Trump Official: We're Going To Cut The EPA In Half


If somebody or some company does something to effect your property or health, get a lawyer and have the case heard in court.

The EPA doesn't balance anything. They are out there to keep their jobs. Sitting back and not creating regulations and fines means we don't need them any longer, so they create all kinds of economically harmful regulations that cost you and I money every single day.

Do this: ask an environmentalist when enough will be enough? What does it take to make them happy and keep their yaps shut? How much money are we really talking about here? I bet you'd be met with a blank stare.

The truth is we've been cleaning up our environment for nearly 50 years now, and the environmentalists are less happy today then before. They will never be happy because the environment is a bottomless money pit. You can take every last US dollar in this country today, and some environmentalists would still be complaining.

The problem with all this environment crap is that the costs of it are intrinsic. You don't even know you're paying them. If I were Trump, I'd take an idea Michelle came up with. She got her hold man to force all restaurants to put calorie count on every item they sell. While the stupid idea never made one fat kid skinny, I think it would be a great idea if we did the same with environmental costs.

When you buy a car, there should be an environmental cost on it telling you you're paying $6,500 for a greener car. If you buy a lawnmower, that has a $75.00 environmental cost. If you buy a jar of pickles at the grocery store, it should have an environmental cost of 20 cents printed right on the jar.

Maybe if people realized what all this environmental crap cost us personally, people would become very disinterested in a greener country.

Good post.

As I said in a post above I dealt with the EPA for 30 years. They are not our friend.

The upper leadership are political weenies that don't give a shit about the environment. They only kiss the ass of the party leadership that is in office at the time. A leadership that is beholding to the special interest group that put the party in power. The upper leaders are all lawyers who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground about market economics or environmental science.

The mid level managers are usually ass kissing bureaucrats that would have done well helping Hitler keep the trains running on time in Germany.

The lower level staff members were usually the bottom of the barrel scientists and engineers that couldn't get a better job elsewhere.

It is time to drain that swamp and it looks like Trump is just the man to do it.

There is a mission for the EPA but it is not to destroy our economy for very little gain, which is what the Kenyan Catastrophe had them doing for the last eight years.
Guess you missed the presser, huh? The National Endowment for the Arts and NPR have already been targeted for defunding. Cutting the EPA in half will hurt no one -- it is so bloated it can't stand up.

Would you support cutting the budget of the FBI? How about the Marshal Service? In fact, why don't we eliminate all federal funding for local law enforcement. No more grants to purchase military equipment to be used on the people. That would sure save some money.

Nope, I doubt you would support those cuts. And I am pretty sure you are a strong supporter of Trump's plans to expand the Border Patrol. In fact, I bet you are all about spending money on the enforcement of the law.

Except when it comes to the environment. And that is a little bothersome. The FBI, the Border Patrol, local cops--they all protect us from criminals. From rapists, murderers, robbers, sexual predators--mostly punk ass individuals that, even on their best day, with the best gun and the highest capacity magazine--might be able to take out a couple dozen of us.

WTF. Ain't you guys got guns? Why you so damn skeered? Hell, I ban guns from my house, they all stay at the family armory, and I ain't skeered. It would take a damn fool to come down in this holler and stir up some shit. In twenty years I can count the times I saw a member of law enforcement down here on one hand.

But the EPA, well they are cops too. But they don't protect us from the little punk ass bitches and their guns, they protect us from the dudes in the suits that are more than willing to dump toxic waste into our water supply, spew nauseous chemicals into our atmosphere, and strip off the tops of our mountains in pursuit of profit. And when those waste ponds burst and flood the valley, when our childhood asthma rates soar, and when cancer clusters pop up around industrial facilities, people don't die by the dozens, they die by the thousands.

Now, the EPA comes down in this holler too. They check the industrial pond not too far over the hill. They check the water, make sure my well is safe. You can defund all the local law enforcement you want, I can handle it. The punk ass bitches know better. But that factory over the hill, owned by some company out of Florida, could give two shits about my well. If nobody is keeping them in line you force me to make sure they don't have the opportunity to go out of line.

Your analogy is flawed. The Constitution charges our representatives with the duty to protect citizens here and abroad. The FBI, CIA, Border Patrol don't create laws against us, they only enforce the ones we have set forth by our law makers.

It's a balancing act really. The cleaner the air and water, the more economic damage we suffer. The less damage we suffer economically, the worse for air and water. You can't have both a good economy and stringent environmental regulations.

The con allows the creation of laws and that means creation of agencies .

We've had a Great economy along with protecting the environment. It's not a zero sum game . And in a lot of places the environment is the economy .

Sure, we had a great economy when the EPA first game out, but that was because they didn't have many regulations.

Today is a whole different story. I work for a small transportation company that has less than a dozen employees, the new regulations that came out over the last ten years costs my employer hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.

So your company isn't entrepreneurish enough to survive, adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing environment without threatening the environment. Or they just see more of a bottom line profit margin in not having any regulations. You know, more like Wall Street. Does your employer provide helathcare plans to employees?
Companies shouldn't be struggling to survive government regulations. Your obvious comfort with that idea only shows what a callous uncaring douche bag you are. You just admitted that you don't care if government regulations put companies out of business and people out of work.
Wow. Obviously I can see why you want to eliminate enforcement instead of change regulations. You are a real coward, and I am pretty sure you wouldn't call me a boy to my face.

