Trump Official: We're Going To Cut The EPA In Half

. Is that a fair assessment of all unions or some shops ?

I would say most of them.

If I went to a company to make a delivery that I knew nothing about, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. I would just observe the attitude of the workers, their concern about doing their job, the speed at which they perform. It was no special talent that I had, it's something just about any driver could do.

That's the main reason my company no longer makes deliveries to auto plants. It takes them union thugs 6 hours to do the same job of unloading a trailer that a non-union worker can do in less than 45 minutes in most cases. The last delivery I made was to Chrysler where I arrived at 8:00 am. I didn't get out of there until 1:00 pm. They couldn't figure out how to unload the truck by union rules. It's almost comical.

Curious, how no one recalls why unions arose in the first place, but that's what an institutionalized propaganda machine is for. Those with wealth and power congregate, amass, think tank it, and collectivize into groups to concentrate power and wealth and drive down labor costs across society. The only leverage the underclass has is in its numbers. So concentrated power and wealth also needs to attack the ability of “the people” to unite. Of course as with any organization, there are always some who will attempt to use the cover of the organization to assert their own personal interests. Any beurocracy is always something that needs to be kept at a state in which it cannot become self perpetuating be it governmental, corporate, private, or union.

But these constant attacks by the power structure upon the gathering of underclass and working peoples has always been about maintaining an imbalance of power in which "the people" remain in an economically compromised societal condition.

Unions were fine when they first started. But as time went on, they got too big, too powerful, and too political.

In some places they just about ran the company; making decisions on where the next plant was to be built, who got promoted and who didn't, who the company could hire and who they couldn't. This is on top of ridiculous wage and benefit demands.

Why wouldn't industry want to get rid of unions? If I open up a business, I run it my way, not have my employees tell me how I must run it or else.......

Well therein lies the rub doesn't it. It's about balance. And if a society maintains a social structure, a jobs market and an economic system that allows workers to leave employer maltreatment and find other employment that won’t treat them like sharecroppers it can all work out. But that ain’t where we’re at, and this economic system pushes debt and debt peonage which is not an evolutionarily stable strategy in an economic system based upon the issuance of more debt as a phony way to create financial service sector wealth, in the absence of enough livable wage jobs to prop up this false economy.

No, there is no balance. If I hire you to work, you come to work for the money we agreed on and you listen to me. It's called the Golden Rule: the man with the gold makes the rules.

There is nothing in the world stopping anybody from leaving their job if the job does not work out for them. You don't need unions to do that.
. OK, no union then don't mess with Unemployment benefits, EBT, Housing subsidies or anything else that the government has in order to sustain someone until get that better job if need be. The companies who are bad amongst the not to many good companies that are still left out there, (in respect to the good old days), would love to know they got you like a rat in a cage with little to no options available to get your ace out of that cage (trucking companies especially). There will be protections for workers in some form or another always, and if you don't think it's needed then you don't know your American history or your world history for that matter. Now the problem is that there is abuse in everything, and that is a shame. Freedom means not being abused, and the abusers should face immediate justice if they choose to abuse.
. Is that a fair assessment of all unions or some shops ?

I would say most of them.

If I went to a company to make a delivery that I knew nothing about, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. I would just observe the attitude of the workers, their concern about doing their job, the speed at which they perform. It was no special talent that I had, it's something just about any driver could do.

That's the main reason my company no longer makes deliveries to auto plants. It takes them union thugs 6 hours to do the same job of unloading a trailer that a non-union worker can do in less than 45 minutes in most cases. The last delivery I made was to Chrysler where I arrived at 8:00 am. I didn't get out of there until 1:00 pm. They couldn't figure out how to unload the truck by union rules. It's almost comical.

Curious, how no one recalls why unions arose in the first place, but that's what an institutionalized propaganda machine is for. Those with wealth and power congregate, amass, think tank it, and collectivize into groups to concentrate power and wealth and drive down labor costs across society. The only leverage the underclass has is in its numbers. So concentrated power and wealth also needs to attack the ability of “the people” to unite. Of course as with any organization, there are always some who will attempt to use the cover of the organization to assert their own personal interests. Any beurocracy is always something that needs to be kept at a state in which it cannot become self perpetuating be it governmental, corporate, private, or union.

But these constant attacks by the power structure upon the gathering of underclass and working peoples has always been about maintaining an imbalance of power in which "the people" remain in an economically compromised societal condition.

Unions were fine when they first started. But as time went on, they got too big, too powerful, and too political.

