Trump Official: We're Going To Cut The EPA In Half

If you see that the economic advisement team of Summers/Geitner/Paulson stays in place during an economic meltdown caused by the financial services sector in transitioning from a “conservative” to a “liberal” administration …

If you see the planet’s staunchest “capitalist” free marketeers clamor openly for socialism to save your “capitalist” economic system …

If you see that your economic system and policy is controlled not democratically, but by private bankers and Wall Street …

If you see an utterly bipartisan half century long societal trajectory of societal wealth redistribution funneling wealth out of society and concentrating that societal wealth into fewer and fewer hands at the top, cannibalizing society as a whole in the process …

I would suggest you are in dire need of an alternative and that it will never come from working within the system alone. Go back to the original vision of the founders; this experiment was never about the lofty societal creation mythology rhetoric being applied to all. And it still is not. Some of us are merely awakening to the fact that the subgroup we identify with has now also joined others on the list of the disposable people.
. I see that the remedies of the past have failed or were exploited, so we need a new hope, and right now it will be Trump's turn.

Yup, he's merely the new hope and change ruse which is why his staff is full of Goldman Sachs higher ups and bilionaires; same as it ever was, regardless of the parties and personalities the system vomits up as choice. A Hilary administration would have been the same outcome in this regard.
. Oh well, let's see what happens instead of all this wishing for bad to happen.
Liberals will do anything to change the conversation from their precious fascist EPA....

Some folks who mistakenly consider themselves conservative have an understanding, if even only on some primitive primordial hindbrain level, that their power structure cannot stand up to scrutiny and coherent query.
The EPA, under the Obama admin, has grown into an entity that has abused people trying to abide by the laws. It's why I say fuck them.

Trump is on the right path.
The EPA, under the Obama admin, has grown into an entity that has abused people trying to abide by the laws. It's why I say fuck them.

Trump is on the right path.
The EPA had a unwritten rule to not oppress the common keep the family out of the direct line of fire of EPAs the EPA leviathan grew bigger, it ignored this rule and began to feed on the individual. Under 44, it went full tyrannical....

Trump needs to completely destroy it now....
The EPA is destroying our environment....,
How? The NESHAP regulations? CERCLA? Safe Work Practice guidelines? Specifically how?
Do you work for the EPA? :lol:
No. I'm an environmental engineer.

So tell me specifically how the EPA is destroying our environment.
You a hoaxer?

What manner of hoax do you suppose I'd commit? Just tell me specifically how the EPA is destroying our environment. You said it, now explain it.

Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Its bias in favor of natural "clean" air, which is the most toxic of all. Our hostile air is full of harmful microbes and insects, which "pollution" kills. Just before automobile exhaust was in concentrations high enough to do that job, the last plague that natural air threw at us killed 100 million people. Every aborted epidemic since then dies out as soon as it reaches an industrialized era. Using the word "pollution" about the harmless or even beneficial byproducts of industry is the vocabulary of disaster.
The EPA, under the Obama admin, has grown into an entity that has abused people trying to abide by the laws. It's why I say fuck them.

Trump is on the right path.
The EPA had a unwritten rule to not oppress the common keep the family out of the direct line of fire of EPAs the EPA leviathan grew bigger, it ignored this rule and began to feed on the individual. Under 44, it went full tyrannical....

Trump needs to completely destroy it now....
It's just one of the many problems President Trump will be fixing.

The changes we're going to see are ones that every American should embrace. They're changes that benefit everyone.
The EPA, under the Obama admin, has grown into an entity that has abused people trying to abide by the laws. It's why I say fuck them.

Trump is on the right path.
The EPA had a unwritten rule to not oppress the common keep the family out of the direct line of fire of EPAs the EPA leviathan grew bigger, it ignored this rule and began to feed on the individual. Under 44, it went full tyrannical....

Trump needs to completely destroy it now....
It's just one of the many problems President Trump will be fixing.

