Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Accepting the Paris Accord was an executive agreement which would only required the president or congress to say we're out which of course Trump did, so there was no danger of not being able to pull out. The question is why pull out at this time? It will cost us zero jobs and there is no budget impact. Trump could water down the agreement, making it harder for other countries to tackle climate change or he could change the agreement to favor US industries. Regardless of whether you favored doing something about global warming or just ignoring it, pulling out was a really dumb decision.

As Rex Tillerson's successor at Exxon said, "It is prudent that the United States remain a party to the Paris agreement to ensure a level playing field, so that global energy markets remain as free and competitive as possible."

That's not how Trump works. Trump is not a team player, he is the coach, the team owner, the shots caller, or he is nothing. He either has the upper hand or he wants no hand at all. He puts you in a position of needing him before he needs you. That is the art of the deal. If you haven't learned that about the guy by now, you never will.
Dealing with global warming has to be a team effort. No one person and no one country can call the shots. Since global warming is not limited to any one nation, it requires a global response. Frankly, I doubt that Trump gives damn as to what happens to the world or even this nation 50 or 100 years from now. It simply does not fit in his play book.
And it also shows what he thinks of his son and grandchildren. He's building walls around his seaside golf courses like in Scotland because of rising seas but still plays the climate denial game in public.
Trump could be the biggest hypocrite in history.
Can you show me where trump has ever denied the climate changes?
A better question is when has he not denied climate change.

In 2009, he signs a letter to Obama, ridiculing UN resolutions on climate change and urging him not to support it.

Just a couple months later, in February 2010, Trump said, that former Vice President Al Gore should lose the Nobel Peace Prize he won for his climate change activism.

On November 6, 2012, Trump tweeted: "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."

In 2013, Trump tweeted that global warming is an "expensive hoax," and in 2014 he called it "bull----."

Trump tweeted dozens of times between 2011 and 2014 about his skepticism — and sometimes outright denial — of climate change, especially when his hometown of New York experienced unseasonably cold weather saying multiple times, "It's a hoax."

Today, Nikki Haley says, "The president believes the climate is changing, and he does know that pollutants are a part of that equation,"

What Trump claims to believe changes with the wind so what difference does it make.

Does Donald Trump believe in man-made climate change?
Oh ok. I don't know much about him before running for President. I just know, since I have been following, he has never denied climate change. Just AGW pseudo science.
Thanks, but I have a question: Why are so many of the weather reporting articles from 2014 based on 2013 data and prior? I noticed that, too, when I was looking at articles. Does it really take that long to compile data?
dunno. i just like to look up blanket statements and see how valid they may or may not be. i hear storms are getting worse and maybe they are. but i've seen horrible storms a lot through life and not just recently.

i've also seen not long ago the left and science say a mini ice age is coming. oops.

it's hard to believe someone and take them seriously when they rage to a point and then keep changing the name of it to fit another potential possibility.
Well, when it takes them three years and running to compile their data, I guess we'll all be running on "old news." You are too bright to believe that because there have been horrible storms in the past it somehow argues that climate change may bring about fewer but more intense storms. You know it is an average over years. You know that averages include minor and major storms. You KNOW that, so why are you arguing such a goof ball third grade statement from Bear?

I don't remember the mini ice age thing--I remember something about everyone getting cancer from a hole in the ozone and then we stopped selling aerosols for the most part. Predictions and the "latest" scientific theories are frequently proved wrong over time; that is true. We can't deny the climate is changing. We can't deny we are pumping much, much more C02 in the atmosphere than we were 300 years ago. We can't deny C02 increases temps on Earth. So we can reasonably deny what?
- That we can do anything about it
- How much we should pay/sacrifice/contribute toward an attempted solution

Those are the only real bones of contention I see available.

