Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Where am I mistaken?
DONALD DUMBASS in your headline. that's an attack son. you really don't give a fuck what the issue is - whatever trump did you'll take the other side and simply insult donald and not his actions nor the issue.

and then going "don't attack people, talk issues!" while the only purpose for this shit is to attack a person.
NOT the issues.
Yes the banner was incendiary, but so are many on these type forums. It does not take away from the larger issues at play. So what is your opinion.
i'm glad we're pulling out of syria. i hope we keep pulling out of the middle east and leave them to their own issues and stop meddling over there as i don't see a ton of value to us by being there right now.

i don't change stance on things because of who is doing it. your stance at this point sounds like you think we should stay there, or not say we've done damage to isis, or the like but it can be hard to tell cause you're not actually talking issues, you're using issues to beat up trump.

what would you do over there?

In my initial link to this thread, it quotes Administration officials that they wanted a more coordinated and thought out withdrawal.

"Behind the scenes, the Pentagon leadership was still trying to persuade the president to accept a managed, more gradual withdrawal, according to sources familiar with the discussions."

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

I would do what the generals and intelligence community recommends.
in the end trump usually does that. tells the world about his wonderful new idea and then does what his experts say to do. while he is annoying in that light, that doesn't make what he does wrong.

i want us out, he's going to get us out. he's doing what i want in the end. now while we get what we want, it would seem people then complain HOW he does what we want.

you again revert to anything to call him a dumbass. while i may not disagree with you there, it does get old to always bitch at trump regardless of whether he's doing what we want or not.

I can understand your point. I will cool it with the incendiary language.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Pulling out of Syria is not a problem, if you want to call him Donald Dumbass
then that would be for giving up on the wall while giving Mexico and South America 11 Billion dollars
That would be Congress giving that money to the facilitators of our invaders. Trump said he will gladly take the blame for shutting down the government....and now he can take the blame for 'caving in' so quickly, but not for coming up with the idea of rewarding those countries.

He already caved on the shut down. He lasted a whole week. What a pussy.
Yes, Democrats and snowflakes are dancing and celebrating about how, once again, they stopped the US government from protecting its sovereignty, securing its borders, identifying the approx. 1500 illegals pouring into the country per day, and keeping American citizens safe.

Well done, snowflakes / Democrats!

DONALD DUMBASS in your headline. that's an attack son. you really don't give a fuck what the issue is - whatever trump did you'll take the other side and simply insult donald and not his actions nor the issue.

and then going "don't attack people, talk issues!" while the only purpose for this shit is to attack a person.
NOT the issues.
Yes the banner was incendiary, but so are many on these type forums. It does not take away from the larger issues at play. So what is your opinion.
i'm glad we're pulling out of syria. i hope we keep pulling out of the middle east and leave them to their own issues and stop meddling over there as i don't see a ton of value to us by being there right now.

i don't change stance on things because of who is doing it. your stance at this point sounds like you think we should stay there, or not say we've done damage to isis, or the like but it can be hard to tell cause you're not actually talking issues, you're using issues to beat up trump.

what would you do over there?

In my initial link to this thread, it quotes Administration officials that they wanted a more coordinated and thought out withdrawal.

"Behind the scenes, the Pentagon leadership was still trying to persuade the president to accept a managed, more gradual withdrawal, according to sources familiar with the discussions."

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

I would do what the generals and intelligence community recommends.
in the end trump usually does that. tells the world about his wonderful new idea and then does what his experts say to do. while he is annoying in that light, that doesn't make what he does wrong.

i want us out, he's going to get us out. he's doing what i want in the end. now while we get what we want, it would seem people then complain HOW he does what we want.

you again revert to anything to call him a dumbass. while i may not disagree with you there, it does get old to always bitch at trump regardless of whether he's doing what we want or not.

