Trump properties fire illegals.........

Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

Do you have proof they “knowingly hired illegals”? Or are we all just supposed to assume that illegals never lie and never provide false documents to employers?

This property was told about illegals 11 months ago. It doesn't take 11 months to verify legal status.

Told by who?
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

Do you have proof they “knowingly hired illegals”? Or are we all just supposed to assume that illegals never lie and never provide false documents to employers?

A fact that libs are loath to consider is the fact that many Illegals ( not all) are masters of Identity theft, one of the largest growing felonies in America.

Many have SS numbers that are not their own, but have been pilfered from others

Which can not work. An 85 year old woman from Virginia is not butchering hogs in Iowa.
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

Do you have proof they “knowingly hired illegals”? Or are we all just supposed to assume that illegals never lie and never provide false documents to employers?

This property was told about illegals 11 months ago. It doesn't take 11 months to verify legal status.

Depends on who told them.

If it was the government who told them that a certain employee was an illegal, that's one thing. If a concerned busybody citizen or a competitor were to tell them, it would be taken less seriously. Employers aren't the police. The Trump Organization can't deport an illegal, and can't even withhold their paychecks to get them to leave.
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

Do you have proof they “knowingly hired illegals”? Or are we all just supposed to assume that illegals never lie and never provide false documents to employers?

This property was told about illegals 11 months ago. It doesn't take 11 months to verify legal status.

Told by who?

Why does that matter? It's in the article. Read it.
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

Do you have proof they “knowingly hired illegals”? Or are we all just supposed to assume that illegals never lie and never provide false documents to employers?

This property was told about illegals 11 months ago. It doesn't take 11 months to verify legal status.

Depends on who told them.

If it was the government who told them that a certain employee was an illegal, that's one thing. If a concerned busybody citizen or a competitor were to tell them, it would be taken less seriously. Employers aren't the police. The Trump Organization can't deport an illegal, and can't even withhold their paychecks to get them to leave.

Obviously they can fire them after the season is over.
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

Do you have proof they “knowingly hired illegals”? Or are we all just supposed to assume that illegals never lie and never provide false documents to employers?
Yes......I do...….

Companies raided by ICE knowingly hired undocumented workers, warrant suggests

Now do you have any proof that supports the 928327 different batshit crazy conspiracies about Obama you are willing to believe with ZERO FACTS??

Do you have proof that Hillary forced Trump's federal prisons bureau to work with her to assassinate Epstein?? Proof that she was running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlor??

You trumpers are pathetic...
Do you have proof that Hillary forced Trump's federal prisons bureau to work with her to assassinate Epstein?? Proof that she was running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlor??

No I don't.

But I expect the media and the DOJ to actually investigate the charges , instead of just absolving Mrs. Clinton and her coconspirators without even looking at it.

Paedophilia is a very serious charge, and if a Presidential candidate is allegedly involved in such an activity, the people have a right to know about it before they cast their votes.
Do you have proof that Hillary forced Trump's federal prisons bureau to work with her to assassinate Epstein?? Proof that she was running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlor??

No I don't.

But I expect the media and the DOJ to actually investigate the charges , instead of just absolving Mrs. Clinton and her coconspirators without even looking at it.

Paedophilia is a very serious charge, and if a Presidential candidate is allegedly involved in such an activity, the people have a right to know about it before they cast their votes.

It's Trump's DOJ. Why do we hear very little about an investigation other than the sound of a broom sweeping this under the rug?
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

Do you have proof they “knowingly hired illegals”? Or are we all just supposed to assume that illegals never lie and never provide false documents to employers?
Yes......I do...….

Companies raided by ICE knowingly hired undocumented workers, warrant suggests

Now do you have any proof that supports the 928327 different batshit crazy conspiracies about Obama you are willing to believe with ZERO FACTS??

Do you have proof that Hillary forced Trump's federal prisons bureau to work with her to assassinate Epstein?? Proof that she was running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlor??

You trumpers are pathetic...

LOL, a warrant “suggests” they knew.

Which Obama “conspiracy theory” are you referring to?

I never claimed Hillary forced President Trump’s prison bureau to assassinate Epstein. All she or any other high up deep stater would only need to bribe a lowly guard. One or two guards isn’t the entire prison bureau.

I never claimed Hillary ran a sex traffic ring out of a pizza parlor. I think she’s smart enough to stay away from the “daily operations” of the Washington politicians’ sex traffickers.
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

They have already put several of them in jail, you fucking stupid ignorant jackass.

Why are you so fucking ignorant of that fact? Is it your TDS?
Still waiting for you to tell me what employers have been put in jail.....

You have been answered with the non answer. None.
Apparently the collective minds of you moonbats are so TDS addled that you can't even use a search engine.

Bean Station ICE raid: Slaughterhouse owner gets 18 months in prison

You're idiots. Seek professional help for your TDS or your IQ will continue to decline.
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

They have already put several of them in jail, you fucking stupid ignorant jackass.

Why are you so fucking ignorant of that fact? Is it your TDS?
Still waiting for you to tell me what employers have been put in jail.....

