Trump Pockets $1.1 Million in 2020 Campaign Donations

So, your subject line is a lie. Puts you in the same company as Cohen.
I'm not sure what "lie" you're accusing me of making, and I'm obviously in different company from Cohen since I would never work for gangsters.


What about you?
What does "subject line' mean to you?

You see, in order to 'pocket' money, they have to actually put it in their own personal account. Contributions to a campaign do NOT need to be spent right away. In fact, many campaigns don't spend money until they get close to the election season.

Of course, this reply is in, and of itself, a lie. Your delusion does not make someone a gangster.
How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

Trump's been a gangster/crony capitalist for decades longer than he's been a politician.

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List

"During Trump’s presidency, his companies have pushed to expand overseas, with help from foreign governments.

"One example: In May, an Indonesian real-estate project that involves the Trump Organization reportedly received a $500 million loan from a company owned by the Chinese government.

"Two days later, Trump tweeted that he was working to lift sanctions on a Chinese telecommunications firm with close ties to the government — over the objections of both Republicans and Democrats in Congress.

"He ultimately did lift the sanctions."
Again, your link proves nothing.

And color Me shocked that a politician accepts money in return for favorable treatment. Someone tell the rest of the world!
True or False?
Trump shifted #1.1 million of (2020) campaign donor money into his business.

False. Your vocabulary is highly charged and intended to insinuate wrong doing.

In RealityLand, Trump put nearly $50M of his own money into his campaign. His campaign rented office space in his buildings, and rightly paid for that use. And again, if his campaign hadn't paid rent, you'd be screeching that the free rent was an illegal campaign donation.
And guess what else? I'm also a racist, a white nationalist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe, a sexist, a bigot, an NRA member, a gun-collector, shooter, and reloader, a Republican, a Trump-supporter, a male chauvinist, and quite deplorable too. I even attended a few meetings of the John Birch Society a few years back.

Isn't that what you guys and girls keep saying? Well now you got it. So what do you think you're going to do about?

Write my name down in a little book?

Go tell someone who really gives a rat's ass about your pathetic little life?
Maybe dress up like a vagina and scream at the sky? :laughing0301:

Actually if you want to know the truth, you're not going to do anything about anything. That's because you can't. You are nothing more than one more self-important weasel with an internet account, and an opinion. But when it comes to actually making a difference in this world or "changing" something, you're impotent.

You two-digit idjits can posture, wail, moan, bitch, and cry but the sad-for-you truth is: No matter how much you rage against "injustice", you're still just caged rats. Get it through your head: You can't change anything. Not even yourselves.


BTW, I also own Page 10. :laughing0301:

You forgot to include TRANSPHOBE. That's the newest Prog Cardinal Sin.

Sorry, I left that one out. But I do "manspreading" when I sit on the couch, use plastic straws, burn anything that burns in the burn barrel, dump cat litter on the back 40, have a personal gun range in my back yard that the EPA would shut down if they tested the lead content of the ground, drive with the AC all the way up and the radio loud in the Summer, I eat tons of bacon, I like Nativity scenes during Christmas, and like the song "Baby It's Cold Outside."

I also unfriended every zipperhead Democrat I knew back in 2010, and wouldn't piss on a single one of them if they caught on fire. :biggrin:

You sound just about perfect - do you have a one ton pick up truck and some hunting hounds?

Well, close. How about "hunting cats"?

My dogs are only for warning me when scalawags, carpet-baggers, and revenuers are coming up the driveway. They have different barks for different folks. :biggrin:

That works. I loathe cats.

When mr. boe and I finally escape CA someday, I am going to get a redbone coon hound. I hate raccoons too.

Raccoons can eat lead and die, I hate those things. Squirrels and chipmunks too. My wife won't let me shoot them, though. She thinks they're "cute."
You forgot to include TRANSPHOBE. That's the newest Prog Cardinal Sin.

