Trump posts fake picture of him giving medal to hero dog

not a thing wrong with that .

photoshop pics of Trump doing it fits right in with the time magazine cover he created making himself MAN OF THE YEAR

theres plenty wrong with that if you dont like dishonest sob's ...

I didn't see that one. But I'm fairly certain that like this one, he didn't try to pass it off as real, it was tongue in cheek. (but I didn't see that other tweet you're talking about, so I'm just guessing)

There are plenty of things to criticize him on, this isn't one of them.



I wanted to see the tweet, to see the context. But my point is, I highly doubt he would try to pass something off as real that can and would easily be refuted. In other words, I'm guessing he was not trying to say it's real, but what he thinks it should have been. And if that's the case, he's guilty of being prideful, not dishonest. (In that particular instance.)

Perhaps it was a prediction, I heard on the news this morning that the dog is on its way to DC.


after yesterdays publicity, aka, Trump fuck up, I would have bet the pooch made it to Penna. Ave last f'n night -

What fuck up would that be?

You know, I remember not so long ago, someone did a photoshop of the presidential seal, with a Russian eagle and a whole bunch of Russian symbology in it.

Conservatives and Trump supporters lost their shit on these boards. Liberals and those who don't like Trump thought it was funny as hell (and I was one of them).

Now? It's the exact opposite. Cons and Trump supporters are saying it's a great meme (much like the liberals thought the seal modification was funny), while the liberals are saying that it's disrespectful to those who actually earned it and the meme is in poor taste.

Funny how times change.

And while I personally don't like the meme, because I feel it's disrespectful to those men and women who actually earned one, I still think this dog needs to be recognized and should be awarded the Dickin Medal or the K9 Medal of Courage (which incidentally is the military's highest honor for K9 troops).
Conan actually earned that medal. A medal that he will never get. If he were a human there would be no question about it.

You're right, if Conan had been a human, there would have been no question about giving him the award, but the CMH isn't awarded to animals, it's a for humans only medal. If they want to give Conan the highest possible current military award for K9 soldiers, it would be the Medal of Courage. If they wanted to award him a medal for valor, it would be the Dikin Medal, which has been awarded to pigeons, dogs, and even 1 cat serving onboard a Navy vessel.

And, if Trump is smart, he would have his people find out what awards he can and can't give out before he meets the dog and actually tries to give it the CMH.
Pretty clumsy attempt an an insult to the Medal of Honor recipient he covered with a dog

Trump tweets fake image of him putting medal around dog from al-Baghdadi raid



You REALLY worked hard to vividly demonstrate the utter panic of the far left! An INSULT

You're not the only one, far left Progressives, across the board set their hair on fire over this joke. New outlets actually "FACT CHECKED" the photo. I wonder if the watermark in the lower right corner might have given them a clue or if the PAW PRINT as the medal might have tipped them off.

Proving, once again that Progressives have NO sense of humor, whatsoever.

Rightwinger, is it too late for you to edit this into your thread? You know so everyone would know it wasn't real?

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You know, I remember not so long ago, someone did a photoshop of the presidential seal, with a Russian eagle and a whole bunch of Russian symbology in it.

Conservatives and Trump supporters lost their shit on these boards. Liberals and those who don't like Trump thought it was funny as hell (and I was one of them).

Now? It's the exact opposite. Cons and Trump supporters are saying it's a great meme (much like the liberals thought the seal modification was funny), while the liberals are saying that it's disrespectful to those who actually earned it and the meme is in poor taste.

Funny how times change.

And while I personally don't like the meme, because I feel it's disrespectful to those men and women who actually earned one, I still think this dog needs to be recognized and should be awarded the Dickin Medal or the K9 Medal of Courage (which incidentally is the military's highest honor for K9 troops).
Conan actually earned that medal. A medal that he will never get. If he were a human there would be no question about it.

You're right, if Conan had been a human, there would have been no question about giving him the award, but the CMH isn't awarded to animals, it's a for humans only medal. If they want to give Conan the highest possible current military award for K9 soldiers, it would be the Medal of Courage. If they wanted to award him a medal for valor, it would be the Dikin Medal, which has been awarded to pigeons, dogs, and even 1 cat serving onboard a Navy vessel.

