Trump Official: We're Going To Cut The EPA In Half

. Hmmm, my credit card has insurance that keeps me from worrying about scammers doing anything.

Yes, that's true, but there is identity theft to worry about as well. They even have some sort of contraption that can scan your credit card right from your pocket. So now they sell metallic wallets to prevent people from doing that to you.
. That's why our cash system ruled, and it still should rule. Technology in this field has made us less safe not more safe.

That's what us older folks do. But then again, all my tenants pay rent in cash so I have to get rid of it somehow. I don't use my debit card for much of anything.

When your cash is based on fiction it doesn't much matter.

What's fiction about it?

What is it tied to? Certainly not gold. This system now generates wealth via the issuance of more debt. Wealth generation in america now has no ties to production, goods/services, work or anything that benefits society as a whole.
. Consumers can't do anything or choose anything without the rich providing the platform, goods and services recieved. If the rich have created some kind of get filthy rich system that no one can escape, then how does the consumer get blamed for that ?? The whole dam system of things we all have been experiencing was by design. Think tanks created this bull crap, and then it was slowly and precisely implemented over the years. Have to have lived through when America was better, products was better, and then watched as it all went down.

Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do. It's not a plot by any stretch of the imagination.

If we consumers decided we wanted more expensive American made products, that's what Walmart and their suppliers will provide. But Walmart became number one because they did sell cheap imported products, and the consumers responded.

Why can't you find many American made products in stores today? Because very few if any shoppers will buy them. Americans don't look at where the product is made, Americans look at price.

You see two 50 foot stands of Christmas lights; one is $5.99 made in China, and the other is $15.99 made in the USA, which strands do you think will sell the most?

"Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do."

Only when they have steady dependable jobs that pay them enough to participate in the mass consumption paradigm.

Not to worry, Trump is doing all he can to keep people out of here that take our jobs.

No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.

There are some jobs you can't outsources such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.

Those those foreigners here taking those jobs thus keeping your wages down? At the behest of your "job creator" class and a result of their lobbying efforts, and yes, precisely to drive your wages down.

And we're going to have a robust economy based upon mass consumption that floats on service sector jobs? Doubtful. The increasing societal wealth disparity comes to mind.
Cons act like it's one or the other . Fossil fuels or nothing .

Why wouldn't you be for investment in alternative fuels ? It's for the betterment of out future . Oh that's right... you are just slaves to your big energy masters .

Give me an alternative fuel that's cheaper than we have now, just as powerful and reliable, count me in.

How much money have you put into your alternative energy? How much did you pay for that windmill in your backyard? How much did you pay for those solar panels? How much are you saving taking the bus everywhere you go?
Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do. It's not a plot by any stretch of the imagination.

If we consumers decided we wanted more expensive American made products, that's what Walmart and their suppliers will provide. But Walmart became number one because they did sell cheap imported products, and the consumers responded.

Why can't you find many American made products in stores today? Because very few if any shoppers will buy them. Americans don't look at where the product is made, Americans look at price.

You see two 50 foot stands of Christmas lights; one is $5.99 made in China, and the other is $15.99 made in the USA, which strands do you think will sell the most?

"Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do."

Only when they have steady dependable jobs that pay them enough to participate in the mass consumption paradigm.

Not to worry, Trump is doing all he can to keep people out of here that take our jobs.

No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.

There are some jobs you can't outsources such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.

Those those foreigners here taking those jobs thus keeping your wages down? At the behest of your "job creator" class and a result of their lobbying efforts, and yes, precisely to drive your wages down.

And we're going to have a robust economy based upon mass consumption that floats on service sector jobs. Doubtful. The increasing societal wealth disparity comes to mind.

What wealth disparity do you speak of?
"Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do."

Only when they have steady dependable jobs that pay them enough to participate in the mass consumption paradigm.

Not to worry, Trump is doing all he can to keep people out of here that take our jobs.

No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.

There are some jobs you can't outsources such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.

Those those foreigners here taking those jobs thus keeping your wages down? At the behest of your "job creator" class and a result of their lobbying efforts, and yes, precisely to drive your wages down.

