Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Oh come on.....the flu is estimated and the corona is all over the place with death accounting. Take away Killer Cuomo and the 6 Dem led states and the total is 100,000 total....too bad we have any Dem governors to skew our stats so badly.

Taking your numbers (half the published values) it still puts the coronavirus as the 3rd biggest cause of death in the USA, behind heart disease and cancer.

3rd biggest cause of death. Think about it.
And 56th on the global list of daily deaths....but if we knew the REAL number killed by corona, truly killed by the virus and not a bus hitting them or a piano falling on their heads....think it would be much much less.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.
Half these whiny wackos wont even vote for Biden he is horrible.
Yeah, I bet half of the lazy no-vote chumps are not even serious. They just be like bored trolls wantin attentions and shit, yo.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.
I'm voting for a president with a heart NOT a zombie pos who doesn't know how to protect our country ,,who is in bed with our enemy Putin who has something on trump One who doesn't believe in white privilege

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.

What are you talking about? Trump has drastically reduced troops in the ME. All you're proving yet again is how dishonest you are.

No he hasn't.

Always lying and attacking Trump for both sides of the same issue is completely dishonest. You have no business calling ANYONE dishonest

And yet I do.

Yes, because you're dishonest.

And that you don't know Trump is reducing troops in the ME is again how dishonest you are, you don't even care what's true. You just bang the drum all day, get Trump, get Trump, get Trump no matter what he does. Even when he does what you want, like reduce ME troops

If he was you would have provided verification. His words do not constitute verification.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.
I'm voting for a president with a heart NOT a zombie pos who doesn't know how to protect our country ,,who is in bed with our enemy Putin who has something on trump One who doesn't believe in white privilege
What you are voting for is a wacko commie libchik in the Oval Office....
The whole thing is a well derp, to me, so far as thread topic.

It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself. If you're a fat PoS or have concerning health related problems that go along with C19, yeah, you are less likely to survive. Derp.

Doesn't matter. As a rational human being, we are supposed to understand that any president doesn't want to instill fear and panic in the people. Trump is a confident and optimistic person. He sells things as such, and usually it goes well. If you are taking all your pandemic safety advice from a president, any president, then you are a silly fool that probably doesn't deserve to live.

But for those struggling with this, be clear.

Trump can literally walk up to a cracker, pregnant nun.. strangle her on camera, and I am STILL VOTING FOR HIM INSTEAD OF BIDEN/HARRIS.

why? because they SUCK WORSE... even still... in this hypothetical.
That’s what I keep saying,I never wanted trump in office,I wanted Ron Paul even though he would not last in office very long,they would have taken him out same as they did jfk the fact he has many of the same policys he had.But I am grateful he got elected and do not regret voting for him the fact the alternative was a mass murderer that does not believe in the constitution.thefact is she would have been five times worse and so would biden.all you got to do is do your ho,eWorld and it’s so obvious to even a thinking child,it’s the dems trying to destroy America and fulfill Bill Gates agenda to depopulate the world by ruining the livlihoods of people around the globe.
Oh come on.....the flu is estimated and the corona is all over the place with death accounting. Take away Killer Cuomo and the 6 Dem led states and the total is 100,000 total....too bad we have any Dem governors to skew our stats so badly.

Taking your numbers (half the published values) it still puts the coronavirus as the 3rd biggest cause of death in the USA, behind heart disease and cancer.

3rd biggest cause of death. Think about it.
except it isn't. and the CDC says so. see post number 977. The link is there.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.
I'm voting for a president with a heart NOT a zombie pos who doesn't know how to protect our country ,,who is in bed with our enemy Putin who has something on trump One who doesn't believe in white privilege
O'Brian warned Trump of virus on Jan 28th.... NSA told the pos, biggest national security threat you'll have

Thank you for the unbiased sources

Yeah, that's not Trump in the videos.

Typical. Incredible.

It is but you have admit he gets pushed into it? Ever listen to the briefings? Listen to his and to BHOs and GW's....not quite the same. Press is very rude at best.

No one said Trump can control himself. And of course someone else is responsible.

Nope, someone else being responsible is the theme song of your idiot party not ours.

Evidence notwithstanding. You may be unfamiliar with the Finger-Pointer-in-Chief.

Evidence or just more nonstop whining and man are those grapes sour?

Trump says he always downplays the virus, while Kayleigh McEnany offers the official White House response: "The president never downplayed the virus," - McEnany.

This is Trump's America.

You're just saying stupid stuff.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.
I'm voting for a president with a heart NOT a zombie pos who doesn't know how to protect our country ,,who is in bed with our enemy Putin who has something on trump One who doesn't believe in white privilege
O'Brian warned Trump of virus on Jan 28th.... NSA told the pos, biggest national security threat you'll have
Oh geez please flip that record over and play the other side for a while.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.
I'm voting for a president with a heart NOT a zombie pos who doesn't know how to protect our country ,,who is in bed with our enemy Putin who has something on trump One who doesn't believe in white privilege
What you are voting for is a wacko commie libchik in the Oval Office....
Stands up and gives standing ovation,that’s comical these stupid idiots think biden has a heart,nobody with a heart would go along with the mass murders hobomination committed while in office.jesus christ.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.
I'm voting for a president with a heart NOT a zombie pos who doesn't know how to protect our country ,,who is in bed with our enemy Putin who has something on trump One who doesn't believe in white privilege

Thank you for the unbiased sources

Yeah, that's not Trump in the videos.

Typical. Incredible.

It is but you have admit he gets pushed into it? Ever listen to the briefings? Listen to his and to BHOs and GW's....not quite the same. Press is very rude at best.

No one said Trump can control himself. And of course someone else is responsible.

