trump praises Putin and Xi at Pennsylvania rally

No he didnt

"This is genius," Trump said of Putin's recognition of two breakaway Ukrainian regions.

"I went in yesterday, and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful," Trump said when asked about the news. "I said, 'How smart is that?' And he's going to go in and be a peacekeeper."

"This is genius," Trump said of Putin's recognition of two breakaway Ukrainian regions.

"I went in yesterday, and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful," Trump said when asked about the news. "I said, 'How smart is that?' And he's going to go in and be a peacekeeper."
Trump said:

  • He said Biden shouldn't send troops to Ukraine and he'd "rather see our southern border protected."
Who can argue with that?

Do you want biden to send US troops to die in Ukraine?
No one said they were "pushovers" but Putin has most certainly ended his reign of terror with this ill-conceived war against the Ukraine.

Somebody tried to kill his closest advisor. The US government says the Russians lost upward of 70,000 active soldiers either killed or wounded, and the Russian economy is crushed.

Xi is proceeding cautiously but he has much more to lose in dealings with the west. I don't see Xi wanting conventional war. He using the Chinese trade surplus to make friends and influence Third World Nations the same way the USA did in the 1960's - to build infrastructure to promote trade with China.

Xi is looking for economic dominance over military control. You don't see the Chinese setting up military bases all over the world. They're building deep sea ports, and modern seaport facilities for their Silk Road trade routes.

when did the Russian economy collapse?
Did any of these people try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power?????

Did any of these people go around the country denying that their opponent was the legal President, and begging to have the results of the election overturned???

Did any of these people fundraise on the idea that their election was stolen?

Hillary didnt say on multiple occasions on national tv that Trump was an illegitimate president and that the election was stolen from her? Really? I must have dreamed that shit.

Abrame to this day says she was cheated in the last Gubernatorial election in Georgia.

I dont think there has been a Presidential election that the Democrats have lost that they haven’t said was rigged, stolen or they were cheated since Bush Sr won
You guys are funny.

Before he was elected and prior to COVID he was going to be this crazy dictator.
Then during COVID he wasn’t nearly dictatorial enough for you
Now that he’s out of office the “he’s a dictator“ mantra is back.

Make up your mind already.
Who said he was going to be a 'crazy dictator'...

I remember at the time saying he was going to spend like a drunken sailor and look after his base over other Americans... I also said he is an asshole and do't be shocked when he does asshole things..
Trump said:

  • He said Biden shouldn't send troops to Ukraine and he'd "rather see our southern border protected."
Who can argue with that?

Do you want biden to send US troops to die in Ukraine?
Biden has no intention of deploying troops to Ukraine. So why ask? You already know the answer is NO.
Who said he was going to be a 'crazy dictator'...

I remember at the time saying he was going to spend like a drunken sailor and look after his base over other Americans... I also said he is an asshole and do't be shocked when he does asshole things..
The same people who are saying he'll be a dictator if he gets reelected. I dont have a comprehensive list or anything but acting like that wasnt one of the many reasons we "couldnt elect Trump" is revisionist history.

Going “Full Dictator”? Trump Claims He Has Right to End Mueller Investigation or Pardon Himself

Would you like more examples? I can link some more...
Trump said:

  • He said Biden shouldn't send troops to Ukraine and he'd "rather see our southern border protected."
Who can argue with that?

Do you want biden to send US troops to die in Ukraine?
Number of US troops sent to Ukraine by Biden : Zero

But thanks for telling us that you think Mexico is a bigger threat than Russia...

Also, Putin is no fucking genius... He is going to get his ass handed to him, the only question is how much is it going to cost..
But thanks for telling us that you think Mexico is a bigger threat than Russia...
5 million illegal alien invaders from mexico are a more immediate threat than russians thousands of miles away in ukraine

I oppose russian aggression and support biden when he resists putin

But that does not mean I will overlook your hysterical lies about trump
Right because no politican Democrat or Republican before Trump had ever this some of you people are so beyond stupid it's not even funny.
No other US President has acted like or done crimes like trump.
You're right, it NOT in any way funny at all.

1). Stealing Top Secret Documents.
2). Peaceful transfer of Power.
3). Incited an insurrection.
4). Told as many LIES, trump is the King of Lies.
5). Not Conceding.

Not one trump supporter can say, "Yes, trump was wrong."
You clowns just double down on his crimes.
Trump called what Putin did in Ukraine "genius"

No he didnt

Yes Mac, Trump DID call what Putin did in the Ukraine "genius".

Donald Trump has said that Vladimir Putin is “very savvy” and made a “genius” move by declaring two regions of eastern Ukraine as independent states and moving Russian armed forces to them.

Trump said he saw the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis on TV “and I said: ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine … Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.”

The former US president said that the Russian president had made a “smart move” by sending “the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen” to the area.

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday described Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,” praising his onetime counterpart for a move that has spurred sanctions and universal condemnation from the U.S. government and its trans-Atlantic allies.

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”
No other US President has acted like or done crimes like trump.
You're right, it NOT in any way funny at all.

1). Stealing Top Secret Documents.
2). Peaceful transfer of Power.
3). Incited an insurrection.
4). Told as many LIES, trump is the King of Lies.
5). Not Conceding.

Not one trump supporter can say, "Yes, trump was wrong."
You clowns just double down on his crimes.
He has been charged with no crime of theft.
Biden was sworn in on the proper date and time with no incidents of violence.
There was no insurrection just a protest where some rioted and law enforcement restored order the same day.
Trumps lies are no worse than those told by the left from the day he was declared the winner in 2016 till today.
Who is the current President?
Not one Trump critic can ever admit he was right about anything you just double down on your TDS fuled rage and stupidity. Be careful how hard you throw stones in that glass house you live in.
And trump has no intention of overthrowing the US government
"HAS" no intention, correct
"HAD" no intention, WRONG.

Trump wanted to overthrow the US Government, but his continual failure to do so, And inability to get enough of his deplorables to carry it out was why he gave up.
You don't know the first thing about business OR politics.
Shut the fuck up idiot lol. We all know what you thought of China and Russia’s leaders prior to Trump praising them. You obviously despised them. Now Trump praises them and you PRETEND Trump is correct to some extent. God you people think and act like toddlers lol. Do you have no real principles?
That's pure D certified bull baloney, and that is President Trump's spirit of human brotherhood being interpreted as the hubris any get-trump socialistic talking point is.

JimH52, how do you keep finding sewage to throw at the public clean water system. Ugh!

There have been a number of our posters here who are very upfront about wanted an authoritarian government to put women and minorities in their place.
And cheering on NAZIs by word and avis.
Because BOTH are better leaders than the enemy democrats trying to destroy us from within. Biden is helping China kill Americans by partnering with drug cartels to distribute fentanyl. Trump didn't do that. Biden did.
Lol you are such a moron lol. You literally made up this bullshit logic on the spot. God you people are such cringe. You really are.
Hungary is about WHITE SUPREMACY.

That is what Germany was about during WWII.

The Republican extremists are about White Supremacy.
Nazis, Neo Nazis, KKK, Q Anon, the Proud Boys, Skinheads, etc.

Not acceptable then, not acceptable now.
It's totally acceptable to that poster you are talking to.

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