Trump OKs Keystone pipeline....

I have done told you. Its a foreign company using American courts to FORCE Americans to give up their land to said company. Its a foreign company, they shouldn't use our laws against us.

having an easement is not ownership. Do you think the utility companies OWN the easements on your property?

What is the name of this "foreign company"? that you are so pissed about.
Im not much for semantics of my arguments. Some people don't want that shit in their back yard. Its their fucking property. And while ED might be necessary in some cases, it shouldn't include a FOREIGN company.

where do you live? Half of Hawaii is owned by Japanese and Chinese, as is a large portion of California. Giving an easement via ED is not ownership. Geez man, you are making a fool of yourself here.
Its their land dude. That's my problem. Americans are getting sued by trans Canada to use their land against their will. I don't give a fuck if its just an easement. Its their property and trans Canada isn't even AMERICAN.

The pipelines built in the USA and will create American jobs. Eminent domain has pros and cons, always has. In this case most people believe that the pros outweigh the cons. You differ, and that's just fine. But the pipeline will be built, crude will flow safely to American refineries both from Canada and the USA, and the landowners will be fairly compensated for the use of their land.

BTW, AGW is a hoax. The world will run on fossil fuels for many years to come and man is not changing the climate of planet earth. But, having said that, we should be pursuing all forms of energy and going balls to the wall with them when they become financially viable.
"fairly" obviously not in their mind or they wouldn't be getting taken to court!
I agree with the second paragraph.
having an easement is not ownership. Do you think the utility companies OWN the easements on your property?

What is the name of this "foreign company"? that you are so pissed about.
Im not much for semantics of my arguments. Some people don't want that shit in their back yard. Its their fucking property. And while ED might be necessary in some cases, it shouldn't include a FOREIGN company.

where do you live? Half of Hawaii is owned by Japanese and Chinese, as is a large portion of California. Giving an easement via ED is not ownership. Geez man, you are making a fool of yourself here.
Its their land dude. That's my problem. Americans are getting sued by trans Canada to use their land against their will. I don't give a fuck if its just an easement. Its their property and trans Canada isn't even AMERICAN.

The pipelines built in the USA and will create American jobs. Eminent domain has pros and cons, always has. In this case most people believe that the pros outweigh the cons. You differ, and that's just fine. But the pipeline will be built, crude will flow safely to American refineries both from Canada and the USA, and the landowners will be fairly compensated for the use of their land.

BTW, AGW is a hoax. The world will run on fossil fuels for many years to come and man is not changing the climate of planet earth. But, having said that, we should be pursuing all forms of energy and going balls to the wall with them when they become financially viable.
"fairly" obviously not in their mind or they wouldn't be getting taken to court!
I agree with the second paragraph.

glad we agree. "fair" compensation almost always differs between the buyer and seller. The guy I bought my house from thought it was worth more than I did, nothing unique in that concept.
Im not much for semantics of my arguments. Some people don't want that shit in their back yard. Its their fucking property. And while ED might be necessary in some cases, it shouldn't include a FOREIGN company.

where do you live? Half of Hawaii is owned by Japanese and Chinese, as is a large portion of California. Giving an easement via ED is not ownership. Geez man, you are making a fool of yourself here.
Its their land dude. That's my problem. Americans are getting sued by trans Canada to use their land against their will. I don't give a fuck if its just an easement. Its their property and trans Canada isn't even AMERICAN.

The pipelines built in the USA and will create American jobs. Eminent domain has pros and cons, always has. In this case most people believe that the pros outweigh the cons. You differ, and that's just fine. But the pipeline will be built, crude will flow safely to American refineries both from Canada and the USA, and the landowners will be fairly compensated for the use of their land.

BTW, AGW is a hoax. The world will run on fossil fuels for many years to come and man is not changing the climate of planet earth. But, having said that, we should be pursuing all forms of energy and going balls to the wall with them when they become financially viable.
"fairly" obviously not in their mind or they wouldn't be getting taken to court!
I agree with the second paragraph.

glad we agree. "fair" compensation almost always differs between the buyer and seller. The guy I bought my house from thought it was worth more than I did, nothing unique in that concept.
Did you take him to court over it?
Link to anyone not being paid for the deal they agreed to?
They are taking them to court and using eminent domain. It isn't an agreement. It is using our government to FORCE people to accommodate a FOREIGN company.
I cant seem to stress FOREIGN enough.
Really? Do you REALLY need as link for ED? :p
So, you have no link....huh.....
TransCanada Tries To Seize U.S. Land For Keystone Pipeline
Texas judge rules in favor of TransCanada in eminent domain case
Keystone XL Eminent Domain Map
Cool Washington Post story bro...

