Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

eagle1462010, post: 21429280
That is a CENTCOM REPORT..........not a OP PIECE saying PUTIN'S HAPPY....

They say that ISIS is whooped.......

2000 Fighters are more than small pockets. Why announce we are leaving now. I wouid want Obama to assist in killing every last one.

Why are the Kurds worried and feeling abandoned?

It makes no sense to announce wihdrawal now until all those vermin are terminated.
eagle1462010, post: 21429280
That is a CENTCOM REPORT..........not a OP PIECE saying PUTIN'S HAPPY....

They say that ISIS is whooped.......

2000 Fighters are more than small pockets. Why announce we are leaving now. I wouid want Obama to assist in killing every last one.

Why are the Kurds worried and feeling abandoned?

It makes no sense to announce wihdrawal now until all those vermin are terminated.
2000 isn't an army...........They are down to pockets of 1% of the country in remote areas ..............being chased by the kurds,Syrian army, and the Russians.........

That isn't an army anymore.............and it sure as hell isn't the HYPED up numbers the politicians are throwing out there..............
eagle1462010, post: 21429669
..............being chased by the kurds,Syrian army, and the Russians......


Not for long. Syrian Army and Russian troops are not chasing these terrorists.

It is US Special Forces and the Kurds - but our presence protects the Kurds.

“On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he was ready to launch a new cross-border military operation at any Ishtar smoment against the Kurdish Peoples' Protection Units, or YPG, which have been shielded from Turkey by the U.S. military presence.”

Allies React With Alarm to Trump Pull-out Tweet, Kurds Fear Turkish Attack

Without the US shielding the Kurds they may fighting for their lives and territory.

Trumpo’s outta here tweet comes at a bad time with no guarantee to the safety of our allies against ISIS. The Kurds.
the US won the war but their destruction probably wont be forgotten by the poor people of the Thirld World. Trump is laying the groundwork for more and more wars, from Yemen to Syria and beyond.
Oldstyle, post: 21426449
Obama didn't pull out troops because he "recognized and honored Iraq's SOVEREIGNTY".

How can you say that Obama did not honor and recognize Iraq’s sovereign and final decision that all US troops had to leave Iraq in accordance with the 2008 agreement that Bush signed?

You wanted Obama to keep troops there and other loons say Obama could have kept them there through the use of Military force against Iraqis. That is not a scenario that can in any way be described as respecting Iraq’s sovereignty.

Why are you lying about that?

You're truly an idiot! Obama wouldn't have had to use military force against the Iraqis to get a new Status of Forces Agreement! All he would have had to do to get a new SOFA was demand it from the Iraqis government because THEY didn't want all of the US combat troops withdrawn but politically they couldn't be seen to be asking the US to stay! If Obama had made keeping 30,000 combat troops in place a condition on our continuing to pour money into Iraq to rebuild the country the Iraqi leadership would have GLADLY conceded to that demand! They would have been able to tell the Iraqi public that they'd had no choice and were forced to redo the SOFA in order to get US aid!

The truth is that Barry never wanted a new SOFA because he had no intention of keeping US combat troops in Iraq. So with a US President that had zero interest in seeking a new SOFA...why would any Iraqi leader commit political suicide by offering it?
we need to shield the american people from the 3 giant marauders that destroy humanity: Trump, Tyranny, and...Twar!
So in your world Obama defeated Iraq right before an election and pulled out?

No, in the real world of reality and hard facts, Bush declared victory (the second big lie) and set the exact date that all trooos had to be pulled out.

Obama carried out the agreement Bush negotiated with the SOVEREIGN nation of Iraq. That SOVEREIGNTY is what Bush declared to be the victory since the WMD THING was all a lie according to Trumpo.

And you continue to bitch and moan because Obama recognized and honored Iraq’s SOVEREIGNTY before the time that anyone recognized ISIS to be any kind of threat.

That's total bullshit! Obama didn't pull out troops because he "recognized and honored Iraq's SOVEREIGNTY"...he pulled out troops because he wanted to run for reelection as the President who pulled our combat troops out of the Middle East! Barry couldn't have care less about Iraq's "sovereignty"! It was all about politics. Obama's military leaders recognized the kind of problems a premature withdrawal might's why they advised him to leave a minimum of 30,000 combat troops in Iraq to stabilize things. Barry didn't care. He pooh poohed ISIS as the JV and left the Middle East unprotected. His political decision...designed to help him get reelected...cost untold pain and suffering in the Middle East!


This is why Obama didnt keep 2000 to 5000 US troops in Iraq after 2011. There is no other reason that you lying haters can make up.

Iraq Denies Legal Immunity to U.S. Troops After 2011


  • Iraq’s political leaders announced late Tuesday that they had agreed on the need to keep American military trainers in Iraq next year, but they declared that any remaining troops should not be granted immunity from Iraqi law, a point the United States has said would be a deal breaker.
Continue reading the main story

Obama was negotiated to the end but the sovereign Iraqis refused to concede on the immunity deal breaker.

