Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

U2Edge, post: 21431051
Yet, U.S. troops came back in 2014 and are still there today and Sadr has essentially done NOTHING about it.

Yes very few specialists went back in to assist in the fight against ISIS. What is your point?

Oldstyle is arguing that in 2011 the Iraqis wanted US troops to stay and Obama ONLY pulled them out to win re-election.

That is a lie.

It is not true. Sadr was kingmaker in 2011 that put Maliki in charge. Maliki then failed to treat Sunnis right. That is the reason ISIS got its foothold in Iraq. It was not because Bush’s deadline for Troops to stay passed and Obama’s wanted to pull 5000 Trainers out to be re-elected.

Are you trying to defend Oldstyle’s lies?
Oldstyle, post: 21430098
When you're dishing out that kind of call the shots! If Barack Obama had told the Iraqi leadership that he wanted a new SOFA in exchange for the billions they were about to receive and if he didn't get that SOFA then they weren't getting the billions...that new SOFA would have been signed so fast it would have made your head spin!

What billions were we giving Iraq beyond 2011.

You are such a bald faced liar.

About 0.325 billion

And $200 million of that goes to governance, human rights and democracy building. (See Muqtada al Sadr below. ) No way Iraqis could be coerced into keeping US troops beyond 2011 by threats to pull ‘human rights’ funding, You are a pathetic fool,

“In fiscal 2012, U.S. assistance is scheduled to run roughly $325 million, with more than $200 million going to democracy, governance and human rights programs. But the organizations running these programs face security problems.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

But we were selling $12 billion to Iraq. They were transferring their oil wealth to us. So it was ‘blood for oil (dollars)’

“One bright spot for Washington: Iraq’s heavy purchase of almost $12 billion in American weaponry, including the late September announcement of 18 F-16 fighters valued at $3 billion. The aircraft would be part of the program to provide Iraq with the means to protect its airspace from outside intrusions or attacks.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

iraq had leverage on us your poor self-deluded fool,

Muqtada al Sadr:

“Sadr's remarkable trajectory brought him home just as his political faction attains significant power, allied in Iraq's new national unity government with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who just a few years ago moved to crush Sadr's Mahdi Army.

It was Sadr's recent decision to support Maliki for a second term, in a deal brokered by Iran, that ended eight months of political deadlock and allowed Maliki, also a Shiite, to cobble together his new government two weeks ago.”

So please stop lying. You do not know anything about 2012 Iraq l.

"The State Department emphasized that the United States since 2014 had already given Iraq $1.7 billion in humanitarian aid and $6 billion in economic and security assistance, money mostly committed during the Obama administration."
Oldstyle, post: 21430098
When you're dishing out that kind of call the shots! If Barack Obama had told the Iraqi leadership that he wanted a new SOFA in exchange for the billions they were about to receive and if he didn't get that SOFA then they weren't getting the billions...that new SOFA would have been signed so fast it would have made your head spin!

What billions were we giving Iraq beyond 2011.

You are such a bald faced liar.

About 0.325 billion

And $200 million of that goes to governance, human rights and democracy building. (See Muqtada al Sadr below. ) No way Iraqis could be coerced into keeping US troops beyond 2011 by threats to pull ‘human rights’ funding, You are a pathetic fool,

“In fiscal 2012, U.S. assistance is scheduled to run roughly $325 million, with more than $200 million going to democracy, governance and human rights programs. But the organizations running these programs face security problems.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

But we were selling $12 billion to Iraq. They were transferring their oil wealth to us. So it was ‘blood for oil (dollars)’

“One bright spot for Washington: Iraq’s heavy purchase of almost $12 billion in American weaponry, including the late September announcement of 18 F-16 fighters valued at $3 billion. The aircraft would be part of the program to provide Iraq with the means to protect its airspace from outside intrusions or attacks.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

iraq had leverage on us your poor self-deluded fool,

Muqtada al Sadr:

“Sadr's remarkable trajectory brought him home just as his political faction attains significant power, allied in Iraq's new national unity government with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who just a few years ago moved to crush Sadr's Mahdi Army.