I can understand your point. I will cool it with the incendiary language.
appreciate it. i'd just rather talk to you about the issues in syria and what *needs* to be done and things like that. when they turn into a bash someone fest (on either side) i tend to lose interest. i try not to get into the name calling for either side (hitlery, drumph) and the like but hey - we all need to vent so no worries there.
didn't read it cause you're attacking trump, not the issues around trumps actions.

when you actually want to talk issues, let's go. but for now you're just an ORANGE MAN BAD meme around here.
Where am I mistaken?
DONALD DUMBASS in your headline. that's an attack son. you really don't give a fuck what the issue is - whatever trump did you'll take the other side and simply insult donald and not his actions nor the issue.

and then going "don't attack people, talk issues!" while the only purpose for this shit is to attack a person.
NOT the issues.
Yes the banner was incendiary, but so are many on these type forums. It does not take away from the larger issues at play. So what is your opinion.
i'm glad we're pulling out of syria. i hope we keep pulling out of the middle east and leave them to their own issues and stop meddling over there as i don't see a ton of value to us by being there right now.

i don't change stance on things because of who is doing it. your stance at this point sounds like you think we should stay there, or not say we've done damage to isis, or the like but it can be hard to tell cause you're not actually talking issues, you're using issues to beat up trump.

what would you do over there?

In my initial link to this thread, it quotes Administration officials that they wanted a more coordinated and thought out withdrawal.

"Behind the scenes, the Pentagon leadership was still trying to persuade the president to accept a managed, more gradual withdrawal, according to sources familiar with the discussions."

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

I would do what the generals and intelligence community recommends.

And they' are going to recommend war into perpetuity. Thats their business.
Not even the most ardent Trump supporter could ignore or try to mitigate the damaging barrage of headlines assaulting this hapless administration.

So, what can a besieged, clueless Trump do???.........

Simple answer: Redirect the conversation by making a decision that can piss off virtually everyone' that is, order a withdrawal of our troops from Syria.....

Who are then the WINNERS" of such an unexpected (and moronic) decision to pull out of Syria?

a. Temporarily, Trump himself.......He gets a reprieve from being blasted for corruption, to being blasted as the worst of decision-makers and deal-maker.

b. Putin must be toasting vintage vodka all over the Kremlin

c. Iran must be declaring a national holiday

d. Erdogan of Turkey is probably dancing in the streets of Ankara

e. ....and, of course, ISIS must be thinking they got a commutation of their life-sentence

So, who are the LOSERS???

a. Most of all the Kurds who.....after being our staunchest allies in fighting ISIS, will now be slaughtered by the combined forces of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and certainly ISIS.

b. Israel who must be trying to figure out how they can call Trump a traitor to their cause after just recently praising him.

c. All the NATO allies who will be left alone in Syria claiming that the 2020 US elections can't come fast enough.

d. ALL OF US in America who must wonder how we can afford 6,000 troops to fight off the so-called caravans at the Mexican border.....but can't afford 1800 troops in Syria.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Our time of supremacy in the Middle East is over.
Of course the military is shocked. Their only business is to make war. Now they're being told this party is over.
Of course ISIS, or whatever extremist group it morphs into next, hasn't been "defeated." That's ridiculous. But they have had their territory taken away, and that is a big help. It was hard to believe when on the news each night it showed all the parts of Syria and Iraq that had been taken over by ISIS, seemingly overnight. It has taken a long time and a lot of lives to get that land back. However, the young people who were caught in those areas were raised to believe the extremists' schlock, and in the hopes of not killing civilians, we let most of the ISIS supporters walk away every time.
When extremist beliefs are defeated by the Muslim faith, that is when ISIS will be defeated. All we can do is protect ourselves; we can't do it.
Fake news......why didn't you sign up for military duty and volunteer to fight against Barrypuppet's CIA proxy gang of mercenaries???

Try this on for size because this actually happened....

Progressive Nonprofit Caught Trying To Conceal References To Its Employee, Unmasked Antifa Leader Joseph ‘Jose’ Alcoff
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Our time of supremacy in the Middle East is over.
Of course the military is shocked. Their only business is to make war. Now they're being told this party is over.
Of course ISIS, or whatever extremist group it morphs into next, hasn't been "defeated." That's ridiculous. But they have had their territory taken away, and that is a big help. It was hard to believe when on the news each night it showed all the parts of Syria and Iraq that had been taken over by ISIS, seemingly overnight. It has taken a long time and a lot of lives to get that land back. However, the young people who were caught in those areas were raised to believe the extremists' schlock, and in the hopes of not killing civilians, we let most of the ISIS supporters walk away every time.
When extremist beliefs are defeated by the Muslim faith, that is when ISIS will be defeated. All we can do is protect ourselves; we can't do it.

