Trump Official: We're Going To Cut The EPA In Half

I seen companies move out of state or country. I've talked with those owners who were moving by no choice of their own. The two biggest culprits for them moving were costly regulations and unions. If not for those two things, many of those companies would have stayed. But they can't compete in the world market today with those costs.

Sure, its not because these companies can pay $1.50 an hour to some Filippinos or Vietnamese...LOL (you right wingers are just mindless morons.)

That's only part of it. Companies benefit by producing close to their consumers. Shipping is a huge cost and it takes a lot of small things to create a big one for the company. Cheaper labor and benefits? Yes indeed. That's where the unions stepped up to tell their workers not to accept any pay decrease or freeze. So the companies had no choice but to leave.
Sure, we had a great economy when the EPA first game out, but that was because they didn't have many regulations.

Today is a whole different story. I work for a small transportation company that has less than a dozen employees, the new regulations that came out over the last ten years costs my employer hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.

So your company isn't entrepreneurish enough to survive, adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing environment without threatening the environment. Or they just see more of a bottom line profit margin in not having any regulations. You know, more like Wall Street. Does your employer provide helathcare plans to employees?

He used to, but can't afford that now.

Our company is doing fine. We have to pass on our losses to our customers in rate hikes. They produce the products we buy in the store every day. We consumers eventually pay those environmental costs. But in effort for companies to compensate, they keep wages lower and then you on the left complain about that as well. When business have had enough expensive regulations, they move out of country and once again, you on the left complain about jobs moving overseas.

You people want to blame everybody else for the problems America faces except yourselves. Blame the rich guy, blame Walmart and McDonald's, blame the investors and their thirst for good financial investments, but never blame anybody on the left. They never do anything wrong. They never cause any of our problems.

Well why don't we blame "the left" for your lack of employer provided healthcare then. You seem to have no problem blaming "the left" for everything, no problem at all.

Your society runs on guilt, sin, and blame, which is perfect for a population of people who have no intention of ever taking any responsibility for anything at all. That’s what blame is for, to avoid responsibility. “The left” blames “the right”, “the right” blames “the left”, and your elites continue to economically sodomize and cannibalize society while the unsubstantial people are all occupied with sneering at one another, over “issues” they’ve “learned” to focus on from their televisions.

Yes, I will blame the left when blame is fitting, but not some kook conspiracy theory like the left comes up with.

I seen companies move out of state or country. I've talked with those owners who were moving by no choice of their own. The two biggest culprits for them moving were costly regulations and unions. If not for those two things, many of those companies would have stayed. But they can't compete in the world market today with those costs.

Pffffffffffffffffffft, look, we've all been indoctrinated to the Wall Street propaganda, spare me. It's bullshit, blame whoever you like, the entire thing looks utterly bipartisan to me, and the societal trajectory is a half century on now; there has indeed been a vast redistribution of societal wealth.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

All I can tell you is what I seen and experienced. One of our customers is a crate producer. They manufacture crates the size of suit cases to the size of a tractor-trailer. When I delivered those crates to companies moving overseas, I always tried to ask people WTF was happening? Many times I had discussions with the plant manager or actual owner of the companies. It was a consensus. Nobody wants to leave their own country unless they have no other choice. It's either leave the country or state, or join your former workers in the unemployment line.
Like I said earlier, I grew up in a time there were no pollution controls and we do not want to go back there. You'd think industry would be enlightened to health hazards and not foul our water and air but they will due to stockholder pressure to cut costs and make money. So although the EPA has gone far astray, we still need them to keep industry in line. I repeat, we do NOT want to go back to the old days of polluted rivers and choking air.
When it comes to the left, if you talk about getting rid of the EPA, they think it's going to destroy the country by getting rid of all pollution standards.
Why do we even have "pollution standards"? No where does the U.S. Constitution grant unelected bureaucrats the power to create law. The U.S. was specifically designed to be representative government. Not representative government by proxy. Not a single member of the EPA is elected by the people - thus they are not representatives.

As we know, our Congress people work so hard 50 weeks out of the year 10 hour days. When would they have time to do all these things??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Give a Democrat politician a chance to make government bigger, and they will run at the opportunity like a horse to a carrot. The more government workers, the more likely Democrat voters.
So your company isn't entrepreneurish enough to survive, adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing environment without threatening the environment. Or they just see more of a bottom line profit margin in not having any regulations. You know, more like Wall Street. Does your employer provide helathcare plans to employees?

He used to, but can't afford that now.

