Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
oooo - the pillar of honesty and unbiased bitching at trump again.

Instead of attacking me, address the issue. Do yuo agree with Trump's actions?
didn't read it cause you're attacking trump, not the issues around trumps actions.

when you actually want to talk issues, let's go. but for now you're just an ORANGE MAN BAD meme around here.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
oooo - the pillar of honesty and unbiased bitching at trump again.

Instead of attacking me, address the issue. Do yuo agree with Trump's actions?
didn't read it cause you're attacking trump, not the issues around trumps actions.

when you actually want to talk issues, let's go. but for now you're just an ORANGE MAN BAD meme around here.
Where am I mistaken?
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
oooo - the pillar of honesty and unbiased bitching at trump again.

Instead of attacking me, address the issue. Do yuo agree with Trump's actions?
didn't read it cause you're attacking trump, not the issues around trumps actions.

when you actually want to talk issues, let's go. but for now you're just an ORANGE MAN BAD meme around here.
Where am I mistaken?
DONALD DUMBASS in your headline. that's an attack son. you really don't give a fuck what the issue is - whatever trump did you'll take the other side and simply insult donald and not his actions nor the issue.

and then going "don't attack people, talk issues!" while the only purpose for this shit is to attack a person.
NOT the issues.
All the war mongers are up in arms about the US leaving Syria
Well too fucking bad, Syria means nothing to the US, a waste of time and money for us to be there, Now we need to remove our troops from the rest of the region.
All the war mongers are up in arms about the US leaving Syria
Well too fucking bad, Syria means nothing to the US, a waste of time and money for us to be there, Now we need to remove our troops from the rest of the region.
Well there was that pipeline that didn’t get built across the region, the belt and road terminal that has been delayed, and the ongoing US destabilization of the region through jihadis that will go down in flames.
Trump is betraying every soldier, Marine, airman, and sailor who fought in Iraq and Syria. He is betraying every American fighting man or woman who was wounded or killed. He is betraying all Americans.

Donald Trump is now in the service of Iran, Syria, and Russia.
Hysterics is not argument supported by ration or reason.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
oooo - the pillar of honesty and unbiased bitching at trump again.

Instead of attacking me, address the issue. Do yuo agree with Trump's actions?
didn't read it cause you're attacking trump, not the issues around trumps actions.

when you actually want to talk issues, let's go. but for now you're just an ORANGE MAN BAD meme around here.
Where am I mistaken?
DONALD DUMBASS in your headline. that's an attack son. you really don't give a fuck what the issue is - whatever trump did you'll take the other side and simply insult donald and not his actions nor the issue.

and then going "don't attack people, talk issues!" while the only purpose for this shit is to attack a person.
NOT the issues.
Yes the banner was incendiary, but so are many on these type forums. It does not take away from the larger issues at play. So what is your opinion.
I can not help but look at the title of the thread and laugh at snowflakes.

Barak Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, committed an International War Crime by invading a sovereign country without the request or permission of that nation's President or government, putting US troops into harm's way in the middle of a civil war in which no less than 5 separate entities were fighting to help ISIS terrorists and in an attempt to overthrow a President supported and under the protection of Vladimir Putin / Russia, who was NEVER going to allow al-Assad to be removed from power...

....Donald Trump steps up to the plate and does in 2 years, once again, what Obama could not get done in 8 years - pull US troops out of combat / harm's way...

...and butt-hurt, hate-driven, emotionally manipulated snowflakes call HIM the 'dumbass' and tries to convince us that HE is the 'bad guy' for pulling troops out....

Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Pulling out of Syria is not a problem, if you want to call him Donald Dumbass
then that would be for giving up on the wall while giving Mexico and South America 11 Billion dollars
Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Well, ISIS is all but defeated, but it was Putin and Assad that accomplished the defeat. The US has flown air cover for the jihadis rather than bomb them.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Pulling out of Syria is not a problem, if you want to call him Donald Dumbass
then that would be for giving up on the wall while giving Mexico and South America 11 Billion dollars
That would be Congress giving that money to the facilitators of our invaders. Trump said he will gladly take the blame for shutting down the government....and now he can take the blame for 'caving in' so quickly, but not for coming up with the idea of rewarding those countries.
Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Well, ISIS is all but defeated, but it was Putin and Assad that accomplished the defeat. The US has flown air cover for the jihadis rather than bomb them.
Never should have invaded, but Barry never met a terrorist he did not like or did not want to support....
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Pulling out of Syria is not a problem, if you want to call him Donald Dumbass
then that would be for giving up on the wall while giving Mexico and South America 11 Billion dollars
That would be Congress giving that money to the facilitators of our invaders. Trump said he will gladly take the blame for shutting down the government....and now he can take the blame for 'caving in' so quickly, but not for coming up with the idea of rewarding those countries.

