Trump Promises To Bring Back Operation Wetback - Again

Idiot! You educated me on nothing, all you did was show your own bigotry and hate.
You are being educated on exactly why you right-wing cucks hate when someone knows American history better than you do......

Look at how you are more triggered by me recognizing a racist policy more so than you are at the person who actually CARRIED OUT THAT RACIST POLICY....and the person who thinks it will be a good thing with his base to CAMPAIGN ON THAT RACIST POLICY AGAIN

NYC Health Official: Illegal Immigration Bringing Tuberculosis, Polio to New York​

Must be those illegals that brought it...

Even tho, according to you morons, zillions of illegals have been coming to this country for decades...and no polio.....

But plenty of anti-vax dic suckers around why yall panicking about these diseases now?

Herd immunity bro, relax
Well here is a chance for you to be right about something...

Now that you know he ran on this same shit way back it safe to say that him promising to do it now is equally as much bullshit as back then??

And you don't care about it because you think he hates the same people you hate and that's all that matters?
You are being educated on exactly why you right-wing cucks hate when someone knows American history better than you do......

Look at how you are more triggered by me recognizing a racist policy more so than you are at the person who actually CARRIED OUT THAT RACIST POLICY....and the person who thinks it will be a good thing with his base to CAMPAIGN ON THAT RACIST POLICY AGAIN
It's not racist to desire a sovereign country with secure borders, dipshit.
I am talking about actual AMERICAN HISTORY -- your desire to whitewash or erased that history is something most of your right-wingers do when someone shows you the bullshit that conservatives once praised and cheered for in this country..

Your cult leader is ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNING ON DOING IT AGAIN.........and let's not pretend you idiots don't still go around calling these people wetbacks...yall already have been dehumanizing them for all this time...don't clutch your pearls now when I hold a mirror to your face...
I am talking actual history; I am not whitewashing anything. I don't support Trump, I never voted for Trump and don't care for Trump. I don't use derogatory terms for people, I find it childish and uneducated, which is why you do.

I use a mirror, apparently you do not, otherwise, you would be more considerate about using such childish, uneducated and moronic terms.

You have state governors and city mayors that are on the left wanting help with illegal immigration in their own cities and states. Massachusetts is the latest to call on the Biden Administration to help ease the illegal migrant problem. Massachusetts governor declares emergency and urges help for migrants

Now, if you want to work to solve the problem, let's start talking otherwise you a just your typical whiner, troll that makes accusations based on stereotyping bigotry.
You are being educated on exactly why you right-wing cucks hate when someone knows American history better than you do......

Look at how you are more triggered by me recognizing a racist policy more so than you are at the person who actually CARRIED OUT THAT RACIST POLICY....and the person who thinks it will be a good thing with his base to CAMPAIGN ON THAT RACIST POLICY AGAIN
If that is what you need to make up to help you sleep better. The policy of removing illegal immigrants is fine as it is illegals and illegals only, if you want to legalize it fine. Seems you don't want to discuss solutions; you want to stereotype and blame. Personally, Trump won't get my vote nor will Biden because of their racist policies.
If that is what you need to make up to help you sleep better. The policy of removing illegal immigrants is fine as it is illegals and illegals only, if you want to legalize it fine. Seems you don't want to discuss solutions; you want to stereotype and blame. Personally, Trump won't get my vote nor will Biden because of their racist policies.

Me talking about a "REAL THING DONE BY OUR GOVERNMENT" back in the "good old days" conservatives keep wanting us to return mentioning it...bad....

But actually calling out the ideology and PEOPLE who are still campaigning on doing that EXACT RACIST POLICY....that's good....yall are clowns...
Me talking about a "REAL THING DONE BY OUR GOVERNMENT" back in the "good old days" conservatives keep wanting us to return mentioning it...bad....

But actually calling out the ideology and PEOPLE who are still campaigning on doing that EXACT RACIST POLICY....that's good....yall are clowns...
I didn't say it didn't happen, I told you it was in 52-53, calling it Operation Wetback was a stupid thing to do and the Truman Administration should never had done that. I also don't long for the "good old days", not my thing, dumb stereotyping bigot.

