Trump orders federal departments, agencies to provide citizenship records: We will leave no stone un


I never understood a reply like this. The only option for someone that wants to better America is to leave it?

The "better" place you seek to turn America into already exists in Venezuela and North Korea. Why destroy this nation? Just move.

Ah, but that's the rub, those places have already been looted, and you don't seek a "better" land, you seek to loot what your betters created.

You all need to make up your mind.......
Stem the flow of illegals. However it's not a money factor, it's a Democrat factor. We have one group of people that want closed borders, and another group of people that want open borders. Money isn't the problem here.

The problem is that neither group really wants to stem the flow. They might want them here for different reasons, but the last 40 years proves neither groups wants to stop them.

This is a new era we’re in...Donald Trump has woke the people. All good real Americans are done pretending that wetbacks aren’t ruining this nation. Let go of what you thought you knew...New times bud, ain’t it great?
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How many people paving their own way and paying their own way share that sentiment?
Do you find that odd?

Why don't you ask all the Crapitalists who sh(t all over our society, and the dregs they brought in sh(t all over our society too.

Here's a list of Crapitalits who sh(t all over this country.

Trump, Soros, Rothschilds, Hollywood, W Bush, Facebook, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, CNN, Google, Youtube, Twitter, Porn Industry, the Music Industry, McDonalds, Walmart, Amazon. etc,

Then there's all the Blacks, Mexicans, etc. brought in to appease the Crapitalists cheap labor.

The drug dealer Crapitalists, the Prostitute Crapitalists.

America is quickly turning into more of a Sh(ttopia, rather than a Utopia.

You’re mistaken....Leftists, leftist ideals and all their fucked up philosophy leads to is what “shits all over” American society.
Capitalists, in general, simply want you to pay your own way...if you cannot or will not you have to hate capitalists and capitalism...I totally get it.

is the Fed pumping billions and billions into the markets an example of paying your own way?

Explain...How are they pumping billions into the markets?


Paying your own way isn’t trivial...BUYING your own health insurance and not expecting rich guys to subsidize you is a better example of paying your own way.

Are farmers paying their own way?

Explain how the fed is "pumping billions and billions into the markets" You made the moronic claim, so back it up.
Trump would buy every single farmer a truck if it would help him win re-election, my friends!

and he would put the name TRUMP on the license plates!

Trump will easily win reelection.

The question is the house.

I predict the Americans pick up in excess of 50 seats, putting the Communist democrats in a serious minority position. We already know the Senate won't change much.


Trump has pissed off a lot of people.

Women, Poles, people on health insurance benefits.

People who could vote for him, but he threw away.

McCain being a good example.

Once he died, John McCain was assured to vote democrat.. The dead are a MAJOR voting bloc for the Marxist democrats.

But the Polock is merely stupid. There is no question about Trump winning reelection. The only question is the house. I predict that the Americans pick up north of 50 seats. It only takes 16 to take the majority away from the Stalinists,

You're very overconfident & overly sure of your candidate.
A mere sign of a low IQ, one track minded savage.

I didn't say Trump couldn't win, but I'll lean against it.

Nearly 10% of Wisconsin is Polish American.

Trump pushed for Poland to pay Jews reparations, and has Putin of Russia supporting him, and Trump attacks NATO.

3 things that will turn a fair number of Polish Americans against him.
Stem the flow of illegals. However it's not a money factor, it's a Democrat factor. We have one group of people that want closed borders, and another group of people that want open borders. Money isn't the problem here.

The problem is that neither group really wants to stem the flow. They might want them here for different reasons, but the last 40 years proves neither groups wants to stop them.

This is a new era we’re in...Donald Trump has woke the people. All good real Americans are done pretending that wetbacks aren’t ruining this nation. Let go of what you thought you knew...New Times bud, ain’t it great?

Sure it is. You are so naive.

So, back to the OP...what has been accomplished on this topic since July when Trump had his photo op?

has there been compliance by the agencies?
Explain...How are they pumping billions into the markets?


Paying your own way isn’t trivial...BUYING your own health insurance and not expecting rich guys to subsidize you is a better example of paying your own way.

Are farmers paying their own way?

Good, real Americans agree with investing taxpayer cash in America’s food’s no less important than investing in infrastructure, military etc etc...and it’s far more important than investing in Guadalupe, ShaQuita and their litters of liabilities with no ROi potential.
See how simple it is to think like a good, real American does?

