Trump promised to drain the swamp? Well, the swamp drained him

The country and the world order was better under Trump... so what the fuck is wrong with you that you can't look back and see that?...
When the dollar isn't used around the world anymore I don't care what your life's position is you will be struggling to feed yourself and keep a roof over your head....
Lol we had a pandemic that got out of control under Trump. Either way, why didn’t he “drain the swamp”? What the fuck was he waiting for? Why would he do it if he got re-elected?

Just face it: Trump is a whiny, stupid, useless sack of garbage and was thus an international embarrassment :dunno:
U.S. go down the freaking drain
Some drain.

Jobs at all time highs. 'Hiring' signs everywhere. House prices rising. Corporate profits high and some at record levels and increasing. Restaurants full. Auto sales high. Furniture and appliance sales high. Millions of people wanting desperately to come to America to participate and contribute to the American dream so they can achieve their own dreams.

Some drain.
How can Trump drain the swamp when he made it's tide rise much higher?
Behold Trump's swamp!
Trump's solicitation of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, which led to his first impeachment by the House of Representatives.
Trump's obstruction of justice in the Russia investigation, which was outlined in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report.
Trump's use of his position to profit from his businesses, including hosting foreign dignitaries at his properties and funneling campaign funds to his businesses.
Ivanka and Jared's use of personal email and messaging accounts for official White House business, which raised concerns about the handling of classified information and potential violations of federal records laws.
Jared's family business receiving large investments (to the tune of $2,000,000,000 for which he received a 1.25$ $25,000,000 management fee) from brutal murderer Mohammed Bin Salman while he was serving as a Senior White House advisor.
Ivanka's receiving trademarks from China for her fashion brand while she made millions from China while was serving in an official White House capacity while her father was negotiating with China which raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and misuse of her position.
1. Asking Ukraine to investigate corruption is WTF a president is supposed to do, dumbass. Biden bragged about withholding $1b in military aid unless Zelelsky fired the prosecutor investigating Burisma, Hunter's "cash cow".

2. Muellers report did not indict dumbass, did it? It didn't look ast the Steele Dossier, did it? ANS:no
3. The Biden Crime Family wrote the book on selloing access. Navy drop out Hunter Biden is worth $230,000,000. Nice work if you can get it.
4. After Hillary's bathroom server crime you can mention Ivanka & Jarad? Partisan hack LIAR.
5. Prove Jarad had ANYTHING to do with his dad's business dealings. Partisan hack LIAR.
6. Hunter Biden's businesses received $Billions from China, including SPR oil. Partisan hack LIAR. WTF is a "trademark" worth?

The Biden Crime Family are the real criminals.
Pin down Bakedbromide’s position on Trump.

The sheer, complete stupidity and childishness in supporting Trump can never be justified on any intellectual level.
The magnitude of dishonesty and imbecility of being a never Trumper cannot be justified on any level at all, least of all intellectually.
The magnitude of dishonesty and imbecility of being a never Trumper cannot be justified on any level at all, least of all intellectually.
Trump is a moronic, childish, whiny, pathetic sack of garbage. That fact speaks for itself :dunno:
LMAO roll video of Obama telling the American people the jobs Dems SOLD to China are not coming back. OH SNAP! :auiqs.jpg:
It’s called capitalism. You all of a sudden want govt interference ? Obama’s record speaks for itself. Given the worse recession since 1921, not only did he significantly reduce the deficits but stabilized the economy.
Its not over till its over...

This Trumpelstiltskin in best case never had started (again!?).

Ladies and gentlemen - stay on your places - be calm - the doctor is on the way ...
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All false of course
Lol nothing could be more true. All you have to do is listen to him for 30 seconds. He’s too fucking stupid for complete sentences and is whining about something like a little girl. He’s downright pathetic lol
1. Asking Ukraine to investigate corruption is WTF a president is supposed to do, dumbass.
Trump's Withholding congressionally approved funds destined for Ukraine's self defense against Russia, in order to get Zelensky to announce a fake investigation on Biden, in order to help Trump in his campaign is extortion, a crime and an abuse of power. He was impeached for this abuse of power, but the spineless cowards in the Senate, so afraid of his mean tweets and bullying from his base, refused to convict, despite the beyond-the-pale evidence of the fact.

