Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.
Sense when has a politician ever told the truth,I can’t remember

that’s why I am not a trump supporter,I have no problem with you if you don’t vote to have him re-elected,I’m cool with that,what I DO have a problem with is trolls like the op here voting for Biden,a globalist,thinking he will be any better when if anything he will be WORSE the fact he is career politician.

only an idiot would vote for him thinking things would be better.trump is the first president sense carter who did not start any new wars with other countries,if biden gets in,new wars get expanded in the want a president who will murder women and children as bush and Obama did,then Biden’s your

Trump is still doing the same but I'm glad to see you don't support that.

The reasons politicians lie is because we allow it. Not voting for either is a step in the right direction.

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.
I’m struggling to think of anything he hasn’t lied about. Really, his campaigns are pretty much sizing the crowd then literally telling them what they want to here.
That's because all you do is read your libber media trash.
That’s because the liberal media is exactly what media is suppose be. If the media isn’t liberal, they hide and distort shit.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha....wait......hahahahahahahahaha! Too much, great standup material!
I have to leave here I can't stand it anymore when people who say they're Americans can tolerate this SOB this stupid MF in our WH and make excuses for him ,,,,Can it be because they're just like him?

You are running away because your emotional butt-hurt-based argument on this topic can not stand up to the recorded, published, reported FACTS, many of which have been posted in this thread.

TTFN, snowflake...

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.
I’m struggling to think of anything he hasn’t lied about. Really, his campaigns are pretty much sizing the crowd then literally telling them what they want to here.
That's because all you do is read your libber media trash.
That’s because the liberal media is exactly what media is suppose be. If the media isn’t liberal, they hide and distort shit.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha....wait......hahahahahahahahaha! Too much, great standup material!
If the media isn't liberal, then they hide shit......hahahahahahahahaha! Of course, that liberal media NEVER makes anything up along the way right brainless??
Lying about a contagion is arguably worse than shooting someone on 5th Avenue. Trump was right - it won't cost him any votes.

There was no lie
Trump didn't make the 5th Ave. comment.
You are correct in that he will have vastly more votes this year than 2016.

Of course, he lied. He knew it wasn't the flu. And of course, he said it.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."

You idiot cultists have your own reality.

There was no lie.
Weird how nuance fell out of favor as soon as the stuttering Kenyan left office, yes?

Trump quoted the media regarding 5th Ave.
He even says, in English, - The media says,.....

There is nothing left to be said.

Correct, there is nothing left to be said on how our POTUS handled the COVID virus, because he did all that could be done, the fact that you think someone else could have done anything different is laughable to put it nicely. The fear mongers such as yourself can’t deal with reality. The disease is going to kill people without a vaccine and even then people are going to die still. You’ve politicized a serious health crisis because you don’t like the fact he’s exposed all the crooks we have in elected office. It’s so amazing how destroying the global economy is more important than exposing the POS’s who don’t give a rats ass about anyone else, but theirselves, keep eating their crap...

There is one thing another president could have done that Trump didn't. Not lie about it.
Let’s see the last president that had any credibility capable of opening up his mouth without lying practically every single time was carter.the fact you got to go back forty years to find one that could do that,your on
drugs if you think biden would be any differerent,if anything.he would only be worse at lies,mr globalist that was the reason the facist lying pig Obama picked him as voted,he knew he was a liar same as him incapable of telling the comedy gold. Same with hitlery,only an idiot would say the clintons ever told the truth, comedy

I'm not voting for Biden and I didn't vote for Hillary.

Now can I condemn Trump's lies?

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.
I’m struggling to think of anything he hasn’t lied about. Really, his campaigns are pretty much sizing the crowd then literally telling them what they want to here.
Again that describes every president from Reagan to Obama of presidents who could never tell the truth about anything so whats new,Biden sure won’t be the
  • Thanks
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I have to leave here I can't stand it anymore when people who say they're Americans can tolerate this SOB this stupid MF in our WH and make excuses for him ,,,,Can it be because they're just like him?

You don't usually start drinking before lunch, it's usually early in the afternoon when you pull the bottle out of your desk. Tough day?
KAZ You're drinking the Kool Aide trump is an AH and you can't admit it I have no problem with you being a republican but some how I believed Republicans were so much better than what they've given us the past 4 years

"I have to leave here "

Can you not find your way out?
The great trump DOW is keeping me here...........

Why you always lying?
A lie ? That Trump is a failure ? Still no condemnation of Russian bounties? A draft dodging coward who gives away state secrets Suppressing info on russian infiltrating our elections?? A failure in protecting America?Yes this pos is republican through and through

That you had to leave.
I have to leave here I can't stand it anymore when people who say they're Americans can tolerate this SOB this stupid MF in our WH and make excuses for him ,,,,Can it be because they're just like him?

