Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Pumping weapons into Saudi-Arabia and PKK, and money into Israel hasn't prevented Russia from entering Middle-East and Iran's and Turkey's ascendance.

USA miscalculated badly in West-Asia.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Our time of supremacy in the Middle East is over.
Of course the military is shocked. Their only business is to make war. Now they're being told this party is over.
Of course ISIS, or whatever extremist group it morphs into next, hasn't been "defeated." That's ridiculous. But they have had their territory taken away, and that is a big help. It was hard to believe when on the news each night it showed all the parts of Syria and Iraq that had been taken over by ISIS, seemingly overnight. It has taken a long time and a lot of lives to get that land back. However, the young people who were caught in those areas were raised to believe the extremists' schlock, and in the hopes of not killing civilians, we let most of the ISIS supporters walk away every time.
When extremist beliefs are defeated by the Muslim faith, that is when ISIS will be defeated. All we can do is protect ourselves; we can't do it.

All we can do is protect ourselves? WTF, an open border is not a good solution.
Can we please talk about one thing at a time? Are you going to throw in abortion as well?

You're the one that suggested we protect ourselves.
and we should. that involves a lot more than open borders. to go from get out of syria to YOU WANT OPEN BORDERS is absurd.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

I'm far from being a hawk, but, the Ayatollah and the Mullahs in Iran will be busy high-fiving each other all day today! Erdogan will be thrilled that you are leaving the best Anti-ISIS fighters and our most loyal allies in the region, the Kurds, hanging in the wind! I can hear the champagne corks popping in Putin's office from here! Assad will be partying like it's 1999! Could trump be any more of a bonehead?
Not even the most ardent Trump supporter could ignore or try to mitigate the damaging barrage of headlines assaulting this hapless administration.

So, what can a besieged, clueless Trump do???.........

Simple answer: Redirect the conversation by making a decision that can piss off virtually everyone' that is, order a withdrawal of our troops from Syria.....

Who are then the WINNERS" of such an unexpected (and moronic) decision to pull out of Syria?

a. Temporarily, Trump himself.......He gets a reprieve from being blasted for corruption, to being blasted as the worst of decision-makers and deal-maker.

b. Putin must be toasting vintage vodka all over the Kremlin

c. Iran must be declaring a national holiday

d. Erdogan of Turkey is probably dancing in the streets of Ankara

e. ....and, of course, ISIS must be thinking they got a commutation of their life-sentence

So, who are the LOSERS???

a. Most of all the Kurds who.....after being our staunchest allies in fighting ISIS, will now be slaughtered by the combined forces of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and certainly ISIS.

b. Israel who must be trying to figure out how they can call Trump a traitor to their cause after just recently praising him.

c. All the NATO allies who will be left alone in Syria claiming that the 2020 US elections can't come fast enough.

d. ALL OF US in America who must wonder how we can afford 6,000 troops to fight off the so-called caravans at the Mexican border.....but can't afford 1800 troops in Syria.

I imagine you're beating a hasty path to your local military recruitment center, amirite?
LMAO!!!!!! Leftards have suddenly become war hawks? Man oh man, leftards didn't have a fucking thing to say when Barrypuppet was condoning drone strikes on innocent people while turning a blind eye to the fact that ISIS is a deep state proxy army that was used to protect the oil interests of Barrypuppet's bosses. Hmmmm? How many times did the intel agencies like the CIA and MI5/MI6 get stone-cold busted for dropping supplies to their ISIS pals but claiming it had been intended for the people that weren being terrorized? What admin signed off on a few hundred million for beheading propaganda videos? Which jug-eared queer with the tranny wife signed off on showing footage of ISIS caravans being blown up by Russian jet fighters and then claim it was HIS military doing it under his command?

OH! (and here is a good one!) which deep state, bi-racial homosexual with a tranny wife "leader" along with a disgusting **** SoS signed off on the killing of Qaddafi and putting the Libyan people in a perilous position and left at the hands of CIA backed terrorists while acting totally oblivious to the fact that 300 plus tons of gold disappeared as if by magic and a central bank was put in place?

If you answered "Barry Soetoro aka BAAAAAAAHRACK Hussein OBAMA??? Here is a cigar and a blowtorch to light it with.

Consider your ass thoroughly kicked but please accept the T-shirt, commemorative coffee cup and a version of the home game of "Dale Just Kicked The Shit Out Me" as parting gifts and a token of my appreciation for playing.

View attachment 235747 :abgg2q.jpg::dance:
Your fantasies are highly entertaining.