Now stop repeating the lies that Rush Limbaugh taught you.

Obama didn't negotiate ANYTHING! What leverage did the Iraqis have in negotiations? Let me give you a dose of reality, my little head in the sand liberal! We've given Iraq over 60 BILLION dollars to rebuild their country! When you're dishing out that kind of call the shots! If Barack Obama had told the Iraqi leadership that he wanted a new SOFA in exchange for the billions they were about to receive and if he didn't get that SOFA then they weren't getting the billions...that new SOFA would have been signed so fast it would have made your head spin!
I bet a thousands dollars that trump can"t point out Syria on the map, or knows the difference between ISIL and ISIS.
..............being chased by the kurds,Syrian army, and the Russians......


Not for long. Syrian Army and Russian troops are not chasing these terrorists.

It is US Special Forces and the Kurds - but our presence protects the Kurds.

“On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he was ready to launch a new cross-border military operation at any Ishtar smoment against the Kurdish Peoples' Protection Units, or YPG, which have been shielded from Turkey by the U.S. military presence.”

Allies React With Alarm to Trump Pull-out Tweet, Kurds Fear Turkish Attack

Without the US shielding the Kurds they may Fighting for their lives and property against Turkey instead.
eagle1462010, post: 21429669
..............being chased by the kurds,Syrian army, and the Russians......


Not for long. Syrian Army and Russian troops are not chasing these terrorists.

It is US Special Forces and the Kurds - but our presence protects the Kurds.

“On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he was ready to launch a new cross-border military operation at any Ishtar smoment against the Kurdish Peoples' Protection Units, or YPG, which have been shielded from Turkey by the U.S. military presence.”

Allies React With Alarm to Trump Pull-out Tweet, Kurds Fear Turkish Attack

Without the US shielding the Kurds they may fighting for their lives and territory.

Trumpo’s outta here tweet comes at a bad time with no guarantee to the safety of our allies against ISIS. The Kurds.

Should we protect the Kurds from the Turks? Is that next for democrats? Turkey is a NATO member. I spose that the US will be out there killing Kurds.
the US won the war but their destruction probably wont be forgotten by the poor people of the Thirld World. Trump is laying the groundwork for more and more wars, from Yemen to Syria and beyond.
in other words, Nothing will change. It will be the same as it has been for the last 5,000 years.
Oldstyle, post: 21430098
Obama didn't negotiate ANYTHING! What leverage did the Iraqis have in negotiations?

You are lying. There were negotiations . The Iraqis were not that dependent on us - they were buying military hardware planes and tanks from our defense industry. You got it ass-backwards. The Iraqis were steadfast in not granting amnesty. It was a deal breaker that could not be resolved.

The leverage Iraqis had was their sovereignty.

The Political Bloc the put Maliki in power in 2011 was the fierce anti-American Cleric Muqtada al Sadr.

His followers and armed militia wanted the US out immediately in 2008 and nothing changed by 2011

There was no bribing Sadrists at all in Parliament. The former anti-American militia leader turned politician was and still is one of the most powerful leaders in post Saddam Iraq. his father a cleric was murdered by Saddam Hussein,

I deal in facts. You deal in hate driven lies and speculation.

It was 2012 when these two reports were filed.

Muqtada al-Sadr, back in business

“EVERY year, on the anniversary of the fall of Baghdad in 2003, the streets of Iraq fill with people baying for American troops to go. This year, the most virulent demands came from the Shia cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, who said he would revive his Mahdi Army militias if American troops stayed on after the agreed deadline for their withdrawal at the end of this year. His militias killed thousands of Iraqis and Western soldiers in 2006 and 2007, the bloodiest years of the American occupation, so the prospect of their resurgence frightens Iraqis (especially Sunnis) and Westerners alike. Most of the militiamen are still armed and zealous but ill-trained; today's spruced-up Iraqi security forces could probably crush them. Still, whatever their military deficiencies, the Sadrists have grown into Iraq's most visible and disciplined social, political and religious movement. They have regained much of their power.”


By Saad Sarhan and Aaron C. Davis
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, January 6, 2011; 12:00 AM

NAJAF, IRAQ - Anti-American Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, whose militia contributed to the bloodiest days of the Iraq war, made a surprise return to Iraq on Wednesday, ending nearly four years of self-imposed exile in Iran and raising new questions about U.S. influence here.

Sadr's remarkable trajectory brought him home just as his political faction attains significant power, allied in Iraq's new national unity government with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who just a few years ago moved to crush Sadr's Mahdi Army.