We can't deny the climate is changing
-Who would deny billions of years of history?
We can't deny we are pumping much, much more C02 in the atmosphere than we were 300 years ago.
-Prove how that is a problem? Prove how our 5% is causing the greatest warming period in hundreds of millions of years

We can't deny C02 increases temps on Earth
-No but why is that a bad thing? You realize without c02 our temps would be 50 degrees cooler every day?
If somehow temperatures stabilize, then it is a major change for life on earth. Roughly 1 in every 10 people in the world lives in low elevation coastal zones, that's about 800 million people that will be uprooted. In the US by 2100, crop production will down by as much as 40%. In many Asians and African countries, crop production will be down by even more. Worldwide famine, economic collapse, mass extinction of wildlife, and violence on a global scale will likely occur. That's the optimistic view. Now if global climate change continues unabated, earth will be just another cosmic failure.

Show me where temperatures have actually changed? I mean in a way atypical of what isn't normal for life anyway over the millennia? Climate is a constantly changing thing. At one time, the central plain states were under water. At one time, there were tropical forests and rich vegetation in what are now arctic regions. I get tired of hearing again and again dire predictions by people that the world is headed for certain catastrophe then when those deadlines pass------- nothing. We are already past the point where Nobel Prize winning Carbon-Credit-King Albert Gore told us that all sea ice would be gone and our coastlines under water.

List the top ten hottest years in recorded history.

Millennia? Really? How long have its been since the start of the industrial revolution. According to you, we can study the effects because it hasn't been a million years.

I have news, man spewing shit in the atmosphere can have an effect measurable in decades, not millennia.
No, I will not. But what I won't do is sign an agreement with all my neighbors that I'll do something about it. I don't need them to control my own environment.

Then you are doing exactly what I'm telling you. China is doing everything they can to improve their land, air, sea and the emissions output long before 2030. They signed with the accord to show the world that they are part of a good movement for the sake of one planet.
For you and Trump or anybody to say China is not doing anything till 2030 is pure idiotic.

And STOP cutting my post to fit your nonsense agenda.

I respond to only the comments that are relevant; that's why you can quote and highlight what you wish to reply to on USMB.

I don't know what China is doing now, but that's not the issue. The issue is that this phony agreement doesn't require China to do anything until 2030. If they are the leader in pollution, and they are doing so many wonderful things, why don't they start now and us in 2030?

We don't live in China Ray.

What does that have to do with it? If we did live in China, and China created the agreement, then at least it would make some sense. They made it to benefit themselves.

It means we are responsible for America, not China. You pricks talk all this crap about America first then whine about what China is ding.

I agree, we are responsible our own country, that's why we don't need any kind of stupid agreement.

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Then you are doing exactly what I'm telling you. China is doing everything they can to improve their land, air, sea and the emissions output long before 2030. They signed with the accord to show the world that they are part of a good movement for the sake of one planet.
For you and Trump or anybody to say China is not doing anything till 2030 is pure idiotic.

And STOP cutting my post to fit your nonsense agenda.

I respond to only the comments that are relevant; that's why you can quote and highlight what you wish to reply to on USMB.

I don't know what China is doing now, but that's not the issue. The issue is that this phony agreement doesn't require China to do anything until 2030. If they are the leader in pollution, and they are doing so many wonderful things, why don't they start now and us in 2030?

We don't live in China Ray.

What does that have to do with it? If we did live in China, and China created the agreement, then at least it would make some sense. They made it to benefit themselves.

It means we are responsible for America, not China. You pricks talk all this crap about America first then whine about what China is ding.

I agree, we are responsible our own country, that's why we don't need any kind of stupid agreement.

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Because, after all, the atmosphere & climate here is ours & not affected by what other countries do.
Which is why they don't even want to hear anything about renegotiations. Like the UN, Trump will say America will do their part, but other countries have to do theirs. We will not do their part for them, and that's something they don't even want to discuss. They just want our money with a nice name like Paris Accord attached to it.
My God, you are that fucking stupid to believe Trump wants to renegotiate it when it can't be renegotiated?

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to know the Accord was all voluntary. If Trump is going to follow through on our commitment to lower our emissions, why pull out.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that the leading country responsible for the high levels that exist today.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that reducing emissions globally is better than just lowering ours ( Like the orange POS wants to lower our emissions).

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to get that providing these countries the technology & equipment is business for US corporations.

You & Trump are two of the dumbest people on the planet.

