Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Have a good day!
TN sulks. He's got nothing.
Lol I was just laughing at you. THINK about what you wrote. Good lord!!
Say, did you read the science I gave you yesterday? Or are you fine with talking points and pseudo science?
Don't talk to me about "talking points" and "pseudo science." You're in it up to your eyeballs. I think I read your articles--I was pretty busy but I read some, for sure.
so you can't answer how much 10 PPM of CO2 will warm the earth? shame on you. how come you don't know this number? Now you are but a fool.
Your question means nothing.
well isn't it the point of the accord to drop CO2 levels? so what would 10 PPM of less CO2 mean to the temperatures of the globe. queue the jeopardy music
Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.
Trump lies on a daily baisis, I don't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I'm asking to see the data from the actual agreement, you can't seem to produce it.

To answer your question, no I don't think it's ok for China to take no actions until 2030, though I haven't seen evidence showing that statement to be true either.
I posted this, did you not read it?

Where did the accord state that? Can you post the part that directs us to pay China?
Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.


"Ensuring finance
In the Paris Agreement, the developed countries reaffirmed the commitment to mobilize $100 billion a year in climate finance by 2020, and agreed to continue mobilizing finance at the level of $100 billion a year until 2025.[42] The commitment refers to the pre-existing plan to provide US$100 billion a year in aid to developing countries for actions on climate change adaptation and mitigation.[43]

Though both mitigation and adaptation require increased climate financing, adaptation has typically received lower levels of support and has mobilised less action from the private sector.[40] A 2014 report by the OECD found that just 16 percent of global finance was directed toward climate adaptation in 2014.[44] The Paris Agreement called for a balance of climate finance between adaptation and mitigation, and specifically underscoring the need to increase adaptation support for parties most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States. The agreement also reminds parties of the importance of public grants, because adaptation measures receive less investment from the public sector.[40] John Kerry, as Secretary of State, announced that grant-based adaptation finance would double by 2020.[28]

Some specific outcomes of the elevated attention to adaptation financing in Paris include the G7 countries' announcement to provide US $420 million for Climate Risk Insurance, and the launching of a Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) Initiative.[45] In early March 2016, the Obama administration gave a $500 million grant to the "Green Climate Fund" as "the first chunk of a $3 billion commitment made at the Paris climate talks."[46][47] [52]So far, the Green Climate Fund has now received over $10 billion in pledges. Notably, the pledges come from developed nations like France, the US, and Japan, but also from developing countries such as Mexico, Indonesia, and Vietnam.[28]"

why do you have difficulty looking up things on google?


Thanks, that's a good start but I still don't see where an allocation of funds are directed towards china and Russia
I never said they were.

BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like the talking point I've heard all day, that China doesn't have to do anything until 2030. It sounds like they set an emissions goal that they are going to work towards reaching by 2030. Isn't that how things work?
yep 2030. so, they again are allowed to take our manufacturing jobs. you fool. but hey, why should you give a fk about an american family, eh?
Yes I did, and nowhere did I support communism... What are you not understanding? What do you think I was trying to say, I don't think I can make the point any clearer

All your posts in this thread is promoting communism...

Do you even read your own posts?


Who are you ? Just post shit coming from your ass and then deny it..


And there's the childish insult with nothing to back up your argument. I'm about done with this conversation. If your ego needs a win then you can have it... I'm a lying pink commie snowflake. You got me. Good day.
what do you think the bad boys in France can do to us? It's not a legal binding agreement.

They can throw a petulant temper tantrum and call us names.
BTW, it's the only thing they know how to do.
Look, the Paris Accord is insane. All it is is an agreement that the USA will hold itself down at the loss of billions of dollars growth and business, skyrocket our energy costs to consumers, while actually financing states like China and India, by far the biggest polluters, so they can grow and get further ahead and pollute even more! That is insanity. And all at the promise that at best, in a hundred years, the planet might be a fraction of a degree cooler. We can continue to cut our pollution on our own and find cleaner ways of doing things without any accord, then we can sell the technology to others so they can do as well. Viva La Trump.