Sorry, I left that one out. But I do "manspreading" when I sit on the couch, use plastic straws, burn anything that burns in the burn barrel, dump cat litter on the back 40, have a personal gun range in my back yard that the EPA would shut down if they tested the lead content of the ground, drive with the AC all the way up and the radio loud in the Summer, I eat tons of bacon, I like Nativity scenes during Christmas, and like the song "Baby It's Cold Outside."

I also unfriended every zipperhead Democrat I knew back in 2010, and wouldn't piss on a single one of them if they caught on fire. :biggrin:

You sound just about perfect - do you have a one ton pick up truck and some hunting hounds?

Well, close. How about "hunting cats"?

My dogs are only for warning me when scalawags, carpet-baggers, and revenuers are coming up the driveway. They have different barks for different folks. :biggrin:

That works. I loathe cats.

When mr. boe and I finally escape CA someday, I am going to get a redbone coon hound. I hate raccoons too.

Raccoons can eat lead and die, I hate those things. Squirrels and chipmunks too. My wife won't let me shoot them, though. She thinks they're "cute."

Raccoons are evil rats with hands.
Lots of noise, are there any hard facts showing Trump skimmed election donations? we have to start working with the truth if we want an honest government.
Sorry, I left that one out. But I do "manspreading" when I sit on the couch, use plastic straws, burn anything that burns in the burn barrel, dump cat litter on the back 40, have a personal gun range in my back yard that the EPA would shut down if they tested the lead content of the ground, drive with the AC all the way up and the radio loud in the Summer, I eat tons of bacon, I like Nativity scenes during Christmas, and like the song "Baby It's Cold Outside."

I also unfriended every zipperhead Democrat I knew back in 2010, and wouldn't piss on a single one of them if they caught on fire. :biggrin:

You sound just about perfect - do you have a one ton pick up truck and some hunting hounds?

Well, close. How about "hunting cats"?

My dogs are only for warning me when scalawags, carpet-baggers, and revenuers are coming up the driveway. They have different barks for different folks. :biggrin:

That works. I loathe cats.

When mr. boe and I finally escape CA someday, I am going to get a redbone coon hound. I hate raccoons too.

Raccoons can eat lead and die, I hate those things. Squirrels and chipmunks too. My wife won't let me shoot them, though. She thinks they're "cute."

Raccoon are evil rats with hands.

The Devil's Incarnate. One of our dogs is a Blue Heeler that looks like a sausage on four skinny legs. I heard her yapping and growling a couple Summers ago, down the hill. When I walked down there, she was engaged in a life-or-death struggle with a 'coon that had to weigh 40 pounds.

That dog is normally good-natured and wouldn't bite anyone or anything except for tires, but she was thoroughly intent on killing that' coon. She had the damned thing by the throat and it was hissing, spitting, and cursing at her in some language that sounded like Arabic or something.

I took the Ruger Standard .22 pistol I had with me and fired off one round into the ground, because that dog is afraid of gunshots. Once she let go of the infernal thing, I put five rounds through the 'coon's head before it gave up the ghost.

We had another one get hung up in a bird feeder a few years ago. The damned thing kept cursing at me until I pushed over the post the feeder was on and freed the damned thing with a stick. I swear he flipped me off as he ran off into the woods.
Lots of noise, are there any hard facts showing Trump skimmed election donations? we have to start working with the truth if we want an honest government.

Whose version of the truth? Their's or our's?
You sound just about perfect - do you have a one ton pick up truck and some hunting hounds?

Well, close. How about "hunting cats"?

My dogs are only for warning me when scalawags, carpet-baggers, and revenuers are coming up the driveway. They have different barks for different folks. :biggrin:

That works. I loathe cats.

When mr. boe and I finally escape CA someday, I am going to get a redbone coon hound. I hate raccoons too.

Raccoons can eat lead and die, I hate those things. Squirrels and chipmunks too. My wife won't let me shoot them, though. She thinks they're "cute."