If you think we need some agreement with other countries to tell us what to do and how to do it, you're the stupid one. You want America to be like that guy with a good paying job that patrons a bar. Everybody runs up to him shaking his hand, giving him a hug, knowing he will buy them drinks all night long because he has the money.

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We are broke. Do you know what the word "broke" means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Why you leftists would choose failure all the time is beyond any reasonable persons ability to understand.

We can't afford to spend God knows how many billions (of money we don't have) on some stupid fairy tale like MMGW. You on the left always tell us to keep our religion in our church or at home, you should do the same with your beliefs. Don't involve our country in your stupid religion. If you want to lower your idiotic carbon footprint, buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. Buy a windmill for your backyard. Take the bus everywhere you need to go. And in a hundred years from now, you can sit back and enjoy that .02% of cooler air.

God you people are dense.

In reality nobody is telling us anything Ray. We are the leader of this world not a dumb follower.
Taking about debt------- Since when you care about debt? Trump is wasting millions just by golfing, security and travel expenses of his family.
How about those small business that lost income every time he goes to Maralago?

Again are you saying that 7 out of 10 of Americans,CEOs, Conoco, Exxon etc etc etc blasting dumb Trump are all belong to the left are dense?
You are very wrong Ray.

Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.

AGAIN------ Are you saying 7 out of 10 Americans, CEOs, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, Ivanka, Tillerson etc etc etc. that support this accord------- Are all democrats?
Withdrawing from this accord didn't make us the leader but a laughing and embarrassing around the world.
So if we act independently why not part of group of a great movement?

So far you have not answer any of my questions Ray. Why is that?

Trump withdrew from the accord only because of coal industry but pure dumb and do not accept that the climate change is a hoax. So what are you trying to say Ray? Crap.

You are 100% the Republicans have house, congress and the White House------ So how are they doing? Let say replace and repeal Obamacare with the same garbage, total chaos, non stop self inflicting wounds, continue sucking Putin dick, Russian scandal, republicans investigating republicans, an embarrassment around the world, discombobulated toxic administration. What an accomplishment.

Did anyone came up in support of Trump from withdrawing from the accord? except maybe 8 GOPs.

First off, Commie Care is a disaster. Yesterday, Anthem Blue Shield announced they are pulling out of our state.

Secondly, you don't know how many Americans want to keep the Paris Accord. There was one poll on it and it wasn't a very large poll either. There was no explanation how the poll was conducted, and outside of political junkies like ourselves, most people don't know what the Paris Accord is. But people don't want to look stupid when asked a question, so they give any kind of answer.

Thirdly, you've been brainwashed by your puppet masters that all CEOs are conservative Republicans. There are a lot of liberals in the business world like Gates, Buffett, the late Steve Jobs.

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I respond to only the comments that are relevant; that's why you can quote and highlight what you wish to reply to on USMB.

I don't know what China is doing now, but that's not the issue. The issue is that this phony agreement doesn't require China to do anything until 2030. If they are the leader in pollution, and they are doing so many wonderful things, why don't they start now and us in 2030?

We don't live in China Ray.

What does that have to do with it? If we did live in China, and China created the agreement, then at least it would make some sense. They made it to benefit themselves.

It means we are responsible for America, not China. You pricks talk all this crap about America first then whine about what China is ding.

I agree, we are responsible our own country, that's why we don't need any kind of stupid agreement.

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Because, after all, the atmosphere & climate here is ours & not affected by what other countries do.

Then let those other countries clean up their own pollution, and we'll take care of ours without their help.

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London's Mayor, Sadiq Khan is a Muslim. Think that might have an effect on his attitude? You know, as it did with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and his affection for Muslims?

Its the other way around. Mayor Khan didn't do or say anything about US or Trump------- but Trump attacked him because of his hate towards Muslim.

Trump is a good example of an unfit president, embarrassment to the world and all laughing at us. Trump cannot come close to the decency and brain of Obama.
oh, he's a good example of someone you hate, but because he's doing what you don't approve of doesn't make him stupid NOR an embarrassment. it's much more embarrassing to see people dressed in black beating the shit out of trash cans screaming SHUT UP WE WANT FREE SPEECH.

and losing even those fights.

you troll around and find articles that make you warm cause you share in that mindset. great. you do that. but it's your own hate that's keeping you warm, not trumps "idiocy".

