can't move back over.

We should have laws against all these things, and heavy fines and points to boot. You could make the roads a lot safer by doing that instead of worrying about a driver using a cell phone.
. There needs to be a mandatory class that all new license seekers should have to take as pertaining to big trucks. A simulator should also be part of the class. If you can't pass the class you don't get your license. These things you speak of are very important.

LOL, would you like to try and take the test for a CDL Class A license?

If you can pass that test, then you're perfectly qualified to drive. Driving isn't about class time, driving is about experience. I don't care if you take a six month class to drive a truck, it's something you actually have to do to get good at.

In my company, my boss got sick of trying to find Class A drivers, so now he's promoting from within. He offers our straight truck drivers the opportunity to upgrade to drive tractor--trailer. So far it's working pretty well. But even though they drive straight trucks now, they have to take the test all over again for tractor-trailer. Everyone of them failed the first time and had to go back to get tested again. One guy that did it is a very good tractor-trailer driver given his experience, and even he failed the first time.

The real problem we have today are foreigners. Some of them can't speak or read English. I have no idea how they find places or get around. They are terrible drivers to boot. Every couple of months, some foreigner runs up to me and says "Mister, mister! Please back in trailer for me, I don't know how!" I have no idea how these people get a license to drive in this country. I suspect we honor CDL"s from Mexico or Canada, and they are driving on our roads today.
. I know what your mean about foreigner drivers that are being hired not to fill badly needed driver positions, but mainly it is because corporations won't have to pay American workers good money to do the job. Every dam excuse in the book has been used to replace Americans with cheap labor from abroad. There should be huge trailer parking facilities on the border, where as goods coming from Mexico are brought to the border, but then the load is transferred at this point to American drivers to finish the trip of the goods destination. Vice-a-versa.

As usual, it's all politics. If we did that, then other countries would demand we do the same by halting deliveries to Canada and Mexico.

It's not a bad paying job depending on what you do and where you go. Some over the road jobs pay close to six figures and local jobs in the 50K a year range plus benefits. Overtime? Make even more.

And many (even MOST) OTR jobs pay peanuts, and about the only way drivers can scrape by if by running illegally-often being forced to do so by their companies.

If we could halt all immigration to this country including work Visa's, the pay would have to increase because these sleaze ball places would have no choice but to offer more. If nobody will work for you, then you close down.

Another thing would be getting government off of our ass and make things fair for us. When you get a CDL, you lose some of your constitutional rights and there's nothing you can do about it.

What's bullshit about it?

It all depends on where you work. You can take a job for crap money or you can make better money driving for better companies. One of our drivers left to work at Fed-Ex. He's easily doing over 65K a year now plus benefits. He works 10 to 12 hours a day, but he's home every night.
Why would we blame rich people, we bailed out Wall Street with socialism, we love the wealthy.

You're missing something, american wealth generation is no longer tied to work or production, it is created fictionally in the financial services sector. Growing wealth in this society is merely a growing of debt. And it is utterly unsustainable.

You people blame the rich for everything. You don't want to look at the big picture. Trump has the right message: buy American. How can you have a society with good paying jobs and cheap products? You can't. You have to choose one or the other.

In recent years, we chose cheap products. The cheaper, the better. None of those Walmart shoppers give a rats ass if they are putting Americans out of work through their purchases.

Since the US consumers demand cheap products, American manufacturers have to provide. They do that by getting rid of humans and replacing us with automation, they do that by keeping wages as low as possible, they do that by moving out of a state where they are trapped by a union and go to another state or even another country.
. Consumers can't do anything or choose anything without the rich providing the platform, goods and services recieved. If the rich have created some kind of get filthy rich system that no one can escape, then how does the consumer get blamed for that ?? The whole dam system of things we all have been experiencing was by design. Think tanks created this bull crap, and then it was slowly and precisely implemented over the years. Have to have lived through when America was better, products was better, and then watched as it all went down.

Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do. It's not a plot by any stretch of the imagination.

If we consumers decided we wanted more expensive American made products, that's what Walmart and their suppliers will provide. But Walmart became number one because they did sell cheap imported products, and the consumers responded.

Why can't you find many American made products in stores today? Because very few if any shoppers will buy them. Americans don't look at where the product is made, Americans look at price.

You see two 50 foot stands of Christmas lights; one is $5.99 made in China, and the other is $15.99 made in the USA, which strands do you think will sell the most?
. I would buy the $15.99 dollar stand, and this was because I would be after the lights that last 20 years instead of 2 years, but the options are going away because historic American companies found themselves in a situation where they could no longer compete against cheap goods that the beat down low wage Americans could only afford. It was all by design these things have taken place Ray. Not sure how old you are, but I have lived long enough to have seen it all go down. I am a realist Ray, and I know what has happened over time.

So have I, and that's why I'm telling you (like always) it's a consumer controlled market.

If you are around my age, then certainly you remember full service gasoline stations. They guy came out, pumped your gas, checked your oil, checked the tire pressure, filled your windshield washer fluid, took your cash or credit card into the station, and brought back your change or receipt with green stamps.

More realistically: The guy came out, pumped your gas (dribbling the last quart down the side of the car), checked your oil (and sold you an overpriced quart you didn't need), checked the tire pressure (and set all 4 to the incorrect pressure), filled your windshield washer fluid (with water, so it froze solid the next cold night), took your cash or credit card into the station (wrote down the card number to sell), and brought back your change or receipt with green stamps.

