Trump: Only cowards take a knee

Morons and idiots....disgusting humans... pink hats weaklings taking a knee ....

makes me puke.

Our wonderful Pres.Trump is correct!! ... :thup:
Trump always makes the US proud
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He damn sure ain't kneeling.
He sure damn isn't but he is making a fool of himself and the US without kneeling.
Trump is an embarrassment to the US whether he stands, kneels or lays down in his bunker so the mean protesters will not get him.
I am not embarrassed? Maybe I am tougher than you? Not that it’s saying much.
I would like to see tough man missouri mike with his big gun and standing tall (because he does not kneel because he is tough) go up to a kneeling Labron James and tell him that your kneeling means you are weak.
We would be pulling missouri mike's gun out of his ass after we peeled him off the ceiling.

Are you under the impression that Lebron James is bullet proof? I don't think he would appreciate you encouraging people to shoot at him.
the only ass great lebron kisses is communist China !
I would like to see you stand in front of LaBron and say that. You wouldn't. You are a typicall big talking, gun toting, Trump supporter that we laugh at. You are a joke and you now it.
...LaBron James is a real man. ...
How do you know? You don't even know him well enough to spell his name. All you know is that he plays basketball really, really well.
I know he is 6' 9" and could kick the ass of all these tough talking Trump supporting clowns.
In the real world it makes no differnce LaBron can kick their ass. But in their small world where manhood is determined if you kneel to someone or if you carry a gun the fact their ass could be easily kicked has meaning
If I ever kneel it isn’t going to be to make you superior. It’s because I’m taking aim and fixing to blow your worthless ass away.
I'd kneel if I were slicing through an Achilles tendon.
I will kneel for two things. First is to pray. Second is I’m praying you don’t fuck up and make me shoot you while taking aim. I don’t do NATO rounds. You’re getting a hollow point. That kneel is going to result in a small hole at entry, and all your guts out the back side.
A real man does not need a gun or threat of a gun to prove he is a man. A real man is not so insecure that if he finds a reason to kneel for anyone, he will do it. Trump and supporters are so fricking insecure they are scared someone will think they are not a real man. And they are not real men no matter how big of gun they have, anyone can buy a big gun, or how tough they talk, they are not tough.
Trump and supporters are an absolute joke. The people they think they intimidate are laughing at them.
Looks like you’ve never met a real man.
I would like to see tough man missouri mike with his big gun and standing tall (because he does not kneel because he is tough) go up to a kneeling Labron James and tell him that your kneeling means you are weak.
We would be pulling missouri mike's gun out of his ass after we peeled him off the ceiling.
I don’t really get you point here. Am I not supposed to shoot him because he’s big or something? And how exactly is my gun going to end up in my ass? Is it because I’m so intimidated by a guy that plays basketball?

I guess I don’t get how he’s so great I’m going to take knee and surrender like he did to the Chinese for a paycheck.
my point is you are a fricking wuss. Talk tough, carry a big gun because you are a wuss.
LaBron James is a real man. He can kneel to anyone and he is 20 times the man you will ever be and you know it.
Guns and tough talk are a sure sign of a wuss.
So... we’re just supposed to be subjects to the toughest guy on the block? If you fight that guy in any way you’re a pussy? Is that the claim here?
...LaBron James is a real man. ...
How do you know? You don't even know him well enough to spell his name. All you know is that he plays basketball really, really well.
I know he is 6' 9" and could kick the ass of all these ...
Because he's 6'9"? That's it? I can't recall him ever getting in even an embarrassingly awkward basketball fight. Is there some reason you worship his manhood besides his height?
...LaBron James is a real man. ...
How do you know? You don't even know him well enough to spell his name. All you know is that he plays basketball really, really well.
I know he is 6' 9" and could kick the ass of all these tough talking Trump supporting clowns.
In the real world it makes no differnce LaBron can kick their ass. But in their small world where manhood is determined if you kneel to someone or if you carry a gun the fact their ass could be easily kicked has meaning
Am I supposed to let the next guy that can put a rubber ball through a hoop better than me run my life? Is that how we’re going to do things now? Kind of a reverse gladiator thing. Where the winner of a game of horse rules the nation.

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