I have no issue with trying to stop illegal immigration because it is illegal. The other part is the conditions that they live in at the border. The Biden Administration was supposed to help but like all other administrations, all we have is lip service. Neither side cares about it, they use it to get votes.
I didn't say it didn't happen, I told you it was in 52-53, calling it Operation Wetback was a stupid thing to do and the Truman Administration should never had done that. I also don't long for the "good old days", not my thing, dumb stereotyping bigot.

I have no issue with trying to stop illegal immigration because it is illegal. The other part is the conditions that they live in at the border. The Biden Administration was supposed to help but like all other administrations, all we have is lip service. Neither side cares about it, they use it to get votes.
Truman admin wanted to do it -- but didn't -- Eisenhower actually carried it out......and they called it Operation Wetback because the federal government had no problem calling it that....because, racism was pretty systemic in our institutions -- you know, shit you don't want kids to learn about....

And like usual with rightwing morons seeking power, they go right back to the racist shit of the past when they want to make their base get moist....funny how it takes shit like that to get Republicans excited, not expanding Social Security and Medicare, not strengthening labor rights and voting rights -- nope.....rounding up wetbacks, that's where its at.....and if some Americans get caught up in be it....close enough...

Maybe that is why you folks enjoy this other thing that came straight out of the racist playbook of the past....

Last time it was about busing black people from the south and dropping them off in "Liberal" cities up north under false pretenses....essentially using American citizens as they are just doing it with those "wetbacks"....and you folks love it.....but heaven forbid, I use the term you folks used......fuck you and your fake ass pearl clutching..
Must be those illegals that brought it...

Even tho, according to you morons, zillions of illegals have been coming to this country for decades...and no polio.....

But plenty of anti-vax dic suckers around why yall panicking about these diseases now?

Herd immunity bro, relax

So you think the NYC health director is lying?
So you think the NYC health director is lying?
He has no reason to lie...I think those dirty browns are the cause of it.....

I think we should round them up -- but be careful might catch something.....might want to wear a mask or get vaccinated against it or something....just kidding, only communists believe in vaccines
He has no reason to lie...I think those dirty browns are the cause of it.....

I think we should round them up -- but be careful might catch something.....might want to wear a mask or get vaccinated against it or something....just kidding, only communists believe in vaccines

Do you believe a vaccine prevents a disease?
Truman admin wanted to do it -- but didn't -- Eisenhower actually carried it out......and they called it Operation Wetback because the federal government had no problem calling it that....because, racism was pretty systemic in our institutions -- you know, shit you don't want kids to learn about....

And like usual with rightwing morons seeking power, they go right back to the racist shit of the past when they want to make their base get moist....funny how it takes shit like that to get Republicans excited, not expanding Social Security and Medicare, not strengthening labor rights and voting rights -- nope.....rounding up wetbacks, that's where its at.....and if some Americans get caught up in be it....close enough...

Maybe that is why you folks enjoy this other thing that came straight out of the racist playbook of the past....

Last time it was about busing black people from the south and dropping them off in "Liberal" cities up north under false pretenses....essentially using American citizens as they are just doing it with those "wetbacks"....and you folks love it.....but heaven forbid, I use the term you folks used......fuck you and your fake ass pearl clutching..
Operation Wetback started in 52, Eisenhower was not sworn in until January of 53. So it wasn't implemented but not really in 52? Where the fuck did you come up that I don't want kids to know about it? How stupid and ignorant you are acting.

I'm not sure who you guys are but it isn't me, so unless you want to talk and not play bigoted stereotyping, all I can do is refutee your stupidity, sorry you are an ignorant bigot, let me know if you ever want to honestly discuss anything.

Now, some may get really excited about this bold new promise by Trump to use the military and all of other applicable state and federal power to deport the illegals....but....he promised this already....multiple times....he actually campaigned on doing this way back in 2015.....

All Ruling Classes Have an Expiration Date

It will be a different form of government after Trump takes over, whether through election or coup. The Deep Statists will run for their lives. America cannot escape what has happened time and time again throughout history.
Back in the 50's correct, we called blacks a name back in the 50's that is considered derogatory, do you want to use that term is well? That is moronic logic, why not bring back sexual harassment? How stupid do you want to be, I thought we advanced through that but apparently the lefts show again they love this.
Trump already brought back sexual harassment (and worse) as acceptable in the republican party.

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