LMAO!!!!!! Leftards have suddenly become war hawks? Man oh man, leftards didn't have a fucking thing to say when Barrypuppet was condoning drone strikes on innocent people while turning a blind eye to the fact that ISIS is a deep state proxy army that was used to protect the oil interests of Barrypuppet's bosses. Hmmmm? How many times did the intel agencies like the CIA and MI5/MI6 get stone-cold busted for dropping supplies to their ISIS pals but claiming it had been intended for the people that weren being terrorized? What admin signed off on a few hundred million for beheading propaganda videos? Which jug-eared queer with the tranny wife signed off on showing footage of ISIS caravans being blown up by Russian jet fighters and then claim it was HIS military doing it under his command?

OH! (and here is a good one!) which deep state, bi-racial homosexual with a tranny wife "leader" along with a disgusting **** SoS signed off on the killing of Qaddafi and putting the Libyan people in a perilous position and left at the hands of CIA backed terrorists while acting totally oblivious to the fact that 300 plus tons of gold disappeared as if by magic and a central bank was put in place?

If you answered "Barry Soetoro aka BAAAAAAAHRACK Hussein OBAMA??? Here is a cigar and a blowtorch to light it with.

Consider your ass thoroughly kicked but please accept the T-shirt, commemorative coffee cup and a version of the home game of "Dale Just Kicked The Shit Out Me" as parting gifts and a token of my appreciation for playing.

View attachment 235747 :abgg2q.jpg::dance:
Your fantasies are highly entertaining.

WRONG, Marcus! WRONG! Wanna try Double Jeopardy were the stakes are higher and the questions are harder?
Is it any wonder why I write the headlines I do. DJT tweeted that he would destroy ISIS if they attacked the US. Didn't he just say that ISIS was defeated and that was why he was withdrawing from Syria? Are we being led by President Sybil? How can you take what he says seriously from one moment to the next?



Donald J. Trump

....Russia, Iran, Syria & many others are not happy about the U.S. leaving, despite what the Fake News says, because now they will have to fight ISIS and others, who they hate, without us. I am building by far the most powerful military in the world. ISIS hits us they are doomed!
7:16 AM · Dec 20, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone
Pumping weapons into Saudi-Arabia and PKK, and money into Israel hasn't prevented Russia from entering Middle-East and Iran's and Turkey's ascendance.

USA miscalculated badly in West-Asia.
Why do we need to be there?
Not even the most ardent Trump supporter could ignore or try to mitigate the damaging barrage of headlines assaulting this hapless administration.

So, what can a besieged, clueless Trump do???.........

Simple answer: Redirect the conversation by making a decision that can piss off virtually everyone' that is, order a withdrawal of our troops from Syria.....

Who are then the WINNERS" of such an unexpected (and moronic) decision to pull out of Syria?

a. Temporarily, Trump himself.......He gets a reprieve from being blasted for corruption, to being blasted as the worst of decision-makers and deal-maker.

b. Putin must be toasting vintage vodka all over the Kremlin

c. Iran must be declaring a national holiday

d. Erdogan of Turkey is probably dancing in the streets of Ankara

e. ....and, of course, ISIS must be thinking they got a commutation of their life-sentence

So, who are the LOSERS???

a. Most of all the Kurds who.....after being our staunchest allies in fighting ISIS, will now be slaughtered by the combined forces of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and certainly ISIS.

b. Israel who must be trying to figure out how they can call Trump a traitor to their cause after just recently praising him.

c. All the NATO allies who will be left alone in Syria claiming that the 2020 US elections can't come fast enough.

d. ALL OF US in America who must wonder how we can afford 6,000 troops to fight off the so-called caravans at the Mexican border.....but can't afford 1800 troops in Syria.

I imagine you're beating a hasty path to your local military recruitment center, amirite?

I doubt it, Natty seems to be one of those "Light in the Loafers" types. Natty is simply pissed that another one of Barrypuppet's initiatives have been kicked to the curb. Do you think that Marcus will ever come to grips of what a failed bit the Barrypuppet was?
Is it any wonder why I write the headlines I do. DJT tweeted that he would destroy ISIS if they attacked the US. Didn't he just say that ISIS was defeated and that was why he was withdrawing from Syria? Are we being led by President Sybil? How can you take what he says seriously from one moment to the next?



Donald J. Trump

....Russia, Iran, Syria & many others are not happy about the U.S. leaving, despite what the Fake News says, because now they will have to fight ISIS and others, who they hate, without us. I am building by far the most powerful military in the world. ISIS hits us they are doomed!
7:16 AM · Dec 20, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone
glad you kicked him out of your head. :)
I doubt it, Natty seems to be one of those "Light in the Loafers" types. Natty is simply pissed that another one of Barrypuppet's initiatives have been kicked to the curb. Do you think that Marcus will ever come to grips of what a failed bit the Barrypuppet was?