We don't want to invest in Billy Bobs either, or Protestant White trash.

Let the Southern idiots go take care of themselves.

They're the worst mooching savages of them all in the USA, anyways.

Let’s be honest...YOU aren’t investing in shit...if you were you wouldn’t be on an internet forum discreetly begging for free shit.
Further, this is Billy Bobs country...he and his ancestors built it...
Fun fact: 1.3 in 10 Billy Bobs are on the tit while the vast majority of dark folks and foreigners EXPECT to be carried by REAL Americans...Nobody really gives two fucks about the micro percentages...Remember?

Individualists are such retarded savages.

First off, I understand that Crapitalism has lead to every problem you complain about.
You don't seem to grasp it because you're a low IQ moron.

Second off, I understand that we spend the most on healthcare in the World, because of idiot Crapitalists like you.
You don't seem to grasp it because you're a low IQ moron.

Haha...”individualists are such retarded savages”.
Do you people ever listen to yourselves speak? Only a lowlife beggar who needs others to carry him would ever make such a degenerate statement. The more you speak the more you expose yourself as dead-weight and just another piece of foreign trash seeking to steal from REAL Americans. Do you see why we are fed the fuck up with foreign filth?
This country used to support helping others. Quit trying to change that.

Like all democrats, you seem to think charity begins in the pocket of the neighbor the government is pointing a gun at.

Comrade, why is it that Republicans are highly charitable, but you Communists are not?

“In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent.”

Clearly, there are a number of factors that influence the disparity between conservative and liberal giving. Two reasons that Brooks mentions in his own work are religious affiliation and the way in which liberals and conservatives view the government’s role in society. To address the former, a higher proportion of conservatives are religious and, thus, report routinely giving to churches and faith-based ministries.}

Surprise! Conservatives are more generous than liberals

You Marxists don't give of your own, you only steal from one to give to another.

Are farmers paying their own way?

Good, real Americans agree with investing taxpayer cash in America’s food’s no less important than investing in infrastructure, military etc etc...and it’s far more important than investing in Guadalupe, ShaQuita and their litters of liabilities with no ROi potential.
See how simple it is to think like a good, real American does?

We don't want to invest in Billy Bobs either, or Protestant White trash.

Let the Southern idiots go take care of themselves.

They're the worst mooching savages of them all in the USA, anyways.

Let’s be honest...YOU aren’t investing in shit...if you were you wouldn’t be on an internet forum discreetly begging for free shit.
Further, this is Billy Bobs country...he and his ancestors built it...
Fun fact: 1.3 in 10 Billy Bobs are on the tit while the vast majority of dark folks and foreigners EXPECT to be carried by REAL Americans...Nobody really gives two fucks about the micro percentages...Remember?

Individualists are such retarded savages.

First off, I understand that Crapitalism has lead to every problem you complain about.
You don't seem to grasp it because you're a low IQ moron.

Second off, I understand that we spend the most on healthcare in the World, because of idiot Crapitalists like you.
You don't seem to grasp it because you're a low IQ moron.

Haha...”individualists are such retarded savages”.
Do you people ever listen to yourselves speak? Only a lowlife beggar who needs others to carry him would ever make such a degenerate statement. The more you speak the more you expose yourself as dead-weight and just another piece of foreign trash seeking to steal from REAL Americans. Do you see why we are fed the fuck up with foreign filth?

Individualism really needs to be flushed down the toilet.

America pays $10,000 per person on healthcare, about twice as high as Germany, or Canada, or the UK.
Thanks to Individualism.

You want Americans to pay more for healthcare, really?

Individualism is also judging races, religions, or ethnics, or LGBTQ or Illegal Immigrants as just Individuals.

Individualists must be severely emotionally detached & detached of logic.

Individualists are outliers of civilization, basically a monstrosity that must be eroded.

You just want your own people to die, that's what Individualism is doing.

Bravo, you couldn't make up a bigger amount of unpatriotic, and idiocy on your terms.
Stem the flow of illegals. However it's not a money factor, it's a Democrat factor. We have one group of people that want closed borders, and another group of people that want open borders. Money isn't the problem here.

The problem is that neither group really wants to stem the flow. They might want them here for different reasons, but the last 40 years proves neither groups wants to stop them.