Raccoon are evil rats with hands.

The Devil's Incarnate. One of our dogs is a Blue Heeler that looks like a sausage on four skinny legs. I heard her yapping and growling a couple Summers ago, down the hill. When I walked down there, she was engaged in a life-or-death struggle with a 'coon that had to weigh 40 pounds.

That dog is normally good-natured and wouldn't bite anyone or anything except for tires, but she was thoroughly intent on killing that' coon. She had the damned thing by the throat and it was hissing, spitting, and cursing at her in some language that sounded like Arabic or something.

I took the Ruger Standard .22 pistol I had with me and fired off one round into the ground, because that dog is afraid of gunshots. Once she let go of the infernal thing, I put five rounds through the 'coon's head before it gave up the ghost.

We had another one get hung up in a bird feeder a few years ago. The damned thing kept cursing at me until I pushed over the post the feeder was on and freed the damned thing with a stick. I swear he flipped me off as he ran off into the woods.

When I live in San Francisco, there was an enormous Raccoon that would waddle down the middle of Polk Street late at night. It looks like a small bear. The taxi drivers gave it wide berth for very good reasons.
n RealityLand, Trump put nearly $50M of his own money into his campaign. His campaign rented office space in his buildings, and rightly paid for that use. And again, if his campaign hadn't paid rent, you'd be screeching that the free rent was an illegal campaign donation.
In real RealityLand, Trump put nearly $50 million of his own money into his 2016 campaign and then siphoned $1.1 million of his 2020 campaign donations into his personal businesses.

He is going to die in prison; hopefully Bill and Hill will suffer the same fate. Condemning one side while excusing the others makes little sense.
n RealityLand, Trump put nearly $50M of his own money into his campaign. His campaign rented office space in his buildings, and rightly paid for that use. And again, if his campaign hadn't paid rent, you'd be screeching that the free rent was an illegal campaign donation.
In real RealityLand, Trump put nearly $50 million of his own money into his 2016 campaign and then siphoned $1.1 million of his 2020 campaign donations into his personal businesses.

He is going to die in prison; hopefully Bill and Hill will suffer the same fate. Condemning one side while excusing the others makes little sense.

You are a loon.
sure, sure. that's why the house won their biggest net gain in 40 years.

Me thinks you might need to read up on your history.

2010 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Republicans gained 63 seats in the house in 2010. Liberals didn't come CLOSE to gaining that number in November. Historically, the liberal takeover of the house in 2018 was one of the softest on record.

yep - you are right. but considering they haven't had the majority for 8 years... you can point that out all you want.... cause they are gonna open up a huuuuge can of whoop ass on your president dotard, & not only is he not used to that - it's gonna be fun watching him have his hissy fits over it.

Except that the republicans opened up an even bigger majority in the senate.....

they have the majority by only one more than b4 the election. & that's for only 2 years.... & the way it's looking, those that still attach themselves to trump as the days go by are going to become very toxic.

tick tock...

They gained 2 seats in the senate. 53-47.

That's total domination in the senate. Trump needs the senate to confirm judges and get things he wants. He doesn't need the House.

What happened to the blue wave? Turned out to be a predicted trickle.
Who cares? If some Russians had anything to do with Trump winning and Hillary losing, I'd gladly buy them all a beer.

And guess what else? I'm also a racist, a white nationalist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe, a sexist, a bigot, an NRA member, a gun-collector, shooter, and reloader, a Republican, a Trump-supporter, a male chauvinist, and quite deplorable too. I even attended a few meetings of the John Birch Society a few years back.

Isn't that what you guys and girls keep saying? Well now you got it. So what do you think you're going to do about?

Write my name down in a little book?