You guys are stupid as hell. Obama didn't kill coal jobs, natural gas did. The EPA has PROPOSED new guidelines. I mean you guys do know what propose means, right?

Fact-checking Obama's rules on carbon and coal plants

So, the Chamber of commerce misinterprets the data, posts job loss predictions based on that misinterpretation, later retracts those predictions, and yet those numbers are posted everyday by internet dumbasses.

Read the study, the problem is coal is not as cost effective as natural gas and in some areas solar and wind. Coal accounted for half of all electricity produced from 2000 to 2008. Now coal is not even the predominant means of generating electricity, natural gas is.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back

Look, I am pretty sure the buggy whip industry got a little upset when the car came along. Should the government have propped up the buggy whip industry?

What most plants do is use whatever is cheaper. When gas goes up, they switch to coal. When gas prices go down, they switch to gas.

Remember too the reason gas prices are low: fracking. That's right, the same fracking leftists are against.

Converting a coal plant to natural gas runs about 150 million dollars. Nobody is going to pay to switch back even if coal were to drop in price. But it won't. All the easy to get coal is gone.

And think of this, natural gas is beating coal in an Obama EPA, even with restrictions being placed on fracking. The Trump administration plans to lift some of the restrictions on fracking giving natural gas even more of a competitive advantage.

So here is a prediction I can be pretty confident in. Trump will destroy more jobs within the coal industry than Obama. Coal will produce a lower percentage of our power after Trump leaves office.

And here is a bet. I bet for every coal job lost during the Obama administration we can find TWO JOBS within the energy sector, be it a solar panel installer or a mechanical engineer working on boiler design.

That's a pipe dream if I ever heard one. We have enough coal in this country to supply the world for the next century if we wanted. Fracking and domestic oil are great, but remember that DumBama reduced the amount of federal land for oil permits and exploration. Our new fuel comes from private land. When the prices get too low, the land owners put a halt to drilling until the prices increase again.

I didn't say power plants convert from gas to coal, what I said is that they can produce electricity from either. At least here, they were setup for both.

Sure, we have tons of coal. And yep, we have millions of barrels of oil reserves. But at what cost? Because that is the problem. The fossil fuel industry is fighting a losing battle and it is not with the EPA and regulations.

We have already gotten all the easy coal. We have already gotten all the easy oil. It will take increasingly more dollars to get those resources out of the ground. The cost curve is increasing But renewable energy is on the opposite end of the cost curve. Each additional output generated comes at a lower cost, not a higher one. It is a battle against MATH, the fossil fuel industry is destined to lose.

But that brings us to the EPA. That brings us to a decline in enforcement and a rolling back of standards. See, there is not only a cost of getting those fossil fuels out of the ground, there is a cost of burning them. There is a cost to spewing out emissions, and the dirtier the more expensive. If the fossil fuel industry can "externalize" those costs, that is, make you and me pay for it so they don't have to, they can perhaps postpone their inevitable defeat by the cost curve.
We,have over 1000 years of coal....once Trump undoes Obamas war on coal, we will be building hundreds of new coal just is what it is....
. Well I am for a clean environment, and if we have ways of lessoning the impacts on the environment by not having to use so much of one or the other then great. No industry should be threatened by government, but instead they should be worked with to slow down in a proper manor in order to adapt to the changes that may be coming in the future. We have no enemies in our industries, and government needs to understand this immediately. It's a huge turn off when government tries to attack Americans through industry in this country.
nd the liar steps in...the country is filled with pipelines and industry and we have the cleanest environment you can find...all because we are a rich country and we like clean things.

Cleanest countries in the world (somehow I didn't see the U.S on that list....strange)

  • Austria. ..
  • France.. ...
  • Norway. Norway. ...
  • Switzerland. Switzerland. ...
  • Sweden. Sweden. All Scandinavian countries are clean, peaceful and well developed. ...
  • Iceland. Iceland. Iceland is the cleanest country in the world.
According to whom?
What most plants do is use whatever is cheaper. When gas goes up, they switch to coal. When gas prices go down, they switch to gas.

Remember too the reason gas prices are low: fracking. That's right, the same fracking leftists are against.

Converting a coal plant to natural gas runs about 150 million dollars. Nobody is going to pay to switch back even if coal were to drop in price. But it won't. All the easy to get coal is gone.

And think of this, natural gas is beating coal in an Obama EPA, even with restrictions being placed on fracking. The Trump administration plans to lift some of the restrictions on fracking giving natural gas even more of a competitive advantage.

So here is a prediction I can be pretty confident in. Trump will destroy more jobs within the coal industry than Obama. Coal will produce a lower percentage of our power after Trump leaves office.

And here is a bet. I bet for every coal job lost during the Obama administration we can find TWO JOBS within the energy sector, be it a solar panel installer or a mechanical engineer working on boiler design.