I'm getting a real charge out of all the keyboard kommandos on the left, who all sound like born-again Bushbots. :auiqs.jpg:
Not even the most ardent Trump supporter could ignore or try to mitigate the damaging barrage of headlines assaulting this hapless administration.

So, what can a besieged, clueless Trump do???.........

Simple answer: Redirect the conversation by making a decision that can piss off virtually everyone' that is, order a withdrawal of our troops from Syria.....

Who are then the WINNERS" of such an unexpected (and moronic) decision to pull out of Syria?

a. Temporarily, Trump himself.......He gets a reprieve from being blasted for corruption, to being blasted as the worst of decision-makers and deal-maker.

b. Putin must be toasting vintage vodka all over the Kremlin

c. Iran must be declaring a national holiday

d. Erdogan of Turkey is probably dancing in the streets of Ankara

e. ....and, of course, ISIS must be thinking they got a commutation of their life-sentence

So, who are the LOSERS???

a. Most of all the Kurds who.....after being our staunchest allies in fighting ISIS, will now be slaughtered by the combined forces of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and certainly ISIS.

b. Israel who must be trying to figure out how they can call Trump a traitor to their cause after just recently praising him.

c. All the NATO allies who will be left alone in Syria claiming that the 2020 US elections can't come fast enough.

d. ALL OF US in America who must wonder how we can afford 6,000 troops to fight off the so-called caravans at the Mexican border.....but can't afford 1800 troops in Syria.

What to do when the paid propagandists get hysterical about President Trump’s tweets? What to do when they howl about Russia, and “collusion”?

Well, we laugh at it. It’s quite comical to see the MSM in its death throes. These poor media elite have been able to control the narrative and shape people’s minds about the issues for decades. Now that’s all falling apart thanks to the internet, YouTube, and social media. They are more irrelevant than ever, and only get more irrelevant with each passing day.

No, you can’t convince us we need to go to war in Syria.
No, you can’t convince us to go to war against Russia for the Ukraine.
No, you can’t convince us to become biology deniers.
No, you can’t convince us to give up the second amendment.
No, you can’t convince us to give up the first amendment.

Yes, we can ignore your Fake News headlines, because you still have nothing on President Trump. He won’t be impeached and removed office, no matter how much you dumb twats whine about it like petulant children.
Russia has been in the middle east all along. Democrat socialists believe or at least trying to sell, that we went to war in Syria to take the Russian navy base and eject Russia from Syria. It was never going to happen.
Is it any wonder why I write the headlines I do. DJT tweeted that he would destroy ISIS if they attacked the US. Didn't he just say that ISIS was defeated and that was why he was withdrawing from Syria? Are we being led by President Sybil? How can you take what he says seriously from one moment to the next?



Donald J. Trump

....Russia, Iran, Syria & many others are not happy about the U.S. leaving, despite what the Fake News says, because now they will have to fight ISIS and others, who they hate, without us. I am building by far the most powerful military in the world. ISIS hits us they are doomed!
7:16 AM · Dec 20, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone
glad you kicked him out of your head. :)
Seriously, why would he write something like that? I am just reporting what he said and pointing out the contradiction. I have a thread going on it all ready.

So has he or has he not defeated ISIS?
Russia has been in the middle east all along. Democrat socialists believe or at least trying to sell, that we went to war in Syria to take the Russian navy base and eject Russia from Syria. It was never going to happen.
Shocking that Putin would't want goat raping ISIS freaks infesting the border republics in south Asia, innit?
Is it any wonder why I write the headlines I do. DJT tweeted that he would destroy ISIS if they attacked the US. Didn't he just say that ISIS was defeated and that was why he was withdrawing from Syria? Are we being led by President Sybil? How can you take what he says seriously from one moment to the next?



Donald J. Trump

....Russia, Iran, Syria & many others are not happy about the U.S. leaving, despite what the Fake News says, because now they will have to fight ISIS and others, who they hate, without us. I am building by far the most powerful military in the world. ISIS hits us they are doomed!
7:16 AM · Dec 20, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone
glad you kicked him out of your head. :)
Seriously, why would he write something like that? I am just reporting what he said and pointing out the contradiction. I have a thread going on it all ready.

So has he or has he not defeated ISIS?
he writes stupid shit daily. to follow him around and go LOOK STUPID to me is like pavlovs dogs.
Not even the most ardent Trump supporter could ignore or try to mitigate the damaging barrage of headlines assaulting this hapless administration.

So, what can a besieged, clueless Trump do???.........

Simple answer: Redirect the conversation by making a decision that can piss off virtually everyone' that is, order a withdrawal of our troops from Syria.....