So what property did the project take again?
They are taking them to court and using eminent domain. It isn't an agreement. It is using our government to FORCE people to accommodate a FOREIGN company.
I cant seem to stress FOREIGN enough.
Really? Do you REALLY need as link for ED? :p
So, you have no link....huh.....
TransCanada Tries To Seize U.S. Land For Keystone Pipeline
Texas judge rules in favor of TransCanada in eminent domain case
Keystone XL Eminent Domain Map
Cool Washington Post story bro...

So what property did the project take again?
Cool Keystone XL story, too... wasn't it?
Cool Keystone XL story, too... wasn't it?
Just link is up to the land taken since your Washington Post tripe didn't....thanks bro....
Crooked Hillary was originally for Keystone, but that pompous communist Obama rejected it
Cool Keystone XL story, too... wasn't it?
Just link is up to the land taken since your Washington Post tripe didn't....thanks bro....
Those will be all union jobs so they will actually pay decently and be done with a much higher quality. High wage jobs are a win for emp!oiyer and employee. Low wage jobs are offered by employers who do not deserve a good effort. People always work as kard as you pay them.
why don't liberals protest indoor plumbing too?

Liberals obliterate the environment building concrete cities. They spill millions of gallons of raw untreated human sewage into public waterways. They generate mountains of garbage and giant land fills. They spew millions of tons of pollution into the air. And a pipeline in the middle of nowhere is the problem?
Just link is up to the land taken since your Washington Post tripe didn't....thanks bro....
Link us up brother.....
All the liberal & media heads are constantly spinning. Their heads are literally spinning. With this flurry of Trump activity. It's fun to watch.
Personally, I think using pipelines to move oil is much more safer for the environment and people.
Transporting oil by train has proven dangerous for the environment and could cause death tolls in heavily populated area if there is one of the too common derailments.
View attachment 108482
But at the same time, I see this as a negative, particularly because it breaks another treaty with the Native Americans and what is highly important to them.
Let me put it this way, if the Dakota Pipeline was scheduled to go through one of Donald Trumps golf courses, it definitely would be diverted. But in this case, it's only Native Americans and who gives a shit about that minority and their heritage.
you know there is pipeline everywhere, even under golf courses. WTF are you talking about?

And your point is?

Didn't your hero Ted Kennedy fight against wind farms in his Liberal utopia of Martha's Vineyard?

Think about it with an open mind.
Fight the 'blight' of windfarms near my golf courses, Trump urges Ukip leader
Personally, I think using pipelines to move oil is much more safer for the environment and people.
Transporting oil by train has proven dangerous for the environment and could cause death tolls in heavily populated area if there is one of the too common derailments.
View attachment 108482
But at the same time, I see this as a negative, particularly because it breaks another treaty with the Native Americans and what is highly important to them.
Let me put it this way, if the Dakota Pipeline was scheduled to go through one of Donald Trumps golf courses, it definitely would be diverted. But in this case, it's only Native Americans and who gives a shit about that minority and their heritage.
you know there is pipeline everywhere, even under golf courses. WTF are you talking about?

And your point is?

Didn't your hero Ted Kennedy fight against wind farms in his Liberal utopia of Martha's Vineyard?

Think about it with an open mind.
Fight the 'blight' of windfarms near my golf courses, Trump urges Ukip leader

So Donald Trump or any other owner of a gulf course would not fight having an oil pipeline breach their golf course boundary?

6,000 Gallons of Oil Spill Onto Valencia Golf Course
A ruptured pipeline sent an estimated 6,000 gallons of crude oil oozing from beneath a Valencia golf course and into the Santa Clara river early this morning, authorities said.
The rupture occurred along a Mobil Oil pipeline, which carries crude oil from Kern County oil fields to a Torrance refinery. It was found by Mobil about 1 a.m. near Tourney Road inside the Valencia Golf Course south of Magic Mountain Road.
Mobil did not know this morning what caused the rupture. Other breaks in recent years have been caused by corrosion of aging pipe sections. Mobil is in the process of seeking government approval to replace the 92-mile pipeline with a safer high-tech system.
Today's rupture is the seventh significant leak from the Mobil pipeline in six years. In 1988, two ruptures three weeks apart in Sherman Oaks and Encino spilled more than 130,000 gallons of crude oil into city sewers. Mobil has spent more than $3.2 million in clean-up costs, damages to property and fines to government agencies.
6,000 Gallons of Oil Spill Onto Valencia Golf Course

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