You have been answered with the non answer. None.
Apparently the collective minds of you moonbats are so TDS addled that you can't cannot even use a search engine.

Bean Station ICE raid: Slaughterhouse owner gets 18 months in prison

You're an idiot.

The arrest was made under the Obama administration. While you should, I won't expect an apology.
Only after the season ends and their help is no longer needed. The bigger picture argument here is also the fact that those who claim that Trump businesses don't hire illegals are wrong.

The timing of the firings at the rural Virginia winery, 11 months after the company began purging the ranks of undocumented greenskeepers and cooks at Trump golf courses, came during the vineyard’s winter downtime. Workers had finished the arduous annual grape harvest, which involved working 60-hour weeks and overnight shifts under floodlights.

Two of the fired workers — Omar Miranda, a 42-year-old tractor driver from Honduras, and a second employee who spoke on the condition of anonymity — said they thought the company had held off on firing them until after the year’s work was complete, taking advantage of their labor for as long as possible. Both had worked at the winery for more than a decade.

Worked there for more than a decade. Is it any wonder he does nothing about the employers that are hiring millions of illegals?

Trump Organization fires more undocumented workers — a year after its use of illegal labor was revealed

He would have to arrest his own employee's.
He didn't hide it. He was in the beginning for illegals coming here to work. But until he found out that there were some bad ones that were coming in with the good ones, like the members of ISIS were sneaking in with the illegals. And that is when he started to promote the vetting process. And then later on, he found out about drug smuggling and human trafficking and etc.. That was going on at the border.
But he did said in the beginning, to let the illegals in to do the work that the Americans will not do. . . Only if they are here to work in the fields. But they cannot work in the warehouse or other manual labor jobs.
But most likely he let the illegals stayed and finish up the work that they has started. so that it will give them plenty of time to get things situated back in their homelands.


"You know, the truth is I have a lot of illegals working for me in Miami,” he told them, using the term for undocumented immigrants those in the meeting found offensive. “You know in Miami, my golf course is tended by all these Hispanics — if it wasn’t for them my lawn wouldn’t be the lawn it is; it’s the best lawn,” Pacheco recalled Trump saying.

Trump said he knew the work of undocumented people is what makes his golf courses and hotels great.

Make America Great! That's Donald Trump's cry. And in Donald Trump's mind, it's illegal aliens who make his resorts great. Then Trump addressed the issue dear to their hearts: amnesty for illegal aliens:

“You’ve convinced me,” Trump said to the delight of the activists in the room.

“We all smiled at each other and said, ‘Wow, we did it, we got this guy to change his mind,’” Pacheco said.

Read more:
Trump says illegal workers make his American resorts great
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Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...

They have already put several of them in jail, you fucking stupid ignorant jackass.

Why are you so fucking ignorant of that fact? Is it your TDS?
Still waiting for you to tell me what employers have been put in jail.....

You have been answered with the non answer. None.
Apparently the collective minds of you moonbats are so TDS addled that you can't even use a search engine.

Bean Station ICE raid: Slaughterhouse owner gets 18 months in prison

You're an idiot.

The arrest was made under the Obama administration. While you should, I won't expect an apology.
Now you are just lying. The arrest was made on Aptil 5, 2018. Why are you lying to the USMB forum?

You owe the entire USMB forum an apology, you TDS addled idiot.

They have already put several of them in jail, you fucking stupid ignorant jackass.

Why are you so fucking ignorant of that fact? Is it your TDS?
Still waiting for you to tell me what employers have been put in jail.....

You have been answered with the non answer. None.
Apparently the collective minds of you moonbats are so TDS addled that you can't even use a search engine.

Bean Station ICE raid: Slaughterhouse owner gets 18 months in prison

You're an idiot.

The arrest was made under the Obama administration. While you should, I won't expect an apology.
Now you are just lying. The arrest was made on Aptil 5, 2018. Why are you lying to the USMB forum?

You owe the entire USMB forum an apology, you TDS addled idiot.

This was an investigation initiated by the IRS under the Obama administration. ICE wasn't even initially involved. I suppose we should give Trump credit for not pardoning this guy like he did for others.
Still waiting for you to tell me what employers have been put in jail.....

You have been answered with the non answer. None.
Apparently the collective minds of you moonbats are so TDS addled that you can't even use a search engine.

Bean Station ICE raid: Slaughterhouse owner gets 18 months in prison

You're an idiot.

The arrest was made under the Obama administration. While you should, I won't expect an apology.
Now you are just lying. The arrest was made on Aptil 5, 2018. Why are you lying to the USMB forum?

You owe the entire USMB forum an apology, you TDS addled idiot.

This was an investigation initiated by the IRS under the Obama administration. ICE wasn't even initially involved. I suppose we should give Trump credit for not pardoning this guy like he did for others.
Got a source for that? Seriously, why should anyone believe anything you say after I've already flat out busted you unapologetically lying to USMB forum twice just in this thread?

If you have to lie in order to justify your political opinions, wouldn't it be much easier and WISER to simply change your opinion rather than fruitlessly attempt to change the unmovable and unchangeable rock solid truth?