Who are then the WINNERS" of such an unexpected (and moronic) decision to pull out of Syria?

a. Temporarily, Trump himself.......He gets a reprieve from being blasted for corruption, to being blasted as the worst of decision-makers and deal-maker.

b. Putin must be toasting vintage vodka all over the Kremlin

c. Iran must be declaring a national holiday

d. Erdogan of Turkey is probably dancing in the streets of Ankara

e. ....and, of course, ISIS must be thinking they got a commutation of their life-sentence

So, who are the LOSERS???

a. Most of all the Kurds who.....after being our staunchest allies in fighting ISIS, will now be slaughtered by the combined forces of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and certainly ISIS.

b. Israel who must be trying to figure out how they can call Trump a traitor to their cause after just recently praising him.

c. All the NATO allies who will be left alone in Syria claiming that the 2020 US elections can't come fast enough.

d. ALL OF US in America who must wonder how we can afford 6,000 troops to fight off the so-called caravans at the Mexican border.....but can't afford 1800 troops in Syria.

What to do when the paid propagandists get hysterical about President Trump’s tweets? What to do when they howl about Russia, and “collusion”?

Well, we laugh at it. It’s quite comical to see the MSM in its death throes. These poor media elite have been able to control the narrative and shape people’s minds about the issues for decades. Now that’s all falling apart thanks to the internet, YouTube, and social media. They are more irrelevant than ever, and only get more irrelevant with each passing day.

No, you can’t convince us we need to go to war in Syria.
No, you can’t convince us to go to war against Russia for the Ukraine.
No, you can’t convince us to become biology deniers.
No, you can’t convince us to give up the second amendment.
No, you can’t convince us to give up the first amendment.

Yes, we can ignore your Fake News headlines, because you still have nothing on President Trump. He won’t be impeached and removed office, no matter how much you dumb twats whine about it like petulant children.

Damn!!! Post Of The Day if not the for the entire month......

Not even the most ardent Trump supporter could ignore or try to mitigate the damaging barrage of headlines assaulting this hapless administration.

So, what can a besieged, clueless Trump do???.........

Simple answer: Redirect the conversation by making a decision that can piss off virtually everyone' that is, order a withdrawal of our troops from Syria.....

Who are then the WINNERS" of such an unexpected (and moronic) decision to pull out of Syria?

a. Temporarily, Trump himself.......He gets a reprieve from being blasted for corruption, to being blasted as the worst of decision-makers and deal-maker.

b. Putin must be toasting vintage vodka all over the Kremlin

c. Iran must be declaring a national holiday

d. Erdogan of Turkey is probably dancing in the streets of Ankara

e. ....and, of course, ISIS must be thinking they got a commutation of their life-sentence

So, who are the LOSERS???

a. Most of all the Kurds who.....after being our staunchest allies in fighting ISIS, will now be slaughtered by the combined forces of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and certainly ISIS.

b. Israel who must be trying to figure out how they can call Trump a traitor to their cause after just recently praising him.

c. All the NATO allies who will be left alone in Syria claiming that the 2020 US elections can't come fast enough.

d. ALL OF US in America who must wonder how we can afford 6,000 troops to fight off the so-called caravans at the Mexican border.....but can't afford 1800 troops in Syria.

Sorry, not the headlines, it's the frequency of the stupidity from liberals.
Not even the most ardent Trump supporter could ignore or try to mitigate the damaging barrage of headlines assaulting this hapless administration.

So, what can a besieged, clueless Trump do???.........

Simple answer: Redirect the conversation by making a decision that can piss off virtually everyone' that is, order a withdrawal of our troops from Syria.....

It ain't the headlines killing the Trumpy, it's his stupidity, as put in evidence by listening to none other than the voices in his head.

On the other hand...

Withdrawing less than 2,000 U.S. troops from Syria now spells the impending collapse of the whole region? Doesn't that strike you as slightly over-blown? Yes, the Kurds are being abandoned, and all the worse off for it, but that was going to happen anyway, for geopolitical and strategic reason, because their aims are incompatible with the aims of basically everybody else in the region. So, "Sorry Kurds, you didn't think it would be different this time than the dozens of previous instances when you were left out in the cold, right? So, keep your heads down, don't call us, we'll call the next time we need you."

But, whatever, here's your reward so far, from the intellectually helpless and their "funny" button:

Funny x 5
Dale Smith

There's more to come, surely.
Last edited:
Russia has been in the middle east all along. Democrat socialists believe or at least trying to sell, that we went to war in Syria to take the Russian navy base and eject Russia from Syria. It was never going to happen.
Shocking that Putin would't want goat raping ISIS freaks infesting the border republics in south Asia, innit?
All this came because shitstain obama supported ISIS in the very beginning.

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