Your girlfriend brought up mayor of London not me. Freedom speech is freedom speech but Trump picking a fight with a mayor of a city that was just attacked because of his immaturity is pathetic.
Try again.
whatever trump does you'll make it bad. your cred is sucks when you slsm EVERYTHING.
You pricks brag al the time about leadership. Well we had the chance to lead and Trump endedf that chance. And while Trump ranted about being here for Pittsburgh, the mayor of Pittsburgh agrees with Paris..
If you think we need some agreement with other countries to tell us what to do and how to do it, you're the stupid one. You want America to be like that guy with a good paying job that patrons a bar. Everybody runs up to him shaking his hand, giving him a hug, knowing he will buy them drinks all night long because he has the money.

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We are broke. Do you know what the word "broke" means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Why you leftists would choose failure all the time is beyond any reasonable persons ability to understand.

We can't afford to spend God knows how many billions (of money we don't have) on some stupid fairy tale like MMGW. You on the left always tell us to keep our religion in our church or at home, you should do the same with your beliefs. Don't involve our country in your stupid religion. If you want to lower your idiotic carbon footprint, buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. Buy a windmill for your backyard. Take the bus everywhere you need to go. And in a hundred years from now, you can sit back and enjoy that .02% of cooler air.

God you people are dense.

In reality nobody is telling us anything Ray. We are the leader of this world not a dumb follower.
Taking about debt------- Since when you care about debt? Trump is wasting millions just by golfing, security and travel expenses of his family.
How about those small business that lost income every time he goes to Maralago?

Again are you saying that 7 out of 10 of Americans,CEOs, Conoco, Exxon etc etc etc blasting dumb Trump are all belong to the left are dense?
You are very wrong Ray.

Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.

AGAIN------ Are you saying 7 out of 10 Americans, CEOs, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, Ivanka, Tillerson etc etc etc. that support this accord------- Are all democrats?
Withdrawing from this accord didn't make us the leader but a laughing and embarrassing around the world.
So if we act independently why not part of group of a great movement?

So far you have not answer any of my questions Ray. Why is that?

Trump withdrew from the accord only because of coal industry but pure dumb and do not accept that the climate change is a hoax. So what are you trying to say Ray? Crap.

You are 100% the Republicans have house, congress and the White House------ So how are they doing? Let say replace and repeal Obamacare with the same garbage, total chaos, non stop self inflicting wounds, continue sucking Putin dick, Russian scandal, republicans investigating republicans, an embarrassment around the world, discombobulated toxic administration. What an accomplishment.

Did anyone came up in support of Trump from withdrawing from the accord? except maybe 8 GOPs.
Keep your accord to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it
Keep your emissions to yourself.

London's Mayor, Sadiq Khan is a Muslim. Think that might have an effect on his attitude? You know, as it did with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and his affection for Muslims?

Its the other way around. Mayor Khan didn't do or say anything about US or Trump------- but Trump attacked him because of his hate towards Muslim.

Trump is a good example of an unfit president, embarrassment to the world and all laughing at us. Trump cannot come close to the decency and brain of Obama.
oh, he's a good example of someone you hate, but because he's doing what you don't approve of doesn't make him stupid NOR an embarrassment. it's much more embarrassing to see people dressed in black beating the shit out of trash cans screaming SHUT UP WE WANT FREE SPEECH.

and losing even those fights.

you troll around and find articles that make you warm cause you share in that mindset. great. you do that. but it's your own hate that's keeping you warm, not trumps "idiocy".

Your girlfriend brought up mayor of London not me. Freedom speech is freedom speech but Trump picking a fight with a mayor of a city that was just attacked because of his immaturity is pathetic.
Try again.
whatever trump does you'll make it bad. your cred is sucks when you slsm EVERYTHING.

What has Trump done that was good?

Your cred sucks when all you do is cheer for Trump even when it's shown he's wrong.
You pricks brag al the time about leadership. Well we had the chance to lead and Trump endedf that chance. And while Trump ranted about being here for Pittsburgh, the mayor of Pittsburgh agrees with Paris..

