Trump posts fake picture of him giving medal to hero dog

Pretty clumsy attempt an an insult to the Medal of Honor recipient he covered with a dog

Trump tweets fake image of him putting medal around dog from al-Baghdadi raid


The pictures of the dog involved in the al-Baghdadi whacking are Top Secret. So having an anonymous mutt sit in for the ceremony was a tremendous idea

Try and stay current. The dogs name is Conan. They released the name. I know the names of many military working dogs and they are not "secret" in any way.

BTW, all of you who think that Conan is a German Shepherd, raise your hands!

The dog is a Belgian Malinois, and from personal experience I can assure you that they will eat German Shepherds for lunch! I have had my ass kicked many times by numerous ones.
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Pretty clumsy attempt an an insult to the Medal of Honor recipient he covered with a dog

Trump tweets fake image of him putting medal around dog from al-Baghdadi raid


That's just sad.

That photo of trump with some cabinet members supposedly taken when the raid was happening was taken a couple hours after it was all over.

trump was golfing when the raid happened.

This administration can't be honest about anything.

I've been using photoshop since it's first version. This photo is pathetic and such an obvious fake it's just sad.

This is what we have leading our nation.

You need some butthurt salve, dumbass!

The Medal of Honor winner was OK with it.

More progressives trying to borrow angst from others to drive their political point.
Because that one Medal of Honor recipient was cool with it.....that makes it all ok now...........let's have fun with the Medal of Honor....ha! ha!

You are more of a bitch than the dog!
I meant you..."smelly"

Let's dance old man... I'll enjoy ridiculing you.
You sure like to dance....and threaten people when you have no power.....kind of a mental issue, Threaty McThreat?

CRCs should continue to make fun of the Medal of's SO you!

WTH are you blabbering about, Fraud?

I never made fun of the Medal Of Honor...ya dunce

Trump trolled you loons and once again you bit hook, line and sinker. Freaking gullible loons

Continue to make fun of the Medal of Honor. Ha! Ha!...let's photoshop it! Ha! Ha!...Let's alter it....Ha! Ha!....CRC humor.

Point out where I made fun of the Medal of Honor....if you don't, sit down

Tired of your nonsense
So funny! Let's alter the Medal of Honor and have fat donnie give it to a dog. Ha! Ha!

You need to go seek professional help. You have crossed the line. Make an appointment with the VA soon. You need it!
That dog is an American hero like the president said. Not the idiots and swamp demos trying to mindlessly do impeachment threats.

The Photo is NOT REAL. You are defending a LIAR.

Lieutenaent Colonel Alexander Semon Vindman is a HERO. He is Combat Veteran who received the Purple Heart. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge AND the Expert Infantry Badge. He won the Ranger Tab. He has served our Country for over

45 on the other hand is 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit Coward who said not catching the Clap in 1980's New York City, "My Viet Nam".

That lying shit sucking belly crawling Piece of Shit 45 attacks Gold Star Families and denigrates War Hero's like the late Senator John McCain. He sides with Russia against 19-U.S. Intelligence Agencies AND the Republican Control Senate Intelligence Committee regarding Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

The Lying Fuck Wad Piece of Shit Coward tried to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden and his son. Accepting or Soliciting Assistance from a Foreign Government to affect the outcome of a U.S. Election is against Federal Law.

Fuck that Orange Shit Gibbon.

Fuck the Followers of that Orange Shit Gibbon.

I guess you missed the testimony of the NSC staffer today who basically shredded Vindman as going outside the chain of command on Ukraine. He probably should be court-martialed and drummed out of the Army.
The Photo is NOT REAL. You are defending a LIAR.

Lieutenaent Colonel Alexander Semon Vindman is a HERO. He is Combat Veteran who received the Purple Heart. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge AND the Expert Infantry Badge. He won the Ranger Tab. He has served our Country for over

General Flynn has a Defense Superior Service medal, Legions of Merit, Bronze Star Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters), Meritorious Service Medal (with Silver Oak Leaf Cluster), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters), the NATO Service Medal, and several service and campaign ribbons. Lieutenant General Flynn also has earned the Ranger Tab and Master Parachutist Badge, and the Joint Staff Identification Badge.

And look at what your pieces of shit did to him!
Do you think he has the right to break the law?

Apparently, he never did. Just wait until he walks when the judge finds Mueller entrapped him.
That dog is an American hero like the president said. Not the idiots and swamp demos trying to mindlessly do impeachment threats.

The Photo is NOT REAL. You are defending a LIAR.

Lieutenaent Colonel Alexander Semon Vindman is a HERO. He is Combat Veteran who received the Purple Heart. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge AND the Expert Infantry Badge. He won the Ranger Tab. He has served our Country for over

45 on the other hand is 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit Coward who said not catching the Clap in 1980's New York City, "My Viet Nam".

