Trump PRAISES General Lee at OHIO Campaign Rally = WTF?

Lee was a very good general and was winning many battles against the union forces and Lincoln was very worried by the fact Lee keep getting the best of his generals. Lee was able to do this because he was very bold and many of the union generals oppossing him were tenative and afarid to press the attack against him because they feared he was setting them up for an ambush. Lincoln finally turned to Grant because despite his personal shortcomings especially with booze he was aggressive and would press the attack against Lee this played a major part in turning the tide of the war in favor of the union.
Trump also fell for the Grant was a drunk fallacy

Grant never drank while on the battlefield. He tended to drink while bored, waiting to get into battle
Grant love the bottle bro............lucky he stayed on the horse at times.........but didn't care.........

Not true according his generals
4. He struggled with alcohol throughout his life.
Grant’s taste for strong drink first became problematic in the early 1850s, when he was reportedly forced to resign from the army for being caught drunk on duty. He swore off alcohol for most of the next decade, only to fall off the wagon during the Civil War. Grant’s penchant for binge drinking was usually kept in check by his teetotaler adjutant, Colonel John Rawlins, but rumors that he was intoxicated during battles swirled around him for most of the war. For his part, Abraham Lincoln appeared unperturbed by the gossip. When a group of congressmen once alleged that Grant was a drunk, the President supposedly responded by asking what kind of whiskey the General preferred. “I urged them to ascertain and let me know,” Lincoln later said, “for if it made fighting generals like Grant, I should like to get some of it for distribution.”
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Republicans are racist confederates.

Ignoring history, they like to pretend they are on the side of Lincoln, but we all know that is laughable.

Now that the KKK, the American Nazi Party, the Aryan nation and the white nationalists are concentrated in one party, it's time to see them for the confederates we all know they are.

Let's all just be honest.
Trump also fell for the Grant was a drunk fallacy

Grant never drank while on the battlefield. He tended to drink while bored, waiting to get into battle
Grant love the bottle bro............lucky he stayed on the horse at times.........but didn't care.........

Not true according his generals
4. He struggled with alcohol throughout his life.
Grant’s taste for strong drink first became problematic in the early 1850s, when he was reportedly forced to resign from the army for being caught drunk on duty. He swore off alcohol for most of the next decade, only to fall off the wagon during the Civil War. Grant’s penchant for binge drinking was usually kept in check by his teetotaler adjutant, Colonel John Rawlins, but rumors that he was intoxicated during battles swirled around him for most of the war. For his part, Abraham Lincoln appeared unperturbed by the gossip. When a group of congressmen once alleged that Grant was a drunk, the President supposedly responded by asking what kind of whiskey the General preferred. “I urged them to ascertain and let me know,” Lincoln later said, “for if it made fighting generals like Grant, I should like to get some of it for distribution.”

Did Ulysses S. Grant really have a Drinking Problem?

More likely, according to most sources, is that he was (at least early in his career) a binge drinker who mostly drank when separated from his family or out of boredom. According to his friend Lt. Henry Hodges, “He would perhaps go on two or three sprees a year, but was always open to reason.” Reports that he drank to inebriation during or before his Civil War battles seem entirely fanciful.
Trump also fell for the Grant was a drunk fallacy

Grant never drank while on the battlefield. He tended to drink while bored, waiting to get into battle
Grant love the bottle bro............lucky he stayed on the horse at times.........but didn't care.........

Not true according his generals
4. He struggled with alcohol throughout his life.
Grant’s taste for strong drink first became problematic in the early 1850s, when he was reportedly forced to resign from the army for being caught drunk on duty. He swore off alcohol for most of the next decade, only to fall off the wagon during the Civil War. Grant’s penchant for binge drinking was usually kept in check by his teetotaler adjutant, Colonel John Rawlins, but rumors that he was intoxicated during battles swirled around him for most of the war. For his part, Abraham Lincoln appeared unperturbed by the gossip. When a group of congressmen once alleged that Grant was a drunk, the President supposedly responded by asking what kind of whiskey the General preferred. “I urged them to ascertain and let me know,” Lincoln later said, “for if it made fighting generals like Grant, I should like to get some of it for distribution.”

Did Ulysses S. Grant really have a Drinking Problem?