That's a pipe dream if I ever heard one. We have enough coal in this country to supply the world for the next century if we wanted. Fracking and domestic oil are great, but remember that DumBama reduced the amount of federal land for oil permits and exploration. Our new fuel comes from private land. When the prices get too low, the land owners put a halt to drilling until the prices increase again.

I didn't say power plants convert from gas to coal, what I said is that they can produce electricity from either. At least here, they were setup for both.

Sure, we have tons of coal. And yep, we have millions of barrels of oil reserves. But at what cost? Because that is the problem. The fossil fuel industry is fighting a losing battle and it is not with the EPA and regulations.

We have already gotten all the easy coal. We have already gotten all the easy oil. It will take increasingly more dollars to get those resources out of the ground. The cost curve is increasing But renewable energy is on the opposite end of the cost curve. Each additional output generated comes at a lower cost, not a higher one. It is a battle against MATH, the fossil fuel industry is destined to lose.

But that brings us to the EPA. That brings us to a decline in enforcement and a rolling back of standards. See, there is not only a cost of getting those fossil fuels out of the ground, there is a cost of burning them. There is a cost to spewing out emissions, and the dirtier the more expensive. If the fossil fuel industry can "externalize" those costs, that is, make you and me pay for it so they don't have to, they can perhaps postpone their inevitable defeat by the cost curve.
We,have over 1000 years of coal....once Trump undoes Obamas war on coal, we will be building hundreds of new coal just is what it is....
. Well I am for a clean environment, and if we have ways of lessoning the impacts on the environment by not having to use so much of one or the other then great. No industry should be threatened by government, but instead they should be worked with to slow down in a proper manor in order to adapt to the changes that may be coming in the future. We have no enemies in our industries, and government needs to understand this immediately. It's a huge turn off when government tries to attack Americans through industry in this country.
We are all for a clean environment and coal will lead the way!!!
I'm so thankful Trump is doing that. But really - we should get rid of the entire EPA. And the Department of Education. And the National Endowments for the Arts. None of them are constitutional. In fact, if we got rid of all of the federal agencies that were unconstitutional, we could cut taxes in half and still have an annual surplus.

Jesus, yeah, lets push that out as if it has any semblance to objective reality.

Guess you missed the presser, huh? The National Endowment for the Arts and NPR have already been targeted for defunding. Cutting the EPA in half will hurt no one -- it is so bloated it can't stand up.

Would you support cutting the budget of the FBI? How about the Marshal Service? In fact, why don't we eliminate all federal funding for local law enforcement. No more grants to purchase military equipment to be used on the people. That would sure save some money.

Nope, I doubt you would support those cuts. And I am pretty sure you are a strong supporter of Trump's plans to expand the Border Patrol. In fact, I bet you are all about spending money on the enforcement of the law.

Except when it comes to the environment. And that is a little bothersome. The FBI, the Border Patrol, local cops--they all protect us from criminals. From rapists, murderers, robbers, sexual predators--mostly punk ass individuals that, even on their best day, with the best gun and the highest capacity magazine--might be able to take out a couple dozen of us.

WTF. Ain't you guys got guns? Why you so damn skeered? Hell, I ban guns from my house, they all stay at the family armory, and I ain't skeered. It would take a damn fool to come down in this holler and stir up some shit. In twenty years I can count the times I saw a member of law enforcement down here on one hand.

But the EPA, well they are cops too. But they don't protect us from the little punk ass bitches and their guns, they protect us from the dudes in the suits that are more than willing to dump toxic waste into our water supply, spew nauseous chemicals into our atmosphere, and strip off the tops of our mountains in pursuit of profit. And when those waste ponds burst and flood the valley, when our childhood asthma rates soar, and when cancer clusters pop up around industrial facilities, people don't die by the dozens, they die by the thousands.

Now, the EPA comes down in this holler too. They check the industrial pond not too far over the hill. They check the water, make sure my well is safe. You can defund all the local law enforcement you want, I can handle it. The punk ass bitches know better. But that factory over the hill, owned by some company out of Florida, could give two shits about my well. If nobody is keeping them in line you force me to make sure they don't have the opportunity to go out of line.

Your analogy is flawed. The Constitution charges our representatives with the duty to protect citizens here and abroad. The FBI, CIA, Border Patrol don't create laws against us, they only enforce the ones we have set forth by our law makers.

It's a balancing act really. The cleaner the air and water, the more economic damage we suffer. The less damage we suffer economically, the worse for air and water. You can't have both a good economy and stringent environmental regulations.

I agree that it is a balancing act. But that is precisely why we both need the EPA, and we need to fund it adequately. We are balancing two sides. One, industry, which very structure encourages it to externalize costs whenever possible. The other, the environment. Industry has their leaders, their money, their power, to support their side. Who does the environment have?

And like my well. Don't really have to worry about the neighbor next door poisoning my well. He and his family have to live here. And perhaps my enemy down the road might think about it, but fears enforcement from the sheriff. But that factory, with the owners living far away, they don't give a shit. The only thing, and I mean the only think, keeping them from dumping their waste chemicals directly into the water table, is the EPA. When they no longer fear the EPA they sure as hell won't fear me.

