trump preparing to push Coats out....

Hmm, nope, still doesn't make sense.

And your claim is that our intelligence officials are all lying about north korea to undermine trump. Dude, that makes you look like a fucking retard.
The same "intelligence officials" that lied us into Iraq, and bullshitted us about Assad's alleged gas attacks are now credible?

Thanks for proving my point, Chumlee....You might as well be Bolton himself. :lmao:
Which has nothing to do with a word I said, you little cultist.

Come on FF, we know you suck CNN like mother's titty milk.
No, you just think that because you worship right wing nutters. You also think you are normal, because you have to think you are normal in order to cope. These two things together lead you to assume others surely behave as you do.
It makes total sense, when you twirps have already defended other establishment neocon deep-staters (notably Mueller, Haspell, Rubio) when it supports your narrative and knee-jerk hatred of the Cheeto.
Hmm, nope, still doesn't make sense.

And your claim is that our intelligence officials are all lying about north korea to undermine trump. Dude, that makes you look like a fucking retard.

Retard is a prerequisite for being a trumpette.
No, you just think that because you worship right wing nutters. You also think you are normal, because you have to think you are normal in order to cope. These two things together lead you to assume others surely behave as you do.

So, now you know what everyone thinks? TDS has taken it's toll with you.
The same "intelligence officials" that lied us into Iraq,
No, actually, they are all different people. And at no time was the entire intelligence community publicly and vocally on board with that bad Iraq Intel. So no, you really fell on your face, there.
So tired of threads that rely on CNN as the source. . .

It makes total sense, when you twirps have already defended other establishment neocon deep-staters (notably Mueller, Haspell, Rubio) when it supports your narrative and knee-jerk hatred of the Cheeto.
Hmm, nope, still doesn't make sense.

And your claim is that our intelligence officials are all lying about north korea to undermine trump. Dude, that makes you look like a fucking retard.

Retard is a prerequisite for being a trumpette.
Yeah, just keep carrying that neocon water, like a good little bootlicking warmonger tool. :laughing0301:
It makes total sense, when you twirps have already defended other establishment neocon deep-staters (notably Mueller, Haspell, Rubio) when it supports your narrative and knee-jerk hatred of the Cheeto.
Hmm, nope, still doesn't make sense.

And your claim is that our intelligence officials are all lying about north korea to undermine trump. Dude, that makes you look like a fucking retard.

Retard is a prerequisite for being a trumpette.
Yeah, just keep carrying that neocon water, like a good little bootlicking warmonger tool. :laughing0301:
And you just keep making stupid cult arguments like,"they were wrong that one time, therefore they are always wrong!" You sound like a fucking retard.
You mentioned 'right wing nutters' so apparently you are the sole arbiter of what people are thinking you fucking moron.
Not only does that not make any sense standing on its own, I mentioned that you worship right wing nutters. Because you do. As anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of logic would realize, that is not an indictment of the right wing, or of republicans, or of everyone.
It makes total sense, when you twirps have already defended other establishment neocon deep-staters (notably Mueller, Haspell, Rubio) when it supports your narrative and knee-jerk hatred of the Cheeto.
Hmm, nope, still doesn't make sense.

And your claim is that our intelligence officials are all lying about north korea to undermine trump. Dude, that makes you look like a fucking retard.

Retard is a prerequisite for being a trumpette.
Yeah, just keep carrying that neocon water, like a good little bootlicking warmonger tool. :laughing0301:
And you just keep making stupid cult arguments like,"they were wrong that one time, therefore they are always wrong!" You sound like a fucking retard.
Maybe you to neocon nutbars can help William Kristol put the Weakly Standard back together. :laugh2:
See if only Coats had agreed with Putin about the NK nukes being able to hit the US...

Trump would have loved him then
See if only Coats had agreed with Putin about the NK nukes being able to hit the US...

Trump would have loved him then

Coats made trump look like a fool....Facts do that....

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