Trump Official: We're Going To Cut The EPA In Half

Oh the "horror".....of course we have OTHER earths if this one gets royally fucked so that we can increase the bottom line of some right wing donors.
Shed them crocodile tears all you want buttercup....the EPA is going buh-bye and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

If only you progressive idiots had created it legally, it would have been here to stay. There is a tremendous lesson in there somewhere. One I'm sure you will miss... :lol:
Tell that to the babies in Flint, Michigan....I'm sure they'll cheer that their life expectancy has been cut in half by the poisons they drank.
Flint? Oh you mean the city that is run by Dumbocrats? surprise there that their drinking water was a mess. Their progressive neighbors over there in Detroit bankrupted an entire city.

Forgive real Americans if we'd like successful policies so we don't have to live in bankruptcy/poverty with poisoned drinking water.
Your brain functions at such a low level that it's almost as if you stopped breathing out of both of yours. Let me guess - the cord got wrapped around your neck during birth?
you're "correct", Patsy......clean air and water are way overrated. LOL
Funny...the water I drink is the cleanest in the world and was long before Jimmy Carter illegally created the EPA. Any other false narratives you would like to try?
Richard Nixon created the EPA.
Yes....sorry. You are correct.
Flint? Oh you mean the city that is run by Dumbocrats? Yeah.

Moron...READ and LEARN.......The decision to stop diverting Flint's water and fucking it up was made by a REPUBLICAN governor.........Gee, you're dumber than a box of spent matches.
The sad part is that every single American has unlimited access to clean drinking water. But children like nat4900 don't know it - they need government to act like mommy and daddy and provide for them. So ridiculous that grown adults can't tie their own damn shoes.
Flint? Oh you mean the city that is run by Dumbocrats? Yeah.

Moron...READ and LEARN.......The decision to stop diverting Flint's water and fucking it up was made by a REPUBLICAN governor.........Gee, you're dumber than a box of spent matches.
Dumb ass...the state took over their finances after failed progressive policies ran the city into the ground (just like progressives did to their neighbor - Detroit).

In 2011, the state of Michigan took over Flint's finances after an audit projected a $25 million deficit.

Flint Water Crisis Fast Facts -

You continue to prove our case for us and humiliate yourself in the process... :lmao:

(Is it hard being as dumb as you are - or is it more embarrassing?)
Dumb ass...the state took over their finances after failed progressive policies ran the city into the ground (just like progressives did to their neighbor - Detroit).

In 2011, the state of Michigan took over Flint's finances after an audit projected a $25 million deficit.

So, Rick Snyder....the fuck head...was NOT governor from January 1st, 2011......Tell the truth, who turn your little "puter on for you???.....LOL
they need government to act like mommy and daddy
So you TOO are against these morons in congress who want to tell women what to do with their own bodies??? Congrats.......LOL
Absolutely! Just like I am against women who think they can murder children who are a completely separate body (own arms, own legs, own brain, own heart, etc.). See - unlike a nitwit such as yourself - I'm very consistent in my views. I 100% support a woman's right to do anything she wants to her body. But she has no right to touch another body (including her own children).

If you want an abortion while you're pregnant - but a bullet in your head. Drink some poison. Slit your wrists. I'll support any woman in that 100%. No business of mine to tell her what to do with her body.

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of communist scumbags

Way past time. You watch, as the EPA is brought in line with reality, jobs will increase, money will flow and the Environment won't be any worse off.

The EPA is less about the environment than it is about crushing Capitalism. That's just the way it is

Via Daily Caller:

The former leader of President Donald Trump’s EPA transition team said Thursday he expects the president to slash the agency’s budget and staff.

Myron Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy at free market group Competitive Enterprise Institute, told reporters that Trump is considering reducing by magnitudes the agency’s workforce. It currently stands at 15,000 employees nationwide.

“Let’s aim for half and see how it works out, and then maybe we’ll want to go further,” Ebell said, referring to his wish to see the EPA slashed by at least half. He left Trump’s transition team last week, but was at one time on the president’s short list to head the agency.

Half of the EPA’s budget is transferred to state and local areas to update infrastructure projects and environmental cleanup efforts. Ebell, who is a long-time EPA critic and climate skeptic, said the cuts would likely fall on the remaining half of the agency’s budget, which supports a portion of federal employees.

“President Trump said during the campaign that he would like to abolish the EPA, or ‘leave a little bit,’” he said. “I think the administration is likely to start proposing cuts to the 15,000 staff, because the fact is that a huge amount of the work of the EPA is actually done by state agencies.”

Keep reading…
The Unabomber will declare a hunger strike in solidarity after his EPA colleagues get fired and have to go hungry because they are unemployable in a real economy.
Dumb ass...the state took over their finances after failed progressive policies ran the city into the ground (just like progressives did to their neighbor - Detroit).