And we're going to have a robust economy based upon mass consumption that floats on service sector jobs. Doubtful. The increasing societal wealth disparity comes to mind.

What wealth disparity do you speak of?

Ok, I thought we were having a real conversation.
Not to worry, Trump is doing all he can to keep people out of here that take our jobs.

No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.

There are some jobs you can't outsources such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.

Those those foreigners here taking those jobs thus keeping your wages down? At the behest of your "job creator" class and a result of their lobbying efforts, and yes, precisely to drive your wages down.

And we're going to have a robust economy based upon mass consumption that floats on service sector jobs. Doubtful. The increasing societal wealth disparity comes to mind.

What wealth disparity do you speak of?

Ok, I thought we were having a real conversation.

So did I, or do you just want to drop little bombs and not elaborate on the claims you make?
Converting a coal plant to natural gas runs about 150 million dollars. Nobody is going to pay to switch back even if coal were to drop in price. But it won't. All the easy to get coal is gone.

And think of this, natural gas is beating coal in an Obama EPA, even with restrictions being placed on fracking. The Trump administration plans to lift some of the restrictions on fracking giving natural gas even more of a competitive advantage.

So here is a prediction I can be pretty confident in. Trump will destroy more jobs within the coal industry than Obama. Coal will produce a lower percentage of our power after Trump leaves office.

And here is a bet. I bet for every coal job lost during the Obama administration we can find TWO JOBS within the energy sector, be it a solar panel installer or a mechanical engineer working on boiler design.

Good grief...where to begin? "All the easy to get coal is gone"?......they said the same thing about oil and suddenly we're awash in oil simply because it was found on private land and Obozo couldn't stop it although he sure tried. Hint: there is a THOUSAND YEARS of known coal deposits. Solar? You leftists know solar will never touch mineral and oil fuels in price and's fine for what is but not a viable solution to the power this country requires.

Which were you, a bottom of the barrel scientist or an engineer that couldn't get a job anywhere else?

I worked for a Fortune 20 company. The weenies that couldn't get a good job like I had either went to work for the EPA or the state.

Governmental workers are not the best and the brightest. Good thing Trump wants to drain the swamp to get many of them off the public payroll.
Log 6 of government workers are worthless.....
. I know that we have a State Transportation Dept. In our city that needs to fire the hell out of most the workers it has working there. You ought to see the paving jobs that they do.. pathetic. They also work about 4 hours out of an 8 hour day. Pathetic. Talk about clock riders.. good grief.

They must be union.
. Is that a fair assessment of all unions or some shops ?
You people blame the rich for everything. You don't want to look at the big picture. Trump has the right message: buy American. How can you have a society with good paying jobs and cheap products? You can't. You have to choose one or the other.

In recent years, we chose cheap products. The cheaper, the better. None of those Walmart shoppers give a rats ass if they are putting Americans out of work through their purchases.

Since the US consumers demand cheap products, American manufacturers have to provide. They do that by getting rid of humans and replacing us with automation, they do that by keeping wages as low as possible, they do that by moving out of a state where they are trapped by a union and go to another state or even another country.
. Consumers can't do anything or choose anything without the rich providing the platform, goods and services recieved. If the rich have created some kind of get filthy rich system that no one can escape, then how does the consumer get blamed for that ?? The whole dam system of things we all have been experiencing was by design. Think tanks created this bull crap, and then it was slowly and precisely implemented over the years. Have to have lived through when America was better, products was better, and then watched as it all went down.

Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do. It's not a plot by any stretch of the imagination.

If we consumers decided we wanted more expensive American made products, that's what Walmart and their suppliers will provide. But Walmart became number one because they did sell cheap imported products, and the consumers responded.

Why can't you find many American made products in stores today? Because very few if any shoppers will buy them. Americans don't look at where the product is made, Americans look at price.

You see two 50 foot stands of Christmas lights; one is $5.99 made in China, and the other is $15.99 made in the USA, which strands do you think will sell the most?

"Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do."

Only when they have steady dependable jobs that pay them enough to participate in the mass consumption paradigm.

Not to worry, Trump is doing all he can to keep people out of here that take our jobs.