The changes we're going to see are ones that every American should embrace. They're changes that benefit everyone.
I's common sense change.....from a common sense Trump....
As usual, it's all politics. If we did that, then other countries would demand we do the same by halting deliveries to Canada and Mexico.

It's not a bad paying job depending on what you do and where you go. Some over the road jobs pay close to six figures and local jobs in the 50K a year range plus benefits. Overtime? Make even more.

If we could halt all immigration to this country including work Visa's, the pay would have to increase because these sleaze ball places would have no choice but to offer more. If nobody will work for you, then you close down.

Another thing would be getting government off of our ass and make things fair for us. When you get a CDL, you lose some of your constitutional rights and there's nothing you can do about it.
. What do you mean it's all politics ?? So you think that foreign drivers out of Mexico should be able to drive on the same roads that you drive on here, but not have to carry the same credentials that you carry on you as is demanded by government, nor do they have to have the same level of training, nor do they have to have the same standard Dot health card that you have to have ???? Wow.

Not at all. I don't want them anywhere near me. But like I said, it's all politics. The transportation companies here would be outraged if we couldn't make deliveries to their countries.

I think if you want to drive in another country, you should have to obtain one of their licenses. Take the same tests we have to take. Make sure they are safe enough to drive here.

I have to take a physical every year. I'm willing to bet some of these drivers from Mexico haven't seen a doctor in ten years. Because of my disabilities, I'm barely holding on to a job right now, in the meantime, some foreigner who is in much worse shape than I am are driving all over this country.
. The pay should be the same as well, but not put to the level of third world countries, but instead if they cross that border with a load coming in, then they should have the same level of qualifications, and the same pay. This takes away the thinking by corporations here to then think to themselves "hey one day we will replace the so called lazy American with these cheap foreign drivers", just like they did with so many other jobs that caused the dam mess that America had gotten itself into.

They already are replacing Americans with foreigners. They are everywhere.

If we start to drastically cut down our social programs for those that are physically and mentally capable of working, Americans will take those jobs that currently cannot be filled. As long as we have a choice of working or not working yet living comfortably, it's not brain surgery to figure out what many will choose.
. OK Ray, but here is the current problem or delema. The corps affectively got rid of unions in many industries over time, and killed the independent trucking industries ability to collectively strike if things got out of hand. OK, so once all that took place, then the only union the worker had was the federal government to carry them on these programs if it got to where the corps decided to crack down on the worker even more (getting them to compete with third world labor rates), and if the American workers didn't like that, then they effectively are replacing them with third world labor here. So I ask you Ray, how dam cheap do you think an American worker should be pushed to work for Ray ??? No one likes being on government assistance Ray, but if put into a situation where you are being caught between a rock and a hard place in all of this mess, then before you kiss that corrupt bastards ace that is trying to screw you over, you just might be glad those benefits are there until you can get out of the situation. The feds all but took over where the unions left off, but that wasn't a good thing either. One thing history has shown, and that is that there has to be representation of some sort for the workers if dealing with a large scale catastrophe if things go very wrong.
Getting Ahead by Bootlicking the Plutes Who Wear the Boots

There is also the point, which we are prevented from discovering, that management comprises inferior people in superior positions who are incapable of making a profit except through gouging on wages. We have to change the way people get into management positions and exclude those without the natural talent to do those jobs, even if they make all the right moves required today, which have led to them running things down.

Changing out the ladder of success is never discussed. The incompetent players it promotes have to cheat, so the description of the bosses that opponents are required to give, that they are greedy, misses the point. And calling these dopes "evil geniuses" is an insult to intelligence.
The EPA, under the Obama admin, has grown into an entity that has abused people trying to abide by the laws. It's why I say fuck them.

Trump is on the right path.
The EPA had a unwritten rule to not oppress the common keep the family out of the direct line of fire of EPAs the EPA leviathan grew bigger, it ignored this rule and began to feed on the individual. Under 44, it went full tyrannical....

