Trump pardons Kristian Saucier

Julian Assange ⌛ on Twitter

“We are so grateful for our president for this,” Daigle said. “We’ve been passed over by the previous administration, and this president took the time to look into this matter and made the right decision, in our view.”

Trump pardons former Navy sailor imprisoned for taking photos on nuclear submarine, White House says

Oh this is great news for this fella, glad he will be released.

BRAVO, Donald. The guy was a bit stupid, yes, but was only looking to send his folks a picture of the place he worked at because he thought it was so cool. He meant no harm. Now let's see if Mueller and the hostile elite will be so magnanimous with Donald when they find he said and did things probably better left unsaid or done, but with good intentions and no harm meant.
Trump is a genuinely good man who would not allow an ordinary citizen to be punished when the political elite goes free.
This is Winning, pure and simple.

Even Liberals know this is the guy who violated the same laws Clinton did....only he only did it once, and she did it thousands of times....and did damage we cannot yet assess.

But, I'm not tired of Winning. America is not tired. We have had 8 years to rest up.

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