Only the jackass socialists of the EU could dream up such a stupid idea! And only the jackass liberal democrats could denounce staying out of it as being literally the end of the world. Are liberals just born so fucked up in the head or do they really work hard at it?
Co2 levels compared to total Mother Nature suspended particulates is at a ratio of 1 to 1,000
The only thing, repeat Only, there is solid agreement on is that we are in a warming cycle. There is also uniform agreement that such warming cycles have occurred before and even exceeded-such as the Dust Bowl 1930s
What the C02 is doing when distributed planet wide is undetermined and those calculations as to effect, if any, on planetary temperatures are being studied and there is no consensus agreement
What is indisputable is that major metro cities in the USA have much less polluted air than the 60's into the 80's
It's mostly "feel bad about yourself America" and we are done with playing that game
Last edited:
I keep looking out my window at the pacific ocean and it has not changed in the 30 years that I've lived here and neither has the climate.
TN sulks. He's got nothing.
Lol I was just laughing at you. THINK about what you wrote. Good lord!!
Say, did you read the science I gave you yesterday? Or are you fine with talking points and pseudo science?
Don't talk to me about "talking points" and "pseudo science." You're in it up to your eyeballs. I think I read your articles--I was pretty busy but I read some, for sure.
so you can't answer how much 10 PPM of CO2 will warm the earth? shame on you. how come you don't know this number? Now you are but a fool.
Your question means nothing.
well isn't it the point of the accord is to drop CO2 levels? so what would 10 PPM of less CO2 mean to the temperatures of the globe. queue the jeopardy music

I wonder if Jake and his ilk even know what "PPM" means since you can't get an answer..

Let me clarify it for them: People Pacing Madly over climate change.
Co2 levels compared to total suspended particulates is at a ratio of 1 to 1,000
The only thing, repeat Only, there is solud agreement on is that we are in a warming cycle. There is also uniform agreement that such warming cycles have occurred before and even exceeded-such as the Dust Bowl 1930s
What the C02 is doing when distributed planet wide us undetermined
CO2 has nothing to do with "global Warming" and the oceans are not rising as predicted. The whole thing is stupid.
BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."

So, are you actually saying that China is apt to pollute MORE and SOONER because of the Paris Accord? In other words, like so many other stupid liberal ideas, it is having the EXACT OPPOSITE effect of its stated intent and actually causing MORE pollution?
BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."

So, are you actually saying that China is apt to pollute MORE and SOONER because of the Paris Accord? In other words, like so many other stupid liberal ideas, it is having the EXACT OPPOSITE effect of its stated intent and actually causing MORE pollution?
Trump lies on a daily baisis, I don't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I'm asking to see the data from the actual agreement, you can't seem to produce it.

To answer your question, no I don't think it's ok for China to take no actions until 2030, though I haven't seen evidence showing that statement to be true either.
I posted this, did you not read it?

Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.


"Ensuring finance
In the Paris Agreement, the developed countries reaffirmed the commitment to mobilize $100 billion a year in climate finance by 2020, and agreed to continue mobilizing finance at the level of $100 billion a year until 2025.[42] The commitment refers to the pre-existing plan to provide US$100 billion a year in aid to developing countries for actions on climate change adaptation and mitigation.[43]

Though both mitigation and adaptation require increased climate financing, adaptation has typically received lower levels of support and has mobilised less action from the private sector.[40] A 2014 report by the OECD found that just 16 percent of global finance was directed toward climate adaptation in 2014.[44] The Paris Agreement called for a balance of climate finance between adaptation and mitigation, and specifically underscoring the need to increase adaptation support for parties most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States. The agreement also reminds parties of the importance of public grants, because adaptation measures receive less investment from the public sector.[40] John Kerry, as Secretary of State, announced that grant-based adaptation finance would double by 2020.[28]

Some specific outcomes of the elevated attention to adaptation financing in Paris include the G7 countries' announcement to provide US $420 million for Climate Risk Insurance, and the launching of a Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) Initiative.[45] In early March 2016, the Obama administration gave a $500 million grant to the "Green Climate Fund" as "the first chunk of a $3 billion commitment made at the Paris climate talks."[46][47] [52]So far, the Green Climate Fund has now received over $10 billion in pledges. Notably, the pledges come from developed nations like France, the US, and Japan, but also from developing countries such as Mexico, Indonesia, and Vietnam.[28]"

why do you have difficulty looking up things on google?


Thanks, that's a good start but I still don't see where an allocation of funds are directed towards china and Russia
I never said they were.

BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like the talking point I've heard all day, that China doesn't have to do anything until 2030. It sounds like they set an emissions goal that they are going to work towards reaching by 2030. Isn't that how things work?
yep 2030. so, they again are allowed to take our manufacturing jobs. you fool. but hey, why should you give a fk about an american family, eh?
What are you talking about? They are allowed to do what ever they want and we are allowed to do whatever we want... It was a non binding agreement. But it was better than nothing, it was at least a collaborative effort to reduce pollution and emissions. It had flaws, thats fine, work on the flaws, don't pack up your bag and go home. Thats not, in my opinion how a respectable world leader should act. We set our goals to be reached by 2025... So you are upset about what? the 5 year difference?
195 nations signed the Paris Accord. The US, Nicaragua, and Syria are the only nations who aren't in the accord. It is not an Obama thing.
Trump is showing the world how stupid America has become, and his supporters love it.