Trump needs to completely destroy it now....
It's just one of the many problems President Trump will be fixing.

The changes we're going to see are ones that every American should embrace. They're changes that benefit everyone.
I's common sense change.....from a common sense Trump....
I interact with many people every day.
I once had a director ask if there was anyone I didn't know after seeing me being greeted by a large group of people exiting an elevator. lol

I love meeting new people. I also can't help embracing those who have opinions that differ from mine.

I recently had a cardio tech tell me not to mention being a Trump supporter to a PA who purchased pics from me. She said the PA is a hardcore Hillary supporter who likes me. lol

We've talked since the election, but not about it. :)
The EPA, under the Obama admin, has grown into an entity that has abused people trying to abide by the laws. It's why I say fuck them.

Trump is on the right path.
The EPA had a unwritten rule to not oppress the common keep the family out of the direct line of fire of EPAs the EPA leviathan grew bigger, it ignored this rule and began to feed on the individual. Under 44, it went full tyrannical....

Trump needs to completely destroy it now....
It's just one of the many problems President Trump will be fixing.

The changes we're going to see are ones that every American should embrace. They're changes that benefit everyone.
I's common sense change.....from a common sense Trump....
I interact with many people every day.
I once had a director ask if there was anyone I didn't know after seeing me being greeted by a large group of people exiting an elevator. lol

I love meeting new people. I also can't help embracing those who have opinions that differ from mine.

I recently had a cardio tech tell me not to mention being a Trump supporter to a PA that purchased pics from me. She said the PA is a hardcore Hillary supporter who likes me. lol

We've talked since the election, but not about it. :)
Fuck them....I went to a board meeting last week wearing my MAGA hat.....needless to say, they didn't like that the joke was on them....:lol:
I'm good with being honest about my political leanings when asked.

I do the same when I'm asked about my religious beliefs while on a date..
Last edited:
Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do. It's not a plot by any stretch of the imagination.

If we consumers decided we wanted more expensive American made products, that's what Walmart and their suppliers will provide. But Walmart became number one because they did sell cheap imported products, and the consumers responded.

Why can't you find many American made products in stores today? Because very few if any shoppers will buy them. Americans don't look at where the product is made, Americans look at price.

You see two 50 foot stands of Christmas lights; one is $5.99 made in China, and the other is $15.99 made in the USA, which strands do you think will sell the most?

"Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do."

Only when they have steady dependable jobs that pay them enough to participate in the mass consumption paradigm.

Not to worry, Trump is doing all he can to keep people out of here that take our jobs.

No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.

There are some jobs you can't outsource such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.
. They took my job in utility line work years ago. I was offered a job training them, but of course I refused. My brother & law worked in a manufacture plant that decided it would move it's operations to Mexico, and they wanted him to go down to train the Mexicans to do the job, but of course he refused also. He now runs his own gun shop, and has never looked back.

It's those kinds of stories that the MSM avoids reporting on, but it's going on all over the country.

I guess on this topic I'm advantaged because I work in industry every day. Some of our customers are regulars but I see my share of new places every week. Trump seems to be familiar with the problem as well, and it's about time we had a President that was looking out for Americans instead of looking out for his party only.
"Manufacturers don't call the shots--consumers do."

Only when they have steady dependable jobs that pay them enough to participate in the mass consumption paradigm.

Not to worry, Trump is doing all he can to keep people out of here that take our jobs.

No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.

There are some jobs you can't outsource such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.
. They took my job in utility line work years ago. I was offered a job training them, but of course I refused. My brother & law worked in a manufacture plant that decided it would move it's operations to Mexico, and they wanted him to go down to train the Mexicans to do the job, but of course he refused also. He now runs his own gun shop, and has never looked back.

It's those kinds of stories that the MSM avoids reporting on, but it's going on all over the country.