Republicans like the cheap labor, but they are not putting up nearly the fight Democrats are. Not only do Democrats not put up a fight, they make illegals stay here as comfortable as possible, by not interacting with federal authorities, sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states, places like NY who are furnishing them with drivers licenses, fighting against the wall, and allowing their children to attend our schools.

Trump's main issue that was transcending in the primary was his immigration stance. The others just talked the same BS they've been talking about for many years. But we constituents didn't ask for immigration reform, we asked for immigration halt, especially where illegals are concerned. That's why Trump beat them all out. And whoever is going to run in the future for President on the Republican side is going to have to remember that.
Stem the flow of illegals. However it's not a money factor, it's a Democrat factor. We have one group of people that want closed borders, and another group of people that want open borders. Money isn't the problem here.

The problem is that neither group really wants to stem the flow. They might want them here for different reasons, but the last 40 years proves neither groups wants to stop them.

This is a new era we’re in...Donald Trump has woke the people. All good real Americans are done pretending that wetbacks aren’t ruining this nation. Let go of what you thought you knew...New Times bud, ain’t it great?

Sure it is. You are so naive.

So, back to the OP...what has been accomplished on this topic since July when Trump had his photo op?

has there been compliance by the agencies?

I haven’t researched it..have you?
It’s weird that it doesn’t seem plausible to you that real Americans are fed up and done looking the other way with regard to illegals and the foreign invasion. Why would you think Americans would never grow tired of the “they’re just looking for a better life at the compromise of yours” bunch of bullshit?
How do you have records on undocumented people?

By a lot of big government prodding into our lives.

In Crapitalist America, everybody sh(ts on you.

How many people paving their own way and paying their own way share that sentiment?
Do you find that odd?

Why don't you ask all the Crapitalists who sh(t all over our society, and the dregs they brought in sh(t all over our society too.

Here's a list of Crapitalits who sh(t all over this country.

Trump, Soros, Rothschilds, Hollywood, W Bush, Facebook, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, CNN, Google, Youtube, Twitter, Porn Industry, the Music Industry, McDonalds, Walmart, Amazon. etc,

Then there's all the Blacks, Mexicans, etc. brought in to appease the Crapitalists cheap labor.

The drug dealer Crapitalists, the Prostitute Crapitalists.

America is quickly turning into more of a Sh(ttopia, rather than a Utopia.

You’re mistaken....Leftists, leftist ideals and all their fucked up philosophy leads to is what “shits all over” American society.
Capitalists, in general, simply want you to pay your own way...if you can not or will not you have to hate capitalists and capitalism...I totally get it.

Both sides are taking a giant dump on our country.

But, both sides are actually dominated by Crapitalists.

Crapitalism has doomed this country.

Only morons don't grasp the Crapitalist decay & despair of America.

Thanks Nazi bitch, but you fuckers don't have what I would call a great track record. First off, there is ZERO difference between you Nazi pigs and the Marxists, you hold identical goals, government control of the means of production under brutal dictatorship.

Regardless, Trump will win reelection without breaking a sweat, and the Americans will regain control of the House. I predict a MAJOR sweep of over 50 seats shifting from the Communist party to the Americans, but it only takes 16 to oust the Stalinists,
You are welcome (not welcome, encouraged) to leave the US.

I never understood a reply like this. The only option for someone that wants to better America is to leave it?

It's quite simple. Why change this country into another one of theirs? Our country is unique and should stay that way. It's really one of a kind. Instead of changing this country, just move to a country that's already changed to your liking.

This country used to support helping others. Quit trying to change that.

How is it not helping others now?

It is.......many want to change that.

No, what we want is to stop people from taking advantage of the system. Take Maine for example. It was one of the first states to implement food stamp requirements on people who had no dependents. The requirements were not asking much, but those people decided to drop out of the program instead of meeting the requirements. Obviously they weren't that hungry after all.
By a lot of big government prodding into our lives.

In Crapitalist America, everybody sh(ts on you.

How many people paving their own way and paying their own way share that sentiment?
Do you find that odd?

Why don't you ask all the Crapitalists who sh(t all over our society, and the dregs they brought in sh(t all over our society too.

Here's a list of Crapitalits who sh(t all over this country.

Trump, Soros, Rothschilds, Hollywood, W Bush, Facebook, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, CNN, Google, Youtube, Twitter, Porn Industry, the Music Industry, McDonalds, Walmart, Amazon. etc,

Then there's all the Blacks, Mexicans, etc. brought in to appease the Crapitalists cheap labor.