That's not stupid. Stupid is thinking signing a piece of paper will change the climate somehow.
195 nations signed the Paris Accord. The US, Nicaragua, and Syria are the only nations who aren't in the accord. It is not an Obama thing.
Trump is showing the world how stupid America has become, and his supporters love it.

That's not stupid. Stupid is thinking signing a piece of paper will change the climate somehow.
Signing the paper is only the beginning. Stupid people need to be told such things.

And as further steps have not happened, will not happen, and trump is removing are signature we have officially gone from not accepting it to still not accepting it
You cannot pull out until 2020. Trump has played you again. Hope he was gentle.

We don't have to pull out. The accord was never binding to begin with. The senate never ratified. Nor did the house approve the spending.
I posted this, did you not read it?

why do you have difficulty looking up things on google?


Thanks, that's a good start but I still don't see where an allocation of funds are directed towards china and Russia
I never said they were.

BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like the talking point I've heard all day, that China doesn't have to do anything until 2030. It sounds like they set an emissions goal that they are going to work towards reaching by 2030. Isn't that how things work?
yep 2030. so, they again are allowed to take our manufacturing jobs. you fool. but hey, why should you give a fk about an american family, eh?
What are you talking about? They are allowed to do what ever they want and we are allowed to do whatever we want... It was a non binding agreement. But it was better than nothing, it was at least a collaborative effort to reduce pollution and emissions. It had flaws, thats fine, work on the flaws, don't pack up your bag and go home. Thats not, in my opinion how a respectable world leader should act.
and trump choose to get out. why are you all upset then?
I posted this, did you not read it?

why do you have difficulty looking up things on google?


Thanks, that's a good start but I still don't see where an allocation of funds are directed towards china and Russia
I never said they were.

BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like the talking point I've heard all day, that China doesn't have to do anything until 2030. It sounds like they set an emissions goal that they are going to work towards reaching by 2030. Isn't that how things work?
yep 2030. so, they again are allowed to take our manufacturing jobs. you fool. but hey, why should you give a fk about an american family, eh?
What are you talking about? They are allowed to do what ever they want and we are allowed to do whatever we want... It was a non binding agreement. But it was better than nothing, it was at least a collaborative effort to reduce pollution and emissions. It had flaws, thats fine, work on the flaws, don't pack up your bag and go home. Thats not, in my opinion how a respectable world leader should act.
BTW, we have infrastructures that need help for the next decade. We will get that going with that money.
Thanks, that's a good start but I still don't see where an allocation of funds are directed towards china and Russia
I never said they were.

BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like the talking point I've heard all day, that China doesn't have to do anything until 2030. It sounds like they set an emissions goal that they are going to work towards reaching by 2030. Isn't that how things work?
yep 2030. so, they again are allowed to take our manufacturing jobs. you fool. but hey, why should you give a fk about an american family, eh?
What are you talking about? They are allowed to do what ever they want and we are allowed to do whatever we want... It was a non binding agreement. But it was better than nothing, it was at least a collaborative effort to reduce pollution and emissions. It had flaws, thats fine, work on the flaws, don't pack up your bag and go home. Thats not, in my opinion how a respectable world leader should act.
and trump choose to get out. why are you all upset then?
I'm not upset... I'm disappointed and a little embarrassed that our president acts like a child. But he has the right to do what he wants to do, i can respect that. I just hope it yields positive results at the end of 4 years.
Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.
Trump lies on a daily baisis, I don't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I'm asking to see the data from the actual agreement, you can't seem to produce it.

To answer your question, no I don't think it's ok for China to take no actions until 2030, though I haven't seen evidence showing that statement to be true either.
I posted this, did you not read it?

Where did the accord state that? Can you post the part that directs us to pay China?
Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.