That's pure bullshit. The thing that really keeps industry from poisoning our water is the threat of lawsuits. For the last 20 years the EPA has regulated stuff that doesn't harm anyone, like CO2.
. I know what your mean about foreigner drivers that are being hired not to fill badly needed driver positions, but mainly it is because corporations won't have to pay American workers good money to do the job. Every dam excuse in the book has been used to replace Americans with cheap labor from abroad. There should be huge trailer parking facilities on the border, where as goods coming from Mexico are brought to the border, but then the load is transferred at this point to American drivers to finish the trip of the goods destination. Vice-a-versa.

As usual, it's all politics. If we did that, then other countries would demand we do the same by halting deliveries to Canada and Mexico.

It's not a bad paying job depending on what you do and where you go. Some over the road jobs pay close to six figures and local jobs in the 50K a year range plus benefits. Overtime? Make even more.

And many (even MOST) OTR jobs pay peanuts, and about the only way drivers can scrape by if by running illegally-often being forced to do so by their companies.

If we could halt all immigration to this country including work Visa's, the pay would have to increase because these sleaze ball places would have no choice but to offer more. If nobody will work for you, then you close down.

Another thing would be getting government off of our ass and make things fair for us. When you get a CDL, you lose some of your constitutional rights and there's nothing you can do about it.
1st is being addressed by electronic logging, but this imho shouldn't be the case with all trucking companies. Dump truck, cement mixers and local delivery companies of all sorts that run the 100 mile air bus radius should be excluded. What is bull crap ?
Most of those will not hire people without OTR experience...and many local jobs (especially for new drivers) ALSO pay peanuts. (Offhand, trash companies frequently are <$15/hour.)
. No trucking company should pay any driver less than $15.00 dollars an hour no matter what, and if they do they should be fined for it. To much involved to try and pay cheaper than that.

At the very least, we should get time and a half for working over 40. We are exempt from that law and have been for many years.

If somebody or some company does something to effect your property or health, get a lawyer and have the case heard in court.

The EPA doesn't balance anything. They are out there to keep their jobs. Sitting back and not creating regulations and fines means we don't need them any longer, so they create all kinds of economically harmful regulations that cost you and I money every single day.

Do this: ask an environmentalist when enough will be enough? What does it take to make them happy and keep their yaps shut? How much money are we really talking about here? I bet you'd be met with a blank stare.

The truth is we've been cleaning up our environment for nearly 50 years now, and the environmentalists are less happy today then before. They will never be happy because the environment is a bottomless money pit. You can take every last US dollar in this country today, and some environmentalists would still be complaining.

The problem with all this environment crap is that the costs of it are intrinsic. You don't even know you're paying them. If I were Trump, I'd take an idea Michelle came up with. She got her hold man to force all restaurants to put calorie count on every item they sell. While the stupid idea never made one fat kid skinny, I think it would be a great idea if we did the same with environmental costs.

When you buy a car, there should be an environmental cost on it telling you you're paying $6,500 for a greener car. If you buy a lawnmower, that has a $75.00 environmental cost. If you buy a jar of pickles at the grocery store, it should have an environmental cost of 20 cents printed right on the jar.

Maybe if people realized what all this environmental crap cost us personally, people would become very disinterested in a greener country.

Good post.

As I said in a post above I dealt with the EPA for 30 years. They are not our friend.

The upper leadership are political weenies that don't give a shit about the environment. They only kiss the ass of the party leadership that is in office at the time. A leadership that is beholding to the special interest group that put the party in power. The upper leaders are all lawyers who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground about market economics or environmental science.

The mid level managers are usually ass kissing bureaucrats that would have done well helping Hitler keep the trains running on time in Germany.

The lower level staff members were usually the bottom of the barrel scientists and engineers that couldn't get a better job elsewhere.

It is time to drain that swamp and it looks like Trump is just the man to do it.

There is a mission for the EPA but it is not to destroy our economy for very little gain, which is what the Kenyan Catastrophe had them doing for the last eight years.

Which were you, a bottom of the barrel scientist or an engineer that couldn't get a job anywhere else?
The con allows the creation of laws and that means creation of agencies
No it doesn't. It explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and the environment is not one of them. Therefore, Jimmy Carter creating that "agency" in the executive branch is 100% unconstitutional.

Furthermore - the U.S. Constitution explicitly states that only Congress can create laws. It is highly illegal for an unconstitutional "agency" filled with unelected bureaucrats to create "regulations" and force them on us as law.

If you're going to cite the U.S. Constitution to support your position, you should really try reading it first.

They create regulations they don't create laws. And them are empowered to do so by Congress. This is all been proven to be constitutional. I think the Congress has to vote on every single regulation from every agency out there?
It has not been proven to be Constitutional. The fact that some politically selected hacks ruled they are doesn't make it true. The Constitution gives Congress the authority to pass laws, not the executive branch. Congress has no authority to pass on it's lawmaking powers to others. That idea is absurd.

Furthermore, regulations are laws. See what happens if you don't obey them.
As usual, it's all politics. If we did that, then other countries would demand we do the same by halting deliveries to Canada and Mexico.

It's not a bad paying job depending on what you do and where you go. Some over the road jobs pay close to six figures and local jobs in the 50K a year range plus benefits. Overtime? Make even more.