I guess on this topic I'm advantaged because I work in industry every day. Some of our customers are regulars but I see my share of new places every week. Trump seems to be familiar with the problem as well, and it's about time we had a President that was looking out for Americans instead of looking out for his party only.

Your problem lies with the "job creator" class, Wall Street, the private banking systems that dictate your economy, and concentrated corporate state power. Of course your corporate state media steers you in another direction.

Which were you, a bottom of the barrel scientist or an engineer that couldn't get a job anywhere else?

I worked for a Fortune 20 company. The weenies that couldn't get a good job like I had either went to work for the EPA or the state.

Governmental workers are not the best and the brightest. Good thing Trump wants to drain the swamp to get many of them off the public payroll.
Log 6 of government workers are worthless.....
. I know that we have a State Transportation Dept. In our city that needs to fire the hell out of most the workers it has working there. You ought to see the paving jobs that they do.. pathetic. They also work about 4 hours out of an 8 hour day. Pathetic. Talk about clock riders.. good grief.

They must be union.
. Is that a fair assessment of all unions or some shops ?

I would say most of them.

If I went to a company to make a delivery that I knew nothing about, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. I would just observe the attitude of the workers, their concern about doing their job, the speed at which they perform. It was no special talent that I had, it's something just about any driver could do.

That's the main reason my company no longer makes deliveries to auto plants. It takes them union thugs 6 hours to do the same job of unloading a trailer that a non-union worker can do in less than 45 minutes in most cases. The last delivery I made was to Chrysler where I arrived at 8:00 am. I didn't get out of there until 1:00 pm. They couldn't figure out how to unload the truck by union rules. It's almost comical.
Not to worry, Trump is doing all he can to keep people out of here that take our jobs.

No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.

There are some jobs you can't outsource such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.
. They took my job in utility line work years ago. I was offered a job training them, but of course I refused. My brother & law worked in a manufacture plant that decided it would move it's operations to Mexico, and they wanted him to go down to train the Mexicans to do the job, but of course he refused also. He now runs his own gun shop, and has never looked back.

It's those kinds of stories that the MSM avoids reporting on, but it's going on all over the country.

I guess on this topic I'm advantaged because I work in industry every day. Some of our customers are regulars but I see my share of new places every week. Trump seems to be familiar with the problem as well, and it's about time we had a President that was looking out for Americans instead of looking out for his party only.

Your problem lies with the "job creator" class, Wall Street, the private banking systems that dictate your economy, and concentrated corporate state power. Of course your corporate state media steers you in another direction.

What does your comment have to do with foreigners coming to this country and taking our jobs? Any employer wants to pay the lowest wage possible to get the work done. You and I do it all the time.
I worked for a Fortune 20 company. The weenies that couldn't get a good job like I had either went to work for the EPA or the state.

Governmental workers are not the best and the brightest. Good thing Trump wants to drain the swamp to get many of them off the public payroll.
Log 6 of government workers are worthless.....
. I know that we have a State Transportation Dept. In our city that needs to fire the hell out of most the workers it has working there. You ought to see the paving jobs that they do.. pathetic. They also work about 4 hours out of an 8 hour day. Pathetic. Talk about clock riders.. good grief.

They must be union.
. Is that a fair assessment of all unions or some shops ?

I would say most of them.

If I went to a company to make a delivery that I knew nothing about, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. I would just observe the attitude of the workers, their concern about doing their job, the speed at which they perform. It was no special talent that I had, it's something just about any driver could do.

That's the main reason my company no longer makes deliveries to auto plants. It takes them union thugs 6 hours to do the same job of unloading a trailer that a non-union worker can do in less than 45 minutes in most cases. The last delivery I made was to Chrysler where I arrived at 8:00 am. I didn't get out of there until 1:00 pm. They couldn't figure out how to unload the truck by union rules. It's almost comical.