"Ensuring finance
In the Paris Agreement, the developed countries reaffirmed the commitment to mobilize $100 billion a year in climate finance by 2020, and agreed to continue mobilizing finance at the level of $100 billion a year until 2025.[42] The commitment refers to the pre-existing plan to provide US$100 billion a year in aid to developing countries for actions on climate change adaptation and mitigation.[43]

Though both mitigation and adaptation require increased climate financing, adaptation has typically received lower levels of support and has mobilised less action from the private sector.[40] A 2014 report by the OECD found that just 16 percent of global finance was directed toward climate adaptation in 2014.[44] The Paris Agreement called for a balance of climate finance between adaptation and mitigation, and specifically underscoring the need to increase adaptation support for parties most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States. The agreement also reminds parties of the importance of public grants, because adaptation measures receive less investment from the public sector.[40] John Kerry, as Secretary of State, announced that grant-based adaptation finance would double by 2020.[28]

Some specific outcomes of the elevated attention to adaptation financing in Paris include the G7 countries' announcement to provide US $420 million for Climate Risk Insurance, and the launching of a Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) Initiative.[45] In early March 2016, the Obama administration gave a $500 million grant to the "Green Climate Fund" as "the first chunk of a $3 billion commitment made at the Paris climate talks."[46][47] [52]So far, the Green Climate Fund has now received over $10 billion in pledges. Notably, the pledges come from developed nations like France, the US, and Japan, but also from developing countries such as Mexico, Indonesia, and Vietnam.[28]"

why do you have difficulty looking up things on google?


Thanks, that's a good start but I still don't see where an allocation of funds are directed towards china and Russia
I never said they were.

BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like the talking point I've heard all day, that China doesn't have to do anything until 2030. It sounds like they set an emissions goal that they are going to work towards reaching by 2030. Isn't that how things work?
You're wrong. They are free to increase emissions until 2030.
Thanks, that's a good start but I still don't see where an allocation of funds are directed towards china and Russia
I never said they were.

BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like the talking point I've heard all day, that China doesn't have to do anything until 2030. It sounds like they set an emissions goal that they are going to work towards reaching by 2030. Isn't that how things work?
yep 2030. so, they again are allowed to take our manufacturing jobs. you fool. but hey, why should you give a fk about an american family, eh?
What are you talking about? They are allowed to do what ever they want and we are allowed to do whatever we want... It was a non binding agreement. But it was better than nothing, it was at least a collaborative effort to reduce pollution and emissions. It had flaws, thats fine, work on the flaws, don't pack up your bag and go home. Thats not, in my opinion how a respectable world leader should act.
and trump choose to get out. why are you all upset then?
because the Trumpbots are cheering a cheap meaningless toss of his golden shit to them?
I never said they were.

BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like the talking point I've heard all day, that China doesn't have to do anything until 2030. It sounds like they set an emissions goal that they are going to work towards reaching by 2030. Isn't that how things work?
yep 2030. so, they again are allowed to take our manufacturing jobs. you fool. but hey, why should you give a fk about an american family, eh?
What are you talking about? They are allowed to do what ever they want and we are allowed to do whatever we want... It was a non binding agreement. But it was better than nothing, it was at least a collaborative effort to reduce pollution and emissions. It had flaws, thats fine, work on the flaws, don't pack up your bag and go home. Thats not, in my opinion how a respectable world leader should act.
and trump choose to get out. why are you all upset then?
I'm not upset... I'm disappointed and a little embarrassed that our president acts like a child. But he has the right to do what he wants to do, i can respect that. I just hope it yields positive results at the end of 4 years.
why, because he recognized the lack of any binding agreement not ratified by congress to hurt the american people? again, you wish to hurt american families stand proud and acknowledge it.
I never said they were.

BTW, here for the other China 2030 piece you didn't know about:

China is working to reach its emissions peak before 2030 deadline, analyst says

"China may aim for an earlier greenhouse gas emissions peak before its 2030 deadline, putting a greater onus on Australia to work with its key trading partner on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, says a leading Chinese analyst."
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like the talking point I've heard all day, that China doesn't have to do anything until 2030. It sounds like they set an emissions goal that they are going to work towards reaching by 2030. Isn't that how things work?
yep 2030. so, they again are allowed to take our manufacturing jobs. you fool. but hey, why should you give a fk about an american family, eh?
What are you talking about? They are allowed to do what ever they want and we are allowed to do whatever we want... It was a non binding agreement. But it was better than nothing, it was at least a collaborative effort to reduce pollution and emissions. It had flaws, thats fine, work on the flaws, don't pack up your bag and go home. Thats not, in my opinion how a respectable world leader should act.
and trump choose to get out. why are you all upset then?
I'm not upset... I'm disappointed and a little embarrassed that our president acts like a child. But he has the right to do what he wants to do, i can respect that. I just hope it yields positive results at the end of 4 years.
So, acting like an adult means putting our heads in a noose? Agreeing to a swindle?

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