And, if Trump is smart, he would have his people find out what awards he can and can't give out before he meets the dog and actually tries to give it the CMH.

On the first page of this thread, you took this joke SERIOUSLY. You're the joke here, along with all the other far-left Progressives that took this seriously and attacked!
With all of the problems we have to dwell on, you are going to get stressed out on a German Shepherd? ooookay. :rolleyes:

Well....the German Sheperd is loyal....and has never extorted anyone!

Nor has a German Shepherd ever told us if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
Odd....I and my family were able to keep our doctor......didn't you?

Nope, not under Commie Care.
Exactly. Those who are feigning outrage over this (because of partisan politics) are unwittingly showing they are speciesist. :abgg2q.jpg:

I don't see anything wrong with acknowledging a dog as a hero. :dunno:

(and I'm not even a Trump supporter)

not a thing wrong with that .

photoshop pics of Trump doing it fits right in with the time magazine cover he created making himself MAN OF THE YEAR

theres plenty wrong with that if you dont like dishonest sob's ...

I didn't see that one. But I'm fairly certain that like this one, he didn't try to pass it off as real, it was tongue in cheek. (but I didn't see that other tweet you're talking about, so I'm just guessing)

There are plenty of things to criticize him on, this isn't one of them.



I wanted to see the tweet to see the context. But my point is, I highly doubt he would try to pass something off as real that can and would easily be refuted. In other words, I'm guessing he was not trying to say it's real, but what he thinks it should have been. And if that's the case, he's guilty of being prideful, not dishonest. (in that particular instance)

If Trump was thinking that he should award the dog some kind of medal, then why in the hell didn't he have his people do a small amount of research to see what the highest possible award they could give was? He's got a staff, right? Doesn't he know how to delegate responsibility? If not, then he's a shitty leader.

Hell, when this thing first came up, I already knew that the CMH couldn't be awarded to an animal, as I was a Personnelman in the Navy, and knowing stuff like that was part of my job, so, I did around 5 min. worth of research and found out what awards COULD be awarded. One is the K9 Medal of Courage (military's actual highest honor for K9 soldiers), or he could have been given the Dickin Medal (awarded to animals for bravery since WWII).

For crying out loud, Trump didn't create the picture, he only forwarded it. This outrage is just as childish as when the MSM posted pictures of Melania not holding Donald's hand, or what kind of shoes she wore one day. When it comes to Trump, you leftists will find the most ridiculous things to ridicule him of.
Well...if trump gets his way....your health insurance will be totally screwed....
By posting that FAKE NEWS PIC, he was telling dead from the neck Fuck Wad Followers he was in the room when the raid went down. He was not.

He golfing, he fucking LIED.

He lied about how Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died because he was NEVER FUCKING THERE.

No, that was put out there for you stupid people who only take what the other commies tell you at face value, and never check on it.

We could not find any reporting to suggest the raid started at 3:30 p.m. We reached out to Souza for more information about the source of his tweet, but we haven’t heard back.

In a follow-up tweet, however, Souza said he wasn’t claiming the photo of Trump and his advisers was staged.

The timeline

So the image of Trump watching the Baghdadi raid was taken shortly after 5 p.m on Oct 26. This means there’s no evidence the photo was staged — it was taken while the raid was still in progress.

To place the image in context, PolitiFact reconstructed a timeline of the raid based on government and media accounts. All times are Eastern (Washington time).

Saturday 10:34 a.m.: President Trump flies from Camp David to Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, Va., according to the White House press pool report.

10:55 a.m.: Trump lands at Trump National Golf Club, according to the pool report.

3:33 p.m.: Trump motorcade begins return trip to White House, according to the pool report.

4:18 p.m.: Trump arrives at the White House, according to the pool report.

About 5:00 p.m.: Trump goes into the White House Situation Room with other senior officials, according to Trump’s statement and Reuters reporting.

About 5:00 p.m.: Helicopters take off to begin the raid, according to the New York Times. Trump later said in his statement that "we gathered more or less at 5 p.m. The attack started moments after that." That claim is consistent with other reports.

Photo of Trump watching Baghdadi raid wasn’t staged

Any more lies, just post them right here for us to make fun of.

