Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.

He didn't lie, he did what a leader in the USA is supposed to do. What would you have done?

There is nothing left to be said.

Correct, there is nothing left to be said on how our POTUS handled the COVID virus, because he did all that could be done, the fact that you think someone else could have done anything different is laughable to put it nicely. The fear mongers such as yourself can’t deal with reality. The disease is going to kill people without a vaccine and even then people are going to die still. You’ve politicized a serious health crisis because you don’t like the fact he’s exposed all the crooks we have in elected office. It’s so amazing how destroying the global economy is more important than exposing the POS’s who don’t give a rats ass about anyone else, but theirselves, keep eating their crap...

There is one thing another president could have done that Trump didn't. Not lie about it.
Let’s see the last president that had any credibility capable of opening up his mouth without lying practically every single time was carter.the fact you got to go back forty years to find one that could do that,your on
drugs if you think biden would be any differerent,if anything.he would only be worse at lies,mr globalist that was the reason the facist lying pig Obama picked him as voted,he knew he was a liar same as him incapable of telling the comedy gold. Same with hitlery,only an idiot would say the clintons ever told the truth, comedy

I'm not voting for Biden and I didn't vote for Hillary.

Now can I condemn Trump's lies?

Sure,I got no problem with that,there are soooooo many trolls like the op,care4all and others here who think globalist biden is the answer and things will get back to normal with him and wanted hitlery elected who would have been five times worse the fact she is a mass murderer,that I did not realise you were different than those trolls. The fact there are sooooooo many of them here trolling kissing Biden’s ass,that he is the next jfk,they are that fucking stupid.its cool to see you are not one of them.

Okay your obviously not a troll,that’s cool. As I said,I’m not a trump supporter either,I have been critical of lies he has told sense being potus as well but unlike the op,I give him credit where credit is due as well.its called being objective,something her and so many of these trolls on this thread clearly are not.its fucking unreal how stupid they are that they honestly believe mass murderer biden who went along with all the policys of facist pig traiter Obama,will be any different when if anything,will just be worse.

beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
The whole thing is a well derp, to me, so far as thread topic.

It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself. If you're a fat PoS or have concerning health related problems that go along with C19, yeah, you are less likely to survive. Derp.

Doesn't matter. As a rational human being, we are supposed to understand that any president doesn't want to instill fear and panic in the people. Trump is a confident and optimistic person. He sells things as such, and usually it goes well. If you are taking all your pandemic safety advice from a president, any president, then you are a silly fool that probably doesn't deserve to live.

But for those struggling with this, be clear.

Trump can literally walk up to a cracker, pregnant nun.. strangle her on camera, and I am STILL VOTING FOR HIM INSTEAD OF BIDEN/HARRIS.

why? because they SUCK WORSE... even still... in this hypothetical.
The whole thing is a well derp, to me, so far as thread topic.

It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself. If you're a fat PoS or have concerning health related problems that go along with C19, yeah, you are less likely to survive. Derp.

Doesn't matter. As a rational human being, we are supposed to understand that any president doesn't want to instill fear and panic in the people. Trump is a confident and optimistic person. He sells things as such, and usually it goes well. If you are taking all your pandemic safety advice from a president, any president, then you are a silly fool that probably doesn't deserve to live.

But for those struggling with this, be clear.

Trump can literally walk up to a cracker, pregnant nun.. strangle her on camera, and I am STILL VOTING FOR HIM INSTEAD OF BIDEN/HARRIS.

why? because they SUCK WORSE... even still... in this hypothetical.


There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.

What are you talking about? Trump has drastically reduced troops in the ME. All you're proving yet again is how dishonest you are.

No he hasn't.

Always lying and attacking Trump for both sides of the same issue is completely dishonest. You have no business calling ANYONE dishonest

And yet I do.
The whole thing is a well derp, to me, so far as thread topic.

It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself. If you're a fat PoS or have concerning health related problems that go along with C19, yeah, you are less likely to survive. Derp.

Doesn't matter. As a rational human being, we are supposed to understand that any president doesn't want to instill fear and panic in the people. Trump is a confident and optimistic person. He sells things as such, and usually it goes well. If you are taking all your pandemic safety advice from a president, any president, then you are a silly fool that probably doesn't deserve to live.

But for those struggling with this, be clear.

Trump can literally walk up to a cracker, pregnant nun.. strangle her on camera, and I am STILL VOTING FOR HIM INSTEAD OF BIDEN/HARRIS.

why? because they SUCK WORSE... even still... in this hypothetical.
By far

There is nothing left to be said.

He didn't lie, he did what a leader in the USA is supposed to do. What would you have done?
This troll will come back and say something retarded like if hillery had been elected,she would have stopped this from happening,we need biden in office,he will put things back to normal and all kinds of retarded shit like that,you can count on
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself. If you're a fat PoS or have concerning health related problems that go along with C19, yeah, you are less likely to survive. Derp.
it wouldn't be any different with the flu either. that's the piece missing. all of those deaths would have happened with the supposed normal flu. A virus of any kind will take out an unhealthy victim.

Lol, He asked reporters to take off the masks because he couldn't understand what they were saying. That isn't mocking.
I didn't hear Trump mocking anyone, only CNN was saying he was mocking. Go figure.
Nice try, but your effort does not hold water in the real world.