More likely, according to most sources, is that he was (at least early in his career) a binge drinker who mostly drank when separated from his family or out of boredom. According to his friend Lt. Henry Hodges, “He would perhaps go on two or three sprees a year, but was always open to reason.” Reports that he drank to inebriation during or before his Civil War battles seem entirely fanciful.
Wow, you make him sound like this guy:

Trump also fell for the Grant was a drunk fallacy

Grant never drank while on the battlefield. He tended to drink while bored, waiting to get into battle
Grant love the bottle bro............lucky he stayed on the horse at times.........but didn't care.........

Not true according his generals
4. He struggled with alcohol throughout his life.
Grant’s taste for strong drink first became problematic in the early 1850s, when he was reportedly forced to resign from the army for being caught drunk on duty. He swore off alcohol for most of the next decade, only to fall off the wagon during the Civil War. Grant’s penchant for binge drinking was usually kept in check by his teetotaler adjutant, Colonel John Rawlins, but rumors that he was intoxicated during battles swirled around him for most of the war. For his part, Abraham Lincoln appeared unperturbed by the gossip. When a group of congressmen once alleged that Grant was a drunk, the President supposedly responded by asking what kind of whiskey the General preferred. “I urged them to ascertain and let me know,” Lincoln later said, “for if it made fighting generals like Grant, I should like to get some of it for distribution.”

Did Ulysses S. Grant really have a Drinking Problem?

More likely, according to most sources, is that he was (at least early in his career) a binge drinker who mostly drank when separated from his family or out of boredom. According to his friend Lt. Henry Hodges, “He would perhaps go on two or three sprees a year, but was always open to reason.” Reports that he drank to inebriation during or before his Civil War battles seem entirely fanciful.
Wow, you make him sound like this guy:

Not really the history books have conflicting reports on his drinking.............He fell off a horse in New Orleans after Vicksburg and everyone accused him of being drunk afterwards from then on.............some say his horse got scared of the crowds and spun over on top of he stayed on the horse til it nearly crushed him on the ground............

Everyone drank back then........they say he drank more than others......some say not as much.......... evidence other than Ford says he did it..............just a political attack........
Trump also fell for the Grant was a drunk fallacy

Grant never drank while on the battlefield. He tended to drink while bored, waiting to get into battle
Grant love the bottle bro............lucky he stayed on the horse at times.........but didn't care.........

Not true according his generals
4. He struggled with alcohol throughout his life.
Grant’s taste for strong drink first became problematic in the early 1850s, when he was reportedly forced to resign from the army for being caught drunk on duty. He swore off alcohol for most of the next decade, only to fall off the wagon during the Civil War. Grant’s penchant for binge drinking was usually kept in check by his teetotaler adjutant, Colonel John Rawlins, but rumors that he was intoxicated during battles swirled around him for most of the war. For his part, Abraham Lincoln appeared unperturbed by the gossip. When a group of congressmen once alleged that Grant was a drunk, the President supposedly responded by asking what kind of whiskey the General preferred. “I urged them to ascertain and let me know,” Lincoln later said, “for if it made fighting generals like Grant, I should like to get some of it for distribution.”

Did Ulysses S. Grant really have a Drinking Problem?

More likely, according to most sources, is that he was (at least early in his career) a binge drinker who mostly drank when separated from his family or out of boredom. According to his friend Lt. Henry Hodges, “He would perhaps go on two or three sprees a year, but was always open to reason.” Reports that he drank to inebriation during or before his Civil War battles seem entirely fanciful.
Wow, you make him sound like this guy:


Dilly, Dilly
JUST LOOK AT THE PRAISE Trump heaps on General MATTIS here: IN OHIO

Yeah; that Mattis is GREAT. He's a DEMOCRAT :21:

If Trump could raise Lee & Grant from the dead, Trump would tell both Lee & Grant, "YOU'RE FIRED"

But, you're great :21:
Last edited:
You know..I wonder if there is some way to quantify the dollar amount that the medias support of Democrats equals. It has to be billions. CBS charges up to almost half a million dollars for thirty second commercials. Democrats always have huge reserves of cash but I think the FEC should consider their allies in the press as "in kind" donations.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Robert E. Lee was indeed a great man. Your lack of historical knowledge and perspective does not change that. It just means you're ignnorant.

I never said Lee wasn't a great General.

You missed the point.
Good, then you agree with President Trump.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Wow, this is the epitome of dishonesty from the left. If this cock had actually listened to what trump said at the rally and got it straight from the horses mouth (instead of relying on the clickbait media), caddo kid would’ve discovered that the hero in trumps historically accurate story was general grant, not Robert e lee. who was the villain.