In 2011, the state of Michigan took over Flint's finances after an audit projected a $25 million deficit.
So, Rick Snyder....the fuck head...was NOT governor from January 1st, 2011......Tell the truth, who turn your little "puter on for you???.....LOL
Why would a governor be involved with a city or their drinking water? Oh wait..that's right....because progressives did what they always did - they ran the city into the ground. Idiot. :lol:
Why would a governor be involved with a city or their drinking water? Oh wait..that's right....because progressives did what they always did - they ran the city into the ground. Idiot. :lol:

Well, you're "correct" there Patsy...the MAYOR of Flint decided to have Flint have lead in their water, Snyder had nothing to do with that decision.......Do you realize how truly fucked up you are...Surely your family must tell you that daily.
Am not defending the EPA, they haven't done a very good job, could we just fix it? have them do there job, not make them political, so they work for us not who ever holds the purse strings.

It was early in the morning, the heat burning off the fog, as I drove down a winding two lane road toward the river crossing. When I broke into the clearing before the bridge I noticed a majestic bald eagle gracefully catching the morning thermals as they rose off the rock banks of the river.

You know, when I was a kid I never saw a bald eagle. I lived where I could spend the afternoon walking along still remaining parts of Daniel Boone's path across the Blue Ridge mountains. The reason I mention that now is because one of the first actions of the EPA was the administration of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. It is that act, and that act alone, that is responsible for the saving of the Bald Eagle. Thanks to the EPA, my grandkids can grow up seeing Bald Eagles.

Maybe you have to pay attention. But in my younger days you could see the trees dying along the ridge line. It was not disease. It was not parasites. It was acid rain. Then Congress passed amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1990, and emissions declined significantly. The forest have recovered, the streams are less acidic, and we all benefit.

I don't think people understand. The EPA works for US. It is the one safeguard we have against industries. Industries that very structure encourages them to "externalize" the cost of their activities. Weakening the EPA can't possibly be seen as a win for the American people.

Besides, that whole "Winning" meme didn't work out so well in the end the first time it made it's rounds. I don't think I would be recycling it now.

On the other hand, this is what Barry's EPA did to the Animus River in Colorado by breaking an old mining slurry dam:


And since you can't sue the EPA, they gave everybody damaged by their blunder.....the finger.
Why would a governor be involved with a city or their drinking water? Oh wait..that's right....because progressives did what they always did - they ran the city into the ground. Idiot. :lol:

Well, you're "correct" there Patsy...the MAYOR of Flint decided to have Flint have lead in their water, Snyder had nothing to do with that decision.......Do you realize how truly fucked up you are...Surely your family must tell you that daily.

The democrat Mayor and city council decided to use Flint River water instead of Lake Huron water to save money. The Flint River water didn't have the additive to prevent lead leaching out of the old city water pipes. We don't bring others' families into things here so consider yourself on report.
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The EPA, initially a sensible idea that's been weaponized and corrupted by the left. Endangered species act is another example. These leftwits weaponized these agencies and laws then use them to attack anyone they hate or anyone who dares disagree with their world view.

Tell that to the babies in Flint, Michigan....I'm sure they'll cheer that their life expectancy has been cut in half by the poisons they drank.

Tell that to the Democrats who lined their own pockets vs fixing the city's infrastructure. OH SNAP!
The democrat Mayor and city council decided to use Fling River water instead of Lake Huron water to save money. The Flint River water didn't have the additive to prevent lead leaching out of the old city water pipes. We don't bring others' families into things here so consider yourself on report.

....and in rides Horny Tom......

To a significant degree, the buck stops with Gov. Snyder, the state’s top elected official. And Snyder did set the tone of curbing municipal overspending.

"There was a lot of wishful thinking by which the tax cutters dreamed that they could keep on cutting taxes without having any real consequences," said Charles L. Ballard, an economist at Michigan State University. "But tax cuts of this magnitude, some of which were passed during the first year of Gov. Snyder’s administration, were bound to have real consequences."

Crucially, Snyder also appointed the emergency managers who signed off on the switch away from Detroit’s water system and the decision to use Flint River water as an interim solution.

And two state agencies he oversaw -- the Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health and Human Services -- contributed significantly to the problem.

Officials at those agencies were warned early and repeatedly by Miguel Del Toral, an official at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, that they were putting Flint residents at risk by not instituting anti-corrosion safeguards for Flint River water. Agency officials also initially dismissed warnings from Virginia Tech researchers and Flint pediatrician Mona Hanna-Attisha, even after being prodded on the question by a senior Snyder aide.

"As a Flint citize

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