Trump "people" tell me again.

I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

A. He's far more honest.
B. Hillary was an extension of Obama.
C. Trump is a doer. Hillary talks.
D. Trump detests PC. I like that. Hillary lies when her lips move.
E. Trump is pro traditional USA. Hillary is a socialist.
F. Trump wants to control borders. Hillary wants them open.
G. Trump isn't a politician. He's a business man.
H. Hillary only desires power and one-world order.
I. Hillary's voice is nasty.
J. Trump is refreshing, and we needed him to undue the damage caused by liberalism.
K. Hillary ran on inciting racism and feminism.
L. Modern liberalism is a determent.
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

She would have continued 0bama's plan to ruin this country.
Why would one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history who had repeatedly sold the influence of her office to the highest bidder be worse than a loud mouth businessman who is appointing far superior judges?

It's not self evident?

Course you could have listened to me and voted third party but can't think outside the box can we?
How many opinions of the current SC have you read in order to come to the conclusion that Gorsuch is far superior to, for example, Judge Garland. Please state your reasoning.
Her Supreme Court pick would have been a far left activist judge. That alone would have put the country into grave danger.
Can someone explain to me how we'd be in grave danger due to a SC pick? Would North Korea nuke us? Would Russia try to hack our elections? What is the disaster that would befall us?
------------------------------------------------- a more liberal court might affect Gun Rights but thats just the most obvious and concerning to me DB !!
Makes sense. I think the farthest a SC could go would be to allow licensing and background checks. Constitutionally even 9 Ruth Bader Ginsburg's couldn't go further.
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

A. He's far more honest.
B. Hillary was an extension of Obama.
C. Trump is a doer. Hillary talks.
D. Trump detests PC. I like that. Hillary lies when her lips move.
E. Trump is pro traditional USA. Hillary is a socialist.
F. Trump wants to control borders. Hillary wants them open.
G. Trump isn't a politician. He's a business man.
H. Hillary only desires power and one-world order.
I. Hillary's voice is nasty.
J. Trump is refreshing, and we needed him to undue the damage caused by liberalism.
K. Hillary ran on inciting racism and feminism.
L. Modern liberalism is a determent.
Ha. I hate Hillary for her history but you lost me at "A".
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

A. He's far more honest.
B. Hillary was an extension of Obama.
C. Trump is a doer. Hillary talks.
D. Trump detests PC. I like that. Hillary lies when her lips move.
E. Trump is pro traditional USA. Hillary is a socialist.
F. Trump wants to control borders. Hillary wants them open.
G. Trump isn't a politician. He's a business man.
H. Hillary only desires power and one-world order.
I. Hillary's voice is nasty.
J. Trump is refreshing, and we needed him to undue the damage caused by liberalism.
K. Hillary ran on inciting racism and feminism.
L. Modern liberalism is a determent.
Ha. I hate Hillary for her history but you lost me at "A".

Trump is BLATANTLY honest. I'm not saying he doesn't stretch the truth, because he often does. Hillary is just plain dishonest.
why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

This question can't really be answered because she never got the opportunity to be president. She lost, so the extent to which her corruption would have polluted politics is unknown. I did and still do believe she is in the pocket of Wall Street and corporate America. She is not a representative of the people like she claims to be.

And you think Trump is?
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

A. He's far more honest.
B. Hillary was an extension of Obama.
C. Trump is a doer. Hillary talks.
D. Trump detests PC. I like that. Hillary lies when her lips move.
E. Trump is pro traditional USA. Hillary is a socialist.
F. Trump wants to control borders. Hillary wants them open.
G. Trump isn't a politician. He's a business man.
H. Hillary only desires power and one-world order.
I. Hillary's voice is nasty.
J. Trump is refreshing, and we needed him to undue the damage caused by liberalism.
K. Hillary ran on inciting racism and feminism.
L. Modern liberalism is a determent.
Ha. I hate Hillary for her history but you lost me at "A".

Trump is BLATANTLY honest. I'm not saying he doesn't stretch the truth, because he often does. Hillary is just plain dishonest.
Mount this poster. His thoughts should be preserved for posterity.
tell you anything outlier ?

because partisan hack pos say she would be.

and partisan hack pos say she wouldn't be.

He wanted reasons, they are valid reasons just as there are valid reason that you feel Hillary would be a better pick. Then there were many of us that were smart enough to see that neither pick was a good pick.
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

A. He's far more honest.
B. Hillary was an extension of Obama.
C. Trump is a doer. Hillary talks.
D. Trump detests PC. I like that. Hillary lies when her lips move.
E. Trump is pro traditional USA. Hillary is a socialist.
F. Trump wants to control borders. Hillary wants them open.
G. Trump isn't a politician. He's a business man.
H. Hillary only desires power and one-world order.
I. Hillary's voice is nasty.
J. Trump is refreshing, and we needed him to undue the damage caused by liberalism.
K. Hillary ran on inciting racism and feminism.
L. Modern liberalism is a determent.
Ha. I hate Hillary for her history but you lost me at "A".