The generals of the south, like Robert E lee and Stonewall Jackson, were absolute brilliant tactictions. This is undeniable since the North had every single advantage in their favor in the Civil War. They heavily outnumbered, outgunned, and were technologically superior to the south. Yet the south handed the north’s asses to them on a platter in every single battle, up until general grant took over. Grants whole strategy was to make it a war of attrition, and basically just not make a mistake and break even with the south because he had superior numbers, weapons, and production ability. Grant took over (I’m pretty sure) at the battle of Antietam. At this point victory for the south was almost certain, and they were beginning their offensive to surround D.C. and force the north to surrender. At Antietam, Grant held the south to a draw, which for him was a win in a war of attrition. The south then changed things up and decided to come at DC from the north in Pennsylvania. This is where Gettysburg happened (I would say tied for #1 most important battle in American history with the battle of midway), where the north just barely held off the south by the skin of their teeth. Had the south won, they would’ve forced the north to surrender. But the south took such heavy losses, they could no longer win the war, the north could only loose it by making a mistake, which general grant was not going to do.

To say that general Lee was a good General is true, he was really freaking good at what he did. Just like Rommel was a undeniably brilliant General for the Nazis. Interestingly enough, Rommel and other nazi generals heavily studied the south’s tactics in the civil war, and it is where they borrowed a lot of strategy that later became the blitzkrieg strategy that straight up dominated anything and everything up until the US got involved. That’s how brilliant the generals of the south were. Saying they were brilliant tactitions doesn’t mean they were fighting for a good cause, as if that had to be clarified. But apparently it does in this fucked up world we’re living in now where people gain their knowledge from clickbait...

Caddo Kid, if your sources are really this dishonest about shit, you REALLY need to start questioning those sources, and verifying for yourself, so that you don’t look like an assclown. It’s beyond funny what y’all have been getting duped with, it’s officially to the point of it being sad and concerning. CRTICICAL THINKING PEOPLE, use it, it’s important.

this, coming from the claimed law student that can't even read the first paragraph of an article & get his shit straight? :206:
Hey jack weed, you’re article is purposefully deceptive. Trump went on to praise general grant in the story, Grant was undeniably the hero in Trumps story. Lee was also a great general, that’s very freaking historically accurate, it’s basically common knowledge. So you’re article only highlighted everything good trump said about Lee, and then chose to only highlight 2 things he said about Grant, one was Grants drinking problem (also historically accurate), and then a quick line saying he kicked everyone’s asses. That’s the extent of what you’re article highlights. Clearly there’s an agenda there to paint trump as a racist Robert E Lee supporter, when he was clearly a supporter of Grant, not Lee. You have to be schizophrenic to defend a clearly deceptive article like this.

Is your claim that Robert E Lee was not a great general? I suppose Lee just kept getting lucky in every single battle up until he faced Grant? You need to lay off the lead paint chips.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?

Amen. General Lee was a great American

I don't see the issue

Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Wow, this is the epitome of dishonesty from the left. If this cock had actually listened to what trump said at the rally and got it straight from the horses mouth (instead of relying on the clickbait media), caddo kid would’ve discovered that the hero in trumps historically accurate story was general grant, not Robert e lee. who was the villain.

The generals of the south, like Robert E lee and Stonewall Jackson, were absolute brilliant tactictions. This is undeniable since the North had every single advantage in their favor in the Civil War. They heavily outnumbered, outgunned, and were technologically superior to the south. Yet the south handed the north’s asses to them on a platter in every single battle, up until general grant took over. Grants whole strategy was to make it a war of attrition, and basically just not make a mistake and break even with the south because he had superior numbers, weapons, and production ability. Grant took over (I’m pretty sure) at the battle of Antietam. At this point victory for the south was almost certain, and they were beginning their offensive to surround D.C. and force the north to surrender. At Antietam, Grant held the south to a draw, which for him was a win in a war of attrition. The south then changed things up and decided to come at DC from the north in Pennsylvania. This is where Gettysburg happened (I would say tied for #1 most important battle in American history with the battle of midway), where the north just barely held off the south by the skin of their teeth. Had the south won, they would’ve forced the north to surrender. But the south took such heavy losses, they could no longer win the war, the north could only loose it by making a mistake, which general grant was not going to do.