All we can do is protect ourselves? WTF, an open border is not a good solution.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Our time of supremacy in the Middle East is over.
Of course the military is shocked. Their only business is to make war. Now they're being told this party is over.
Of course ISIS, or whatever extremist group it morphs into next, hasn't been "defeated." That's ridiculous. But they have had their territory taken away, and that is a big help. It was hard to believe when on the news each night it showed all the parts of Syria and Iraq that had been taken over by ISIS, seemingly overnight. It has taken a long time and a lot of lives to get that land back. However, the young people who were caught in those areas were raised to believe the extremists' schlock, and in the hopes of not killing civilians, we let most of the ISIS supporters walk away every time.
When extremist beliefs are defeated by the Muslim faith, that is when ISIS will be defeated. All we can do is protect ourselves; we can't do it.

All we can do is protect ourselves? WTF, an open border is not a good solution.
i thought she was addressing the middle east, not open borders...
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Our time of supremacy in the Middle East is over.
Of course the military is shocked. Their only business is to make war. Now they're being told this party is over.
Of course ISIS, or whatever extremist group it morphs into next, hasn't been "defeated." That's ridiculous. But they have had their territory taken away, and that is a big help. It was hard to believe when on the news each night it showed all the parts of Syria and Iraq that had been taken over by ISIS, seemingly overnight. It has taken a long time and a lot of lives to get that land back. However, the young people who were caught in those areas were raised to believe the extremists' schlock, and in the hopes of not killing civilians, we let most of the ISIS supporters walk away every time.
When extremist beliefs are defeated by the Muslim faith, that is when ISIS will be defeated. All we can do is protect ourselves; we can't do it.

All we can do is protect ourselves? WTF, an open border is not a good solution.
Can we please talk about one thing at a time? Are you going to throw in abortion as well?
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Our time of supremacy in the Middle East is over.
Of course the military is shocked. Their only business is to make war. Now they're being told this party is over.
Of course ISIS, or whatever extremist group it morphs into next, hasn't been "defeated." That's ridiculous. But they have had their territory taken away, and that is a big help. It was hard to believe when on the news each night it showed all the parts of Syria and Iraq that had been taken over by ISIS, seemingly overnight. It has taken a long time and a lot of lives to get that land back. However, the young people who were caught in those areas were raised to believe the extremists' schlock, and in the hopes of not killing civilians, we let most of the ISIS supporters walk away every time.
When extremist beliefs are defeated by the Muslim faith, that is when ISIS will be defeated. All we can do is protect ourselves; we can't do it.

All we can do is protect ourselves? WTF, an open border is not a good solution.
i thought she was addressing the middle east, not open borders...

Well, how do we protect ourselves with open borders?
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Our time of supremacy in the Middle East is over.
Of course the military is shocked. Their only business is to make war. Now they're being told this party is over.
Of course ISIS, or whatever extremist group it morphs into next, hasn't been "defeated." That's ridiculous. But they have had their territory taken away, and that is a big help. It was hard to believe when on the news each night it showed all the parts of Syria and Iraq that had been taken over by ISIS, seemingly overnight. It has taken a long time and a lot of lives to get that land back. However, the young people who were caught in those areas were raised to believe the extremists' schlock, and in the hopes of not killing civilians, we let most of the ISIS supporters walk away every time.
When extremist beliefs are defeated by the Muslim faith, that is when ISIS will be defeated. All we can do is protect ourselves; we can't do it.

All we can do is protect ourselves? WTF, an open border is not a good solution.
Can we please talk about one thing at a time? Are you going to throw in abortion as well?

You're the one that suggested we protect ourselves.
Progressive Nonprofit Caught Trying To Conceal References To Its Employee, Unmasked Antifa Leader Joseph ‘Jose’ Alcoff

Dale (aka, "is my nose too orangy?"_ ........What the fuck does the above have to do with this thread's topic?
Fake news......why didn't you sign up for military duty and volunteer to fight against Barrypuppet's CIA proxy gang of mercenaries???

Try this on for size because this actually happened....

Progressive Nonprofit Caught Trying To Conceal References To Its Employee, Unmasked Antifa Leader Joseph ‘Jose’ Alcoff

LMAO!!!!!! Leftards have suddenly become war hawks? Man oh man, leftards didn't have a fucking thing to say when Barrypuppet was condoning drone strikes on innocent people while turning a blind eye to the fact that ISIS is a deep state proxy army that was used to protect the oil interests of Barrypuppet's bosses. Hmmmm? How many times did the intel agencies like the CIA and MI5/MI6 get stone-cold busted for dropping supplies to their ISIS pals but claiming it had been intended for the people that weren being terrorized? What admin signed off on a few hundred million for beheading propaganda videos? Which jug-eared queer with the tranny wife signed off on showing footage of ISIS caravans being blown up by Russian jet fighters and then claim it was HIS military doing it under his command?