In some places they just about ran the company; making decisions on where the next plant was to be built, who got promoted and who didn't, who the company could hire and who they couldn't. This is on top of ridiculous wage and benefit demands.

Why wouldn't industry want to get rid of unions? If I open up a business, I run it my way, not have my employees tell me how I must run it or else.......
. Agree, but if your way was corrupt and bad, then there needs to be an emergency relief valve the employees can grad for. If that means temporary government programs to utilize then so be it. There is no way the worker can go back to trusting totally their employer, because the proof has already been established that doing that is a bad thing.

There is an emergency relief valve; quit the company and work somewhere else. I've done it over a half-dozen times in my life.
. Speaking for yourself I see, but can you speak for everyone Ray or is that what you try to do ? People's circumstances aren't your circumstances, and you can't apply your luck as their luck, so if they need help for a temporary relief, then I got no problem with that. Not for abusing such help, but offering help to those who deserve it I am all for.
Your economy is not based upon gold, and no one is your property son. Fuck you and your job.

Having somebody perform duties is not servitude. It's something both the employer and employee agree upon.

Like I said, fuck you, don't want your job, don't want to work for any organization that has as its organizing principle the commoditization of human beings, and you should think about advertising your company in this very manner. Please. Let the American worker and your customers see where they are in all this.

Great! Then don't accept the job. If it's a decent job, somebody else will be more than glad to take it.

That's what I always tell my younger coworkers in today's job market. Look, this shit cuts both ways and there is always someone else in america looking to exploit your mind and labor. If you have any employer now, not like it was in the past, now, and they're jerking you around? Leave. There is no loyalty for these people; you're a commodity now.

Hate to disappoint you, but that's all we workers ever were.

Employees come and go all the time. Companies open, close, or sellout all the time. Of course there is no loyalty, but that goes both ways.

My employer only cares that I get the work done that he pays me for. I care about getting paid for doing the work. Outside of that, it's not my employers problems what my financial concerns are. Its' not my problem as to the position of the company or how much profit they make. The employer and employee relationship is impersonal and professional only. It's not a social club.
. No, but if your employer begins paying you crap money, then his business quickly becomes your business until you get the hell out. 1st you are going to fight for your job, because it might be local, convenient, organized, great equipment, 401 k, health benefits but your take home pay has been slashed to the bone. You begin struggling, scratching your head though because the company is thriving, showing record profits, and the boss just purchased a new lear jet. You asked what the hell is going on, but you get no answers, then the company say's the government just made it where Mexicans can now compete openly for your job, and you think that wow your pay could go even cheaper, but a gallon of milk, gas and the light bill remains the same. Then you quit, lose seniority, lose vacation days, benefits, and find that the next company is now doing the same thing. Now you may have to up root your family sell out, and move to another state to get things working again. Was it worth it Ray ??? Hell no it wasn't worth it, and now you have just wasted 5 yeas of your life with the dam bull crap. Might be why your health is bad now.
Having somebody perform duties is not servitude. It's something both the employer and employee agree upon.

Like I said, fuck you, don't want your job, don't want to work for any organization that has as its organizing principle the commoditization of human beings, and you should think about advertising your company in this very manner. Please. Let the American worker and your customers see where they are in all this.

Great! Then don't accept the job. If it's a decent job, somebody else will be more than glad to take it.

That's what I always tell my younger coworkers in today's job market. Look, this shit cuts both ways and there is always someone else in america looking to exploit your mind and labor. If you have any employer now, not like it was in the past, now, and they're jerking you around? Leave. There is no loyalty for these people; you're a commodity now.

Hate to disappoint you, but that's all we workers ever were.

Employees come and go all the time. Companies open, close, or sellout all the time. Of course there is no loyalty, but that goes both ways.

My employer only cares that I get the work done that he pays me for. I care about getting paid for doing the work. Outside of that, it's not my employers problems what my financial concerns are. Its' not my problem as to the position of the company or how much profit they make. The employer and employee relationship is impersonal and professional only. It's not a social club.
. No, but if your employer begins paying you crap money, then his business quickly becomes your business until you get the hell out. 1st you are going to fight for your job, because it might be local, convenient, organized, great equipment, 401 k, health benefits but your take home pay has been slashed to the bone. You begin struggling, scratching your head though because the company is thriving, showing record profits, and the boss just purchased a new lear jet. You asked what the hell is going on, but you get no answers, then the company say's the government just made it where Mexicans can now compete openly for your job, and you think that wow your pay could go even cheaper, but a gallon of milk, gas and the light bill remains the same. Then you quit, lose seniority, lose vacation days, benefits, and find that the next company is now doing the same thing. Now you may have to up root your family sell out, and move to another state to get things working again. Was it worth it Ray ??? Hell no it wasn't worth it, and now you have just wasted 5 yeas of your life with the dam bull crap. Might be why your health is bad now.