That lying shit sucking belly crawling Piece of Shit 45 attacks Gold Star Families and denigrates War Hero's like the late Senator John McCain. He sides with Russia against 19-U.S. Intelligence Agencies AND the Republican Control Senate Intelligence Committee regarding Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

The Lying Fuck Wad Piece of Shit Coward tried to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden and his son. Accepting or Soliciting Assistance from a Foreign Government to affect the outcome of a U.S. Election is against Federal Law.

Fuck that Orange Shit Gibbon.

Fuck the Followers of that Orange Shit Gibbon.

I guess you missed the testimony of the NSC staffer today who basically shredded Vindman as going outside the chain of command on Ukraine. He probably should be court-martialed and drummed out of the Army.

Why do you think shitt wouldn't allow Vidman to answer who he had talked to about the call, when republicans asked him? The commies aren't interested in the truth.

By posting that FAKE NEWS PIC, he was telling dead from the neck Fuck Wad Followers he was in the room when the raid went down. He was not.

He golfing, he fucking LIED.

He lied about how Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died because he was NEVER FUCKING THERE.

No, that was put out there for you stupid people who only take what the other commies tell you at face value, and never check on it.

We could not find any reporting to suggest the raid started at 3:30 p.m. We reached out to Souza for more information about the source of his tweet, but we haven’t heard back.

In a follow-up tweet, however, Souza said he wasn’t claiming the photo of Trump and his advisers was staged.

The timeline

So the image of Trump watching the Baghdadi raid was taken shortly after 5 p.m on Oct 26. This means there’s no evidence the photo was staged — it was taken while the raid was still in progress.

To place the image in context, PolitiFact reconstructed a timeline of the raid based on government and media accounts. All times are Eastern (Washington time).

Saturday 10:34 a.m.: President Trump flies from Camp David to Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, Va., according to the White House press pool report.

10:55 a.m.: Trump lands at Trump National Golf Club, according to the pool report.

3:33 p.m.: Trump motorcade begins return trip to White House, according to the pool report.

4:18 p.m.: Trump arrives at the White House, according to the pool report.

About 5:00 p.m.: Trump goes into the White House Situation Room with other senior officials, according to Trump’s statement and Reuters reporting.

About 5:00 p.m.: Helicopters take off to begin the raid, according to the New York Times. Trump later said in his statement that "we gathered more or less at 5 p.m. The attack started moments after that." That claim is consistent with other reports.

Photo of Trump watching Baghdadi raid wasn’t staged

Any more lies, just post them right here for us to make fun of.

45 was Golfing. Fuck anyone and Fuck Everyone who believes his fucking lies.

You believe 45, you are brain dead sycophant.

So, the NY Times is lying also?
Exactly. Those who are feigning outrage over this (because of partisan politics) are unwittingly showing they are speciesist. :abgg2q.jpg:

I don't see anything wrong with acknowledging a dog as a hero. :dunno:

(and I'm not even a Trump supporter)

not a thing wrong with that .

photoshop pics of Trump doing it fits right in with the time magazine cover he created making himself MAN OF THE YEAR

theres plenty wrong with that if you dont like dishonest sob's ...

I didn't see that one. But I'm fairly certain that like this one, he didn't try to pass it off as real, it was tongue in cheek. (but I didn't see that other tweet you're talking about, so I'm just guessing)

There are plenty of things to criticize him on, this isn't one of them.



I wanted to see the tweet to see the context. But my point is, I highly doubt he would try to pass something off as real that can and would easily be refuted. In other words, I'm guessing he was not trying to say it's real, but what he thinks it should have been. And if that's the case, he's guilty of being prideful, not dishonest. (in that particular instance)

If Trump was thinking that he should award the dog some kind of medal, then why in the hell didn't he have his people do a small amount of research to see what the highest possible award they could give was? He's got a staff, right? Doesn't he know how to delegate responsibility? If not, then he's a shitty leader.

Hell, when this thing first came up, I already knew that the CMH couldn't be awarded to an animal, as I was a Personnelman in the Navy, and knowing stuff like that was part of my job, so, I did around 5 min. worth of research and found out what awards COULD be awarded. One is the K9 Medal of Courage (military's actual highest honor for K9 soldiers), or he could have been given the Dickin Medal (awarded to animals for bravery since WWII).

Listen up dumbass! He didn't create the photoshopped image. Did you get that? Apparently you are dumber than a horse's turd, which at least serves a purpose.
You know, I remember not so long ago, someone did a photoshop of the presidential seal, with a Russian eagle and a whole bunch of Russian symbology in it.