No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.
. That's going to change, so get ready for it because just like you said, it was all done over the years in a very corrupt and greedy way. Time to make America great again, and de-throne the dam corporate crooks in this country. I would even be in favor of trials for treason at this point. Hey they tried them dam Nazi's, so what's the difference ?
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. Consumers can't do anything or choose anything without the rich providing the platform, goods and services recieved. If the rich have created some kind of get filthy rich system that no one can escape, then how does the consumer get blamed for that ?? The whole dam system of things we all have been experiencing was by design. Think tanks created this bull crap, and then it was slowly and precisely implemented over the years. Have to have lived through when America was better, products was better, and then watched as it all went down.

Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do. It's not a plot by any stretch of the imagination.

If we consumers decided we wanted more expensive American made products, that's what Walmart and their suppliers will provide. But Walmart became number one because they did sell cheap imported products, and the consumers responded.

Why can't you find many American made products in stores today? Because very few if any shoppers will buy them. Americans don't look at where the product is made, Americans look at price.

You see two 50 foot stands of Christmas lights; one is $5.99 made in China, and the other is $15.99 made in the USA, which strands do you think will sell the most?

"Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do."

Only when they have steady dependable jobs that pay them enough to participate in the mass consumption paradigm.

Not to worry, Trump is doing all he can to keep people out of here that take our jobs.

No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.

There are some jobs you can't outsource such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.
. They took my job in utility line work years ago. I was offered a job training them, but of course I refused. My brother & law worked in a manufacture plant that decided it would move it's operations to Mexico, and they wanted him to go down to train the Mexicans to do the job, but of course he refused also. He now runs his own gun shop, and has never looked back.
Yes, that's true, but there is identity theft to worry about as well. They even have some sort of contraption that can scan your credit card right from your pocket. So now they sell metallic wallets to prevent people from doing that to you.
. That's why our cash system ruled, and it still should rule. Technology in this field has made us less safe not more safe.

That's what us older folks do. But then again, all my tenants pay rent in cash so I have to get rid of it somehow. I don't use my debit card for much of anything.

When your cash is based on fiction it doesn't much matter.

What's fiction about it?

What is it tied to? Certainly not gold. This system now generates wealth via the issuance of more debt. Wealth generation in america now has no ties to production, goods/services, work or anything that benefits society as a whole.
. Yep, and that is gonna change, so get on board the Trump train already. Don't you want your country back or are you an anti-American globalist who could care less about having a sovereign country with a distinct Identity in the world again ?
. That's why our cash system ruled, and it still should rule. Technology in this field has made us less safe not more safe.

That's what us older folks do. But then again, all my tenants pay rent in cash so I have to get rid of it somehow. I don't use my debit card for much of anything.

When your cash is based on fiction it doesn't much matter.

What's fiction about it?

What is it tied to? Certainly not gold. This system now generates wealth via the issuance of more debt. Wealth generation in america now has no ties to production, goods/services, work or anything that benefits society as a whole.
. Yep, and that is gonna change, so get on board the Trump train already. Don't you want your country back or are you an anti-American globalist who could care less about having a sovereign country with a distinct Identity in the world again ?

What I see is Goldman Sachs continuity in this white house as in all others. And ain't none of that about society as a whole my friend.
That's what us older folks do. But then again, all my tenants pay rent in cash so I have to get rid of it somehow. I don't use my debit card for much of anything.

When your cash is based on fiction it doesn't much matter.

What's fiction about it?

What is it tied to? Certainly not gold. This system now generates wealth via the issuance of more debt. Wealth generation in america now has no ties to production, goods/services, work or anything that benefits society as a whole.
. Yep, and that is gonna change, so get on board the Trump train already. Don't you want your country back or are you an anti-American globalist who could care less about having a sovereign country with a distinct Identity in the world again ?

What I see is Goldman Sachs continuity in this white house as in all others. And ain't none of that about society as a whole my friend.
And the alternative was or is ??? Are you addressing the past or trying to just be a political hack ?
When your cash is based on fiction it doesn't much matter.

What's fiction about it?

