Trump praising confederates

LOL!!..'I love the poorly educated' - D. Trump

You forget so easily, ehh fucktard? Here's your queens words in 2016

“Look, the average democrat voter is just plain stupid. They’re easy to manipulate, that’s the easy part.” – Hillary Clinton
Democrats do not get you can disagree with someone and still respect them. You can think Lee was a great general without being a racist or a confederate sympathizer.
And you democrats really need to quit using slavery and the civil war to make your damn point since YOU were the confederacy YOU were the slave owners. Essentially you are criticizing the President for complimenting a Democrat.
That is the TDS-filled Trumpers who do not get this, Gaendilth.
Democrats do not get you can disagree with someone and still respect them. You can think Lee was a great general without being a racist or a confederate sympathizer.
And you democrats really need to quit using slavery and the civil war to make your damn point since YOU were the confederacy YOU were the slave owners. Essentially you are criticizing the President for complimenting a Democrat.
That is the TDS-filled Trumpers who do not get this, Gaendilth.
Lol your posts. You sure you are not a republican in disguise making all democrats look stupid?
I am a Ford Republican for the last fifty years. Trash on the right praising an enslaver and killer of union troops do not impress me,
I am a Ford Republican for the last fifty years. Trash on the right praising an enslaver and killer of union troops do not impress me,
I am a Ford Republican for the last fifty years. Trash on the right praising an enslaver and killer of union troops do not impress me,
That explains it. You like criminals and crooked politicians. You probably butthurt because Hillary lost since she was a Nixon/Ford clone. Just as crooked just as much a criminal. Republican party was in pretty bad shape till Reagon came along and saved it. Bet you liked Bush too.

And you can say something like "Adolf Hitler was smart and methodical" and not be a Nazi. Just because you see something positive in your enemy does not make you on his side. You people can admit some of the things Trump has done that is positive and maybe you would have a little credibility when you criticize him.
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Its all about pandering to whiteness for that dipshit
Trump is a racist, period. Lee and the CSA were responsible for more than 350,000 Union deaths.
Three hundred thousand yankees lay stiff in Southern dust.
We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us
They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot
I wish it was three million instead of what we got
If the TDS-afflicted voters are going to accept Trump as their candidate, they will have to accept his words.
I am a Ford Republican for the last fifty years. Trash on the right praising an enslaver and killer of union troops do not impress me,
I am a Ford Republican for the last fifty years. Trash on the right praising an enslaver and killer of union troops do not impress me,
That explains it. You like criminals and crooked politicians. You probably butthurt because Hillary lost since she was a Nixon/Ford clone. Just as crooked just as much a criminal. Republican party was in pretty bad shape till Reagon came along and saved it. Bet you liked Bush too.

And you can say something like "Adolf Hitler was smart and methodical" and not be a Nazi. Just because you see something positive in your enemy does not make you on his side. You people can admit some of the things Trump has done that is positive and maybe you would have a little credibility when you criticize him.
Thinking straightly is not your forte, then. You are unhappy that Trump's criminality and that of so many of his followers are hung out to dry for all to see. Reagan 500 years from now will be a minor, very minor, foot note in American history. I can certainly see why you admire Hitler. You people are going to be crying so hard in shame and horror the day after the election,

Its all about pandering to whiteness for that dipshit
Trump is a racist, period. Lee and the CSA were responsible for more than 350,000 Union deaths.
Three hundred thousand yankees lay stiff in Southern dust.
We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us
They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot
I wish it was three million instead of what we got
You got what you deserved. The destruction of the Old South,
Reagan 500 years from now will be a minor, very minor, foot note in American history.
A Ford Republican. The political equivalent to a lone 12 year old male prostitute at a NAMBLA convention.
The least significant footnote to have ever occupied the White House.
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Strictly speaking, Trump is correct. Lee was a master tactician and a great General. Anyone who's unable to comprehend that is ignorant and stupid. You can disagree with the cause for which he fought all you want but, from a military perspective, Trump was spot on. Lee was brilliant. Despite facing armies which far outnumbered his own, Lee won strategic victories at both Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.