Conservatives and Trump supporters lost their shit on these boards. Liberals and those who don't like Trump thought it was funny as hell (and I was one of them).

Now? It's the exact opposite. Cons and Trump supporters are saying it's a great meme (much like the liberals thought the seal modification was funny), while the liberals are saying that it's disrespectful to those who actually earned it and the meme is in poor taste.

Funny how times change.

And while I personally don't like the meme, because I feel it's disrespectful to those men and women who actually earned one, I still think this dog needs to be recognized and should be awarded the Dickin Medal or the K9 Medal of Courage (which incidentally is the military's highest honor for K9 troops).
Conan actually earned that medal. A medal that he will never get. If he were a human there would be no question about it.

You're right, if Conan had been a human, there would have been no question about giving him the award, but the CMH isn't awarded to animals, it's a for humans only medal. If they want to give Conan the highest possible current military award for K9 soldiers, it would be the Medal of Courage. If they wanted to award him a medal for valor, it would be the Dikin Medal, which has been awarded to pigeons, dogs, and even 1 cat serving onboard a Navy vessel.

And, if Trump is smart, he would have his people find out what awards he can and can't give out before he meets the dog and actually tries to give it the CMH.

1. He has not met the dog.
2. He did not give the dog a medal
3. It's a photoshopped image.
4. You are stupid.
2-Photos from Tense White House Situation. Note the Differences.

2 Photos of Tense White House Moments: Note the Differences.

The Photo was stage.

Fuck 45 and one fucking dead from the goddamn fucking brain dead to fucking believe his fucking lies.
The best part of the fat donnie photo is all the electronics are NOT plugged in. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You fucking dumbass twat! There are two Cat 5 cables laying there for equipment that is missing. Everything else is plugged in. You obviously know as little about computers are you do heterosexuality.
Pretty clumsy attempt an an insult to the Medal of Honor recipient he covered with a dog

Trump tweets fake image of him putting medal around dog from al-Baghdadi raid


No, he was making a statement about the dog. John McCain and the left are still jealous
Showing his ignorance about military disrepectful to alter the not even know that there are REAL medals to give military dogs.

Who was making a statement about the dog? You don't even fucking know!
dog are dog , as I said , feed them , keep them housed and throw them a can of ALPO every once and a while and that's about it .
That dog is an American hero like the president said. Not the idiots and swamp demos trying to mindlessly do impeachment threats.

The Photo is NOT REAL. You are defending a LIAR.

Lieutenaent Colonel Alexander Semon Vindman is a HERO. He is Combat Veteran who received the Purple Heart. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge AND the Expert Infantry Badge. He won the Ranger Tab. He has served our Country for over

45 on the other hand is 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit Coward who said not catching the Clap in 1980's New York City, "My Viet Nam".

That lying shit sucking belly crawling Piece of Shit 45 attacks Gold Star Families and denigrates War Hero's like the late Senator John McCain. He sides with Russia against 19-U.S. Intelligence Agencies AND the Republican Control Senate Intelligence Committee regarding Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

The Lying Fuck Wad Piece of Shit Coward tried to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden and his son. Accepting or Soliciting Assistance from a Foreign Government to affect the outcome of a U.S. Election is against Federal Law.

Fuck that Orange Shit Gibbon.

Fuck the Followers of that Orange Shit Gibbon.

I guess you missed the testimony of the NSC staffer today who basically shredded Vindman as going outside the chain of command on Ukraine. He probably should be court-martialed and drummed out of the Army.

Why do you think shitt wouldn't allow Vidman to answer who he had talked to about the call, when republicans asked him? The commies aren't interested in the truth.


That's why it's behind closed doors. Now that the Republicans are putting up a scuffle about it, they're bringing it more into the open. However Shiff Face still makes the rules, so Republicans can still be stopped from bringing out the truth.
That dog is an American hero like the president said. Not the idiots and swamp demos trying to mindlessly do impeachment threats.

The Photo is NOT REAL. You are defending a LIAR.

Lieutenaent Colonel Alexander Semon Vindman is a HERO. He is Combat Veteran who received the Purple Heart. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge AND the Expert Infantry Badge. He won the Ranger Tab. He has served our Country for over

45 on the other hand is 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit Coward who said not catching the Clap in 1980's New York City, "My Viet Nam".

That lying shit sucking belly crawling Piece of Shit 45 attacks Gold Star Families and denigrates War Hero's like the late Senator John McCain. He sides with Russia against 19-U.S. Intelligence Agencies AND the Republican Control Senate Intelligence Committee regarding Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

The Lying Fuck Wad Piece of Shit Coward tried to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden and his son. Accepting or Soliciting Assistance from a Foreign Government to affect the outcome of a U.S. Election is against Federal Law.