Curious, how no one recalls why unions arose in the first place, but that's what an institutionalized propaganda machine is for. Those with wealth and power congregate, amass, think tank it, and collectivize into groups to concentrate power and wealth and drive down labor costs across society. The only leverage the underclass has is in its numbers. So concentrated power and wealth also needs to attack the ability of “the people” to unite. Of course as with any organization, there are always some who will attempt to use the cover of the organization to assert their own personal interests. Any beurocracy is always something that needs to be kept at a state in which it cannot become self perpetuating be it governmental, corporate, private, or union.

But these constant attacks by the power structure upon the gathering of underclass and working peoples has always been about maintaining an imbalance of power in which "the people" remain in an economically compromised societal condition.
No one took your jobs son, the "job creator" class outsourced them to places where they could more brutally savage workers and the environment. Your jobs are not coming back in this post-industrial society. That's what your private prisons are for. $40-50K per year per hominid, the system no longer needs manufacturing to generate wealth for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the rest. Wealth is now generated in the financial services sector by issuing more debt, the system no longer requires american workers or fat walleted consumers.

There are some jobs you can't outsource such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.
. They took my job in utility line work years ago. I was offered a job training them, but of course I refused. My brother & law worked in a manufacture plant that decided it would move it's operations to Mexico, and they wanted him to go down to train the Mexicans to do the job, but of course he refused also. He now runs his own gun shop, and has never looked back.

It's those kinds of stories that the MSM avoids reporting on, but it's going on all over the country.

I guess on this topic I'm advantaged because I work in industry every day. Some of our customers are regulars but I see my share of new places every week. Trump seems to be familiar with the problem as well, and it's about time we had a President that was looking out for Americans instead of looking out for his party only.

Your problem lies with the "job creator" class, Wall Street, the private banking systems that dictate your economy, and concentrated corporate state power. Of course your corporate state media steers you in another direction.

What does your comment have to do with foreigners coming to this country and taking our jobs? Any employer wants to pay the lowest wage possible to get the work done. You and I do it all the time.

You're correct sir, the american public has participated in the very things they decry. And an "illegal" workforce has always here at the behest of, and has been long lobbied for, by the monied class.
I'm good with being honest about my political leanings when asked.

I do the same when I'm asked about my religious beliefs while on a date date.
. At my job us Trump supporters have had the best time getting even with those who swore Hillary would be president. They still can't believe it, and you talk about loving every minute of it... LOL. One was saying get ready to pop that cork on my Champaign bottle, because Trump's gonna lose and then what ? Well, uh hickup, cough, sweat, and some anger is what we saw in him the next day, so it was so cool saying excuse us but uhh Trump won as we all laughed together.
There are some jobs you can't outsource such as service jobs. And yes, those foreigners are here taking those jobs thus keeping our wages down. If you think they only come here to pick grapes then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in this country.
. They took my job in utility line work years ago. I was offered a job training them, but of course I refused. My brother & law worked in a manufacture plant that decided it would move it's operations to Mexico, and they wanted him to go down to train the Mexicans to do the job, but of course he refused also. He now runs his own gun shop, and has never looked back.

It's those kinds of stories that the MSM avoids reporting on, but it's going on all over the country.

I guess on this topic I'm advantaged because I work in industry every day. Some of our customers are regulars but I see my share of new places every week. Trump seems to be familiar with the problem as well, and it's about time we had a President that was looking out for Americans instead of looking out for his party only.

Your problem lies with the "job creator" class, Wall Street, the private banking systems that dictate your economy, and concentrated corporate state power. Of course your corporate state media steers you in another direction.

What does your comment have to do with foreigners coming to this country and taking our jobs? Any employer wants to pay the lowest wage possible to get the work done. You and I do it all the time.

You're correct sir, the american public has participated in the very things they decry. And an "illegal" workforce has always here at the behest of, and has been long lobbied for, by the monied class.