And we would not have been two countries, as Lee once wrote: " I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than a dissolution of the Union. It would be an accumulation of all the evils we complain of, and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation."

Secession was something Lee neither wanted nor pursued...

I agree. Lee was a master tactician. He was the man Lincoln wanted to run the Union army but he refused. His loyalty was to his State, Virginia.

The man was a master at what he did and a man to be admired.
I am a Ford Republican for the last fifty years. Trash on the right praising an enslaver and killer of union troops do not impress me,
I am a Ford Republican for the last fifty years. Trash on the right praising an enslaver and killer of union troops do not impress me,
That explains it. You like criminals and crooked politicians. You probably butthurt because Hillary lost since she was a Nixon/Ford clone. Just as crooked just as much a criminal. Republican party was in pretty bad shape till Reagon came along and saved it. Bet you liked Bush too.

And you can say something like "Adolf Hitler was smart and methodical" and not be a Nazi. Just because you see something positive in your enemy does not make you on his side. You people can admit some of the things Trump has done that is positive and maybe you would have a little credibility when you criticize him.
Thinking straightly is not your forte, then. You are unhappy that Trump's criminality and that of so many of his followers are hung out to dry for all to see. Reagan 500 years from now will be a minor, very minor, foot note in American history. I can certainly see why you admire Hitler. You people are going to be crying so hard in shame and horror the day after the election,
Trumps criminality? There been a politician in history investigated as much as Trump that isn't in jail?(Well Hillary but she committed a crime admitted it and SHOULD be in jail) Reagan a minor footnote? Not even 60 years yet and Ford already a Minor footnote. And perfect example of the bullshit you pulling with trump by claiming I admire Hitler. Perfect example of how you Democrats have not a single fact or agenda you just take the actual facts and twist them to make them sound as bad as possible. If i was Trump and you was Nazi Pelosi tommorows headline would read "Trump claimed Adolf was the best leader in history and anonymous sources say....."

And btw you Dems hope all history is a minor footnote in 500 years that is your damn goal. Just like your policies in states like IL and NY you can not sustain them and are eventually going to get found out. Dems still trying the erase the past 200 years which on EVERY single issue they were the bad actors. And in 200 years they will be seen in same light for their actions now.
I was not the one who posted about Hitler, kiddo, that was you. Trump will be only a minor stain in our presidential history in 100 years.

You have lost and will continue to lose every one of these points, Gaeandilth, as Trumpbumplicans stumble and fall into the dirt of history,
I was not the one who posted about Hitler, kiddo, that was you. Trump will be only a minor stain in our presidential history in 100 years.

You have lost and will continue to lose every one of these points, Gaeandilth, as Trumpbumplicans stumble and fall into the dirt of history,
Funny you think so. I know I mentioned Hitler and you used it falsely to try to gain an advantage. But that shit does not work anymore you Dems have worn that tactic out. Trump will be the most famous president of the Era for centuries. Whether or not it is in a good light could be debated but the fact that he will be more well known then any president since Kennedy will not be debatable. And like Kennedy I am sure it will be a mixed bag of good and bad that he is known for.
Still have not shown how complimenting Lee is reason to say you agreed with him. Trump has complimented Nazi Pelosi does that mean he agrees with her? And Trump is perfect for republicans. Even if Trump is seen as the worst president in history we still got our Trump card......DONALD J TRUMP WAS A DEMOCRAT BEFORE HE WAS A REPUBLICAN. So you lost before you even started and did not even know it.
Complimenting Lee has been shown to be a bad thing. If you disagee, is it the approval of slavery or the killing of union soldiers you like or both,
Complimenting Lee has been shown to be a bad thing. If you disagee, is it the approval of slavery or the killing of union soldiers you like or both,
You do not have to approve of either to compliment him. And you can not really blame someone for society's problem. In 140 years some things we do now will seem immoral and wrong too. Should we rip down everything Roman and ignore their accomplishments? I mean they enslaved MILLIONS. Not a country in history was formed morally and without someone paying a steep price for it. So why the hate for just American history and historical figures from you asshats? Why because we have to have racial strife and anti American rhetoric for Democrats to get votes without it they have nothing. If you hate our history and our historical figures so bad why do you live here?

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