Trump is BLATANTLY honest. I'm not saying he doesn't stretch the truth, because he often does. Hillary is just plain dishonest.

youre entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine ..

you are so full of bullshit your eyes are brown.
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

At this point, what difference does it make?
Because in all likelihood she was going to continue the policies of Obama which for the most part were unpopular. Trump much like Obama in 2008 was an unknown on political issues but people were willing to roll the dice on Obama because they didn't want a Bush third term with MCCain in 2008 or an Obama third term with Hillary in 2016.
Threw craps with Trump, didn't they?
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

A. He's far more honest.
B. Hillary was an extension of Obama.
C. Trump is a doer. Hillary talks.
D. Trump detests PC. I like that. Hillary lies when her lips move.
E. Trump is pro traditional USA. Hillary is a socialist.
F. Trump wants to control borders. Hillary wants them open.
G. Trump isn't a politician. He's a business man.
H. Hillary only desires power and one-world order.
I. Hillary's voice is nasty.
J. Trump is refreshing, and we needed him to undue the damage caused by liberalism.
K. Hillary ran on inciting racism and feminism.
L. Modern liberalism is a determent.
Ha. I hate Hillary for her history but you lost me at "A".

Trump is BLATANTLY honest. I'm not saying he doesn't stretch the truth, because he often does. Hillary is just plain dishonest.

youre entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine ..

you are so full of bullshit your eyes are brown.

My eyes are blue. Libs are never right. It's cuz of an undeveloped prefrontal cortex.
And you think Trump is?

Not really, which is why I didn't vote in the national election. I think the chaos Trump is creating has the potential to create positive change. People are getting more and more fed up with the government, and that to me is a good thing. The way I see it our government is irredeemably corrupt. Something big needs to happen in order to shake things up enough to possibly create the kind of change we need. Is Trump a saint sent here to do good for us? Fuck no. Could his presence stir up enough shit to fuck up the government's absolute control? Possibly.
Because in all likelihood she was going to continue the policies of Obama which for the most part were unpopular. Trump much like Obama in 2008 was an unknown on political issues but people were willing to roll the dice on Obama because they didn't want a Bush third term with MCCain in 2008 or an Obama third term with Hillary in 2016.
Threw craps with Trump, didn't they?
I don't judge a Presidency after only five months.
And you think Trump is?

Not really, which is why I didn't vote in the national election. I think the chaos Trump is creating has the potential to create positive change. People are getting more and more fed up with the government, and that to me is a good thing.
I generally agree with this sentiment. Nevertheless I criticize President Trump for not modeling a more mature and civil approach to combat this Ponzi Scheme of Outrage that has gripped both the Left and Right by the throat. He is exacerbating schisms rather than trying to bring people together.
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

Of course you are, you're a liberal.
I'm a very slow learner. I often have to be told the same thing over and over again. I need things basic and simple and sarcasm and emotionalism tend to confuse me.

Thrump "people", tell me one more time, why would Hillary be so much worse as president than Trump?

Because Hillary's history shows she's always a hair short of clever enough to get away with whatever she's trying this time.

Let's go back to the beginning. Bill Clinton is running for President. Hillary is in charge of "Bimbo Eruptions". Because the big problem there is not that Bill is having affairs, it's that those trashy women would tell. ’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women

In the White House, finally. Hillary decides to put her own cronies in the Travel Office. So she trumps up charges against them, charges that the DNC minions in the AG office run with, and charges that the people are found not guilty of in about three minutes of deliberations. Claims from the White House are of course Hillary had nothing to do with it, until a memo comes out and shows she absolutely did have something to do with it. Then it is the Staffer who was wrong, he didn't realize that Hillary had no legal authority as First Lady. White House travel office controversy - Wikipedia

Tell you what, here are the ones from the Admin of Bill Clinton. Travelgate to Furnituregate: a guide to the Clinton scandals of the 90s

I could list them all, but why bother? It's been done and done to death.

Moving on to when Hillary decided to let the great state of New York accept her as their Senator. Yay.

If that wasn't a set up what was? Anyway. Hillary's votes on several issues were troubling, not just Iraq. Then the campaign in 2008 which was disasterous. Hillary assumed it would be just like when she ran for the Senate, and she'd get it because of her awesomeness, she's Hillary Clinton.

Here, we get into Hillary the classic. Emails, ugh. Really? Operation Fast and Furious. Really? The Secretary of State didn't notice that the Mexicans might have a problem with us running an operation right under their nose in their country? Wait, there is more. Libya, we replaced a stable if repressive Dictator with a civil war that has helped flood Europe with radicalized nutters disguised as refugees.

Before you say that wasn't Hillary, she ran out and did the we came we saw he died press conference.

She helped orchestrate the Syrian Misadventure we find ourselves in, which is why Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi in the first place, Ambassadors don't usually head to Consulates. CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'

The pipeline she set up that was used by the CIA for years was through Jordan to Syria. That most of the weapons ended up on the Black Market and were bought by ISIS using money from more of our allies buying stolen oil is now pretty much a given isn't it?

Yes, Hillary was there and part of the decision to get Syria going in the first place. That alone should prevent her from holding office as a Dog Catcher.

You see, Hillary has decades of experience doing dirty things in the back room, this goes back to the hit jobs on women during the campaign. Yet Trump has none. So any efforts he has will be amateurish while Hillary might actually pull one off. It would be a first, the first scandal that she managed to actually accomplish anything.

This is why I always argued this point. Those who opposed Trump argued that Trump could bungle us into a War. I said that was true. But while Trump could bungle us into that war, Hillary would get us into the war as part of her efforts to be clever.

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