Our company is doing fine. We have to pass on our losses to our customers in rate hikes. They produce the products we buy in the store every day. We consumers eventually pay those environmental costs. But in effort for companies to compensate, they keep wages lower and then you on the left complain about that as well. When business have had enough expensive regulations, they move out of country and once again, you on the left complain about jobs moving overseas.

You people want to blame everybody else for the problems America faces except yourselves. Blame the rich guy, blame Walmart and McDonald's, blame the investors and their thirst for good financial investments, but never blame anybody on the left. They never do anything wrong. They never cause any of our problems.

Well why don't we blame "the left" for your lack of employer provided healthcare then. You seem to have no problem blaming "the left" for everything, no problem at all.

Your society runs on guilt, sin, and blame, which is perfect for a population of people who have no intention of ever taking any responsibility for anything at all. That’s what blame is for, to avoid responsibility. “The left” blames “the right”, “the right” blames “the left”, and your elites continue to economically sodomize and cannibalize society while the unsubstantial people are all occupied with sneering at one another, over “issues” they’ve “learned” to focus on from their televisions.

Yes, I will blame the left when blame is fitting, but not some kook conspiracy theory like the left comes up with.

I seen companies move out of state or country. I've talked with those owners who were moving by no choice of their own. The two biggest culprits for them moving were costly regulations and unions. If not for those two things, many of those companies would have stayed. But they can't compete in the world market today with those costs.

Pffffffffffffffffffft, look, we've all been indoctrinated to the Wall Street propaganda, spare me. It's bullshit, blame whoever you like, the entire thing looks utterly bipartisan to me, and the societal trajectory is a half century on now; there has indeed been a vast redistribution of societal wealth.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

All I can tell you is what I seen and experienced. One of our customers is a crate producer. They manufacture crates the size of suit cases to the size of a tractor-trailer. When I delivered those crates to companies moving overseas, I always tried to ask people WTF was happening? Many times I had discussions with the plant manager or actual owner of the companies. It was a consensus. Nobody wants to leave their own country unless they have no other choice. It's either leave the country or state, or join your former workers in the unemployment line.

Sounds like we have an economic system that refuses to pay for labor what it takes labor in america to live. Elsewhere they are more free to pay less and foul the environment. So they hate to leave, but there is that bottom line thing that is more important than humanity or society.
You can bet your ass that you could cut every federal bureaucracy in half and the interests of the U.S. wouldn't skip a beat. Drain the swamp.

Exactly. It's like the doom and gloom Democrats predicted by a government shutdown. When they finally did shutdown, nobody noticed.
Having grown up around lakes and rivers too polluted to fish or swim in, I appreciate what the EPA has done in the past to clean up our environment. Nixon began the EPA after the Cuyahoga River caught fire....still hard to fathom but industry had always sent it's chemicals downstream for somebody else to deal with. DDT was banned after eagle chicks were born with beaks too deformed to eat. Acid rain from coal furnaces without scrubbers almost decimated New England's forests not to mention the paint jobs on cars up there. So a lot had to be done and they did it. But then they turned into something else and considered industry the enemy instead of a partner in cooperation. In the last 10 years they've operated like the the point they now conduct armed raids. Nobody intended that to happen but leave an agency with no oversight and that's what can happen. One of their senior management said the other day they would "resist Trump". Really? :lol:

About 15 years ago or so, the EPA said they didn't like our pollution levels here in Ohio. Okay, then stay the hell out of Ohio! Nope, they had to stick their nose in our business and force us to use E-Check in some of our counties.

Ten years and tens of millions of dollars later, the EPA tested our air again, and found no change in the pollution levels. So what did they make us do? Extend the program for another ten years.

THIS is one of the many reasons to eliminate bureaucracies like the EPA. Why should they give a damn about wasting money on something that doesn't work. It isn't their money!

Ohio is not forced to use E-check. They can ditch the program, they will just lose millions of dollars in highway funding. And it is only in seven counties who's air did not meet EPA quality standards. Those standards are LAWS passed by an elected legislature. Meet those standards, no more e-check.

Your solution is not to attempt to meet the standards. Not even to pass LAWS that change the standards. Your solution is to just do away with the enforcement mechanism behind the standards. From where I come from we call that being a CHICKEN SHIT.
When it comes to the left, if you talk about getting rid of the EPA, they think it's going to destroy the country by getting rid of all pollution standards.
Why do we even have "pollution standards"? No where does the U.S. Constitution grant unelected bureaucrats the power to create law. The U.S. was specifically designed to be representative government. Not representative government by proxy. Not a single member of the EPA is elected by the people - thus they are not representatives.