To say that general Lee was a good General is true, he was really freaking good at what he did. Just like Rommel was a undeniably brilliant General for the Nazis. Interestingly enough, Rommel and other nazi generals heavily studied the south’s tactics in the civil war, and it is where they borrowed a lot of strategy that later became the blitzkrieg strategy that straight up dominated anything and everything up until the US got involved. That’s how brilliant the generals of the south were. Saying they were brilliant tactitions doesn’t mean they were fighting for a good cause, as if that had to be clarified. But apparently it does in this fucked up world we’re living in now where people gain their knowledge from clickbait...

Caddo Kid, if your sources are really this dishonest about shit, you REALLY need to start questioning those sources, and verifying for yourself, so that you don’t look like an assclown. It’s beyond funny what y’all have been getting duped with, it’s officially to the point of it being sad and concerning. CRTICICAL THINKING PEOPLE, use it, it’s important.

this, coming from the claimed law student that can't even read the first paragraph of an article & get his shit straight? :206:
Hey jack weed, you’re article is purposefully deceptive. Trump went on to praise general grant in the story, Grant was undeniably the hero in Trumps story. Lee was also a great general, that’s very freaking historically accurate, it’s basically common knowledge. So you’re article only highlighted everything good trump said about Lee, and then chose to only highlight 2 things he said about Grant, one was Grants drinking problem (also historically accurate), and then a quick line saying he kicked everyone’s asses. That’s the extent of what you’re article highlights. Clearly there’s an agenda there to paint trump as a racist Robert E Lee supporter, when he was clearly a supporter of Grant, not Lee. You have to be schizophrenic to defend a clearly deceptive article like this.

Is your claim that Robert E Lee was not a great general? I suppose Lee just kept getting lucky in every single battle up until he faced Grant? You need to lay off the lead paint chips.

Did Trump get to the part about how much he admires the klan and tell them.......some of them are good people
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Wow, this is the epitome of dishonesty from the left. If this cock had actually listened to what trump said at the rally and got it straight from the horses mouth (instead of relying on the clickbait media), caddo kid would’ve discovered that the hero in trumps historically accurate story was general grant, not Robert e lee. who was the villain.

The generals of the south, like Robert E lee and Stonewall Jackson, were absolute brilliant tactictions. This is undeniable since the North had every single advantage in their favor in the Civil War. They heavily outnumbered, outgunned, and were technologically superior to the south. Yet the south handed the north’s asses to them on a platter in every single battle, up until general grant took over. Grants whole strategy was to make it a war of attrition, and basically just not make a mistake and break even with the south because he had superior numbers, weapons, and production ability. Grant took over (I’m pretty sure) at the battle of Antietam. At this point victory for the south was almost certain, and they were beginning their offensive to surround D.C. and force the north to surrender. At Antietam, Grant held the south to a draw, which for him was a win in a war of attrition. The south then changed things up and decided to come at DC from the north in Pennsylvania. This is where Gettysburg happened (I would say tied for #1 most important battle in American history with the battle of midway), where the north just barely held off the south by the skin of their teeth. Had the south won, they would’ve forced the north to surrender. But the south took such heavy losses, they could no longer win the war, the north could only loose it by making a mistake, which general grant was not going to do.

To say that general Lee was a good General is true, he was really freaking good at what he did. Just like Rommel was a undeniably brilliant General for the Nazis. Interestingly enough, Rommel and other nazi generals heavily studied the south’s tactics in the civil war, and it is where they borrowed a lot of strategy that later became the blitzkrieg strategy that straight up dominated anything and everything up until the US got involved. That’s how brilliant the generals of the south were. Saying they were brilliant tactitions doesn’t mean they were fighting for a good cause, as if that had to be clarified. But apparently it does in this fucked up world we’re living in now where people gain their knowledge from clickbait...

Caddo Kid, if your sources are really this dishonest about shit, you REALLY need to start questioning those sources, and verifying for yourself, so that you don’t look like an assclown. It’s beyond funny what y’all have been getting duped with, it’s officially to the point of it being sad and concerning. CRTICICAL THINKING PEOPLE, use it, it’s important.

this, coming from the claimed law student that can't even read the first paragraph of an article & get his shit straight? :206:
Hey jack weed, you’re article is purposefully deceptive. Trump went on to praise general grant in the story, Grant was undeniably the hero in Trumps story. Lee was also a great general, that’s very freaking historically accurate, it’s basically common knowledge. So you’re article only highlighted everything good trump said about Lee, and then chose to only highlight 2 things he said about Grant, one was Grants drinking problem (also historically accurate), and then a quick line saying he kicked everyone’s asses. That’s the extent of what you’re article highlights. Clearly there’s an agenda there to paint trump as a racist Robert E Lee supporter, when he was clearly a supporter of Grant, not Lee. You have to be schizophrenic to defend a clearly deceptive article like this.