OH! (and here is a good one!) which deep state, bi-racial homosexual with a tranny wife "leader" along with a disgusting **** SoS signed off on the killing of Qaddafi and putting the Libyan people in a perilous position and left at the hands of CIA backed terrorists while acting totally oblivious to the fact that 300 plus tons of gold disappeared as if by magic and a central bank was put in place?

If you answered "Barry Soetoro aka BAAAAAAAHRACK Hussein OBAMA??? Here is a cigar and a blowtorch to light it with.

Consider your ass thoroughly kicked but please accept the T-shirt, commemorative coffee cup and a version of the home game of "Dale Just Kicked The Shit Out Me" as parting gifts and a token of my appreciation for playing.

Progressive Nonprofit Caught Trying To Conceal References To Its Employee, Unmasked Antifa Leader Joseph ‘Jose’ Alcoff

Dale (aka, "is my nose too orangy?"_ ........What the fuck does the above have to do with this thread's topic?

Dig a little deeper in the well, Natty...........use the search feature at the upper right-hand corner of the site and put in "ISIS, CIA" and then under "Posted By Member", put in "Dale Smith" and hit my avatar......lots of info, Natty. I am here to help because THAT is what I try to do for uninformed, temper tantrum throwing snowflakes such as yourself.
Trump goes rogue and singlehandedly upends US policy and makes us look the fool around the world .

One of the servile class defends the deep state again. And for the benefit of the “the world” (by which he always means France and Germany).

We elected Donald Trump to set US policy. And set it he will. To hell with whichever shadowy groups you think should be setting “US policy”.
That is not what US Intelligence is saying. Nothing wrong with pulling troops out of harms way, but there is a reason our allies, the intelligence communities and Republicans in general are all upset over this move.

A fine list of deep state rulers, failed economies and sycophants.
US intelligence doesn’t set policy. Nor the EU. Nor RINOS. Nor the media.
Well not anymore.
LMAO!!!!!! Leftards have suddenly become war hawks? Man oh man, leftards didn't have a fucking thing to say when Barrypuppet was condoning drone strikes on innocent people while turning a blind eye to the fact that ISIS is a deep state proxy army that was used to protect the oil interests of Barrypuppet's bosses. Hmmmm? How many times did the intel agencies like the CIA and MI5/MI6 get stone-cold busted for dropping supplies to their ISIS pals but claiming it had been intended for the people that weren being terrorized? What admin signed off on a few hundred million for beheading propaganda videos? Which jug-eared queer with the tranny wife signed off on showing footage of ISIS caravans being blown up by Russian jet fighters and then claim it was HIS military doing it under his command?

OH! (and here is a good one!) which deep state, bi-racial homosexual with a tranny wife "leader" along with a disgusting **** SoS signed off on the killing of Qaddafi and putting the Libyan people in a perilous position and left at the hands of CIA backed terrorists while acting totally oblivious to the fact that 300 plus tons of gold disappeared as if by magic and a central bank was put in place?

If you answered "Barry Soetoro aka BAAAAAAAHRACK Hussein OBAMA??? Here is a cigar and a blowtorch to light it with.

Consider your ass thoroughly kicked but please accept the T-shirt, commemorative coffee cup and a version of the home game of "Dale Just Kicked The Shit Out Me" as parting gifts and a token of my appreciation for playing.

View attachment 235747 :abgg2q.jpg::dance:
Your fantasies are highly entertaining.

Syria was destroyed by “US policy”. Along with the rest of the Mid East. A half million dead from ObMa and Hillary’s warmongering “Arab spring”.
It’s turnrd into an Arab Winter.
Not to mention the terrible destruction resulting from Obama and Kerry overthrowing the elected President if Ukraine.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Western nations have no right to remain in a sovereign nation. It's that simple.
Russia's staying though huh?

The payoff begins

“I am Barack Hussein Soweto Obama and I am so smart...only dumb Republicans think Russia is a threat...”


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