Pknopp, you should really seek help from a mental heath professional for your TDS affliction.
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...
Mississippi Business Owner Jailed for Hiring Illegal Aliens

The big challenge for law enforcement is proving that an employer knowingly hired illegal immigrants. After all, the illegals usually present fraudulent documentation and any defense attorney worth their salt will jump on that to either get the case dismissed or show reasonable doubt at trial. They can just say that their client was a victim of fraud. So the prosecutor doesn't even bother to bring a losing case against them. It's just a waste of their resources.

And a lot of times the employer really doesn't know. How are you supposed to know if they are using an assumed identity? That is why border security is so important. You have to stop them from getting here in the first place. Legitimate employers should not have to worry about that shit. What are you supposed to do, just refuse to hire any brown people? There's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Last edited:
You have been answered with the non answer. None.
Apparently the collective minds of you moonbats are so TDS addled that you can't even use a search engine.

Bean Station ICE raid: Slaughterhouse owner gets 18 months in prison

You're an idiot.

The arrest was made under the Obama administration. While you should, I won't expect an apology.
Now you are just lying. The arrest was made on Aptil 5, 2018. Why are you lying to the USMB forum?

You owe the entire USMB forum an apology, you TDS addled idiot.

This was an investigation initiated by the IRS under the Obama administration. ICE wasn't even initially involved. I suppose we should give Trump credit for not pardoning this guy like he did for others.
Got a source for that? Seriously, why should anyone believe anything you say after I've already flat out busted you unapologetically lying to USMB forum twice just in this thread?

If you have to lie in order to justify your political opinions, wouldn't it be much easier and WISER to simply change your opinion rather than fruitlessly attempt to change the unmovable and unchangeable rock solid truth?

Pknopp, you should really seek help from a mental heath professional for your TDS affliction.

The article itself notes that it started out as an IRS investigation and then ICE was brought in after the fact.
Apparently the collective minds of you moonbats are so TDS addled that you can't even use a search engine.

Bean Station ICE raid: Slaughterhouse owner gets 18 months in prison

You're an idiot.

The arrest was made under the Obama administration. While you should, I won't expect an apology.
Now you are just lying. The arrest was made on Aptil 5, 2018. Why are you lying to the USMB forum?

You owe the entire USMB forum an apology, you TDS addled idiot.

This was an investigation initiated by the IRS under the Obama administration. ICE wasn't even initially involved. I suppose we should give Trump credit for not pardoning this guy like he did for others.
Got a source for that? Seriously, why should anyone believe anything you say after I've already flat out busted you unapologetically lying to USMB forum twice just in this thread?

If you have to lie in order to justify your political opinions, wouldn't it be much easier and WISER to simply change your opinion rather than fruitlessly attempt to change the unmovable and unchangeable rock solid truth?

Pknopp, you should really seek help from a mental heath professional for your TDS affliction.

The article itself notes that it started out as an IRS investigation and then ICE was brought in after the fact.
It doesn't say that the investigation started during the Obama administration, as you claimed. Admit it, you just pulled that out of your TDS afflicted ass. If it is correct it's only by accident you piece of shit unapologetic lying scumbag.

Since I've already caught you demonstrably lying to the USMB forum twice in this thread, you do understand that your credibility here is zilch, don't you? So nobody here is going to take your word for it, a link would be nice.
Until I see these Trumpers demand that employers GO TO JAIL when they repeatedly and or KNOWINGLY hire illegals -- this includes trying to use 3rd party temp agencies to do it

If they aint talking about putting these employers in jail -- then all of this talk about illegal immigration is thinly veiled racist xenophobia...
Employers who knowingly hire illegals should get a minimum 5 year sentence. This has nothing to do with race.

Employers including tRump. tRump is a real slap in the face to all employers that do the right thing in hiring. We now know why the Hypocrite in Chief is soft on employers.
Only after the season ends and their help is no longer needed. The bigger picture argument here is also the fact that those who claim that Trump businesses don't hire illegals are wrong.

The timing of the firings at the rural Virginia winery, 11 months after the company began purging the ranks of undocumented greenskeepers and cooks at Trump golf courses, came during the vineyard’s winter downtime. Workers had finished the arduous annual grape harvest, which involved working 60-hour weeks and overnight shifts under floodlights.

Two of the fired workers — Omar Miranda, a 42-year-old tractor driver from Honduras, and a second employee who spoke on the condition of anonymity — said they thought the company had held off on firing them until after the year’s work was complete, taking advantage of their labor for as long as possible. Both had worked at the winery for more than a decade.

Worked there for more than a decade. Is it any wonder he does nothing about the employers that are hiring millions of illegals?

Trump Organization fires more undocumented workers — a year after its use of illegal labor was revealed

He would have to arrest his own employee's.

President Trump has his properties in a Blind Trust right now. The trustees are Donald Jr. and Eric Trump.

If these Illegals felt bad about working there, they should have quit.

Yeah because there were never any illegals working there before he was elected President lol

tRump has the means to end the problem, but doesn't.

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