The drug dealer Crapitalists, the Prostitute Crapitalists.

America is quickly turning into more of a Sh(ttopia, rather than a Utopia.

You’re mistaken....Leftists, leftist ideals and all their fucked up philosophy leads to is what “shits all over” American society.
Capitalists, in general, simply want you to pay your own way...if you can not or will not you have to hate capitalists and capitalism...I totally get it.

Both sides are taking a giant dump on our country.

But, both sides are actually dominated by Crapitalists.

Crapitalism has doomed this country.

Only morons don't grasp the Crapitalist decay & despair of America.

Thanks Nazi bitch, but you fuckers don't have what I would call a great track record. First off, there is ZERO difference between you Nazi pigs and the Marxists, you hold identical goals, government control of the means of production under brutal dictatorship.

Regardless, Trump will win reelection without breaking a sweat, and the Americans will regain control of the House. I predict a MAJOR sweep of over 50 seats shifting from the Communist party to the Americans, but it only takes 16 to oust the Stalinists,

The worst is from the British savages who inhabit the UK & USA, your'e the Crapitalist, greedy, Individualist scums who mass murdered perhaps more than the Soviet Union & Nazi Germany combined.

I'm no true Nazi.

I'm more of a Polish Authoritarian Right Winger, like Roman Dmowski, Jozef Pilsudski, Jozef Beck, Jan III Sobieski, Max Kolonko, ONR, OUN, NOP.
Republicans like the cheap labor, but they are not putting up nearly the fight Democrats are. Not only do Democrats not put up a fight, they make illegals stay here as comfortable as possible, by not interacting with federal authorities, sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states, places like NY who are furnishing them with drivers licenses, fighting against the wall, and allowing their children to attend our schools.

Trump's main issue that was transcending in the primary was his immigration stance. The others just talked the same BS they've been talking about for many years. But we constituents didn't ask for immigration reform, we asked for immigration halt, especially where illegals are concerned. That's why Trump beat them all out. And whoever is going to run in the future for President on the Republican side is going to have to remember that.

The Repubs have to pretend so that you people will keep voting for them.
I never understood a reply like this. The only option for someone that wants to better America is to leave it?

It's quite simple. Why change this country into another one of theirs? Our country is unique and should stay that way. It's really one of a kind. Instead of changing this country, just move to a country that's already changed to your liking.

This country used to support helping others. Quit trying to change that.

How is it not helping others now?

It is.......many want to change that.

No, what we want is to stop people from taking advantage of the system. Take Maine for example. It was one of the first states to implement food stamp requirements on people who had no dependents. The requirements were not asking much, but those people decided to drop out of the program instead of meeting the requirements. Obviously they weren't that hungry after all.

How do you know that they aren't now living on the streets?

I never understood a reply like this. The only option for someone that wants to better America is to leave it?

The "better" place you seek to turn America into already exists in Venezuela and North Korea. Why destroy this nation? Just move.

Ah, but that's the rub, those places have already been looted, and you don't seek a "better" land, you seek to loot what your betters created.

You all need to make up your mind.......

About what?

You democrats want to "fundamentally change America" from the Constitutional Republic to a Totalitarian Marxist Dictatorship. My mind is made up, I want your treason to fail.

I never understood a reply like this. The only option for someone that wants to better America is to leave it?

The "better" place you seek to turn America into already exists in Venezuela and North Korea. Why destroy this nation? Just move.

Ah, but that's the rub, those places have already been looted, and you don't seek a "better" land, you seek to loot what your betters created.

You all need to make up your mind.......

About what?

You democrats want to "fundamentally change America" from the Constitutional Republic to a Totalitarian Marxist Dictatorship. My mind is made up, I want your treason to fail.

What irony.

Actually, what the OP is boasting of is Totalitarianism of the Draconian.

I'm so sorry, you're too dumb to think for yourself.
Like all democrats,

I'm not a Democrat. You can address me or chase your boogeymen.

You're certainly no American, so what do you classify yourself as? A Marxist? A Fascist?

The Nazis ordered lists of Jews, much like Trump is doing here.

Leave it to the dumbest f*cks going, to support the worst aspects of Crapitalism & the worst aspects of Totalitarianism.

Truly an ignorant slime.

You're a subservient waste.

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