It was Sadr's recent decision to support Maliki for a second term, in a deal brokered by Iran, that ended eight months of political deadlock and allowed Maliki, also a Shiite, to cobble together his new government two weeks ago.

Please stop lying or writing crap that you have not researched.
I bet a thousands dollars that trump can"t point out Syria on the map, or knows the difference between ISIL and ISIS.
ISIL and ISIS are the same. Some call them the Islamic State in Syria and some call it the Islamic State in the Levant. Same bunch.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
The democrats say he's nuts. Republican congressmen are dismayed. His Secretary of Defense is resigning. The Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff say a withdrawal would be premature. The State Dept. a few days ago said there would be no withdrawal at this time.

However, Putin has come to Trump's rescue praising his plan. All that work the Russians did to get him elected seems to be paying off.
Vladimir Putin praises Trump's Syria withdrawal plan - CNN
Oldstyle, post: 21430098
When you're dishing out that kind of call the shots! If Barack Obama had told the Iraqi leadership that he wanted a new SOFA in exchange for the billions they were about to receive and if he didn't get that SOFA then they weren't getting the billions...that new SOFA would have been signed so fast it would have made your head spin!

What billions were we giving Iraq beyond 2011.

You are such a bald faced liar.

About 0.325 billion

And $200 million of that goes to governance, human rights and democracy building. (See Muqtada al Sadr below. ) No way Iraqis could be coerced into keeping US troops beyond 2011 by threats to pull ‘human rights’ funding, You are a pathetic fool,

“In fiscal 2012, U.S. assistance is scheduled to run roughly $325 million, with more than $200 million going to democracy, governance and human rights programs. But the organizations running these programs face security problems.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

But we were selling $12 billion to Iraq. They were transferring their oil wealth to us. So it was ‘blood for oil (dollars)’

“One bright spot for Washington: Iraq’s heavy purchase of almost $12 billion in American weaponry, including the late September announcement of 18 F-16 fighters valued at $3 billion. The aircraft would be part of the program to provide Iraq with the means to protect its airspace from outside intrusions or attacks.”

iraq had leverage on us your poor self-deluded fool,

Muqtada al Sadr:

“Sadr's remarkable trajectory brought him home just as his political faction attains significant power, allied in Iraq's new national unity government with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who just a few years ago moved to crush Sadr's Mahdi Army.

It was Sadr's recent decision to support Maliki for a second term, in a deal brokered by Iran, that ended eight months of political deadlock and allowed Maliki, also a Shiite, to cobble together his new government two weeks ago.”

So please stop lying. You do not know anything about 2012 Iraq l.
Oldstyle, post: 21430098
When you're dishing out that kind of call the shots! If Barack Obama had told the Iraqi leadership that he wanted a new SOFA in exchange for the billions they were about to receive and if he didn't get that SOFA then they weren't getting the billions...that new SOFA would have been signed so fast it would have made your head spin!

What billions were we giving Iraq beyond 2011.

You are such a bald faced liar.

About 0.325 billion

And $200 million of that goes to governance, human rights and democracy building. (See Muqtada al Sadr below. ) No way Iraqis could be coerced into keeping US troops beyond 2011 by threats to pull ‘human rights’ funding, You are a pathetic fool,

“In fiscal 2012, U.S. assistance is scheduled to run roughly $325 million, with more than $200 million going to democracy, governance and human rights programs. But the organizations running these programs face security problems.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

But we were selling $12 billion to Iraq. They were transferring their oil wealth to us. So it was ‘blood for oil (dollars)’

“One bright spot for Washington: Iraq’s heavy purchase of almost $12 billion in American weaponry, including the late September announcement of 18 F-16 fighters valued at $3 billion. The aircraft would be part of the program to provide Iraq with the means to protect its airspace from outside intrusions or attacks.”

iraq had leverage on us your poor self-deluded fool,

Muqtada al Sadr:

“Sadr's remarkable trajectory brought him home just as his political faction attains significant power, allied in Iraq's new national unity government with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who just a few years ago moved to crush Sadr's Mahdi Army.

It was Sadr's recent decision to support Maliki for a second term, in a deal brokered by Iran, that ended eight months of political deadlock and allowed Maliki, also a Shiite, to cobble together his new government two weeks ago.”

So please stop lying. You do not know anything about 2012 Iraq l.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.
He truly is a Donald Dumbass.
Childish maybe but not so dumb he knows he’s on the skids and needs to ensure his retirement security. A nice new Trump Tower in Moscow would be perfect plus Comrade Putin would supply an endless stream of young Russian ladies of the night willing to - - - - - - - - -
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One bright spot for Washington: Iraq’s heavy purchase of almost $12 billion in American weaponry, printed October 2012, Iraq had leverage on the USA in negotiating a new SOFA with Iraq,

Oldstyle, post: 21430098
When you're dishing out that kind of call the shots! If Barack Obama had told the Iraqi leadership that he wanted a new SOFA in exchange for the billions they were about to receive and if he didn't get that SOFA then they weren't getting the billions...that new SOFA would have been signed so fast it would have made your head spin!