Biden bragged about withholding $1b in military aid unless Zelelsky fired the prosecutor investigating Burisma, Hunter's "cash cow".
A conspiracy theory the fodder for right wingnuts everywhere, and has been debunked on every level. Clearly you are ignorant of the historical context of that incident, noting that your facts are fucked up, totally. Zelensky was NOT in power when Joe was veep, it was PETRO POROSHENKO you fucking moron. Moreover, there is NOTHING in that video that is not consistent with US Foreign Policy and that of the International Monetary Fund and that of our allies at that time. Look it up, asshole. A crime would have been to withhold loan gaurantees for private gain. Was that case? No you mental midget, the benefactor of his action as described in that video was the UNITED STATES and that of our allies and the IMF, which was the stated foreign policy at the time in that region. puff for brains.

Not to mention the inconvenient truth that it is as if Biden would confess to a crime on National TV, well that defies logic. Your premise is the direct opposite of the truth a truth that you are 100% ignorant of, given that your brain is constructed of the same refuse and hogswallop as that of which is contained in the brains of your typical knucklehead,, and that's being generous.
2. Muellers report did not indict dumbass, did it?
Scores of indictments and convictions were the direct result of that report.

It didn't look ast the Steele Dossier, did it? ANS:no
3. The Biden Crime Family wrote the book on selloing access.
You have ZERO evidence of that allegation. None. Nor can you produce it. Why? Because it doesn't exist.
You ignore the salient and inconvenient truth that US Attorney Delaware, David Weiss, had been assigned by Bill Barr, as special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden (the clear target being Joe, himself) over 3 years ago, and is still investigating, left to finish the job by Joe Biden, and investigation into his OWN SON, and what has that office come up with, after 3 years?
Zilch. nothing. Nada, as an nada damn thing, and you have the absurdity to assert ''biden crime family' it's all a perverse innuendo that you and your ilk love to traffic in. You're all a bunch of filthy swine, the lot of you.
Navy drop out Hunter Biden is worth $230,000,000.
A lie. A figure bandied about by right wingnut websites without a stitch of evidence. $3-6 million is more like it and that is a generous guesstimate, based on known facts.
Nice work if you can get it.
4. After Hillary's bathroom server crime you can mention Ivanka & Jarad? Partisan hack LIAR.
That Jared and ivanka profited millions leveraged from there positions as Senior White House officials is documented fact.
YOU are the liar.
5. Prove Jarad had ANYTHING to do with his dad's business dealings. Partisan hack LIAR.
They leveraged their positions for profit. Wake the fuck up you moron.
6. Hunter Biden's businesses received $Billions from China, including SPR oil.
Prove it. But, even if it were true, which I haven't seen evidence of it, Hunter is a PRIVATE citizen. It's called capitalism. Jared and Ivanka were SENIOR WHITE HOUSE STAFF members. Capiche?
Partisan hack LIAR. WTF is a "trademark" worth?
She received dozens of them for which she made millions selling products to china, all made in china.

Now she is going out of her way to hide the fact of her profits from china, the result of accelerated trademarks granted to her because her daddy was prez. what, pray tell, does she have to hide, you fucking cheap shot idiot.

Jared made a $125,000,000 1.25% management fee on securing $2,000,000,000 for a dubious fund acquired from the murderer Mohammed Bin Salman, BLOOD MONEY you fucking moron.
The Biden Crime Family are the real criminals.

In your wildest dreams, and you don't have one gawd damn stitch of evidence.
You traffic in all the boring tripe bouncing around in the right wing echo chambers.

If your bulb wasn't so dimly lit, you'd be able to see, but, alas, Only you can brighten it.

But, that would be like asking Trump to act like a real president.

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I think deep down you know that’s true about Trump but you’re not man enough to admit it.
No. Deep down and right up to surface level, I know it’s bullshit. Like you and your posting history. And you’re not a man at all.
Trump is a moronic, childish, whiny, pathetic sack of garbage. That fact speaks for itself :dunno:
Facts speak for themselves. You don’t speak for facts. You speak horseshit.
Trump's Withholding congressionally approved funds destined for Ukraine's self defense against Russia, in order to get Zelensky to announce a fake investigation on Biden, in order to help Trump in his campaign is extortion, a crime and an abuse of power.

Why was Hunter Biden getting all that money from Ukraine?

Why are left wing Zionist Fascists always horrifically opposed to INVESTIGATIONS?

What qualifications did Hunter Biden have for his "job?"

Why did Joe Biden brag about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired? Did Joe hold up "US taxpayer donations" to motivate that?
No. Deep down and right up to surface level, I know it’s bullshit. Like you and your posting history. And you’re not a man at all.
Lol man you’re a pussy. At the very least you could admit “yeah he does whine a bit too much” but no. You couldn’t even handle that. You’re knee deep in this laughable, retarded cult. What’s worse is that you’re too dense to realize he doesn’t give a flying fuck about you whatsoever.

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