You don't usually start drinking before lunch, it's usually early in the afternoon when you pull the bottle out of your desk. Tough day?
KAZ You're drinking the Kool Aide trump is an AH and you can't admit it I have no problem with you being a republican but some how I believed Republicans were so much better than what they've given us the past 4 years

"I have to leave here "

Can you not find your way out?
The great trump DOW is keeping me here...........

Why you always lying?
A lie ? That Trump is a failure ? Still no condemnation of Russian bounties? A draft dodging coward who gives away state secrets Suppressing info on russian infiltrating our elections?? A failure in protecting America?Yes this pos is republican through and through
Don't forget about the Russians controlling the weather too...and Clinton was a draft dodger right? And in which part of the military did Obammy serve I forget....

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.
Again, this has nothing to do with military personnel. This is about how he admitted downplaying the virus to the American public.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.
DAMMIT!!! OK, but Fauci said it was no big deal too? So he is damned for listening to Fauci and damned for not listening to him. Like I said, I never would have locked down.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Do you have a tape.

Cons don't care. 45 lied about Corona Virus and they do not care. He lied and over 194,000 Americans died and they simply not care.
I trying to find what fairy tale book this is in, or did you just make it up?

No, Bob Woodward has a tape which has been played and replayed more times than I care to count.


But Cons do not care....just think what would have happened if a President HRC has lied about COVID-19...
So when Pelosi, Biden, DeBlasio, Ear's downplayed the virus at the beginning, you found that okay?
But, when Trump downplayed the virus to not cause a panic that was it. :rolleyes-41:
He didn't just lie to the American public. As PRESIDENT.

He THEN chose to MOCK Americans who were trying to protect themselves.

He is a disgrace and a menace.
Mocked them, huh?
Every name I had mentioned were top tier public figures, yest YOU ignore them.
I don't blame you for trying to change the subject. What I said was correct.
I didn't change the subject, I said, "Mocked them, huh?"
He didn't mock them.
Then I said you ignored what I said about the democrat officials downplaying the virus.
Completely on may not want to answer that, and I fully understand why you wouldn't. :eusa_whistle:

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.

What are you talking about? Trump has drastically reduced troops in the ME. All you're proving yet again is how dishonest you are.

Always lying and attacking Trump for both sides of the same issue is completely dishonest. You have no business calling ANYONE dishonest
Because we should

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

With his own voice! Who "debunked" this story?

Trump lied to the American people, that includes you. And yet you deny it.

Thus cults work in poison.
Awwwk! Awwwwk! Libber Polly wanna cracker! Awwwwk!
Well argued.

You deny facts. Why should your immaturity be rewarded by debate? You cannot be taught, informed or respected.
Which facts? You mean like the 2.8% mortality the President has lowered our country down to, after the 8% mass murderer Killer Cuomo and his band of Democrat hit men killed 90,000 people? We are lower than the global average despite NY and NJ causing more deaths than most countries....we have conducted 90 million tests to lead the globe there too....those facts??
4% of world population yet 25% of coronavirus cases.

Trump saying he knows the lethality, communicability, and effects on all age groups, yet publically calling the pandemic a "hoax" (a word he uses as projection) and saying it will just 'go away'! Americans need facts to make decisions. Trump is telling us what to think.

And you just go along.
Is that why WHO said travel restrictions were not required and you Leftards called Trump a racist for putting travel restrictions in place?
Pandemics are fluid situations. Consistently in a state of flux.

That's why leadership must keep people truthfully informed. And that's what Trump fails to do.

Kiss his ass at your own peril. Don't sell lies and tell me it's good for me.
We should have never locked down
have killed even more?
If the Wuhan virus is so deadly, so deadly Democrats have forcibly shuttered businesses to 'save human lives'...and Democrat 'now' know the President hid this from the American people......

...why is Nancy Pelosi sneaking off to a hair salon to get a 'rinse and blow'....

...and pissed that Americans know it?


There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.
I’m struggling to think of anything he hasn’t lied about. Really, his campaigns are pretty much sizing the crowd then literally telling them what they want to here.

Another zombie leftist who hates Trump no matter what he does then suddenly cares about "truth" when you have none yourself. If you always tell people it's raining, you're lying whether it's raining or not

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.
I’m struggling to think of anything he hasn’t lied about. Really, his campaigns are pretty much sizing the crowd then literally telling them what they want to here.
"I’m struggling to think"

I can clearly see that as you're voting for someone who died three years ago except no one told him.

Yes, Joe coughs dust

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