And many (even MOST) OTR jobs pay peanuts, and about the only way drivers can scrape by if by running illegally-often being forced to do so by their companies.

If we could halt all immigration to this country including work Visa's, the pay would have to increase because these sleaze ball places would have no choice but to offer more. If nobody will work for you, then you close down.

Another thing would be getting government off of our ass and make things fair for us. When you get a CDL, you lose some of your constitutional rights and there's nothing you can do about it.
1st is being addressed by electronic logging, but this imho shouldn't be the case with all trucking companies. Dump truck, cement mixers and local delivery companies of all sorts that run the 100 mile air bus radius should be excluded. What is bull crap ?
Most of those will not hire people without OTR experience...and many local jobs (especially for new drivers) ALSO pay peanuts. (Offhand, trash companies frequently are <$15/hour.)
. No trucking company should pay any driver less than $15.00 dollars an hour no matter what, and if they do they should be fined for it. To much involved to try and pay cheaper than that.
Most OTR work doesn't pay hourly at's by the mile.
. Regardless there is a formula that converts that to what is being paid by the hour. Many don't want to tally that up, because they might see that after all is done, and after the hours they put in, and the deductions or expenses paid or taken out, that they might have made just above $10.00 dollars an hour in some cases afterwards. Pathetic.

If somebody or some company does something to effect your property or health, get a lawyer and have the case heard in court.

The EPA doesn't balance anything. They are out there to keep their jobs. Sitting back and not creating regulations and fines means we don't need them any longer, so they create all kinds of economically harmful regulations that cost you and I money every single day.

Do this: ask an environmentalist when enough will be enough? What does it take to make them happy and keep their yaps shut? How much money are we really talking about here? I bet you'd be met with a blank stare.

The truth is we've been cleaning up our environment for nearly 50 years now, and the environmentalists are less happy today then before. They will never be happy because the environment is a bottomless money pit. You can take every last US dollar in this country today, and some environmentalists would still be complaining.

The problem with all this environment crap is that the costs of it are intrinsic. You don't even know you're paying them. If I were Trump, I'd take an idea Michelle came up with. She got her hold man to force all restaurants to put calorie count on every item they sell. While the stupid idea never made one fat kid skinny, I think it would be a great idea if we did the same with environmental costs.

When you buy a car, there should be an environmental cost on it telling you you're paying $6,500 for a greener car. If you buy a lawnmower, that has a $75.00 environmental cost. If you buy a jar of pickles at the grocery store, it should have an environmental cost of 20 cents printed right on the jar.

Maybe if people realized what all this environmental crap cost us personally, people would become very disinterested in a greener country.

Good post.

As I said in a post above I dealt with the EPA for 30 years. They are not our friend.

The upper leadership are political weenies that don't give a shit about the environment. They only kiss the ass of the party leadership that is in office at the time. A leadership that is beholding to the special interest group that put the party in power. The upper leaders are all lawyers who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground about market economics or environmental science.

The mid level managers are usually ass kissing bureaucrats that would have done well helping Hitler keep the trains running on time in Germany.

The lower level staff members were usually the bottom of the barrel scientists and engineers that couldn't get a better job elsewhere.

It is time to drain that swamp and it looks like Trump is just the man to do it.

There is a mission for the EPA but it is not to destroy our economy for very little gain, which is what the Kenyan Catastrophe had them doing for the last eight years.

Which were you, a bottom of the barrel scientist or an engineer that couldn't get a job anywhere else?
So, you didn't finish your on-line degree?
As usual, it's all politics. If we did that, then other countries would demand we do the same by halting deliveries to Canada and Mexico.

It's not a bad paying job depending on what you do and where you go. Some over the road jobs pay close to six figures and local jobs in the 50K a year range plus benefits. Overtime? Make even more.

And many (even MOST) OTR jobs pay peanuts, and about the only way drivers can scrape by if by running illegally-often being forced to do so by their companies.

If we could halt all immigration to this country including work Visa's, the pay would have to increase because these sleaze ball places would have no choice but to offer more. If nobody will work for you, then you close down.

Another thing would be getting government off of our ass and make things fair for us. When you get a CDL, you lose some of your constitutional rights and there's nothing you can do about it.
1st is being addressed by electronic logging, but this imho shouldn't be the case with all trucking companies. Dump truck, cement mixers and local delivery companies of all sorts that run the 100 mile air bus radius should be excluded. What is bull crap ?
Most of those will not hire people without OTR experience...and many local jobs (especially for new drivers) ALSO pay peanuts. (Offhand, trash companies frequently are <$15/hour.)
. No trucking company should pay any driver less than $15.00 dollars an hour no matter what, and if they do they should be fined for it. To much involved to try and pay cheaper than that.

At the very least, we should get time and a half for working over 40. We are exempt from that law and have been for many years.

LMAO, your boy Trump killed Obama's EO that would have fixed that for you.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Wow. Obviously I can see why you want to eliminate enforcement instead of change regulations. You are a real coward, and I am pretty sure you wouldn't call me a boy to my face.

You guys are stupid as hell. Obama didn't kill coal jobs, natural gas did. The EPA has PROPOSED new guidelines. I mean you guys do know what propose means, right?