How is Trump not leading? This is exactly the type of leadership his voters voted for.

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We don't live in China Ray.

What does that have to do with it? If we did live in China, and China created the agreement, then at least it would make some sense. They made it to benefit themselves.

It means we are responsible for America, not China. You pricks talk all this crap about America first then whine about what China is ding.

I agree, we are responsible our own country, that's why we don't need any kind of stupid agreement.

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Because, after all, the atmosphere & climate here is ours & not affected by what other countries do.

Then let those other countries clean up their own pollution, and we'll take care of ours without their help.

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You really aren't too bright. Too many diesel fumes likely cause.

You want us to reduce emissions (something your orange buddy claims is killing the US economy) while Africa increases theirs? Do you think it might be more efficient for the developed nations, that put us over the 400ppm mark, to help ease emissions in developing countries?
You pricks brag al the time about leadership. Well we had the chance to lead and Trump endedf that chance. And while Trump ranted about being here for Pittsburgh, the mayor of Pittsburgh agrees with Paris..

How is Trump not leading? This is exactly the type of leadership his voters voted for.

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So you voted for tweets? You aren't troo bright.
You pricks brag al the time about leadership. Well we had the chance to lead and Trump endedf that chance. And while Trump ranted about being here for Pittsburgh, the mayor of Pittsburgh agrees with Paris..

How is Trump not leading? This is exactly the type of leadership his voters voted for.

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Leadership through lying. Really. Why can't El Cheeto talk without lying? There is nothing in the Paris Accord that stops us from building a coal plant nor did it say India can build coal generation plants. He looked you in the eye & lied .....and you loved it.

That ain't leadership. That's being an asshole.
What has Trump done that was good?

You're kidding right?

* With the DOW Jones being up about 15% to new all-time highs since Trump taking office over a rebirth in business confidence, with the fastest 2000 point run ever and the stock market gaining two trillion since Trump got in, what is your complaint there? Would you rather it be lower or do you think Hillary would have taken it even higher?

* Trump has reduced the national debt so far by 100 billion. Just what is wrong with that?

* Trump added 300,000 jobs in his first month. Was that wrong?

* Housing sales are hot! Time on market has been cut in half since 2011. Is that bad?

* Illegal immigration is down by nearly 70%. And the wall isn't even built yet. Where do you disagree this isn't good?

* Then there is healthcare reform in progress,
a new, simpler tax code on the horizon,
dismantling numerous oppressive regulations stifling business,
stepping up national security,
rethinking trade deals to more favor the USA,
addressing the world's biggest threats like ISIS, Syria and North Korea
and taking steps to better unify nations toward improving NATO funding and concerns over Iran, etc.,
and much, much more. Where is any of this bad?

Your cred sucks when all you do is cheer for Trump even when it's shown he's wrong.

My "cred" has nothing to do with the facts. If someone is doing so much good in so short a time, what should I do, complain? As to being shown he is wrong, WHERE? Whose OPINION??? It takes more than just posting a link to some hack website that says he is wrong! You can find a website to tell you anything.
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What has Trump done that was good?

You're kidding right?

* With the DOW Jones being up about 15% to new all-time highs since Trump taking office over a rebirth in business confidence, with the fastest 2000 point run ever and the stock market gaining two trillion since Trump got in, what is your complaint there? Would you rather it be lower or do you think Hillary would have taken it even higher?

* Trump has reduced the national debt so far by 100 billion. Just what is wrong with that?

* Trump added 300,000 jobs in his first month. Was that wrong?

* Housing sales are hot! Time on market has been cut in half since 2011. Is that bad?

* Illegal immigration is down by nearly 70%. And the wall isn't even built yet. Where do you disagree this isn't good?

* Then there is healthcare reform in progress,
a new, simpler tax code on the horizon,
dismantling numerous oppressive regulations stifling business,
stepping up national security,
rethinking trade deals to more favor the USA,
addressing the world's biggest threats like ISIS, Syria and North Korea
and taking steps to better unify nations toward improving NATO funding and concerns over Iran, etc.,
and much, much more. Where is any of this bad?