He already caved on the shut down. He lasted a whole week. What a pussy.
oooo - the pillar of honesty and unbiased bitching at trump again.

Instead of attacking me, address the issue. Do yuo agree with Trump's actions?
didn't read it cause you're attacking trump, not the issues around trumps actions.

when you actually want to talk issues, let's go. but for now you're just an ORANGE MAN BAD meme around here.
Where am I mistaken?
DONALD DUMBASS in your headline. that's an attack son. you really don't give a fuck what the issue is - whatever trump did you'll take the other side and simply insult donald and not his actions nor the issue.

and then going "don't attack people, talk issues!" while the only purpose for this shit is to attack a person.
NOT the issues.
Yes the banner was incendiary, but so are many on these type forums. It does not take away from the larger issues at play. So what is your opinion.
i'm glad we're pulling out of syria. i hope we keep pulling out of the middle east and leave them to their own issues and stop meddling over there as i don't see a ton of value to us by being there right now.

i don't change stance on things because of who is doing it. your stance at this point sounds like you think we should stay there, or not say we've done damage to isis, or the like but it can be hard to tell cause you're not actually talking issues, you're using issues to beat up trump.

what would you do over there?
Instead of attacking me, address the issue. Do yuo agree with Trump's actions?
didn't read it cause you're attacking trump, not the issues around trumps actions.

when you actually want to talk issues, let's go. but for now you're just an ORANGE MAN BAD meme around here.
Where am I mistaken?
DONALD DUMBASS in your headline. that's an attack son. you really don't give a fuck what the issue is - whatever trump did you'll take the other side and simply insult donald and not his actions nor the issue.

and then going "don't attack people, talk issues!" while the only purpose for this shit is to attack a person.
NOT the issues.
Yes the banner was incendiary, but so are many on these type forums. It does not take away from the larger issues at play. So what is your opinion.
i'm glad we're pulling out of syria. i hope we keep pulling out of the middle east and leave them to their own issues and stop meddling over there as i don't see a ton of value to us by being there right now.

i don't change stance on things because of who is doing it. your stance at this point sounds like you think we should stay there, or not say we've done damage to isis, or the like but it can be hard to tell cause you're not actually talking issues, you're using issues to beat up trump.

what would you do over there?

In my initial link to this thread, it quotes Administration officials that they wanted a more coordinated and thought out withdrawal.

"Behind the scenes, the Pentagon leadership was still trying to persuade the president to accept a managed, more gradual withdrawal, according to sources familiar with the discussions."

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

I would do what the generals and intelligence community recommends.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Pulling out of Syria is not a problem, if you want to call him Donald Dumbass
then that would be for giving up on the wall while giving Mexico and South America 11 Billion dollars
That would be Congress giving that money to the facilitators of our invaders. Trump said he will gladly take the blame for shutting down the government....and now he can take the blame for 'caving in' so quickly, but not for coming up with the idea of rewarding those countries.

He already caved on the shut down. He lasted a whole week. What a pussy.

So you wanted the Wall?

Your previous posts communicated something different.
didn't read it cause you're attacking trump, not the issues around trumps actions.

when you actually want to talk issues, let's go. but for now you're just an ORANGE MAN BAD meme around here.
Where am I mistaken?
DONALD DUMBASS in your headline. that's an attack son. you really don't give a fuck what the issue is - whatever trump did you'll take the other side and simply insult donald and not his actions nor the issue.

and then going "don't attack people, talk issues!" while the only purpose for this shit is to attack a person.
NOT the issues.
Yes the banner was incendiary, but so are many on these type forums. It does not take away from the larger issues at play. So what is your opinion.
i'm glad we're pulling out of syria. i hope we keep pulling out of the middle east and leave them to their own issues and stop meddling over there as i don't see a ton of value to us by being there right now.

i don't change stance on things because of who is doing it. your stance at this point sounds like you think we should stay there, or not say we've done damage to isis, or the like but it can be hard to tell cause you're not actually talking issues, you're using issues to beat up trump.

what would you do over there?

In my initial link to this thread, it quotes Administration officials that they wanted a more coordinated and thought out withdrawal.

"Behind the scenes, the Pentagon leadership was still trying to persuade the president to accept a managed, more gradual withdrawal, according to sources familiar with the discussions."

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

I would do what the generals and intelligence community recommends.
in the end trump usually does that. tells the world about his wonderful new idea and then does what his experts say to do. while he is annoying in that light, that doesn't make what he does wrong.

i want us out, he's going to get us out. he's doing what i want in the end. now while we get what we want, it would seem people then complain HOW he does what we want.

you again revert to anything to call him a dumbass. while i may not disagree with you there, it does get old to always bitch at trump regardless of whether he's doing what we want or not.
Those who voted for a wall, but won’t vote to fund the Wall are c words.

C words. Utter d word w word c words.

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