As we know, our Congress people work so hard 50 weeks out of the year 10 hour days. When would they have time to do all these things??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Give a Democrat politician a chance to make government bigger, and they will run at the opportunity like a horse to a carrot. The more government workers, the more likely Democrat voters.
Memes and slogans only serve to perpetuate what you claim you decry.
He used to, but can't afford that now.

Our company is doing fine. We have to pass on our losses to our customers in rate hikes. They produce the products we buy in the store every day. We consumers eventually pay those environmental costs. But in effort for companies to compensate, they keep wages lower and then you on the left complain about that as well. When business have had enough expensive regulations, they move out of country and once again, you on the left complain about jobs moving overseas.

You people want to blame everybody else for the problems America faces except yourselves. Blame the rich guy, blame Walmart and McDonald's, blame the investors and their thirst for good financial investments, but never blame anybody on the left. They never do anything wrong. They never cause any of our problems.

Well why don't we blame "the left" for your lack of employer provided healthcare then. You seem to have no problem blaming "the left" for everything, no problem at all.

Your society runs on guilt, sin, and blame, which is perfect for a population of people who have no intention of ever taking any responsibility for anything at all. That’s what blame is for, to avoid responsibility. “The left” blames “the right”, “the right” blames “the left”, and your elites continue to economically sodomize and cannibalize society while the unsubstantial people are all occupied with sneering at one another, over “issues” they’ve “learned” to focus on from their televisions.

Yes, I will blame the left when blame is fitting, but not some kook conspiracy theory like the left comes up with.

I seen companies move out of state or country. I've talked with those owners who were moving by no choice of their own. The two biggest culprits for them moving were costly regulations and unions. If not for those two things, many of those companies would have stayed. But they can't compete in the world market today with those costs.

Pffffffffffffffffffft, look, we've all been indoctrinated to the Wall Street propaganda, spare me. It's bullshit, blame whoever you like, the entire thing looks utterly bipartisan to me, and the societal trajectory is a half century on now; there has indeed been a vast redistribution of societal wealth.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

All I can tell you is what I seen and experienced. One of our customers is a crate producer. They manufacture crates the size of suit cases to the size of a tractor-trailer. When I delivered those crates to companies moving overseas, I always tried to ask people WTF was happening? Many times I had discussions with the plant manager or actual owner of the companies. It was a consensus. Nobody wants to leave their own country unless they have no other choice. It's either leave the country or state, or join your former workers in the unemployment line.

Sounds like we have an economic system that refuses to pay for labor what it takes labor in america to live.

It's not just labor. Labor is only part of the reason. A company won't move halfway across the world to pay workers $6.00 less per hour. Shipping costs would exceed such savings.

It's a lot of things that move jobs out of the country. We keep putting more straws on the camels back month by month, year by year, until the camel finally collapses. Then we blame rich people for the problem.
You can bet your ass that you could cut every federal bureaucracy in half and the interests of the U.S. wouldn't skip a beat. Drain the swamp.

Exactly. It's like the doom and gloom Democrats predicted by a government shutdown. When they finally did shutdown, nobody noticed.

Yes, we shall drain the swamp with recycled swamp rats and Goldman Sachs. Same as it ever was.
The EPA is needed. However, it is not needed to the extent that you stupid Moon Bats think it is.
Sure, because slow poisoning is less obvious than a shot through the temple....Let future administrations worry about the mess left behind.....Trump's ego MUST be constantly inflated.
Come on nat4900 - tell us again how "wonderful" the EPA is asshole..... :lmao:


EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange -
You can bet your ass that you could cut every federal bureaucracy in half and the interests of the U.S. wouldn't skip a beat. Drain the swamp.

I agree...everybody gets a 20% haircut....except defense because Trump has already made it clear the expensive weapons systems are going to be scrutinized and nobody from the DOD is going to leave government and lobby for the contractors on his watch.
Having grown up around lakes and rivers too polluted to fish or swim in, I appreciate what the EPA has done in the past to clean up our environment. Nixon began the EPA after the Cuyahoga River caught fire....still hard to fathom but industry had always sent it's chemicals downstream for somebody else to deal with. DDT was banned after eagle chicks were born with beaks too deformed to eat. Acid rain from coal furnaces without scrubbers almost decimated New England's forests not to mention the paint jobs on cars up there. So a lot had to be done and they did it. But then they turned into something else and considered industry the enemy instead of a partner in cooperation. In the last 10 years they've operated like the the point they now conduct armed raids. Nobody intended that to happen but leave an agency with no oversight and that's what can happen. One of their senior management said the other day they would "resist Trump". Really? :lol:

About 15 years ago or so, the EPA said they didn't like our pollution levels here in Ohio. Okay, then stay the hell out of Ohio! Nope, they had to stick their nose in our business and force us to use E-Check in some of our counties.