Fuck that Orange Shit Gibbon.

Fuck the Followers of that Orange Shit Gibbon.

I guess you missed the testimony of the NSC staffer today who basically shredded Vindman as going outside the chain of command on Ukraine. He probably should be court-martialed and drummed out of the Army.

Why do you think shitt wouldn't allow Vidman to answer who he had talked to about the call, when republicans asked him? The commies aren't interested in the truth.


That's why it's behind closed doors. Now that the Republicans are putting up a scuffle about it, they're bringing it more into the open. However Shiff Face still makes the rules, so Republicans can still be stopped from bringing out the truth.

The great thing is when everything does come out, Vidman may be looking at charges. He went outside his chain of command and contacted Ukrainians directly. He deserves a long residence in Leavenworth.

dog are dog , as I said , feed them , keep them housed and throw them a can of ALPO every once and a while and that's about it .

dogs trained to go on raids with military special op teams are smarter than the rw's on his board AND the rest of the country ..
That dog is an American hero like the president said. Not the idiots and swamp demos trying to mindlessly do impeachment threats.

The Photo is NOT REAL. You are defending a LIAR.

Lieutenaent Colonel Alexander Semon Vindman is a HERO. He is Combat Veteran who received the Purple Heart. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge AND the Expert Infantry Badge. He won the Ranger Tab. He has served our Country for over

45 on the other hand is 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit Coward who said not catching the Clap in 1980's New York City, "My Viet Nam".

That lying shit sucking belly crawling Piece of Shit 45 attacks Gold Star Families and denigrates War Hero's like the late Senator John McCain. He sides with Russia against 19-U.S. Intelligence Agencies AND the Republican Control Senate Intelligence Committee regarding Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

The Lying Fuck Wad Piece of Shit Coward tried to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden and his son. Accepting or Soliciting Assistance from a Foreign Government to affect the outcome of a U.S. Election is against Federal Law.

Fuck that Orange Shit Gibbon.

Fuck the Followers of that Orange Shit Gibbon.

I guess you missed the testimony of the NSC staffer today who basically shredded Vindman as going outside the chain of command on Ukraine. He probably should be court-martialed and drummed out of the Army.

Why do you think shitt wouldn't allow Vidman to answer who he had talked to about the call, when republicans asked him? The commies aren't interested in the truth.


That's why it's behind closed doors. Now that the Republicans are putting up a scuffle about it, they're bringing it more into the open. However Shiff Face still makes the rules, so Republicans can still be stopped from bringing out the truth.

The great thing is when everything does come out, Vidman may be looking at charges. He went outside his chain of command and contacted Ukrainians directly. He deserves a long residence in Leavenworth.


Not to mention he was nothing more than a Democrat spy in the White House. That's where Trump Fd up. Everybody that worked in the swamp or close to it should have been handed their walking papers on Trump's first day. They're all nothing but trouble.
The Photo is NOT REAL. You are defending a LIAR.

Lieutenaent Colonel Alexander Semon Vindman is a HERO. He is Combat Veteran who received the Purple Heart. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge AND the Expert Infantry Badge. He won the Ranger Tab. He has served our Country for over

45 on the other hand is 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit Coward who said not catching the Clap in 1980's New York City, "My Viet Nam".

That lying shit sucking belly crawling Piece of Shit 45 attacks Gold Star Families and denigrates War Hero's like the late Senator John McCain. He sides with Russia against 19-U.S. Intelligence Agencies AND the Republican Control Senate Intelligence Committee regarding Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

The Lying Fuck Wad Piece of Shit Coward tried to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden and his son. Accepting or Soliciting Assistance from a Foreign Government to affect the outcome of a U.S. Election is against Federal Law.

Fuck that Orange Shit Gibbon.

Fuck the Followers of that Orange Shit Gibbon.

I guess you missed the testimony of the NSC staffer today who basically shredded Vindman as going outside the chain of command on Ukraine. He probably should be court-martialed and drummed out of the Army.

Why do you think shitt wouldn't allow Vidman to answer who he had talked to about the call, when republicans asked him? The commies aren't interested in the truth.


That's why it's behind closed doors. Now that the Republicans are putting up a scuffle about it, they're bringing it more into the open. However Shiff Face still makes the rules, so Republicans can still be stopped from bringing out the truth.

The great thing is when everything does come out, Vidman may be looking at charges. He went outside his chain of command and contacted Ukrainians directly. He deserves a long residence in Leavenworth.


Not to mention he was nothing more than a Democrat spy in the White House. That's where Trump Fd up. Everybody that worked in the swamp or close to it should have been handed their walking papers on Trump's first day. They're all nothing but trouble.

Yep, but who knew there were so many willing to betray their country over a fucking election.


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