But, thanks again for not talking about your tribe downplaying the China virus. That speaks volumes for anyone paying attention. :eusa_clap:

There is nothing left to be said.

He didn't lie, he did what a leader in the USA is supposed to do. What would you have done?
This troll will come back and say something retarded like if hillery had been elected,she would have stopped this from happening,we need biden in office,he will put things back to normal and all kinds of retarded shit like that,you can count on
that's the kicker here, they think the demofks are GODs!!!!!!!!

Thank you for the unbiased sources

Yeah, that's not Trump in the videos.

Typical. Incredible.

It is but you have admit he gets pushed into it? Ever listen to the briefings? Listen to his and to BHOs and GW's....not quite the same. Press is very rude at best.

No one said Trump can control himself. And of course someone else is responsible.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.

There is nothing left to be said.

Correct, there is nothing left to be said on how our POTUS handled the COVID virus, because he did all that could be done, the fact that you think someone else could have done anything different is laughable to put it nicely. The fear mongers such as yourself can’t deal with reality. The disease is going to kill people without a vaccine and even then people are going to die still. You’ve politicized a serious health crisis because you don’t like the fact he’s exposed all the crooks we have in elected office. It’s so amazing how destroying the global economy is more important than exposing the POS’s who don’t give a rats ass about anyone else, but theirselves, keep eating their crap...

There is one thing another president could have done that Trump didn't. Not lie about it.
Let’s see the last president that had any credibility capable of opening up his mouth without lying practically every single time was carter.the fact you got to go back forty years to find one that could do that,your on
drugs if you think biden would be any differerent,if anything.he would only be worse at lies,mr globalist that was the reason the facist lying pig Obama picked him as voted,he knew he was a liar same as him incapable of telling the comedy gold. Same with hitlery,only an idiot would say the clintons ever told the truth, comedy

I'm not voting for Biden and I didn't vote for Hillary.

Now can I condemn Trump's lies?

Sure,I got no problem with that,there are soooooo many trolls like the op,care4all and others here who think globalist biden is the answer and things will get back to normal with him and wanted hitlery elected who would have been five times worse the fact she is a mass murderer,that I did not realise you were different than those trolls. The fact there are sooooooo many of them here trolling kissing Biden’s ass,that he is the next jfk,they are that fucking stupid.its cool to see you are not one of them.

Okay your obviously not a troll,that’s cool. As I said,I’m not a trump supporter either,I have been critical of lies he has told sense being potus as well but unlike the op,I give him credit where credit is due as well.its called being objective,something her and so many of these trolls on this thread clearly are not.its fucking unreal how stupid they are that they honestly believe mass murderer biden who went along with all the policys of facist pig traiter Obama,will be any different when if anything,will just be worse.

beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.

No argument from me. Though I will note it would be nice to have a president that isn't constantly calling people names like a 12 year but no Biden is not going to fix the big problems.

Thank you for the unbiased sources

Yeah, that's not Trump in the videos.

Typical. Incredible.

It is but you have admit he gets pushed into it? Ever listen to the briefings? Listen to his and to BHOs and GW's....not quite the same. Press is very rude at best.

No one said Trump can control himself. And of course someone else is responsible.

Nope, someone else being responsible is the theme song of your idiot party not ours.
I have to leave here I can't stand it anymore when people who say they're Americans can tolerate this SOB this stupid MF in our WH and make excuses for him ,,,,Can it be because they're just like him?

You don't usually start drinking before lunch, it's usually early in the afternoon when you pull the bottle out of your desk. Tough day?
KAZ You're drinking the Kool Aide trump is an AH and you can't admit it I have no problem with you being a republican but some how I believed Republicans were so much better than what they've given us the past 4 years

"I have to leave here "

Can you not find your way out?
The great trump DOW is keeping me here...........

Why you always lying?
A lie ? That Trump is a failure ? Still no condemnation of Russian bounties? A draft dodging coward who gives away state secrets Suppressing info on russian infiltrating our elections?? A failure in protecting America?Yes this pos is republican through and through

You're still stuck on 2018 talking points
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
It is hyperbole. He didn't "know" how dangerous it is. Hell we still don't know. "Corvid"?
Its as dangerous as the cold or a flu.....unless you are older or have pre-existing problems or both.
Trump's words:
"It goes through the air," Trump said. "That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flus.

So when was Trump lying- when he said it was much more dangerous than the flu- or when he said it was just like the flu?
The "President" purposely mis-led the American people about a deadly pandemic headed their way.

That's a fact.
Fact is it’s not that deadly and we never should have locked down. More lives were lost due to the lockdowns. That was a bad move by Trump. He still gets my vote in 2020 over Harris.
How many of your people died because of this AH Trump?? Every dead Jew is looking down on you and weeps

Gee Ed where's your outrage over the Dems called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US??

Where's your outrage of Pelousy telling everyone to chill and that the virus was nothing and they should enjoy the Chinese New Year??

Trump was working on this in January. What were the Dems doing besides trying to block everything he did.

You sure have selective outrage and your a whiny hypocritical ass.
Yeah he was working ,,,working trying to save his lying ass Trump lied and people died ,,so please, can all your other BS
eddie---you are deranged...if you could only understand what you are typing

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