The choice is still there to leave if you're not happy with whatever is going on. Either that, or start your own company and pay your employees what you think they are worth.
Every multinational company should be able to dump any amounts of methyl-ethyl nasty shit in any lake, stream, or ocean. What the hell do they care, they drink bottled water.
Like I said, fuck you, don't want your job, don't want to work for any organization that has as its organizing principle the commoditization of human beings, and you should think about advertising your company in this very manner. Please. Let the American worker and your customers see where they are in all this.

Great! Then don't accept the job. If it's a decent job, somebody else will be more than glad to take it.

That's what I always tell my younger coworkers in today's job market. Look, this shit cuts both ways and there is always someone else in america looking to exploit your mind and labor. If you have any employer now, not like it was in the past, now, and they're jerking you around? Leave. There is no loyalty for these people; you're a commodity now.

Hate to disappoint you, but that's all we workers ever were.

Employees come and go all the time. Companies open, close, or sellout all the time. Of course there is no loyalty, but that goes both ways.

My employer only cares that I get the work done that he pays me for. I care about getting paid for doing the work. Outside of that, it's not my employers problems what my financial concerns are. Its' not my problem as to the position of the company or how much profit they make. The employer and employee relationship is impersonal and professional only. It's not a social club.
. No, but if your employer begins paying you crap money, then his business quickly becomes your business until you get the hell out. 1st you are going to fight for your job, because it might be local, convenient, organized, great equipment, 401 k, health benefits but your take home pay has been slashed to the bone. You begin struggling, scratching your head though because the company is thriving, showing record profits, and the boss just purchased a new lear jet. You asked what the hell is going on, but you get no answers, then the company say's the government just made it where Mexicans can now compete openly for your job, and you think that wow your pay could go even cheaper, but a gallon of milk, gas and the light bill remains the same. Then you quit, lose seniority, lose vacation days, benefits, and find that the next company is now doing the same thing. Now you may have to up root your family sell out, and move to another state to get things working again. Was it worth it Ray ??? Hell no it wasn't worth it, and now you have just wasted 5 yeas of your life with the dam bull crap. Might be why your health is bad now.

The choice is still there to leave if you're not happy with whatever is going on. Either that, or start your own company and pay your employees what you think they are worth.
This is exactly why your society is in the state it is in, enjoy. And fuck you and your job sir.
Which half of the environment will the Environmental Protection Agency no longer be protecting once half of it is gone?
. The half that they were strong arming with their over reach, and that half will be glad that they are gone.

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of communist scumbags

Way past time. You watch, as the EPA is brought in line with reality, jobs will increase, money will flow and the Environment won't be any worse off.

The EPA is less about the environment than it is about crushing Capitalism. That's just the way it is

Via Daily Caller:

The former leader of President Donald Trump’s EPA transition team said Thursday he expects the president to slash the agency’s budget and staff.

Myron Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy at free market group Competitive Enterprise Institute, told reporters that Trump is considering reducing by magnitudes the agency’s workforce. It currently stands at 15,000 employees nationwide.

“Let’s aim for half and see how it works out, and then maybe we’ll want to go further,” Ebell said, referring to his wish to see the EPA slashed by at least half. He left Trump’s transition team last week, but was at one time on the president’s short list to head the agency.

Half of the EPA’s budget is transferred to state and local areas to update infrastructure projects and environmental cleanup efforts. Ebell, who is a long-time EPA critic and climate skeptic, said the cuts would likely fall on the remaining half of the agency’s budget, which supports a portion of federal employees.

“President Trump said during the campaign that he would like to abolish the EPA, or ‘leave a little bit,’” he said. “I think the administration is likely to start proposing cuts to the 15,000 staff, because the fact is that a huge amount of the work of the EPA is actually done by state agencies.”

Keep reading…
Every multinational company should be able to dump any amounts of methyl-ethyl nasty shit in any lake, stream, or ocean. What the hell do they care, they drink bottled water.