45 was Golfing. Fuck anyone and Fuck Everyone who believes his fucking lies.

You believe 45, you are brain dead sycophant.

I'm brain dead? I posted a link from the far left Politifact. It's not from Fox, it's not from Breibart, it's not from Limbaugh, it's from Politifact.

Since you didn't read the article (and I know you didn't by your response) it stated the pictures were tested to validate when they were taken. I don't understand much about photography, but it it explains the process they used to validate the pictures.

So don't argue with me about it, argue it with Politifact.
Let's alter the American flag too and make it into a dog bed. Ha! Ha!

It would sure beat you leftist losers burning it.
So you would approve of that being done to an American opposed to disposing of an American flag by burning as is the Flag Code way to retire a flag.

The commies don't burn American flags that way. They desecrate it, swear against it, call America names, and perhaps some stomp on it like a cockroach. If you call that flag code, show me where it states this is proper.

and Trump salutes them -

now run along and kiss his ass commieboi.

Show me when Trump ever supported punk flag burners.

Commieboi? The US Communist Party didn't support my candidate, they supported yours. Better look in the mirror next time before you hurl out insults.
Well...if trump gets his way....your health insurance will be totally screwed....

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama and the rest of the far-left Progressives already screwed up our health insurance industry.
45 was Golfing. Fuck anyone and Fuck Everyone who believes his fucking lies.

You believe 45, you are brain dead sycophant.

Here I thought there was a minimum age for posting on this message board, obviously not.

Exactly. Those who are feigning outrage over this (because of partisan politics) are unwittingly showing they are speciesist. :abgg2q.jpg:

I don't see anything wrong with acknowledging a dog as a hero. :dunno:

(and I'm not even a Trump supporter)

not a thing wrong with that .

photoshop pics of Trump doing it fits right in with the time magazine cover he created making himself MAN OF THE YEAR

theres plenty wrong with that if you dont like dishonest sob's ...

I didn't see that one. But I'm fairly certain that like this one, he didn't try to pass it off as real, it was tongue in cheek. (but I didn't see that other tweet you're talking about, so I'm just guessing)

There are plenty of things to criticize him on, this isn't one of them.



I wanted to see the tweet to see the context. But my point is, I highly doubt he would try to pass something off as real that can and would easily be refuted. In other words, I'm guessing he was not trying to say it's real, but what he thinks it should have been. And if that's the case, he's guilty of being prideful, not dishonest. (in that particular instance)

If Trump was thinking that he should award the dog some kind of medal, then why in the hell didn't he have his people do a small amount of research to see what the highest possible award they could give was? He's got a staff, right? Doesn't he know how to delegate responsibility? If not, then he's a shitty leader.

Hell, when this thing first came up, I already knew that the CMH couldn't be awarded to an animal, as I was a Personnelman in the Navy, and knowing stuff like that was part of my job, so, I did around 5 min. worth of research and found out what awards COULD be awarded. One is the K9 Medal of Courage (military's actual highest honor for K9 soldiers), or he could have been given the Dickin Medal (awarded to animals for bravery since WWII).
Probably afraid that if the real dog was in a room with him, it would attack him like that eagle did.
I didn't see that one. But I'm fairly certain that like this one, he didn't try to pass it off as real, it was tongue in cheek. (but I didn't see that other tweet you're talking about, so I'm just guessing)

There are plenty of things to criticize him on, this isn't one of them.



I wanted to see the tweet, to see the context. But my point is, I highly doubt he would try to pass something off as real that can and would easily be refuted. In other words, I'm guessing he was not trying to say it's real, but what he thinks it should have been. And if that's the case, he's guilty of being prideful, not dishonest. (In that particular instance.)

Perhaps it was a prediction, I heard on the news this morning that the dog is on its way to DC.


after yesterdays publicity, aka, Trump fuck up, I would have bet the pooch made it to Penna. Ave last f'n night -
He's going to meet the dog along the border wall in Colorado.
But...were there dogs at Normandy? GERMAN shepard dogs?
I like dogs ok but modern society and their worship of canines has me flummoxed . Dog equals throw him a can of ALPO and that's done .
If you and a dog capsized your boat and I had to to choose who to save, I will choose the dog. They are better people.

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