What billions were we giving Iraq beyond 2011.

You are such a bald faced liar.

About 0.325 billion

And $200 million of that goes to governance, human rights and democracy building. (See Muqtada al Sadr below. ) No way Iraqis could be coerced into keeping US troops beyond 2011 by threats to pull ‘human rights’ funding, You are a pathetic fool,

“In fiscal 2012, U.S. assistance is scheduled to run roughly $325 million, with more than $200 million going to democracy, governance and human rights programs. But the organizations running these programs face security problems.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

But we were selling $12 billion in arms sales to Iraq. They were transferring their oil wealth to us. So it was ‘blood for oil (dollars)’

“One bright spot for Washington: Iraq’s heavy purchase of almost $12 billion in American weaponry, including the late September announcement of 18 F-16 fighters valued at $3 billion. The aircraft would be part of the program to provide Iraq with the means to protect its airspace from outside intrusions or attacks.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

iraq had leverage on us your poor self-deluded fool,

Muqtada al Sadr:

“Sadr's remarkable trajectory brought him home just as his political faction attains significant power, allied in Iraq's new national unity government with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who just a few years ago moved to crush Sadr's Mahdi Army.

It was Sadr's recent decision to support Maliki for a second term, in a deal brokered by Iran, that ended eight months of political deadlock and allowed Maliki, also a Shiite, to cobble together his new government two weeks ago.”

We were lucky Sadr did not demand a stop to the ‘Blood for oil Dollars’ arms sales.

Had Obama lost those you would still be tongue lashing him for it,

So please stop lying. You do not know anything about 2012 Iraq l.
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Oldstyle, post: 21430098
Obama didn't negotiate ANYTHING! What leverage did the Iraqis have in negotiations?

You are lying. There were negotiations . The Iraqis were not that dependent on us - they were buying military hardware planes and tanks from our defense industry. You got it ass-backwards. The Iraqis were steadfast in not granting amnesty. It was a deal breaker that could not be resolved.

The leverage Iraqis had was their sovereignty.

The Political Bloc the put Maliki in power in 2011 was the fierce anti-American Cleric Muqtada al Sadr.

His followers and armed militia wanted the US out immediately in 2008 and nothing changed by 2011

There was no bribing Sadrists at all in Parliament. The former anti-American militia leader turned politician was and still is one of the most powerful leaders in post Saddam Iraq. his father a cleric was murdered by Saddam Hussein,

I deal in facts. You deal in hate driven lies and speculation.

It was 2012 when these two reports were filed.

Muqtada al-Sadr, back in business

“EVERY year, on the anniversary of the fall of Baghdad in 2003, the streets of Iraq fill with people baying for American troops to go. This year, the most virulent demands came from the Shia cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, who said he would revive his Mahdi Army militias if American troops stayed on after the agreed deadline for their withdrawal at the end of this year. His militias killed thousands of Iraqis and Western soldiers in 2006 and 2007, the bloodiest years of the American occupation, so the prospect of their resurgence frightens Iraqis (especially Sunnis) and Westerners alike. Most of the militiamen are still armed and zealous but ill-trained; today's spruced-up Iraqi security forces could probably crush them. Still, whatever their military deficiencies, the Sadrists have grown into Iraq's most visible and disciplined social, political and religious movement. They have regained much of their power.”


By Saad Sarhan and Aaron C. Davis
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, January 6, 2011; 12:00 AM

NAJAF, IRAQ - Anti-American Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, whose militia contributed to the bloodiest days of the Iraq war, made a surprise return to Iraq on Wednesday, ending nearly four years of self-imposed exile in Iran and raising new questions about U.S. influence here.

Sadr's remarkable trajectory brought him home just as his political faction attains significant power, allied in Iraq's new national unity government with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who just a few years ago moved to crush Sadr's Mahdi Army.

It was Sadr's recent decision to support Maliki for a second term, in a deal brokered by Iran, that ended eight months of political deadlock and allowed Maliki, also a Shiite, to cobble together his new government two weeks ago.

Please stop lying or writing crap that you have not researched.

Yet, U.S. troops came back in 2014 and are still there today and Sadr has essentially done NOTHING about it. Sadr is a power player, but his bark is much greater than his bite. Iraq has much more to gain from the United States and its western European allies, than a thug who's militias have done little for Iraq over the past four years. Most Iraqi's now understand the value of United States military training and airpower and realize the mistake they made in asking the United States to leave prematurely. The United States could have and should have stayed regardless of whatever political resistant was left to that in the country. It would have saved the Iraqi military in 2012-2013 and prevented the rise of ISIS.

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