Well that's why we conservatives don't care about the air and water. We breathe and drink different stuff than you liberals.
Which half of the environment will the Environmental Protection Agency no longer be protecting once half of it is gone?
According to the article the idea is to leave it up to State Depts of Enviro Quality. Which from my pov down here is not so bad. But I've heard some other states have pretty much just deferred to having the feds run theirs. When the tea party tried that here, but biz community told the to STFU and siddown. LOL
Having somebody perform duties is not servitude. It's something both the employer and employee agree upon.

Like I said, fuck you, don't want your job, don't want to work for any organization that has as its organizing principle the commoditization of human beings, and you should think about advertising your company in this very manner. Please. Let the American worker and your customers see where they are in all this.

Great! Then don't accept the job. If it's a decent job, somebody else will be more than glad to take it.

That's what I always tell my younger coworkers in today's job market. Look, this shit cuts both ways and there is always someone else in america looking to exploit your mind and labor. If you have any employer now, not like it was in the past, now, and they're jerking you around? Leave. There is no loyalty for these people; you're a commodity now.

Hate to disappoint you, but that's all we workers ever were.

Employees come and go all the time. Companies open, close, or sellout all the time. Of course there is no loyalty, but that goes both ways.

My employer only cares that I get the work done that he pays me for. I care about getting paid for doing the work. Outside of that, it's not my employers problems what my financial concerns are. Its' not my problem as to the position of the company or how much profit they make. The employer and employee relationship is impersonal and professional only. It's not a social club.
. No, but if your employer begins paying you crap money, then his business quickly becomes your business until you get the hell out. 1st you are going to fight for your job, because it might be local, convenient, organized, great equipment, 401 k, health benefits but your take home pay has been slashed to the bone. You begin struggling, scratching your head though because the company is thriving, showing record profits, and the boss just purchased a new lear jet. You asked what the hell is going on, but you get no answers, then the company say's the government just made it where Mexicans can now compete openly for your job, and you think that wow your pay could go even cheaper, but a gallon of milk, gas and the light bill remains the same. Then you quit, lose seniority, lose vacation days, benefits, and find that the next company is now doing the same thing. Now you may have to up root your family sell out, and move to another state to get things working again. Was it worth it Ray ??? Hell no it wasn't worth it, and now you have just wasted 5 yeas of your life with the dam bull crap. Might be why your health is bad now.

Nah. My health has been bad most of my adult life. I don't worry about work too much; at least I don't let it obsess my life.

Like I said, if it gets that bad, you change jobs. If all the jobs are that bad, then you change careers. If nothing else works, you start your own business.
Which half of the environment will the Environmental Protection Agency no longer be protecting once half of it is gone?
According to the article the idea is to leave it up to State Depts of Enviro Quality. Which from my pov down here is not so bad. But I've heard some other states have pretty much just deferred to having the feds run theirs. When the tea party tried that here, but biz community told the to STFU and siddown. LOL

So it's okay if one state dramatically lowers its air pollution standards because polluted air stops when it hits the border?
Which half of the environment will the Environmental Protection Agency no longer be protecting once half of it is gone?
According to the article the idea is to leave it up to State Depts of Enviro Quality. Which from my pov down here is not so bad. But I've heard some other states have pretty much just deferred to having the feds run theirs. When the tea party tried that here, but biz community told the to STFU and siddown. LOL

Agreed. The feds said they didn't like our drinking water. Okay, then don't come here and drink our water. We are plenty happy with it. But no. They had to push their idea of good drinking water down our throats. Now water and sewer cost an arm and a leg and is planned on going even higher as they spend money to make the feds happy.
This is so refreshing........the EPA getting its clock cleaned. I could not even be happier. Small business, choked to shit by Obama and Bush by stoopid EPA regs are happier than pigs in shit!! And good for them.........they do all the hiring in this country.

More bumpy cucumber butt bashing from President Trump!!!:2up:
Which half of the environment will the Environmental Protection Agency no longer be protecting once half of it is gone?
According to the article the idea is to leave it up to State Depts of Enviro Quality. Which from my pov down here is not so bad. But I've heard some other states have pretty much just deferred to having the feds run theirs. When the tea party tried that here, but biz community told the to STFU and siddown. LOL

So it's okay if one state dramatically lowers its air pollution standards because polluted air stops when it hits the border?
I'm not sure that will happen. If Trump tried ending federal regs setting maximum allowable pollution, I think congress would revolt. People certainly would. The cost effectiveness in the Clean Air and Water acts is undisputable.

I do think that federal regulators, as opposed to state regulators, engage in legal extortion with smaller govt entities in consent agreements v. litigation.

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