It was Sadr's recent decision to support Maliki for a second term, in a deal brokered by Iran, that ended eight months of political deadlock and allowed Maliki, also a Shiite, to cobble together his new government two weeks ago.”

So please stop lying. You do not know anything about 2012 Iraq l.

"The State Department emphasized that the United States since 2014 had already given Iraq $1.7 billion in humanitarian aid and $6 billion in economic and security assistance, money mostly committed during the Obama administration."
Oldstyle, post: 21431533
Iraq Wants $88 Billion for Rebuilding. Allies Offer a Fraction of That.

"The State Department emphasized that the United States since 2014 had already given Iraq $1.7 billion in humanitarian aid and $6 billion in economic and security assistance, money mostly committed during the Obama administration."

Why did you lie that Iraqis wanted troops to stay and that Obama could have used billions in promised aid as leverage to get Iraqis to accept immunity.

Sadr was not giving up on no immunity for anything.

You are so dishonest it is pitiful.
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The democrats say he's nuts. Republican congressmen are dismayed. His Secretary of Defense is resigning. The Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff say a withdrawal would be premature. The State Dept. a few days ago said there would be no withdrawal at this time.

However, Putin has come to Trump's rescue praising his plan. All that work the Russians did to get him elected seems to be paying off.
Vladimir Putin praises Trump's Syria withdrawal plan - CNN

Then Vlad Putin has more patriotism to the US than every ZIONIST TRAITOR summed together.
Hilarious to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly defending their Nobel Peace Prize Winning President who drug the United States into a war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and who committed an International War Crime by dragging the US into a 2nd war by invading a sovereign nation without that nation's request / permission....

Hilarious to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East and who condemned every President except for Barry for NOT pulling troops out now attacking President Trump for doing what even BARRY wouldn't do - PULL TROOPS OUT....

HILARIOUS to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly arguing the US must be the world's policeman, that it is a mistake to pull out of a nation we never should have invaded....
...and the way Democrats have shown they are willing to reverse course in a heartbeat just to oppose whatever it is President Trump wants, he should tweet out that he has changed his mind and strongly opposes building a wall.....THE DEMOCRATS WOULD FUND AND BUILD A WALL BY VALENTINES DAY....

Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Didn't Trump criticize President Obama when he publicly announced his withdrawal from Iraq?
We hadn't won in Iraq when Obama pulled us out so he could win re election....ISIS has been devastated in Syria and I expect we will still be supporting the it a good move?...we will see but I for one am tired of an endless war that congress doesn't have the guts to win....if they are going to get us into war...damn it win it as quickly as you can and get the hell out....

But get ready for the onslaught of pro endless war swampers....
I agree. Either be serious about winning or get out. Liberals had no problem tying our soldiers hands in Iraq and Afghanistan while reducing their numbers and basically making them targets when Obama was in office.
Generals Die in Bed

That includes the Liberal REMFs at the Pentagon who want to prosecute a frontline warrior for killing a Nazislami in a way that wasn't nice.
Hilarious to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly defending their Nobel Peace Prize Winning President who drug the United States into a war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and who committed an International War Crime by dragging the US into a 2nd war by invading a sovereign nation without that nation's request / permission....

You are either lying or just plain stupid. Can you explain what in the hell this sentence is about:

“Nobel Peace Prize Winning President who drug the United States into a war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01. “
After conferring with NO one in OUR Govt...
Making Putin and Erdogan happy men, and signing the death warrant for tens of thousands of Kurds.

People Like That Are Only Good for Making Moonshine

You can eat your Kurds and weigh your swollen hollow brain cavity, Miss Muffet. Your precious mountain monkeys will just have to tuffet out with no more weakling dependence on our power, treasure, and blood.
easyt65, post: 21434041
HILARIOUS to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly arguing the US must be the world's policeman, that it is a mistake to pull out of a nation we never should have invaded....

Neither Obama or Trumpo invaded Syria to overthrow an existing government that was zero threat to the US or anyone else to in the region in an action that Obama said would be a dumb war.

