Trump predicted he could commit crimes and his supporters would stand up for him

I don't think Biden has die hard supporters as much as he simply enjoys the support of partisan Democrats. You don't see Democrats personally defending and idolizing Biden the way Cult 45 does with Trump.
The only Biden supporters that have died, have died of natural causes or illness. That can not be said for Trump die hard supporters.
You cannot compare Trump supporters to Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon supporters.
They are not supporters they are cult members.
Nixon supporters finally realized he was a crook and moved on. The Trump minions hold on no matter how much negative information that comes out. They are Trump above country.
Not many followers of the other Presidents put the person above country, some but not many. At this point, all Trump supporters are putting Trump above country.
Because we know Dems lie.
They forget that Stormy LOST her “slam dunk” case against Trump and owes him $300,000. NDAs are fully legal. These morons would probably implode upon finding out some of their sainted leftists have NDAs with multiple women. Fairly common among the rich.
No one cares if a rich man pays someone off. A lot of people care if the president does it. If Trump wanted to keep secrets he should have remained a private citizen.
No one cares if a rich man pays someone off. A lot of people care if the president does it. If Trump wanted to keep secrets he should have remained a private citizen.
Well dumbass, that was PRIVATE CITIZEN Trump who did what he did with Stormy. Biden cheated on his wife while she was dying with (not Dr.) Jill, who was cheating on her husband. But that’s okay with you.
Trump hasn't committed any crime. He has not been found guilty by a juror of his peers. And, he hasn't committed any crimes. Not like Biden or Hillary.
Trump hasn't committed any crime. Trial says otherwise.

He has not been found guilty by a juror of his peers. True, he hasn't been to a trial, because he always pleas out.

And, he hasn't committed any crimes. Why the repeat? Such a lie that you had to say it twice!

Not like Biden or Hillary. BDS, keep the RWI Dream Alive. Must deflect to distract from the Crimes of Trump.....LOOLLOLLLOL....Trial Now.
Well dumbass, that was PRIVATE CITIZEN Trump who did what he did with Stormy. Biden cheated on his wife while she was dying with (not Dr.) Jill, who was cheating on her husband. But that’s okay with you.

That's the moral relativism the leftist vermin love so well because it allows them to believe they're right about everything.

Well dumbass, that was PRIVATE CITIZEN Trump who did what he did with Stormy. Biden cheated on his wife while she was dying with (not Dr.) Jill, who was cheating on her husband. But that’s okay with you.
Biden's first wife was killed in a car accident. DOA. so... how was he cheating on her when she was dying?

Neilia Hunter Biden (July 28, 1942 – December 18, 1972) was an American teacher, the first wife of Joe Biden, the 46th and current president of the United States. She died in a car crash in 1972 with her one-year-old daughter.

Trump, well we all know the story and we will not hash it out again.
Well dumbass, that was PRIVATE CITIZEN Trump who did what he did with Stormy. Biden cheated on his wife while she was dying with (not Dr.) Jill, who was cheating on her husband. But that’s okay with you.
Trump has been a public figure most of his life. He should not complain so much about the downside of the fame he sought.
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Republicans just aren't as good getting away with it as the democratic crime family. Dems are scum.
I am going to fix this for you

Republicans just aren't as good getting away with it as the democratic crime family. Dems and Repubs are scum.
More Soros Media Matters scoops? A real bad throwaway comment not intended to be taken seriously but embraced by the left. I guess that's all they have these days.

How many times a day do you throw out "Soros"?
They are standing by him while he illegally pays off a stripper to keep her quiet abouit their affair, while being accused of battery and defamation of a woman and mishandling of classified documents, that could jeopardize our nation's security and put lives of American patriots in danger, Our allies will not share intelligence with the US if they handle the information like Trump.
…they stand by Trump when he did nothing to stop the rightwing domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy.

Given all these crimes and more, the reprehensible right continues to support and defend Trump.
Your accounting knowledge is zero. The crime was how he illegally classified the payment as a legal expense paid to a lawyer. if he classified it as a payment to stripper to be quiet, no crime. Hush money cannot be written off. Payment to a lawyer can be written off.
One problem with Trump's excuse makers is their lack of knowledge on most subjects. They rely on Trump to define their world.
The alleged crime. You know very little about the criminal justice system and the Constitution. The alleged crime is bogus as well all the other trash Democrats have thrown at a political opponent. The criminality of Democrats is atrocious as their love for child mutilations and child abuse trans crap. You have no high moral ground on any topic.
They forget that Stormy LOST her “slam dunk” case against Trump and owes him $300,000. NDAs are fully legal. These morons would probably implode upon finding out some of their sainted leftists have NDAs with multiple women. Fairly common among the rich.
Can start with Bill and Hillary hush money. I'm sure their precious Obama has some too. Biden is full of bribe money.

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