Fact-checking Obama's rules on carbon and coal plants

So, the Chamber of commerce misinterprets the data, posts job loss predictions based on that misinterpretation, later retracts those predictions, and yet those numbers are posted everyday by internet dumbasses.

Read the study, the problem is coal is not as cost effective as natural gas and in some areas solar and wind. Coal accounted for half of all electricity produced from 2000 to 2008. Now coal is not even the predominant means of generating electricity, natural gas is.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back

Look, I am pretty sure the buggy whip industry got a little upset when the car came along. Should the government have propped up the buggy whip industry?

What most plants do is use whatever is cheaper. When gas goes up, they switch to coal. When gas prices go down, they switch to gas.

Remember too the reason gas prices are low: fracking. That's right, the same fracking leftists are against.

Converting a coal plant to natural gas runs about 150 million dollars. Nobody is going to pay to switch back even if coal were to drop in price. But it won't. All the easy to get coal is gone.

And think of this, natural gas is beating coal in an Obama EPA, even with restrictions being placed on fracking. The Trump administration plans to lift some of the restrictions on fracking giving natural gas even more of a competitive advantage.

So here is a prediction I can be pretty confident in. Trump will destroy more jobs within the coal industry than Obama. Coal will produce a lower percentage of our power after Trump leaves office.

And here is a bet. I bet for every coal job lost during the Obama administration we can find TWO JOBS within the energy sector, be it a solar panel installer or a mechanical engineer working on boiler design.

That's a pipe dream if I ever heard one. We have enough coal in this country to supply the world for the next century if we wanted. Fracking and domestic oil are great, but remember that DumBama reduced the amount of federal land for oil permits and exploration. Our new fuel comes from private land. When the prices get too low, the land owners put a halt to drilling until the prices increase again.

I didn't say power plants convert from gas to coal, what I said is that they can produce electricity from either. At least here, they were setup for both.

Sure, we have tons of coal. And yep, we have millions of barrels of oil reserves. But at what cost? Because that is the problem. The fossil fuel industry is fighting a losing battle and it is not with the EPA and regulations.

We have already gotten all the easy coal. We have already gotten all the easy oil. It will take increasingly more dollars to get those resources out of the ground. The cost curve is increasing But renewable energy is on the opposite end of the cost curve. Each additional output generated comes at a lower cost, not a higher one. It is a battle against MATH, the fossil fuel industry is destined to lose.

But that brings us to the EPA. That brings us to a decline in enforcement and a rolling back of standards. See, there is not only a cost of getting those fossil fuels out of the ground, there is a cost of burning them. There is a cost to spewing out emissions, and the dirtier the more expensive. If the fossil fuel industry can "externalize" those costs, that is, make you and me pay for it so they don't have to, they can perhaps postpone their inevitable defeat by the cost curve.

You will never find a replacement for fossil fuel that is just as cost effective and powerful in our lifetime. With the wrong leaders, they may be able to force us from fossil fuels, but not optionally.

If somebody or some company does something to effect your property or health, get a lawyer and have the case heard in court.

The EPA doesn't balance anything. They are out there to keep their jobs. Sitting back and not creating regulations and fines means we don't need them any longer, so they create all kinds of economically harmful regulations that cost you and I money every single day.

Do this: ask an environmentalist when enough will be enough? What does it take to make them happy and keep their yaps shut? How much money are we really talking about here? I bet you'd be met with a blank stare.

The truth is we've been cleaning up our environment for nearly 50 years now, and the environmentalists are less happy today then before. They will never be happy because the environment is a bottomless money pit. You can take every last US dollar in this country today, and some environmentalists would still be complaining.

The problem with all this environment crap is that the costs of it are intrinsic. You don't even know you're paying them. If I were Trump, I'd take an idea Michelle came up with. She got her hold man to force all restaurants to put calorie count on every item they sell. While the stupid idea never made one fat kid skinny, I think it would be a great idea if we did the same with environmental costs.

When you buy a car, there should be an environmental cost on it telling you you're paying $6,500 for a greener car. If you buy a lawnmower, that has a $75.00 environmental cost. If you buy a jar of pickles at the grocery store, it should have an environmental cost of 20 cents printed right on the jar.

Maybe if people realized what all this environmental crap cost us personally, people would become very disinterested in a greener country.

Good post.

As I said in a post above I dealt with the EPA for 30 years. They are not our friend.

The upper leadership are political weenies that don't give a shit about the environment. They only kiss the ass of the party leadership that is in office at the time. A leadership that is beholding to the special interest group that put the party in power. The upper leaders are all lawyers who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground about market economics or environmental science.

The mid level managers are usually ass kissing bureaucrats that would have done well helping Hitler keep the trains running on time in Germany.

The lower level staff members were usually the bottom of the barrel scientists and engineers that couldn't get a better job elsewhere.

It is time to drain that swamp and it looks like Trump is just the man to do it.

There is a mission for the EPA but it is not to destroy our economy for very little gain, which is what the Kenyan Catastrophe had them doing for the last eight years.

Which were you, a bottom of the barrel scientist or an engineer that couldn't get a job anywhere else?
So, you didn't finish your on-line degree?