I opposed the US invasion of Iraq for the very reason that your Trumpo now figured out. Bush lied to justify the invasion. 4600 Americans died. You support that because you are an idiot.

Syria is entirety different. Obama sent advisers in to help locals kill ISIS. Very simple. I was for it when Obama sent them and I support when Trumpo sent more.

Pulling them out and abandons our allies is what I oppose.
So in your world Obama defeated Iraq right before an election and pulled out?

No, in the real world of reality and hard facts, Bush declared victory (the second big lie) and set the exact date that all trooos had to be pulled out.

Obama carried out the agreement Bush negotiated with the SOVEREIGN nation of Iraq. That SOVEREIGNTY is what Bush declared to be the victory since the WMD THING was all a lie according to Trumpo.

And you continue to bitch and moan because Obama recognized and honored Iraq’s SOVEREIGNTY before the time that anyone recognized ISIS to be any kind of threat.

Oh please how many treaties did the US government keep with the American Indians ?

It's the same thing .

As Shown in The Searchers, Made Before Whiteys Hating Whitey Took Over Harveywood

The American pioneers never made a treaty with the Indian savages; the elitist White-hating ruling class did. Another betrayal by the 19th Century multicultie monolith was that after the Civil War, the Army was reduced to 25,000 men, letting the powerless men out West get scalped, their wives raped, and their children kidnapped.
You are either lying or just plain stupid. Can you explain what in the hell this sentence is about:

“Nobel Peace Prize Winning President who drug the United States into a war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01. “

Are you too stupid to understand the obvious? Evidently so....

Barak Obama ordered the United States military to help Al Qaeda murder the leader of a sovereign nation and to take control of their own country.

Qaddafi, the Leader of Libya, was actually HELPING COALITION FORCES FIGHT TERRORISTS IN NORTHERN AFRICA when Barry decided to lend Am Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - the might of the US military to overthrow and murder Qaddafi and to seize power in Libya.

As their way of saying 'thank you', they later attacked the US Compound in Benghazi - a 3rd time - on 9/11/12 - the anniversary of 9/11/01, part of a Middle East-wide terrorist attack that consisted of attacks on 22 US Embassies and Compounds throughout the Middle East, murdering 4 Americans, to include the 1st US Ambassador murdered by terrorist attack in decades.
Thought this was about Syria, Russia Trump & what's going on now. how did Bush, Obama get in the conversation?
bear513, post: 21423161 bear513, post: 21423161
Oh please how many treatys did the US government keep with the American Indians ?

It's the same thing .

The 2008 SOFA is not a Treaty. So you are an idiot. The 2008 SOFA was kept an never broken. When the agreement expired Obama honored it and pulled out the Troops out as agreed in the first place. You are a double idiot.

Go back to hiding.
bear513, post: 21423165,
Obama pulled out of Iraq because he wanted to win an election,

Of course he wanted to win re-election It had absolutely nothing to do with re-election. That pull out was demanded by Iraq and it was negotiated and agreed to by Bush in December 2008.

You have a biased opinion. I have a fact recorded and documented in history.

So you saying Obama was a sheep president and just copied off Bush jr?

I agree



BO Jangles His Junk

I be no creepyass
Cracker from the boonies;
I be the lawn jockey of
The No-Limit Sunnis

If OPEC aks us
We burn down Damacsus

Bros aks me, "Hey, BO, whassup?"
I'm like, "Syria be syrup."

Arab hos be the ones who knows
Once you have Black,
You never go back

There be Groucho, Chico,
Harpo, Gummo, and Zeppo
But it be Karl Marx who tell me
Make duck soup out of Aleppo.
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Barak Obama ordered the United States military to help Al Qaeda murder the leader of a sovereign nation and to take control of their own country.

You are a liar. Before I advise you of your deceit I wanted to know exactly what the hell you think you were talking about.

When you make shit up you need to provide much more specifics, so we can know what what you are lying about right from the start.
I erased the line in my early post that said what's left Hillary & Soros. sure enough they are now brought into a conversation about what's going on TODAY with Syria Trump & Russia. thats funny.

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