And it's the Democrats who put out the WELCOME TO AMERICA door mat on our borders to buy votes.

You can't hire people that don't live here. The Democrats stood way more to gain than the Republicans or industry itself by letting these people into our country. Look what's happening to Democrat states and cities wishing to challenge Trump on defunding sanctuary cities. Look at these places who provide drivers licenses to illegals, free education, jobs with no checks, the ability to open up bank accounts and obtain credit cards.
Log 6 of government workers are worthless.....
. I know that we have a State Transportation Dept. In our city that needs to fire the hell out of most the workers it has working there. You ought to see the paving jobs that they do.. pathetic. They also work about 4 hours out of an 8 hour day. Pathetic. Talk about clock riders.. good grief.

They must be union.
. Is that a fair assessment of all unions or some shops ?

I would say most of them.

If I went to a company to make a delivery that I knew nothing about, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. I would just observe the attitude of the workers, their concern about doing their job, the speed at which they perform. It was no special talent that I had, it's something just about any driver could do.

That's the main reason my company no longer makes deliveries to auto plants. It takes them union thugs 6 hours to do the same job of unloading a trailer that a non-union worker can do in less than 45 minutes in most cases. The last delivery I made was to Chrysler where I arrived at 8:00 am. I didn't get out of there until 1:00 pm. They couldn't figure out how to unload the truck by union rules. It's almost comical.

Curious, how no one recalls why unions arose in the first place, but that's what an institutionalized propaganda machine is for. Those with wealth and power congregate, amass, think tank it, and collectivize into groups to concentrate power and wealth and drive down labor costs across society. The only leverage the underclass has is in its numbers. So concentrated power and wealth also needs to attack the ability of “the people” to unite. Of course as with any organization, there are always some who will attempt to use the cover of the organization to assert their own personal interests. Any beurocracy is always something that needs to be kept at a state in which it cannot become self perpetuating be it governmental, corporate, private, or union.

But these constant attacks by the power structure upon the gathering of underclass and working peoples has always been about maintaining an imbalance of power in which "the people" remain in an economically compromised societal condition.

Unions were fine when they first started. But as time went on, they got too big, too powerful, and too political.

In some places they just about ran the company; making decisions on where the next plant was to be built, who got promoted and who didn't, who the company could hire and who they couldn't. This is on top of ridiculous wage and benefit demands.

Why wouldn't industry want to get rid of unions? If I open up a business, I run it my way, not have my employees tell me how I must run it or else.......
I worked for a Fortune 20 company. The weenies that couldn't get a good job like I had either went to work for the EPA or the state.

Governmental workers are not the best and the brightest. Good thing Trump wants to drain the swamp to get many of them off the public payroll.
Log 6 of government workers are worthless.....
. I know that we have a State Transportation Dept. In our city that needs to fire the hell out of most the workers it has working there. You ought to see the paving jobs that they do.. pathetic. They also work about 4 hours out of an 8 hour day. Pathetic. Talk about clock riders.. good grief.

They must be union.
. Is that a fair assessment of all unions or some shops ?

I would say most of them.

If I went to a company to make a delivery that I knew nothing about, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. I would just observe the attitude of the workers, their concern about doing their job, the speed at which they perform. It was no special talent that I had, it's something just about any driver could do.

That's the main reason my company no longer makes deliveries to auto plants. It takes them union thugs 6 hours to do the same job of unloading a trailer that a non-union worker can do in less than 45 minutes in most cases. The last delivery I made was to Chrysler where I arrived at 8:00 am. I didn't get out of there until 1:00 pm. They couldn't figure out how to unload the truck by union rules. It's almost comical.
. There is a balance in it all, and if a company doesn't want to be threatened with unions then it's simple really - if you got good workers, great production, decent profits, low operational cost, then why would they allow dam idiot managers to be hired to destroy all that ?????? And if they do hire the no good bastards, then they get what the hell they deserve.

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