Nope, someone else being responsible is the theme song of your idiot party not ours.

Evidence notwithstanding. You may be unfamiliar with the Finger-Pointer-in-Chief.

Evidence or just more nonstop whining and man are those grapes sour?

Trump says he always downplays the virus, while Kayleigh McEnany offers the official White House response: "The president never downplayed the virus," - McEnany.

This is Trump's America.

You're just saying stupid stuff.

So what? You nitwits have no ability to think for yourselves and simply parrot and squawk your talking points all the day long.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.

"You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet."

Which do you think is which?

Thank you for the unbiased sources

Yeah, that's not Trump in the videos.

Typical. Incredible.

It is but you have admit he gets pushed into it? Ever listen to the briefings? Listen to his and to BHOs and GW's....not quite the same. Press is very rude at best.

No one said Trump can control himself. And of course someone else is responsible.

Nope, someone else being responsible is the theme song of your idiot party not ours.

Evidence notwithstanding. You may be unfamiliar with the Finger-Pointer-in-Chief.

Evidence or just more nonstop whining and man are those grapes sour?

Trump says he always downplays the virus, while Kayleigh McEnany offers the official White House response: "The president never downplayed the virus," - McEnany.

This is Trump's America.

You're just saying stupid stuff.

Kinda like the stupid stuff the dem supporters here as the op say that mass murderer biden will get things back to normal and that he has a heart.Kinda like that stupid stuff.hee hee.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
Trump could definitely win. Not a good reflection on the country or the Democratic Party.

I think it would be a sad reflection on the path America has gone down. The Election is for sale and it is the best democracy money can buy...

Biden is a fine candidate with a very able partner in Harris.. He has tons of experience and has a strong non partisan record. Harder to get a more centerist candidate in these times with this experience. Truth is Biden will appoint a team of actual professionals dedicated to public servants. At that point he could clear off and play golf for the whole first term and he would be better than Trump.

The truth is the GOP attack machine can make the Pope look like a pimp and Jesus as a communist.... It is what they do... It is relentless and has no boundaries on decency or honesty. Look at the way they talk about Obama. Hillary Clinton was the most popular national politician in America when she left office in 2013 with 65% approval. She was the most hated woman in America 3 years later while not in office.

Look at the comments on US dead soldiers or the tapes from woodward... They have no shame. They will perfectly accept being lied to rather than face the truth.
Yah, but it doesn't have anything to do with biden. In feb or march, the nominee was probably more likely to be Bernie or Mayor Pete, who are probably left and right of Biden. The Trumpanzees willingness, even desire, to eat Trump's obvious lies is not really political in terms of issues. And they had to know it was lies because of what they could see in Italy Spain SK. It was the same virus that reacted differently depending on what a society did in response. Trump took and is taking the worst possible path.

He didn't want to tell the boaters in the Ozarks or the bikers in Sturgis what they didn't want to hear. He didn't want them to panic and change behaviors. And 100K have died already because of Trump

Deep state lies? Those aren't the danger.
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.

"You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet."

Which do you think is which?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha please........
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
Trump could definitely win. Not a good reflection on the country or the Democratic Party.

I think it would be a sad reflection on the path America has gone down. The Election is for sale and it is the best democracy money can buy...

Biden is a fine candidate with a very able partner in Harris.. He has tons of experience and has a strong non partisan record. Harder to get a more centerist candidate in these times with this experience. Truth is Biden will appoint a team of actual professionals dedicated to public servants. At that point he could clear off and play golf for the whole first term and he would be better than Trump.

The truth is the GOP attack machine can make the Pope look like a pimp and Jesus as a communist.... It is what they do... It is relentless and has no boundaries on decency or honesty. Look at the way they talk about Obama. Hillary Clinton was the most popular national politician in America when she left office in 2013 with 65% approval. She was the most hated woman in America 3 years later while not in office.

Look at the comments on US dead soldiers or the tapes from woodward... They have no shame. They will perfectly accept being lied to rather than face the truth.
Yah, but it doesn't have anything to do with biden. In feb or march, the nominee was probably more likely to be Bernie or Mayor Pete, who are probably left and right of Biden. The Trumpanzees willingness, even desire, to eat Trump's obvious lies is not really political in terms of issues. And they had to know it was lies because of what they could see in Italy Spain SK. It was the same virus that reacted differently depending on what a society did in response. Trump took and is taking the worst possible path.

He didn't want to tell the boaters in the Ozarks or the bikers in Sturgis what they didn't want to hear. He didn't want them to panic and change behaviors. And 100K have died already because of Trump

Deep state lies? Those aren't the danger.
And 90k died because of Dem governors in sanctuary states...lets see, 90k in 6 states, 100k in the other 44.....
It's not that I am upset or not upset about Trump downplaying.. and he did downplay. His translation is deaths per.. which he was at least accurate on. C19 has a very low death %, if you take it as is by itself.

But you realize that's not what Trump was told. He was told, and he repeated it to Bob Woodward, that the coronavirus was 5 times as deadly as the worst flu. And that it effected both the young and the old. And Trump knew this back in January 2020.
So what? Now we know its the same as the flu and shutting everything down was a vast overreaction.
Exactly. And we don't know that this was all he was ever told.

Look, bottom line is we are in September. All the bullshit being thrown out from now until the 3rd is what I call NFL Draft Rumors. It's all gibberish slop crap to try and change some minds about their draft board. There will be more to follow and so on and so forth.

Give it up, people. Minds are made up.

You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet.

Do what you will.

"You will vote for strong economy, law and order. Or you will vote for shredding America into a 3rd world toilet."

Which do you think is which?
Trump's made America a third world Healthcare state. We didn't have these riots with Obama., and he was the pits.

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