What is it tied to? Certainly not gold. This system now generates wealth via the issuance of more debt. Wealth generation in america now has no ties to production, goods/services, work or anything that benefits society as a whole.
. Yep, and that is gonna change, so get on board the Trump train already. Don't you want your country back or are you an anti-American globalist who could care less about having a sovereign country with a distinct Identity in the world again ?

What I see is Goldman Sachs continuity in this white house as in all others. And ain't none of that about society as a whole my friend.
And the alternative was or is ??? Are you addressing the past or trying to just be a political hack ?

If you see that the economic advisement team of Summers/Geitner/Paulson stays in place during an economic meltdown caused by the financial services sector in transitioning from a “conservative” to a “liberal” administration …

If you see the planet’s staunchest “capitalist” free marketeers clamor openly for socialism to save your “capitalist” economic system …

If you see that your economic system and policy is controlled not democratically, but by private bankers and Wall Street …

If you see an utterly bipartisan half century long societal trajectory of societal wealth redistribution funneling wealth out of society and concentrating that societal wealth into fewer and fewer hands at the top, cannibalizing society as a whole in the process …

I would suggest you are in dire need of an alternative and that it will never come from working within the system alone. Go back to the original vision of the founders; this experiment was never about the lofty societal creation mythology rhetoric being applied to all. And it still is not. Some of us are merely awakening to the fact that the subgroup we identify with has now also joined others on the list of the disposable people.
What's fiction about it?

What is it tied to? Certainly not gold. This system now generates wealth via the issuance of more debt. Wealth generation in america now has no ties to production, goods/services, work or anything that benefits society as a whole.
. Yep, and that is gonna change, so get on board the Trump train already. Don't you want your country back or are you an anti-American globalist who could care less about having a sovereign country with a distinct Identity in the world again ?

What I see is Goldman Sachs continuity in this white house as in all others. And ain't none of that about society as a whole my friend.
And the alternative was or is ??? Are you addressing the past or trying to just be a political hack ?

If you see that the economic advisement team of Summers/Geitner/Paulson stays in place during an economic meltdown caused by the financial services sector in transitioning from a “conservative” to a “liberal” administration …

If you see the planet’s staunchest “capitalist” free marketeers clamor openly for socialism to save your “capitalist” economic system …

If you see that your economic system and policy is controlled not democratically, but by private bankers and Wall Street …

If you see an utterly bipartisan half century long societal trajectory of societal wealth redistribution funneling wealth out of society and concentrating that societal wealth into fewer and fewer hands at the top, cannibalizing society as a whole in the process …

I would suggest you are in dire need of an alternative and that it will never come from working within the system alone. Go back to the original vision of the founders; this experiment was never about the lofty societal creation mythology rhetoric being applied to all. And it still is not. Some of us are merely awakening to the fact that the subgroup we identify with has now also joined others on the list of the disposable people.
. I see that the remedies of the past have failed or were exploited, so we need a new hope, and right now it will be Trump's turn.
What is it tied to? Certainly not gold. This system now generates wealth via the issuance of more debt. Wealth generation in america now has no ties to production, goods/services, work or anything that benefits society as a whole.
. Yep, and that is gonna change, so get on board the Trump train already. Don't you want your country back or are you an anti-American globalist who could care less about having a sovereign country with a distinct Identity in the world again ?

What I see is Goldman Sachs continuity in this white house as in all others. And ain't none of that about society as a whole my friend.
And the alternative was or is ??? Are you addressing the past or trying to just be a political hack ?

If you see that the economic advisement team of Summers/Geitner/Paulson stays in place during an economic meltdown caused by the financial services sector in transitioning from a “conservative” to a “liberal” administration …

If you see the planet’s staunchest “capitalist” free marketeers clamor openly for socialism to save your “capitalist” economic system …

If you see that your economic system and policy is controlled not democratically, but by private bankers and Wall Street …

If you see an utterly bipartisan half century long societal trajectory of societal wealth redistribution funneling wealth out of society and concentrating that societal wealth into fewer and fewer hands at the top, cannibalizing society as a whole in the process …

I would suggest you are in dire need of an alternative and that it will never come from working within the system alone. Go back to the original vision of the founders; this experiment was never about the lofty societal creation mythology rhetoric being applied to all. And it still is not. Some of us are merely awakening to the fact that the subgroup we identify with has now also joined others on the list of the disposable people.
. I see that the remedies of the past have failed or were exploited, so we need a new hope, and right now it will be Trump's turn.

