Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Read that^^^^^....this guy takes his CNN lessons to heart...a total lie...Trump hasn't pulled one troop out but look at that CNN/NY TIMES type of headline...this is why they will lose in the end...because they are dishonest...just like the OP....
Does anyone have any fucking clue what the fucking losers on the left like the fucking pathetic OP stand for?

Fucking isis created after their negro messiah pulled out of Iraq after Bush enforced the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds that clinton signed.

They cheered when clinton signed it, bitched when Bush enforced it, cheered when their negro messiah pulled out and created isis, bitched like the losers they are when Trump sent troops to Syria and now bitch when he pulls them out.

Democrat socialists have been trying to start a shooting war with Russia for at least two years. They want to be able to say Trump started WWIII.
Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Read that^^^^^....this guy takes his CNN lessons to heart...a total lie...Trump hasn't pulled one troop out but look at that CNN/NY TIMES type of headline...this is why they will lose in the end...because they are dishonest...just like the OP....
In addition to be being a rabid Trumpist. a guy with a signature meme tying Comey to Hillary should not be lecturing anyone on dishonesty.
Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Read that^^^^^....this guy takes his CNN lessons to heart...a total lie...Trump hasn't pulled one troop out but look at that CNN/NY TIMES type of headline...this is why they will lose in the end...because they are dishonest...just like the OP....
In addition to be being a rabid Trumpist. a guy with a signature meme tying Comey to Hillary should not be lecturing anyone on dishonesty.
I just pinned a can choose to believe it or not...but I didn't out and out lie like you did....
Does anyone have any fucking clue what the fucking losers on the left like the fucking pathetic OP stand for?

Fucking isis created after their negro messiah pulled out of Iraq after Bush enforced the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds that clinton signed.

They cheered when clinton signed it, bitched when Bush enforced it, cheered when their negro messiah pulled out and created isis, bitched like the losers they are when Trump sent troops to Syria and now bitch when he pulls them out.

Talk about dishonesty. W. and his invasion of Iraq that you and your ilk pushed for and lied about, and are still lying about, created this mess in the middle east. All your distortion of history does not change that fact.
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Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
We have no reason to be in Syria, Or presence there is doing no one any good let them piece of shit fucking Muslims kill each other because that’s all they care about is killing each other and fighting it has not changed for centuries...
Shut the fuck up
Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Read that^^^^^....this guy takes his CNN lessons to heart...a total lie...Trump hasn't pulled one troop out but look at that CNN/NY TIMES type of headline...this is why they will lose in the end...because they are dishonest...just like the OP....
In addition to be being a rabid Trumpist. a guy with a signature meme tying Comey to Hillary should not be lecturing anyone on dishonesty.
I just pinned a can choose to believe it or not...but I didn't out and out lie like you did....

How is that lie. Read my link. Geesus, even Republicans are saying what I am saying. Get with it.
The libs hate Trump so much that they have turned into hawks....LMFAO.....
Jerry Garcia is rolling over in his grave....
The libs have always been the warhawks. Always.

Don't ever fall for their fake peacenik shit.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Western nations have no right to remain in a sovereign nation. It's that simple.
Russia's staying though huh?

The payoff begins
Russia is staying. That's what you said. Russia is staying. Big news, Russia has been in Syria for decades. They have a major naval port in Syria. Absent an all out nuclear war, we would never drive Russia out of Syria. They will never give up that port. Russia is prepared to go to the mat for that port. How many Americans do you want to kill to take that port? That includes bombing our cities.
America has no business putting it's troops into a sovereign country that does not want them there AND is not at war with America.

And ISIS no longer has a meaningful presence in there is no need to have US troops stationed there - risking their necks - for nothing.
Normally I might agree. There is a right way and wrong way. Taking you allies and your own military and intelligence units by surprise is not generally a good thing. When your enemies are elated, one may wish to ponder why.
You’re a fucking moron, our presence over there is doing no one any good especially our troops
Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Didn't Trump criticize President Obama when he publicly announced his withdrawal from Iraq?
We hadn't won in Iraq when Obama pulled us out so he could win re election....ISIS has been devastated in Syria and I expect we will still be supporting the it a good move?...we will see but I for one am tired of an endless war that congress doesn't have the guts to win....if they are going to get us into war...damn it win it as quickly as you can and get the hell out....

But get ready for the onslaught of pro endless war swampers....
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

We were doing nothing to hinder Russia in Syria and we had no winning hand and winning side to choose.

You people do not seem to understand the strategical importance of Syria to Russia, they would be willing to start WWIII over it...we are not thus we were wasting our time and money and lives being there.

You know I am no fan of Trump, but this was the right move, without question
Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Read that^^^^^....this guy takes his CNN lessons to heart...a total lie...Trump hasn't pulled one troop out but look at that CNN/NY TIMES type of headline...this is why they will lose in the end...because they are dishonest...just like the OP....
In addition to be being a rabid Trumpist. a guy with a signature meme tying Comey to Hillary should not be lecturing anyone on dishonesty.
I just pinned a can choose to believe it or not...but I didn't out and out lie like you did....

How is that lie. Read my link. Geesus, even Republicans are saying what I am saying. Get with it.
Your title is dishonest....CNN will be sending over a contract....
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Western nations have no right to remain in a sovereign nation. It's that simple.
Russia's staying though huh?

The payoff begins
Russia is staying. That's what you said. Russia is staying. Big news, Russia has been in Syria for decades. They have a major naval port in Syria. Absent an all out nuclear war, we would never drive Russia out of Syria. They will never give up that port. Russia is prepared to go to the mat for that port. How many Americans do you want to kill to take that port? That includes bombing our cities.

And Syria and Russia have been sworn allies since the 1940's. I'm screaming at the radio at Mark Levin now who is having a shit fit that we are pulling out.

Doesn't anyone get that Syria belongs to Syria and not freaking us?
Muslims will be Muslims they love the fight and kill each other… It’s been that way for centuries let them fuckers kill each other off

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