Go tell someone who really gives a rat's ass about your pathetic little life?
Maybe dress up like a vagina and scream at the sky? :laughing0301:

Actually if you want to know the truth, you're not going to do anything about anything. That's because you can't. You are nothing more than one more self-important weasel with an internet account, and an opinion. But when it comes to actually making a difference in this world or "changing" something, you're impotent.

You two-digit idjits can posture, wail, moan, bitch, and cry but the sad-for-you truth is: No matter how much you rage against "injustice", you're still just caged rats. Get it through your head: You can't change anything. Not even yourselves.


BTW, I also own Page 10. :laughing0301:

You might have saved some time by simply stating, "I'm a disgusting, anti social Dirt Bag".
sure, sure. that's why the house won their biggest net gain in 40 years.

Me thinks you might need to read up on your history.

2010 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Republicans gained 63 seats in the house in 2010. Liberals didn't come CLOSE to gaining that number in November. Historically, the liberal takeover of the house in 2018 was one of the softest on record.

yep - you are right. but considering they haven't had the majority for 8 years... you can point that out all you want.... cause they are gonna open up a huuuuge can of whoop ass on your president dotard, & not only is he not used to that - it's gonna be fun watching him have his hissy fits over it.

Except that the republicans opened up an even bigger majority in the senate.....

they have the majority by only one more than b4 the election. & that's for only 2 years.... & the way it's looking, those that still attach themselves to trump as the days go by are going to become very toxic.

tick tock...

They gained 2 seats in the senate. 53-47.

That's total domination in the senate. Trump needs the senate to confirm judges and get things he wants. He doesn't need the House.

What happened to the blue wave? Turned out to be a predicted trickle.

lol... he sure does need the house. when they flip & take the chairs to revive the very committees that closed their russia investigations... it will be an interesting time indeed.

AND the subpoenas will be fast & furious... AND the hearings will be public AND the transcripts of the previous incomplete, shoddy & the obvious covering up by lapdog devon nunez will be sent to mueller in case anything in them can help with his investigations.

perhaps, just perhaps when the orange tinged shit hits the fan, some (R)s that will be up for
re- election in 2020, will think twice as to which side of history they want to be on. AND that includes voting for judges who legitimately can pass the mustard.

speaking of judges:
It's not just 'Obama judges'. Here are Republican appointees who have ruled against Trump

Trump 2020 raises unprecedented $100 million

"With two years to go before the next presidential election, President Donald Trump has already raised an unprecedented amount of money for his 2020 re-election campaign.

"Since January 2017, Trump’s fundraising efforts totaled $106 million, and the president finished September with nearly $47 million on hand, according to recent quarterly Federal Election Commission filings..."

"Many of the donations Trump has received so far are individual contributions under $200, with those small contributions totaling $13 million for his campaign committee and $41 million to the Make America Great Again Committee."

A billionaire wants your $3 so he can continue the US economic status quo.

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?



"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

A leftwing source citing a Democrat?
How believable is that?

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

A leftwing source citing a Democrat?
How believable is that?
Are you saying Forbes is left-wing?
This is extremely unusual,' says Ann Ravel, a Democrat who left her post as a commissioner of the Federal Election Commission shortly after Trump’s inauguration.

"'There is always a concern when you’re looking at expenditures as to whether those expenditures are being used for personal use, for personal purposes, because that’s illegal. And there is, in my opinion, a fine line here with so much money being utilized for economic benefit for the candidate himself.'"

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business
Dude: We won. You lost.
Haha....and look what you won. A mentally ill criminal who is a lame duck already and is the laughingstock of the world. Congrats!

All I can muster is a chuckle. You don't even realize the full ramifications of what you lost in 2016. Give it time: It will begin to sink in.

You don't even realize what ramification the US people won in 2016, Trump is finally going to go down as a crime boss , and the GOP look like the dummies they are. No money for the wall and they had 2 full years. What happened? Took 2 years for the rich to get a tax cut, that is all they got to show for 2 years and oh yes, freedom for organizations and companies to pollute all they want.

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