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Trump Promise Keeping: Cuba


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In the micro, President Trump is continuing to break the politician's tradition by actually keeping his promises.

In the macro, the resistance to this move shows how very strong and ensconced the hold of Stalinism, Communism, Marxism is in this country, due to Frank Roosevelt's policies and Democrat power.

1. "WASHINGTON — President Trump on Friday will move to halt the historic rapprochement between the United States and Cuba set in motion by former President Barack Obama,....

...Trump is expected to declare that the two-year-old Obama-era approach of engagement had amounted to a failed policy of appeasement.

... will also place a distinct chill on the relationship between the United States and Cuba that was just beginning to thaw ....[Fake news: there was no such 'thaw.']

....Trump is delivering on a politically potent promise he made to the Cuban-American exile community based in Miami, which backed him in last year’s election and was deeply opposed to the détente." https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/15/us/politics/cuba-trump-obama.html?mcubz=2&_r=0

2. Dennis Prager has written : "Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real."

The statement is echoed in this, from the NYTimes article: "...the move toward normalizing relations between Washington and Havana had yielded national security, diplomatic and economic benefits for the United States that should not be sacrificed."
[ The fact is that the policies Obama tossed were designed to push back communism in our hemisphere, and give freedom to the Cuban people....neither of which is important to Liberals/Democrats/Communists.]

3. For Democrats, communism, no matter the rivers of blood and oppression, is no big deal:

a. "....we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism...."
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - Address at Commencement Exercises at the University

b.Hussein Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at atown hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism

How many countries has Cuba invaded? How many lives have been lost to Cuban missles? Jesus you sheep are stupid. You're actually calling Cuba "murderous", how I wish stupidity were painful!
Trump - I know, let's go back to what didn't work to change Cuba and kept Castro in power (for the last 60 years). Sounds like the GOP time-machine again wondering why we have so few jobs for - corset makers.

Why aren't you using the more honest avi 'Loosey Lefty'?
This is a site for mental children (you don't even make that cut BTW) so I use what's appropriate.
How many countries has Cuba invaded? How many lives have been lost to Cuban missles? Jesus you sheep are stupid. You're actually calling Cuba "murderous", how I wish stupidity were painful!

I'll post a more accurate and fuller response to the typical government school grad's screed.....that which you were kind enough to post....

But for now, let me remind you of the Gates Test.

Here's how we judge a country: when the gates are opened, do folks rush in or rush out.

Get it, you dunce?
How many countries has Cuba invaded? How many lives have been lost to Cuban missles? Jesus you sheep are stupid. You're actually calling Cuba "murderous", how I wish stupidity were painful!

I'll post a more accurate and fuller response to the typical government school grad's screed.....that which you were kind enough to post....

But for now, let me remind you of the Gates Test.

Here's how we judge a country: when the gates are opened, do folks rush in or rush out.

Get it, you dunce?
Folks rush into Cuba, when we let them.
Because, Cuba Expert, Cuba is only a couple notches above North Korea.
Yes, and international isolation has turned it into an open society. Oh wait, it's just the opposite. Great plan.

Cuba would have been back to a capitalist paradise decades ago if the US hadn't been such assholes over Castro. Half the bank accounts of NY and NJ would have been held there by now.
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How many countries has Cuba invaded? How many lives have been lost to Cuban missles? Jesus you sheep are stupid. You're actually calling Cuba "murderous", how I wish stupidity were painful!

Got yer PhD in Cuban history I see.
4. As often proven to government school grads....to no effect, unfortunately, the Shameful Six....Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Fascism, and Nazism, are nigh on indistinguishable.

And that is what is revealed here, referring to Trump's plan to resist communism:

" This is already being denounced by the liberal press. The Boston Globe reckons there will be “no winners, only losers, if Trump moves away from engagement with Cuba”

Following his usual pattern of ignoring the law, Hussein Obama did jut that in his pro-communism move toward embracing the Castros.

".... the most important point to remember about the Democratic Party’s attempt to hustle the country into normal relations with the dying regime of Fidel Castro [is that the] transition is supposed to be governed by a law known as the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act.

It is also called Helms-Burton, after Senator Helms, now gone, alas, and Congressman Dan Burton, but is no Republican, right wing measure; it was passed in 1995 on a bipartisan vote and signed by President Clinton.

...the law sets clear conditions before the American embargo on Cuba can be relaxed. The president must determine — and report to Congress — that there is in power at Havana’s transition government that has, among other things, “legalized all political activity,” “released all political prisoners,” committed to “free and fair elections for a new government” with the participation of “multiple independent political parties.”
Trump Cuba - The New York Sun
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How many countries has Cuba invaded? How many lives have been lost to Cuban missles? Jesus you sheep are stupid. You're actually calling Cuba "murderous", how I wish stupidity were painful!

“…All told, the OAS commission studied 1,350 case histories. It is estimated that there are some 75,000 political prisoners (one out of every 94 Cubans) behind bars. The commission found that they have no human rights, that they are treated in a “humiliating, oppressive and despotic manner,” and that the Cuban prison system seems openly designed to degrade its victims to the level of animals.