Yup, he's merely the new hope and change ruse which is why his staff is full of Goldman Sachs higher ups and bilionaires; same as it ever was, regardless of the parties and personalities the system vomits up as choice. A Hilary administration would have been the same outcome in this regard.
. Yep, and that is gonna change, so get on board the Trump train already. Don't you want your country back or are you an anti-American globalist who could care less about having a sovereign country with a distinct Identity in the world again ?

What I see is Goldman Sachs continuity in this white house as in all others. And ain't none of that about society as a whole my friend.
And the alternative was or is ??? Are you addressing the past or trying to just be a political hack ?

If you see that the economic advisement team of Summers/Geitner/Paulson stays in place during an economic meltdown caused by the financial services sector in transitioning from a “conservative” to a “liberal” administration …

If you see the planet’s staunchest “capitalist” free marketeers clamor openly for socialism to save your “capitalist” economic system …

If you see that your economic system and policy is controlled not democratically, but by private bankers and Wall Street …

If you see an utterly bipartisan half century long societal trajectory of societal wealth redistribution funneling wealth out of society and concentrating that societal wealth into fewer and fewer hands at the top, cannibalizing society as a whole in the process …

I would suggest you are in dire need of an alternative and that it will never come from working within the system alone. Go back to the original vision of the founders; this experiment was never about the lofty societal creation mythology rhetoric being applied to all. And it still is not. Some of us are merely awakening to the fact that the subgroup we identify with has now also joined others on the list of the disposable people.
. I see that the remedies of the past have failed or were exploited, so we need a new hope, and right now it will be Trump's turn.

Yup, he's merely the new hope and change ruse which is why his staff is full of Goldman Sachs higher ups and bilionaires; same as it ever was, regardless of the parties and personalities the system vomits up as choice. A Hilary administration would have been the same outcome in this regard.
. Oh well, let's see what happens instead of all this wishing for bad to happen.
What I see is Goldman Sachs continuity in this white house as in all others. And ain't none of that about society as a whole my friend.
And the alternative was or is ??? Are you addressing the past or trying to just be a political hack ?

If you see that the economic advisement team of Summers/Geitner/Paulson stays in place during an economic meltdown caused by the financial services sector in transitioning from a “conservative” to a “liberal” administration …

If you see the planet’s staunchest “capitalist” free marketeers clamor openly for socialism to save your “capitalist” economic system …

If you see that your economic system and policy is controlled not democratically, but by private bankers and Wall Street …

If you see an utterly bipartisan half century long societal trajectory of societal wealth redistribution funneling wealth out of society and concentrating that societal wealth into fewer and fewer hands at the top, cannibalizing society as a whole in the process …

I would suggest you are in dire need of an alternative and that it will never come from working within the system alone. Go back to the original vision of the founders; this experiment was never about the lofty societal creation mythology rhetoric being applied to all. And it still is not. Some of us are merely awakening to the fact that the subgroup we identify with has now also joined others on the list of the disposable people.
. I see that the remedies of the past have failed or were exploited, so we need a new hope, and right now it will be Trump's turn.

Yup, he's merely the new hope and change ruse which is why his staff is full of Goldman Sachs higher ups and bilionaires; same as it ever was, regardless of the parties and personalities the system vomits up as choice. A Hilary administration would have been the same outcome in this regard.
. Oh well, let's see what happens instead of all this wishing for bad to happen.
Liberals will do anything to change the conversation from their precious fascist EPA....
And the alternative was or is ??? Are you addressing the past or trying to just be a political hack ?

