Trump posts fake picture of him giving medal to hero dog

If Trump was thinking that he should award the dog some kind of medal, then why in the hell didn't he have his people do a small amount of research to see what the highest possible award they could give was? He's got a staff, right? Doesn't he know how to delegate responsibility? If not, then he's a shitty leader.

Hell, when this thing first came up, I already knew that the CMH couldn't be awarded to an animal, as I was a Personnelman in the Navy, and knowing stuff like that was part of my job, so, I did around 5 min. worth of research and found out what awards COULD be awarded. One is the K9 Medal of Courage (military's actual highest honor for K9 soldiers), or he could have been given the Dickin Medal (awarded to animals for bravery since WWII).

This was a JOKE!

You seem to demand that it be known and promoted that Progressives have no sense of humor and live bitter, angry lives. I feel so sorry for you!
Showing his ignorance about military disrepectful to alter the not even know that there are REAL medals to give military dogs.

Pretty clumsy attempt an an insult to the Medal of Honor recipient he covered with a dog

Trump tweets fake image of him putting medal around dog from al-Baghdadi raid


No, he was making a statement about the dog. John McCain and the left are still jealous
Showing his ignorance about military disrepectful to alter the not even know that there are REAL medals to give military dogs.

He thought it was funny and creative perhaps. What disrespect do you speak of?
You know, I remember not so long ago, someone did a photoshop of the presidential seal, with a Russian eagle and a whole bunch of Russian symbology in it.

Conservatives and Trump supporters lost their shit on these boards. Liberals and those who don't like Trump thought it was funny as hell (and I was one of them).

Now? It's the exact opposite. Cons and Trump supporters are saying it's a great meme (much like the liberals thought the seal modification was funny), while the liberals are saying that it's disrespectful to those who actually earned it and the meme is in poor taste.

Funny how times change.

And while I personally don't like the meme, because I feel it's disrespectful to those men and women who actually earned one, I still think this dog needs to be recognized and should be awarded the Dickin Medal or the K9 Medal of Courage (which incidentally is the military's highest honor for K9 troops).
Conan actually earned that medal. A medal that he will never get. If he were a human there would be no question about it.

You're right, if Conan had been a human, there would have been no question about giving him the award, but the CMH isn't awarded to animals, it's a for humans only medal. If they want to give Conan the highest possible current military award for K9 soldiers, it would be the Medal of Courage. If they wanted to award him a medal for valor, it would be the Dikin Medal, which has been awarded to pigeons, dogs, and even 1 cat serving onboard a Navy vessel.

And, if Trump is smart, he would have his people find out what awards he can and can't give out before he meets the dog and actually tries to give it the CMH.
It was a joke and not even his. Do you really think Trump photoshopped it.

Saying the medal is only for humans is the worst kind of speciesism.
This thread is so stupid. Like the OP. The Meme was supposed to be endearing toward the dog and the Leftists ruined it. Shame. The OP is an asshole. He and Franco are both from Buffalo. Explains a lot..
This thread is so stupid. Like the OP. The Meme was supposed to be endearing toward the dog and the Leftists ruined it. Shame. The OP is an asshole. He and Franco are both from Buffalo. Explains a lot..

yes the OP is strange....but the thread is too much fun! :laugh:

"One of these bitches is still serving her country. The other one ran like hell." - :21:

This thread is so stupid. Like the OP. The Meme was supposed to be endearing toward the dog and the Leftists ruined it. Shame. The OP is an asshole. He and Franco are both from Buffalo. Explains a lot..
Leftards ruin and suck the life and joy out of everything...

Music art culture business you name it

Soul less ghouls that they are
Pretty clumsy attempt an an insult to the Medal of Honor recipient he covered with a dog

Trump tweets fake image of him putting medal around dog from al-Baghdadi raid


Actually a pretty skillful and witty attempt to troll both the Liberals as well as the Islamonazis simultaneously.

Radical muslims really despise dogs, and its really shameful that their caliph was taken down by a canine.

As far as the libs, their heads exploding over this is very entertaining to our President.
Pretty clumsy attempt an an insult to the Medal of Honor recipient he covered with a dog

Trump tweets fake image of him putting medal around dog from al-Baghdadi raid


No, he was making a statement about the dog. John McCain and the left are still jealous
Honey...I hate to break it to you and ruin your CRC hatefest....John McCain has passed away.

And he left this planet with so much anger......he's still pissed off.
Pretty clumsy attempt an an insult to the Medal of Honor recipient he covered with a dog

Trump tweets fake image of him putting medal around dog from al-Baghdadi raid


Actually a pretty skillful and witty attempt to troll both the Liberals as well as the Islamonazis simultaneously.

Radical muslims really despise dogs, and its really shameful that their caliph was taken down by a canine.

As far as the libs, their heads exploding over this is very entertaining to our President.

It's not just the radicalized. There are many stories of Muslim cab drivers in NYC refusing to pick up people with pets, even if those pets are handicap assistants.
You know, instead of tweeting a photoshopped picture of Trump awarding a dog the CMH, how about they research and find what awards CAN be given to them, and instead of tweeting a lie that will never happen, they started to lobby for the dog to get a medal he can actually receive, such as the K9 Medal of Courage (military's highest award for K9's), or the Dickin Medal, which was created for animals in WWII that served with courage and heroism? A few birds, a couple of dogs, and even a cat serving on a Navy ship have gotten the Dickin Medal.

You probably won the Dickin Medal for taking so many dicks in your mouth, you humorless titless WAVE!
Not only that, but the picture of him in the situation room during the raid was fake news. The pic was staged about an hour and thirty minutes after the attack. 45 was no where near the situation room during the attack, he was golfing.

Remember when that lying Orange Shit Gibbon said he would be "To Busy" to golf.

Neither does that lying POS.

You can't even get a quote right! The word is "too". Learn the difference or STFU!

Nobody has time for stupid!

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