So why have they disappeared? Well it started out slow. Gas station owners found it more profitable to keep their mechanics working on the cars instead of pumping gas. So they opened up one island that offered cheaper gasoline if you pumped it yourself. After a while, there were waiting lines at the self-serve pump so they opened up another, then another. Before you know it, all gas stations were self-serve because nobody used the full-service island any longer. Everybody wanted cheaper gas.

Self-service gasoline was not a conspiracy. It was totally consumer driven. It's the same reason discount stores are popping up all over the place. We will buy in bulk if it saves us money. Even today, internet sales are taking over brick and mortar stores and that is a threat. Why? Because of cheaper prices and convenience.

I would willingly pay a premium to pump my own gas. I will not deal with having to watch a stoned high-school dropout like a hawk to make sure he doesn't pump the wrong grade, dribble gas down the car I just spent 2 hours detailing, steal my gas cap, or clone my debit card!

A couple of years ago I went to my KFC store only to find it padlocked. So I traveled to the next nearest one only to find the same thing. Suspicious, I went to the internet to find out what was going on. What I found was that my experience was not just local, it was happening all across the country. KFC's were closing down all over the place. Why? Because KFC never changed. They kept the same quality all these years, but that costs money. Customers were driven to places like Church''s or Popeye's because their chicken is cheaper. Nobody cared about the cheaper quality, only cheaper prices.

Seriously? Dude...KFC "quality" has been rock-bottom for 20+ years, and if anything, their service is even worse
The law forced my employer to buy new two-way phones that we can't even use unless you are sitting still. Bluetooth doesn't work with two way cell phones like Nextel used to have. So for a while, they just called us instead.

I've been doing this a very long time now, and I can tell you bluetooth is way more disruptive than just talking on the phone itself. You have to fiddle around to find those stupid buttons to answer or make a call, and that's way more distracting.

That's besides the fact we still use our CB radios all the time. When operating a vehicle like that, we have to shift gears, hit buttons like engine brakes, light interrupters, bright lights, use the clutch. We are doing things all the time to drive that vehicle. A stupid cell phone is not going to change anything.

Plus the fact there is much more background noise in a truck than a pickup truck, and in most cases, you can't communicate anyway.

If you want to make truck driving safer, don't worry about us, teach the idiots around us how to drive. There should be a law strictly enforced that states you can't cut in front of a truck less than five car lengths on the highway. These morons cut in front of me less than one car length and hit the brakes. They've even done this when coming to a stop on the highway like an accident.

Another law we need is no pacing a truck. If you want to pass me, fine, get in the next lane, pass, and continue that speed once you get back in front of me. Don't drive next to me because if I have to swerve out of that lane to avoid something in the road, I can't do that because the idiot next to me has been driving there for the last four miles. We also need a law that everybody has to use cruise control on the highway. So many times I get some idiot in a car going slow, and when I go to pass him, the clown speeds up and I can't move back over.

We should have laws against all these things, and heavy fines and points to boot. You could make the roads a lot safer by doing that instead of worrying about a driver using a cell phone.
. There needs to be a mandatory class that all new license seekers should have to take as pertaining to big trucks. A simulator should also be part of the class. If you can't pass the class you don't get your license. These things you speak of are very important.

LOL, would you like to try and take the test for a CDL Class A license?

If you can pass that test, then you're perfectly qualified to drive. Driving isn't about class time, driving is about experience. I don't care if you take a six month class to drive a truck, it's something you actually have to do to get good at.

In my company, my boss got sick of trying to find Class A drivers, so now he's promoting from within. He offers our straight truck drivers the opportunity to upgrade to drive tractor--trailer. So far it's working pretty well. But even though they drive straight trucks now, they have to take the test all over again for tractor-trailer. Everyone of them failed the first time and had to go back to get tested again. One guy that did it is a very good tractor-trailer driver given his experience, and even he failed the first time.

The real problem we have today are foreigners. Some of them can't speak or read English. I have no idea how they find places or get around. They are terrible drivers to boot. Every couple of months, some foreigner runs up to me and says "Mister, mister! Please back in trailer for me, I don't know how!" I have no idea how these people get a license to drive in this country. I suspect we honor CDL"s from Mexico or Canada, and they are driving on our roads today.
. I know what your mean about foreigner drivers that are being hired not to fill badly needed driver positions, but mainly it is because corporations won't have to pay American workers good money to do the job. Every dam excuse in the book has been used to replace Americans with cheap labor from abroad. There should be huge trailer parking facilities on the border, where as goods coming from Mexico are brought to the border, but then the load is transferred at this point to American drivers to finish the trip of the goods destination. Vice-a-versa.

As usual, it's all politics. If we did that, then other countries would demand we do the same by halting deliveries to Canada and Mexico.

It's not a bad paying job depending on what you do and where you go. Some over the road jobs pay close to six figures and local jobs in the 50K a year range plus benefits. Overtime? Make even more.

And many (even MOST) OTR jobs pay peanuts, and about the only way drivers can scrape by if by running illegally-often being forced to do so by their companies.

If we could halt all immigration to this country including work Visa's, the pay would have to increase because these sleaze ball places would have no choice but to offer more. If nobody will work for you, then you close down.

Another thing would be getting government off of our ass and make things fair for us. When you get a CDL, you lose some of your constitutional rights and there's nothing you can do about it.
1st is being addressed by electronic logging, but this imho shouldn't be the case with all trucking companies. Dump truck, cement mixers and local delivery companies of all sorts that run the 100 mile air bus radius should be excluded. What is bull crap ?

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