Ten years and tens of millions of dollars later, the EPA tested our air again, and found no change in the pollution levels. So what did they make us do? Extend the program for another ten years.

THIS is one of the many reasons to eliminate bureaucracies like the EPA. Why should they give a damn about wasting money on something that doesn't work. It isn't their money!

Ohio is not forced to use E-check. They can ditch the program, they will just lose millions of dollars in highway funding. And it is only in seven counties who's air did not meet EPA quality standards. Those standards are LAWS passed by an elected legislature. Meet those standards, no more e-check.

Your solution is not to attempt to meet the standards. Not even to pass LAWS that change the standards. Your solution is to just do away with the enforcement mechanism behind the standards. From where I come from we call that being a CHICKEN SHIT.

Correct, they can only FORCE us to do the will of the feds by cutting off federal funding; something you on the left are currently complaining about when Trump plans to do the same with sanctuary cities.

Even if we met those standards, I would be willing to bet that they wouldn't allow us to stop the program anyway. But you know how we can stop it eventually? Get rid of the EPA.
Well why don't we blame "the left" for your lack of employer provided healthcare then. You seem to have no problem blaming "the left" for everything, no problem at all.

Your society runs on guilt, sin, and blame, which is perfect for a population of people who have no intention of ever taking any responsibility for anything at all. That’s what blame is for, to avoid responsibility. “The left” blames “the right”, “the right” blames “the left”, and your elites continue to economically sodomize and cannibalize society while the unsubstantial people are all occupied with sneering at one another, over “issues” they’ve “learned” to focus on from their televisions.

Yes, I will blame the left when blame is fitting, but not some kook conspiracy theory like the left comes up with.

I seen companies move out of state or country. I've talked with those owners who were moving by no choice of their own. The two biggest culprits for them moving were costly regulations and unions. If not for those two things, many of those companies would have stayed. But they can't compete in the world market today with those costs.

Pffffffffffffffffffft, look, we've all been indoctrinated to the Wall Street propaganda, spare me. It's bullshit, blame whoever you like, the entire thing looks utterly bipartisan to me, and the societal trajectory is a half century on now; there has indeed been a vast redistribution of societal wealth.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

All I can tell you is what I seen and experienced. One of our customers is a crate producer. They manufacture crates the size of suit cases to the size of a tractor-trailer. When I delivered those crates to companies moving overseas, I always tried to ask people WTF was happening? Many times I had discussions with the plant manager or actual owner of the companies. It was a consensus. Nobody wants to leave their own country unless they have no other choice. It's either leave the country or state, or join your former workers in the unemployment line.

Sounds like we have an economic system that refuses to pay for labor what it takes labor in america to live.

It's not just labor. Labor is only part of the reason. A company won't move halfway across the world to pay workers $6.00 less per hour. Shipping costs would exceed such savings.

It's a lot of things that move jobs out of the country. We keep putting more straws on the camels back month by month, year by year, until the camel finally collapses. Then we blame rich people for the problem.

Why would we blame rich people, we bailed out Wall Street with socialism, we love the wealthy.

You're missing something, american wealth generation is no longer tied to work or production, it is created fictionally in the financial services sector. Growing wealth in this society is merely a growing of debt. And it is utterly unsustainable.
You can bet your ass that you could cut every federal bureaucracy in half and the interests of the U.S. wouldn't skip a beat. Drain the swamp.

I agree...everybody gets a 20% haircut....except defense because Trump has already made it clear the expensive weapons systems are going to be scrutinized and nobody from the DOD is going to leave government and lobby for the contractors on his watch.

Bullshit, Goldman Sachs is heavily represented in this administration just as in all others. This is just this season's version of hope and change.
Why would we blame rich people, we bailed out Wall Street with socialism, we love the wealthy.
We didn't so shit. Obama and the Dumbocrats bailed out Wall Street with a great big smile on their face after campaigning about how they hate "corporate welfare". Lucky for them - they have a very stupid voter base.
Ohio ranks as one of the ugliest states out there minus Cleveland which is near a great lake. The rest of the state should be moved to the backwards, low educated, slacker south.

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