Verdicts in Advance. Arrests are almost always violent and without warrants; arresting officers rarely show proof that they are agents of the law, but burst into their quarry’s home at night, brush off his explanations, wreck his belongings, pocket his valuables and hustle him off to jail in his underwear. Verdicts, said one court stenographer who took part in many of the trials, are “by remote control,” the judge’s opinion often written in advance.

In old colonial fortresses, says the commission, dungeons flooded by underground seepage and infested with rats have been reopened for political prisoners. A former judge testified that “special-punishment prisoners are put into cells too small to lie down in, where they can never bathe and their physiological functions must be performed on the floor.” At a huge prison on the Isle of Pines, off Cuba’s south coast, 10,000 prisoners live in a space for 5,000. Those consigned to solitary are dropped naked into pits and regularly drenched with water. Says one Isle of Pines prisoner, confined to solitary for six months: “An individual can’t go on being naked. It’s really terrible, for one becomes an animal.” The place has also been mined—to kill the prisoners in case of invasion.

Fun for the Guards. Common criminals are assigned as trusties in the political prisons, are encouraged to beat the anti-Castro inmates with clubs and lengths of pipe. The regular guards are even worse. At the Isle of Pines during the Bay of Pigs invasion, all prisoners were herded into the open, stripped, forced to kneel and advised to pray. A prisoner named René Santana prayed aloud that the invaders would triumph; a guard blew his brains out. At La Cabaña in Havana, the guards amused themselves by ordering prisoners outside, where they are stripped, beaten with gun butts and jabbed with bayonets. Among those testifying was a woman whose husband was in prison; he had “a bleeding furrow on his wrists,” the result of his being “strung up like a ham.”

Food is a mockery. Rotten beans—”a special treat”—caused gagging, bloody vomiting and dysentery among 95% of the prisoners on the Isle of Pines. Those who fall sick are usually left to cure themselves, or die. A former Isle of Pines inmate described a typical case: “A man named Yáñez had an attack of epilepsy and fell from the second floor. He remained some ten or twelve hours without attention … A few hours after he was taken out of there, he died.”

This nightmare continues 90 miles off the US coast, the place travel agents can’t wait to sell you a ticket to, the place where members of congress, many having enjoyed the bloody tyrants hospitality, can’t wait to sell their states goods. This is the place where so-called Cuba “experts” talk about reform, and the need to get beyond “cold war thinking and policy.”

I think it’s time to stop covering up for mass murdering dictators and demand justice for their victims.

Cuba 1963: Inside castro’s prisons | Babalú Blog

Soooo......when do you graduate from government school?
How many countries has Cuba invaded? How many lives have been lost to Cuban missles? Jesus you sheep are stupid. You're actually calling Cuba "murderous", how I wish stupidity were painful!

"You're actually calling Cuba "murderous","

Gads, you're an imbecile.
  1. For Fidel, fleeing Cuba was noting short of an unpardonable crime. And for American liberals, an opportunity to demonstrate absolute feasance to the wishes of this Communist dictator. And the Clinton administration proved abundantly willing to permit Castro to control events in America.
    1. “Cuba's dictator, Fidel Castro, never lets anyone get off his island if he can find a way to kill them. His gunboats are not used to defend the island from attack. Their machine guns are used to kill people trying to escape his island Hell.” http://www.papillonsartpalace.com/elian.htm
  2. Castro’s death cult, in which executions are uncountable, like other leftist ideologies believes that human blood purifies the earth, and since manifestations of grief affirm the reality of the individual, and thus are anathema to the totality, the collective, - mourning for the departed is strictly forbidden. Castro’s Cuba warned family members of murdered dissidents not to cry at their funerals. Valladares, ‘Against All Hope,” p. 378.
Because, Cuba Expert, Cuba is only a couple notches above North Korea.
Yes, and international isolation has turned it into an open society. Oh wait, it's just the opposite. Great plan.

Cuba would have been back to a capitalist paradise decades ago if the US hadn't been such assholes over Castro. Half the bank accounts of NY and NJ would have been held there by now.

Oh. Then Cubans have ceased to escape from Cuba and boat to Florida in order to find freedom. I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!
The law listed requirements before relations with Cuba could be normalized.
Hussein Obama ignored all of them....

"....required is progress toward an independent judiciary, freedom for independent labor unions, and assurance of private property rights. Plus, a transition government can be only one that “does not include Fidel Castro or Raul Castro.” That is the supreme law of our land, and Cuba has met none of those tests. Yet Mr. Obama and the Left intelligentsia are plunging ahead like the Constitution and Congress mean nothing."
Trump Cuba - The New York Sun

What is amusing is that the dictators of the island-prison gave Hussein all of the respect he deserved:
He was the world's laughing stock.....Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."
Because, Cuba Expert, Cuba is only a couple notches above North Korea.
Yes, and international isolation has turned it into an open society. Oh wait, it's just the opposite. Great plan.

Cuba would have been back to a capitalist paradise decades ago if the US hadn't been such assholes over Castro. Half the bank accounts of NY and NJ would have been held there by now.

Oh. Then Cubans have ceased to escape from Cuba and boat to Florida in order to find freedom. I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!

Given a bit more time and capitalism people will on the boats back to Cuba.

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