I didn't claim to work with the EPA.
More realistically: The guy came out, pumped your gas (dribbling the last quart down the side of the car), checked your oil (and sold you an overpriced quart you didn't need), checked the tire pressure (and set all 4 to the incorrect pressure), filled your windshield washer fluid (with water, so it froze solid the next cold night), took your cash or credit card into the station (wrote down the card number to sell), and brought back your change or receipt with green stamps.

Really? I never experienced that. In fact a few times, the mechanic warned me about things that I didn't know about. I loved full serve islands.

I would willingly pay a premium to pump my own gas. I will not deal with having to watch a stoned high-school dropout like a hawk to make sure he doesn't pump the wrong grade, dribble gas down the car I just spent 2 hours detailing, steal my gas cap, or clone my debit card!

Well I have some bad news for you, and that is credit card scammers use the credit card machines on the pump to steal your number. In fact we just had one here a couple of months ago. The maintenance guy came out to service a pump and found the credit card scanner inside of the pump.

Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs Issues Credit Card Skimmer Alert - Office of the Cuyahoga County Executive

Seriously? Dude...KFC "quality" has been rock-bottom for 20+ years, and if anything, their service is even worse

Nope, they taste the same as they did 30 years ago. Unlike most fast food places that kept reducing quality to keep prices low, KFC kept their same quality all of these years. But again, you have to pay for it.
. Hmmm, my credit card has insurance that keeps me from worrying about scammers doing anything.

Yes, that's true, but there is identity theft to worry about as well. They even have some sort of contraption that can scan your credit card right from your pocket. So now they sell metallic wallets to prevent people from doing that to you.
As usual, it's all politics. If we did that, then other countries would demand we do the same by halting deliveries to Canada and Mexico.

It's not a bad paying job depending on what you do and where you go. Some over the road jobs pay close to six figures and local jobs in the 50K a year range plus benefits. Overtime? Make even more.

And many (even MOST) OTR jobs pay peanuts, and about the only way drivers can scrape by if by running illegally-often being forced to do so by their companies.

If we could halt all immigration to this country including work Visa's, the pay would have to increase because these sleaze ball places would have no choice but to offer more. If nobody will work for you, then you close down.

Another thing would be getting government off of our ass and make things fair for us. When you get a CDL, you lose some of your constitutional rights and there's nothing you can do about it.
1st is being addressed by electronic logging, but this imho shouldn't be the case with all trucking companies. Dump truck, cement mixers and local delivery companies of all sorts that run the 100 mile air bus radius should be excluded. What is bull crap ?
Most of those will not hire people without OTR experience...and many local jobs (especially for new drivers) ALSO pay peanuts. (Offhand, trash companies frequently are <$15/hour.)
. No trucking company should pay any driver less than $15.00 dollars an hour no matter what, and if they do they should be fined for it. To much involved to try and pay cheaper than that.

At the very least, we should get time and a half for working over 40. We are exempt from that law and have been for many years.
. I agree...
And many (even MOST) OTR jobs pay peanuts, and about the only way drivers can scrape by if by running illegally-often being forced to do so by their companies.

1st is being addressed by electronic logging, but this imho shouldn't be the case with all trucking companies. Dump truck, cement mixers and local delivery companies of all sorts that run the 100 mile air bus radius should be excluded. What is bull crap ?
Most of those will not hire people without OTR experience...and many local jobs (especially for new drivers) ALSO pay peanuts. (Offhand, trash companies frequently are <$15/hour.)
. No trucking company should pay any driver less than $15.00 dollars an hour no matter what, and if they do they should be fined for it. To much involved to try and pay cheaper than that.
Most OTR work doesn't pay hourly at's by the mile.
. Regardless there is a formula that converts that to what is being paid by the hour. Many don't want to tally that up, because they might see that after all is done, and after the hours they put in, and the deductions or expenses paid or taken out, that they might have made just above $10.00 dollars an hour in some cases afterwards. Pathetic.

That's why they are bringing in foreigners to do those jobs. Now they are talking about pilotless trucks. They won't be able to use them for city driving, but they claim they are ready to go over the road on highways.
Wow. Obviously I can see why you want to eliminate enforcement instead of change regulations. You are a real coward, and I am pretty sure you wouldn't call me a boy to my face.

You guys are stupid as hell. Obama didn't kill coal jobs, natural gas did. The EPA has PROPOSED new guidelines. I mean you guys do know what propose means, right?

Fact-checking Obama's rules on carbon and coal plants

So, the Chamber of commerce misinterprets the data, posts job loss predictions based on that misinterpretation, later retracts those predictions, and yet those numbers are posted everyday by internet dumbasses.

Read the study, the problem is coal is not as cost effective as natural gas and in some areas solar and wind. Coal accounted for half of all electricity produced from 2000 to 2008. Now coal is not even the predominant means of generating electricity, natural gas is.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back

Look, I am pretty sure the buggy whip industry got a little upset when the car came along. Should the government have propped up the buggy whip industry?

What most plants do is use whatever is cheaper. When gas goes up, they switch to coal. When gas prices go down, they switch to gas.

