Trump "people" tell me again.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?
Her Supreme Court pick would have been a far left activist judge. That alone would have put the country into grave danger.
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?
Your question (which is rhetorical) is fucking stupid.

Here, let me answer your pathetic rhetorical question.

Fuck you....

There, that ought to be all you need to know.
Her Supreme Court pick would have been a far left activist judge. That alone would have put the country into grave danger.
Can someone explain to me how we'd be in grave danger due to a SC pick? Would North Korea nuke us? Would Russia try to hack our elections? What is the disaster that would befall us?
why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

This question can't really be answered because she never got the opportunity to be president. She lost, so the extent to which her corruption would have polluted politics is unknown. I did and still do believe she is in the pocket of Wall Street and corporate America. She is not a representative of the people like she claims to be.
Why would one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history who had repeatedly sold the influence of her office to the highest bidder be worse than a loud mouth businessman who is appointing far superior judges?

It's not self evident?

Course you could have listened to me and voted third party but can't think outside the box can we?
tell you anything outlier ?

because partisan hack pos say she would be.
Because in all likelihood she was going to continue the policies of Obama which for the most part were unpopular. Trump much like Obama in 2008 was an unknown on political issues but people were willing to roll the dice on Obama because they didn't want a Bush third term with MCCain in 2008 or an Obama third term with Hillary in 2016.
I'm sorry what are Hillary's qualifications to be president in the first place? Name her CAREER ACCOMPLISHMENTS not her job titles. I'll save you the time she has none. She does have a long list of career failures and incompetent decisions.

Trump in contrast, a multi-billionaire THAT'S a career accomplishment.
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?
Your question (which is rhetorical) is fucking stupid.

Here, let me answer your pathetic rhetorical question.

Fuck you....

There, that ought to be all you need to know.
To the stupid fucking ignorant OP and every piece of useless shit that thinks like you....

Here is why you stupid fucking losers.

Why would one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history who had repeatedly sold the influence of her office to the highest bidder by worse than a loud mouth businessman who is appointing far superior judges?

It's not self evident?

Course you could have listened to me and voted third party but can't think outside the box can we?
It's too bad a third party could not find a strong candidate to run last election. With Clinton and Trump having the most negative ratings in recent history, this should of been the election a third party candidate could have won.
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?
Because the hopey-changy thing didn't work and 4 more years of that with a fainting flatulent cow wasn't a very popular proposition.
Her Supreme Court pick would have been a far left activist judge. That alone would have put the country into grave danger.
Can someone explain to me how we'd be in grave danger due to a SC pick? Would North Korea nuke us? Would Russia try to hack our elections? What is the disaster that would befall us?
------------------------------------------------- a more liberal court might affect Gun Rights but thats just the most obvious and concerning to me DB !!
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?
She smells really bad. What political foreign leader that will allow someone that smells like the scent of rotten carcasses to sit next beside them at a luncheon or dinner?


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