Trump Official: We're Going To Cut The EPA In Half

Businesses that were destroyed were doomed to fail from the beginning. Good Riddance.

Mentally deficient right wingers do not think that businesses moved overseas because SLAVE LABOR is cheaper there and they can pollute to their hearts' content.....NO, they blame the EPA, BLM, DOI instructed by FOX, that eveil Obama.
Businesses that were destroyed were doomed to fail from the beginning. Good Riddance.

Mentally deficient right wingers do not think that businesses moved overseas because SLAVE LABOR is cheaper there and they can pollute to their hearts' content.....NO, they blame the EPA, BLM, DOI instructed by FOX, that eveil Obama.
You fascist democrats have no clue as to the damage you've done....

Relax, Trump is here now....
The EPA, initially a sensible idea that's been weaponized and corrupted by the left. Endangered species act is another example. These leftwits weaponized these agencies and laws then use them to attack anyone they hate or anyone who dares disagree with their world view.
Which aspect of environmental regulations is least important? Soil contamination? Water pollution? Or clean breathable air?

Which part are you Conservatives most willing to sacrifice in order to get a few thousand minimum wage jobs?

And the liar steps in...the country is filled with pipelines and industry and we have the cleanest environment you can find...all because we are a rich country and we like clean things........the countries with strong central governments, have the worst environments...
So we have a pristine environment here. That must follow, using you own argument, we have a weak and ineffective federal government.

What will your logic tell you when you begun railing against our strong and overreaching federal government? That's a spiky narrow fence you're sitting on there!
The EPA is destroying our environment....,
How? The NESHAP regulations? CERCLA? Safe Work Practice guidelines? Specifically how?
Which aspect of environmental regulations is least important? Soil contamination? Water pollution? Or clean breathable air?

Which part are you Conservatives most willing to sacrifice in order to get a few thousand minimum wage jobs?

And the liar steps in...the country is filled with pipelines and industry and we have the cleanest environment you can find...all because we are a rich country and we like clean things........the countries with strong central governments, have the worst environments...
So we have a pristine environment here. That must follow, using you own argument, we have a weak and ineffective federal government.

What will your logic tell you when you begun railing against our strong and overreaching federal government? That's a spiky narrow fence you're sitting on there!

The government is the police....if someone breaks the law regarding pollution, they get dealt with....because we like a clean environment...that isn't what you have at the have left wing environmental religionists...who worship the guys believe in separation of church and state, right? That is what we are doing...we want the government to do it's job and not to preach a left wing religion......
It must be easy to lump a bunch of stupid assumptions together in order to assume an opinion. But how do you argue against someone smart enough to reheat the premise of you clumsy argument out of hand?

Sure, because slow poisoning is less obvious than a shot through the temple....Let future administrations worry about the mess left behind.....Trump's ego MUST be constantly inflated.

You don't know jackshit about pollution and the EPA.

I have dealt with them for decades both at the Washington office and the regional level. I have secured permits from them, certified pollution controlled equipment and managed major cleanup projects. I have negotiated consent orders with the EPA and closed out projects. I have developed pollution control programs and have stopped the generation of more pollution than you and all your Moon Bat buddies will ever see in your lives.

You have no idea of what you are talking about.

They are a political entity that is not going to stop you from being poisoned, however they will destroy the economy because of the agenda of the bat shit crazy environmental wackos.

They did all the work decades ago that will provide necessary cost effective pollution control. That asshole Obama has them on a agenda to kiss the ass of the crazy wackos and that won't help you at all, just hurt the economy for no appreciable gain. Thanks goodness that Trump will put them on their right track.

Your brain functions at such a low level that it's almost as if you stopped breathing out of both of yours. Let me guess - the cord got wrapped around your neck during birth?
you're "correct", Patsy......clean air and water are way overrated. LOL
Funny...the water I drink is the cleanest in the world and was long before Jimmy Carter illegals created the EPA. Any other false narratives you would like to try?
you're "correct", Patsy......clean air and water are way overrated. LOL
Question my fragile 'lil snowflake: if "clean air" and "clean water" is sooooo important to you - why don't you lead the effort to amend the U.S. Constitution and make the environment the constitutional responsibility of the federal government?

Don't really care like you claim you do? Too lazy? What? :dunno:
The EPA, initially a sensible idea that's been weaponized and corrupted by the left. Endangered species act is another example. These leftwits weaponized these agencies and laws then use them to attack anyone they hate or anyone who dares disagree with their world view.

Tell that to the babies in Flint, Michigan....I'm sure they'll cheer that their life expectancy has been cut in half by the poisons they drank.
Your brain functions at such a low level that it's almost as if you stopped breathing out of both of yours. Let me guess - the cord got wrapped around your neck during birth?
you're "correct", Patsy......clean air and water are way overrated. LOL
Funny...the water I drink is the cleanest in the world and was long before Jimmy Carter illegals created the EPA. Any other false narratives you would like to try?
Richard Nixon created the EPA.
you're "correct", Patsy......clean air and water are way overrated. LOL
Question my fragile 'lil snowflake: if "clean air" and "clean water" is sooooo important to you - why don't you lead the effort to amend the U.S. Constitution and make the environment the constitutional responsibility of the federal government?

Don't really care like you claim you do? Too lazy? What? :dunno:
Promoting the general welfare is a constitutional mandate.
Funny...the water I drink is the cleanest in the world and was long before Jimmy Carter illegals created the EPA. Any other false narratives you would like to try?

Move to Flint, MI........
I agree that it is a balancing act. But that is precisely why we both need the EPA, and we need to fund it adequately.
Again....this is like saying that since births are down around the globe (which they are) and in the U.S. (which they are), it's ok to rape women because it's "for the good".

How many times do you people need to have it explained to you that it's not about your precious little issues or your false narratives? It's about the law. It's about not being a lawlessness nation of renegades trampling on rights.
Question my fragile 'lil snowflake: if "clean air" and "clean water" is sooooo important to you - why don't you lead the effort to amend the U.S. Constitution and make the environment the constitutional responsibility of the federal government?

No, NO......morons like you,Patsy, SHOULD rely on the "good will" of outfits like BP to take care of your environment.....(what a fucking asshole.....LOL)
you're "correct", Patsy......clean air and water are way overrated. LOL
Question my fragile 'lil snowflake: if "clean air" and "clean water" is sooooo important to you - why don't you lead the effort to amend the U.S. Constitution and make the environment the constitutional responsibility of the federal government?

Don't really care like you claim you do? Too lazy? What? :dunno:
Promoting the general welfare is a constitutional mandate.
The "General Welfare" applies to the 18 enumerated powers of the federal government only and not one damn thing more. It is not a blank check of power. Stop spewing progressive misinformation. It will take you all of 15 minutes to actually read the U.S. Constitution. It will be well worth that investment in time for you. Trust me.

If the "General Welfare" clause actually meant what the false progressive narrative tries to convince people it meant - Donald Trump could easily make the case tomorrow that it is in the best interest of America and the people to execute all progressives immediately since they are anti-constitutional, anti-liberty, anti-capitalist, and very fascist (and he would be 100% correct). Is that what you want?!? God Almighty...
Question my fragile 'lil snowflake: if "clean air" and "clean water" is sooooo important to you - why don't you lead the effort to amend the U.S. Constitution and make the environment the constitutional responsibility of the federal government?
No, NO......morons like you,Patsy, SHOULD rely on the "good will" of outfits like BP to take care of your environment.....(what a fucking asshole.....LOL)
So you are now admitting that you don't actually care like you pretend you do? Or are you admitting you're too lazy? I'm confused now.... :dunno:

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