Trump + Perry + Texas + DOE + Saudi = BIG OIL !!!

Keeping the oil in Saudi Arabia in friendly hands is and has been essential to our ME policy if that's what you mean. Do you think the Groper Elect will change that policy?

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He was referring to the Iraq War blunder when he made that statement. At the very least, we should have taken the oil. But of course we did do that. Only silly naive Americans think we haven't seized Iraq's oil.

U.S. Imports from Iraq of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)

Here is what we paid for. The Nationalized oil fields in Iraq were liberated, but we still have to pay market price for it.

I think it was the first appointed General in occupied Iraq who passed the law that said Iraqi oil was for Iraq and could not be use for any other purpose. He was the same guy that wanted to keep their military in tact.

It was of course one of the Groper Elects funnier comments during the circus.

You really believe that, don't you? Wow. So many Americans really are comically naive. Why the hell did they invade and slaughter so many Iraqis? To give them 'Democracy?' Jesus man, wake up.

Believe what, that securing Iraqi oil was the objective?

Iraq oil fields are no longer nationalized. Their output is at historic highs.

We've been buying Iraq oil since the early 90's. The war didn't really change the amount we bought from them all that much.

Or did you mean the Gropers call to take the oil?

We own Iraq's Government and oil. We went there and slaughtered thousands & thousands of Iraqis. And it wasn't about giving them 'Democracy.' It was about installing a puppet government and plundering resources.

However, we are losing grip there a bit. The Shiites we put in power are turning on us. They're moving closer & closer to aligning with Iran. Americans really are very naive and uninformed for the most part. They're oblivious to the horrific atrocities their Government committed in Iraq. They don't wanna face that.

We don't own Iraq or their oil. Regardless of what anyone believes was the motive for the war, the results are clear. Their oil fields are in control of the international oil companies. Their output has more than doubled. But the only benefit the common Americans get is the downward pressure on the market price of oil that the extra production provides.

So you really believe our Government spent all that money and slaughtered all those Iraqis over 'WMD' and 'Democracy?'
I'm not against all Republicans, but why has every single Republican president since the fall of the Soviet Union have an insatiable thirst for blood for oil, becoming more extreme with every new Republican president?
U.S. Imports from Iraq of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)

Here is what we paid for. The Nationalized oil fields in Iraq were liberated, but we still have to pay market price for it.

I think it was the first appointed General in occupied Iraq who passed the law that said Iraqi oil was for Iraq and could not be use for any other purpose. He was the same guy that wanted to keep their military in tact.

It was of course one of the Groper Elects funnier comments during the circus.

You really believe that, don't you? Wow. So many Americans really are comically naive. Why the hell did they invade and slaughter so many Iraqis? To give them 'Democracy?' Jesus man, wake up.

Believe what, that securing Iraqi oil was the objective?

Iraq oil fields are no longer nationalized. Their output is at historic highs.

We've been buying Iraq oil since the early 90's. The war didn't really change the amount we bought from them all that much.

Or did you mean the Gropers call to take the oil?

We own Iraq's Government and oil. We went there and slaughtered thousands & thousands of Iraqis. And it wasn't about giving them 'Democracy.' It was about installing a puppet government and plundering resources.

However, we are losing grip there a bit. The Shiites we put in power are turning on us. They're moving closer & closer to aligning with Iran. Americans really are very naive and uninformed for the most part. They're oblivious to the horrific atrocities their Government committed in Iraq. They don't wanna face that.

We don't own Iraq or their oil. Regardless of what anyone believes was the motive for the war, the results are clear. Their oil fields are in control of the international oil companies. Their output has more than doubled. But the only benefit the common Americans get is the downward pressure on the market price of oil that the extra production provides.

So you really believe our Government spent all that money and slaughtered all those Iraqis over 'WMD' and 'Democracy?'

LOL Well yeah, that and to be greeted as liberators.........


OIL. Operation Iraq Liberation. Or the liberation of Iraqi oil. Or the internationalization of Iraq oil.
I'm not against all Republicans, but why has every single Republican president since the fall of the Soviet Union have an insatiable thirst for blood for oil, becoming more extreme with every new Republican president?


why else ?
You really believe that, don't you? Wow. So many Americans really are comically naive. Why the hell did they invade and slaughter so many Iraqis? To give them 'Democracy?' Jesus man, wake up.