Is your claim that Robert E Lee was not a great general? I suppose Lee just kept getting lucky in every single battle up until he faced Grant? You need to lay off the lead paint chips.

Did Trump get to the part about how much he admires the klan and tell them.......some of them are good people
Don’t remember him ever saying that. I also don’t give a fuck, because you’re only response to such egregious bias that has crossed the line into propaganda, is a deflection. This is a prime example of a major media outlet trying to purposefully mislead citizens, and yet you deflect. TRUMP NEVER SHOULD HAVE WON THIS ELECTION, and a prime example of exactly why he won is staring you in the face, and your gonna choose to ignore it. Time to brace yourselves for another four years of president overgrown oompa loompa, because the left still doesn’t get it.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Wow, this is the epitome of dishonesty from the left. If this cock had actually listened to what trump said at the rally and got it straight from the horses mouth (instead of relying on the clickbait media), caddo kid would’ve discovered that the hero in trumps historically accurate story was general grant, not Robert e lee. who was the villain.

The generals of the south, like Robert E lee and Stonewall Jackson, were absolute brilliant tactictions. This is undeniable since the North had every single advantage in their favor in the Civil War. They heavily outnumbered, outgunned, and were technologically superior to the south. Yet the south handed the north’s asses to them on a platter in every single battle, up until general grant took over. Grants whole strategy was to make it a war of attrition, and basically just not make a mistake and break even with the south because he had superior numbers, weapons, and production ability. Grant took over (I’m pretty sure) at the battle of Antietam. At this point victory for the south was almost certain, and they were beginning their offensive to surround D.C. and force the north to surrender. At Antietam, Grant held the south to a draw, which for him was a win in a war of attrition. The south then changed things up and decided to come at DC from the north in Pennsylvania. This is where Gettysburg happened (I would say tied for #1 most important battle in American history with the battle of midway), where the north just barely held off the south by the skin of their teeth. Had the south won, they would’ve forced the north to surrender. But the south took such heavy losses, they could no longer win the war, the north could only loose it by making a mistake, which general grant was not going to do.

To say that general Lee was a good General is true, he was really freaking good at what he did. Just like Rommel was a undeniably brilliant General for the Nazis. Interestingly enough, Rommel and other nazi generals heavily studied the south’s tactics in the civil war, and it is where they borrowed a lot of strategy that later became the blitzkrieg strategy that straight up dominated anything and everything up until the US got involved. That’s how brilliant the generals of the south were. Saying they were brilliant tactitions doesn’t mean they were fighting for a good cause, as if that had to be clarified. But apparently it does in this fucked up world we’re living in now where people gain their knowledge from clickbait...

Caddo Kid, if your sources are really this dishonest about shit, you REALLY need to start questioning those sources, and verifying for yourself, so that you don’t look like an assclown. It’s beyond funny what y’all have been getting duped with, it’s officially to the point of it being sad and concerning. CRTICICAL THINKING PEOPLE, use it, it’s important.

this, coming from the claimed law student that can't even read the first paragraph of an article & get his shit straight? :206:
Hey jack weed, you’re article is purposefully deceptive. Trump went on to praise general grant in the story, Grant was undeniably the hero in Trumps story. Lee was also a great general, that’s very freaking historically accurate, it’s basically common knowledge. So you’re article only highlighted everything good trump said about Lee, and then chose to only highlight 2 things he said about Grant, one was Grants drinking problem (also historically accurate), and then a quick line saying he kicked everyone’s asses. That’s the extent of what you’re article highlights. Clearly there’s an agenda there to paint trump as a racist Robert E Lee supporter, when he was clearly a supporter of Grant, not Lee. You have to be schizophrenic to defend a clearly deceptive article like this.

Is your claim that Robert E Lee was not a great general? I suppose Lee just kept getting lucky in every single battle up until he faced Grant? You need to lay off the lead paint chips.

you need to do MUCH BETTER in law school; I bet your grades suck because you can't even get the first paragraph of the article correct.

Who will you be defending if you ever pass the bar exam? Folks with parking tickets? :206:
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?

That was the early part of the war, until Lincoln found a "general that could fight", to paraphrase.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Isn't it time to :bigboy:and add an update to your OP?

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