Your cred sucks when all you do is cheer for Trump even when it's shown he's wrong.

My "cred" has nothing to do with the facts. If someone is doing so much good in so short a time, what should I do, complain? As to being shown he is wrong, WHERE? Whose OPINION??? It takes more than just posting a link to some hack website that says he is wrong! You can find a website to tell you anything.
When were you right about anything?

When you claimed solar cycles meant we need to ignore all other factors of climate change?
You pricks brag al the time about leadership. Well we had the chance to lead and Trump endedf that chance. And while Trump ranted about being here for Pittsburgh, the mayor of Pittsburgh agrees with Paris..
Leading WHAT is the problem, I think ;)
dunno. i just like to look up blanket statements and see how valid they may or may not be. i hear storms are getting worse and maybe they are. but i've seen horrible storms a lot through life and not just recently.

i've also seen not long ago the left and science say a mini ice age is coming. oops.

it's hard to believe someone and take them seriously when they rage to a point and then keep changing the name of it to fit another potential possibility.
Well, when it takes them three years and running to compile their data, I guess we'll all be running on "old news." You are too bright to believe that because there have been horrible storms in the past it somehow argues that climate change may bring about fewer but more intense storms. You know it is an average over years. You know that averages include minor and major storms. You KNOW that, so why are you arguing such a goof ball third grade statement from Bear?

I don't remember the mini ice age thing--I remember something about everyone getting cancer from a hole in the ozone and then we stopped selling aerosols for the most part. Predictions and the "latest" scientific theories are frequently proved wrong over time; that is true. We can't deny the climate is changing. We can't deny we are pumping much, much more C02 in the atmosphere than we were 300 years ago. We can't deny C02 increases temps on Earth. So we can reasonably deny what?
- That we can do anything about it
- How much we should pay/sacrifice/contribute toward an attempted solution

Those are the only real bones of contention I see available.

We can't deny the climate is changing
-Who would deny billions of years of history?
We can't deny we are pumping much, much more C02 in the atmosphere than we were 300 years ago.
-Prove how that is a problem? Prove how our 5% is causing the greatest warming period in hundreds of millions of years

We can't deny C02 increases temps on Earth
-No but why is that a bad thing? You realize without c02 our temps would be 50 degrees cooler every day?
If somehow temperatures stabilize, then it is a major change for life on earth. Roughly 1 in every 10 people in the world lives in low elevation coastal zones, that's about 800 million people that will be uprooted. In the US by 2100, crop production will down by as much as 40%. In many Asians and African countries, crop production will be down by even more. Worldwide famine, economic collapse, mass extinction of wildlife, and violence on a global scale will likely occur. That's the optimistic view. Now if global climate change continues unabated, earth will be just another cosmic failure.

Show me where temperatures have actually changed? I mean in a way atypical of what isn't normal for life anyway over the millennia? Climate is a constantly changing thing. At one time, the central plain states were under water. At one time, there were tropical forests and rich vegetation in what are now arctic regions. I get tired of hearing again and again dire predictions by people that the world is headed for certain catastrophe then when those deadlines pass------- nothing. We are already past the point where Nobel Prize winning Carbon-Credit-King Albert Gore told us that all sea ice would be gone and our coastlines under water.

List the top ten hottest years in recorded history.

Millennia? Really? How long have its been since the start of the industrial revolution. According to you, we can study the effects because it hasn't been a million years.

I have news, man spewing shit in the atmosphere can have an effect measurable in decades, not millennia.

So much bullshit from far left wacko's..

The thermometer record is so short that what little warming we have seen would not show up on an 12,000 year chart...
When were you right about anything?

I'm always right about everything.

When you claimed solar cycles meant we need to ignore all other factors of climate change?

No, I don't ignore any factors of climate change. I just ignore you. I've been watching the climate change and studying it for about half a century! Still waiting to see any evidence that any changes are being caused by man that are serious and detrimental that the cost of ignoring them is greater than the cost of addressing them, especially when the next mini-ice age is right around the corner.

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