If you see that the economic advisement team of Summers/Geitner/Paulson stays in place during an economic meltdown caused by the financial services sector in transitioning from a “conservative” to a “liberal” administration …

If you see the planet’s staunchest “capitalist” free marketeers clamor openly for socialism to save your “capitalist” economic system …

If you see that your economic system and policy is controlled not democratically, but by private bankers and Wall Street …

If you see an utterly bipartisan half century long societal trajectory of societal wealth redistribution funneling wealth out of society and concentrating that societal wealth into fewer and fewer hands at the top, cannibalizing society as a whole in the process …

I would suggest you are in dire need of an alternative and that it will never come from working within the system alone. Go back to the original vision of the founders; this experiment was never about the lofty societal creation mythology rhetoric being applied to all. And it still is not. Some of us are merely awakening to the fact that the subgroup we identify with has now also joined others on the list of the disposable people.
. I see that the remedies of the past have failed or were exploited, so we need a new hope, and right now it will be Trump's turn.

Yup, he's merely the new hope and change ruse which is why his staff is full of Goldman Sachs higher ups and bilionaires; same as it ever was, regardless of the parties and personalities the system vomits up as choice. A Hilary administration would have been the same outcome in this regard.
. Oh well, let's see what happens instead of all this wishing for bad to happen.
Liberals will do anything to change the conversation from their precious fascist EPA....

Some folks who mistakenly consider themselves conservative have an understanding, if even only on some primitive primordial hindbrain level, that their power structure cannot stand up to scrutiny and coherent query.
Having grown up around lakes and rivers too polluted to fish or swim in, I appreciate what the EPA has done in the past to clean up our environment. Nixon began the EPA after the Cuyahoga River caught fire....still hard to fathom but industry had always sent it's chemicals downstream for somebody else to deal with. DDT was banned after eagle chicks were born with beaks too deformed to eat. Acid rain from coal furnaces without scrubbers almost decimated New England's forests not to mention the paint jobs on cars up there. So a lot had to be done and they did it. But then they turned into something else and considered industry the enemy instead of a partner in cooperation. In the last 10 years they've operated like the the point they now conduct armed raids. Nobody intended that to happen but leave an agency with no oversight and that's what can happen. One of their senior management said the other day they would "resist Trump". Really? :lol:

About 15 years ago or so, the EPA said they didn't like our pollution levels here in Ohio. Okay, then stay the hell out of Ohio! Nope, they had to stick their nose in our business and force us to use E-Check in some of our counties.

Ten years and tens of millions of dollars later, the EPA tested our air again, and found no change in the pollution levels. So what did they make us do? Extend the program for another ten years.

THIS is one of the many reasons to eliminate bureaucracies like the EPA. Why should they give a damn about wasting money on something that doesn't work. It isn't their money!

Ohio is not forced to use E-check. They can ditch the program, they will just lose millions of dollars in highway funding. And it is only in seven counties who's air did not meet EPA quality standards. Those standards are LAWS passed by an elected legislature. Meet those standards, no more e-check.

Your solution is not to attempt to meet the standards. Not even to pass LAWS that change the standards. Your solution is to just do away with the enforcement mechanism behind the standards. From where I come from we call that being a CHICKEN SHIT.

Correct, they can only FORCE us to do the will of the feds by cutting off federal funding; something you on the left are currently complaining about when Trump plans to do the same with sanctuary cities.

Even if we met those standards, I would be willing to bet that they wouldn't allow us to stop the program anyway. But you know how we can stop it eventually? Get rid of the EPA.

Look. If you don't like it you can move to one of the counties that is not subject to E-check. OK, couldn't resist throwing out the old conservative "just move" meme.

But tell me. Is the problem the standards? From the brief little looking I did to get the details, well E-check is credited with removing over 72 tons of toxic materials from the air. But maybe you prefer this,


That was in Cleveland, 1973. And if that is what you prefer. Fine, then do away with the standards. But refusing to enforce them, that is the action of tyrants and despots, the action of cowards.
I wish we had industry.....
Nothing in Nature Is Where It Belongs Unless Man Put It There

Where there's smoke, there's fire. Cleveland in 1973 was a beautiful picture illustrating prosperity for blue-collar workers. Queasy GreenHeads think smoke is ugly because they have a primitive superstition that a natural skyline is sacred. Mindless emotionalism drives them; their doctrines are doctored to fit their desired Fantasyworld. Send them all to the pristine jungle or back to the stagnant and starving pre-industrial era. In either place or time they can gaze at the sky and say "Wow! Cool!" until their last breath. Man must exploit nature or man will exploit his fellow man.

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