Remember too the reason gas prices are low: fracking. That's right, the same fracking leftists are against.

Converting a coal plant to natural gas runs about 150 million dollars. Nobody is going to pay to switch back even if coal were to drop in price. But it won't. All the easy to get coal is gone.

And think of this, natural gas is beating coal in an Obama EPA, even with restrictions being placed on fracking. The Trump administration plans to lift some of the restrictions on fracking giving natural gas even more of a competitive advantage.

So here is a prediction I can be pretty confident in. Trump will destroy more jobs within the coal industry than Obama. Coal will produce a lower percentage of our power after Trump leaves office.

And here is a bet. I bet for every coal job lost during the Obama administration we can find TWO JOBS within the energy sector, be it a solar panel installer or a mechanical engineer working on boiler design.

That's a pipe dream if I ever heard one. We have enough coal in this country to supply the world for the next century if we wanted. Fracking and domestic oil are great, but remember that DumBama reduced the amount of federal land for oil permits and exploration. Our new fuel comes from private land. When the prices get too low, the land owners put a halt to drilling until the prices increase again.

I didn't say power plants convert from gas to coal, what I said is that they can produce electricity from either. At least here, they were setup for both.

Sure, we have tons of coal. And yep, we have millions of barrels of oil reserves. But at what cost? Because that is the problem. The fossil fuel industry is fighting a losing battle and it is not with the EPA and regulations.

We have already gotten all the easy coal. We have already gotten all the easy oil. It will take increasingly more dollars to get those resources out of the ground. The cost curve is increasing But renewable energy is on the opposite end of the cost curve. Each additional output generated comes at a lower cost, not a higher one. It is a battle against MATH, the fossil fuel industry is destined to lose.

But that brings us to the EPA. That brings us to a decline in enforcement and a rolling back of standards. See, there is not only a cost of getting those fossil fuels out of the ground, there is a cost of burning them. There is a cost to spewing out emissions, and the dirtier the more expensive. If the fossil fuel industry can "externalize" those costs, that is, make you and me pay for it so they don't have to, they can perhaps postpone their inevitable defeat by the cost curve.

You will never find a replacement for fossil fuel that is just as cost effective and powerful in our lifetime. With the wrong leaders, they may be able to force us from fossil fuels, but not optionally.

Fusion power might become viable in the next 20 years. They are making great strides lately. But that still wouldn't be as good as fossil fuels.
More realistically: The guy came out, pumped your gas (dribbling the last quart down the side of the car), checked your oil (and sold you an overpriced quart you didn't need), checked the tire pressure (and set all 4 to the incorrect pressure), filled your windshield washer fluid (with water, so it froze solid the next cold night), took your cash or credit card into the station (wrote down the card number to sell), and brought back your change or receipt with green stamps.

Really? I never experienced that. In fact a few times, the mechanic warned me about things that I didn't know about. I loved full serve islands.

I would willingly pay a premium to pump my own gas. I will not deal with having to watch a stoned high-school dropout like a hawk to make sure he doesn't pump the wrong grade, dribble gas down the car I just spent 2 hours detailing, steal my gas cap, or clone my debit card!

Well I have some bad news for you, and that is credit card scammers use the credit card machines on the pump to steal your number. In fact we just had one here a couple of months ago. The maintenance guy came out to service a pump and found the credit card scanner inside of the pump.

Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs Issues Credit Card Skimmer Alert - Office of the Cuyahoga County Executive

Seriously? Dude...KFC "quality" has been rock-bottom for 20+ years, and if anything, their service is even worse

Nope, they taste the same as they did 30 years ago. Unlike most fast food places that kept reducing quality to keep prices low, KFC kept their same quality all of these years. But again, you have to pay for it.
. Hmmm, my credit card has insurance that keeps me from worrying about scammers doing anything.

Yes, that's true, but there is identity theft to worry about as well. They even have some sort of contraption that can scan your credit card right from your pocket. So now they sell metallic wallets to prevent people from doing that to you.
. That's why our cash system ruled, and it still should rule. Technology in this field has made us less safe not more safe.
1st is being addressed by electronic logging, but this imho shouldn't be the case with all trucking companies. Dump truck, cement mixers and local delivery companies of all sorts that run the 100 mile air bus radius should be excluded. What is bull crap ?
Most of those will not hire people without OTR experience...and many local jobs (especially for new drivers) ALSO pay peanuts. (Offhand, trash companies frequently are <$15/hour.)
. No trucking company should pay any driver less than $15.00 dollars an hour no matter what, and if they do they should be fined for it. To much involved to try and pay cheaper than that.
Most OTR work doesn't pay hourly at's by the mile.
. Regardless there is a formula that converts that to what is being paid by the hour. Many don't want to tally that up, because they might see that after all is done, and after the hours they put in, and the deductions or expenses paid or taken out, that they might have made just above $10.00 dollars an hour in some cases afterwards. Pathetic.

That's why they are bringing in foreigners to do those jobs. Now they are talking about pilotless trucks. They won't be able to use them for city driving, but they claim they are ready to go over the road on highways.
. Otherwise they are greedy bastards where enough is never enough. This is what Trump was elected to counter, so let's see how it all works out.

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