Believe what, that securing Iraqi oil was the objective?

Iraq oil fields are no longer nationalized. Their output is at historic highs.

We've been buying Iraq oil since the early 90's. The war didn't really change the amount we bought from them all that much.

Or did you mean the Gropers call to take the oil?

We own Iraq's Government and oil. We went there and slaughtered thousands & thousands of Iraqis. And it wasn't about giving them 'Democracy.' It was about installing a puppet government and plundering resources.

However, we are losing grip there a bit. The Shiites we put in power are turning on us. They're moving closer & closer to aligning with Iran. Americans really are very naive and uninformed for the most part. They're oblivious to the horrific atrocities their Government committed in Iraq. They don't wanna face that.

We don't own Iraq or their oil. Regardless of what anyone believes was the motive for the war, the results are clear. Their oil fields are in control of the international oil companies. Their output has more than doubled. But the only benefit the common Americans get is the downward pressure on the market price of oil that the extra production provides.

So you really believe our Government spent all that money and slaughtered all those Iraqis over 'WMD' and 'Democracy?'

LOL Well yeah, that and to be greeted as liberators.........


OIL. Operation Iraq Liberation. Or the liberation of Iraqi oil. Or the internationalization of Iraq oil.

All about the oil. But we may be losing grip on Iraq's Government. The Shiites we put in power are beginning to turn on us. We'll probably invade again at some point.
All about the oil. But we may be losing grip on Iraq's Government. The Shiites we put in power are beginning to turn on us. We'll probably invade again at some point.
With that idiot oil Secretary of State, it would surprise me.

Really Mit Romney or Petraeus would not have been as bad, I don't think Trump could have found a worse Secretary of State than Tillerson, except for maybe David Duke or Alex Jones.
Believe what, that securing Iraqi oil was the objective?

Iraq oil fields are no longer nationalized. Their output is at historic highs.

We've been buying Iraq oil since the early 90's. The war didn't really change the amount we bought from them all that much.

Or did you mean the Gropers call to take the oil?

We own Iraq's Government and oil. We went there and slaughtered thousands & thousands of Iraqis. And it wasn't about giving them 'Democracy.' It was about installing a puppet government and plundering resources.

However, we are losing grip there a bit. The Shiites we put in power are turning on us. They're moving closer & closer to aligning with Iran. Americans really are very naive and uninformed for the most part. They're oblivious to the horrific atrocities their Government committed in Iraq. They don't wanna face that.

We don't own Iraq or their oil. Regardless of what anyone believes was the motive for the war, the results are clear. Their oil fields are in control of the international oil companies. Their output has more than doubled. But the only benefit the common Americans get is the downward pressure on the market price of oil that the extra production provides.

So you really believe our Government spent all that money and slaughtered all those Iraqis over 'WMD' and 'Democracy?'

LOL Well yeah, that and to be greeted as liberators.........


OIL. Operation Iraq Liberation. Or the liberation of Iraqi oil. Or the internationalization of Iraq oil.

All about the oil. But we may be losing grip on Iraq's Government. The Shiites we put in power are beginning to turn on us. We'll probably invade again at some point.

Beginning? They kicked us out, but when the Sunnis threaten to take Over (Baghdad) again they had to ask us for help. And of course in Kurdistan when the Sunnis got too close to Erbil we had to act as well.

The spice must flow. Wait, Ops I mean Oil, yeah, the Oil must flow......

Oil and Why America Is Dropping Bombs to Defend Erbil

"Obama’s advisers explained to reporters that Erbil holds an American consulate, and that “thousands” of Americans live there. The city has to be defended, they continued, lest ISIS overrun it and threaten American lives. Fair enough, but why are thousands of Americans in Erbil these days? It is not to take in clean mountain air.

ExxonMobil and Chevron are among the many oil and gas firms large and small drilling in Kurdistan under contracts that compensate the companies for their political risk-taking with unusually favorable terms. (Chevron said last week that it is pulling some expatriates out of Kurdistan; ExxonMobil declined to comment.) With those oil giants have come the usual contractors, the oilfield service companies, the accountants, the construction firms, the trucking firms, and, at the bottom of the economic chain, diverse entrepreneurs digging for a score."

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