Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

easyt65, post: 21434041
HILARIOUS to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly arguing the US must be the world's policeman, that it is a mistake to pull out of a nation we never should have invaded....

Neither Obama or Trumpo invaded Syria to overthrow an existing government that was zero threat to the US or anyone else to in the region in an action that Obama said would be a dumb war.

I opposed the US invasion of Iraq for the very reason that your Trumpo now figured out. Bush lied to justify the invasion. 4600 Americans died. You support that because you are an idiot.

Syria is entirety different. Obama sent advisers in to help locals kill ISIS. Very simple. I was for it when Obama sent them and I support when Trumpo sent more.

Pulling them out and abandons our allies is what I oppose.

WTF? You have no right to be in Syria at all. Get the fuck out. And Obama did more than send in advisors. The CIA right from the get go were assisting SA/Qatar/Turkey in trying to overthrow Assad and replace him with an MB government like the shit they did in Egypt and Libya.

The Arab Spring was complete bullshit.

easyt65, post: 21434041
HILARIOUS to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly arguing the US must be the world's policeman, that it is a mistake to pull out of a nation we never should have invaded....

Neither Obama or Trumpo invaded Syria to overthrow an existing government that was zero threat to the US or anyone else to in the region in an action that Obama said would be a dumb war.

I opposed the US invasion of Iraq for the very reason that your Trumpo now figured out. Bush lied to justify the invasion. 4600 Americans died. You support that because you are an idiot.

Syria is entirety different. Obama sent advisers in to help locals kill ISIS. Very simple. I was for it when Obama sent them and I support when Trumpo sent more.

Pulling them out and abandons our allies is what I oppose.

WTF? You have no right to be in Syria at all. Get the fuck out. And Obama did more than send in advisors. The CIA right from the get go were assisting SA/Qatar/Turkey in trying to overthrow Assad and replace him with an MB government like the shit they did in Egypt and Libya.

The Arab Spring was complete bullshit.
The Arab Spring was started by Food Riots...........when the price of cheap food like Rice went through the roof from the markets before they collapsed......starving people are ready to revolt when they can't feed their kids..........

But the politicians said they WERE RISING FOR DEMOCRACY..........

Dumb asses actually believed them.
tinydancer, post: 21434437
WTF? You have no right to be in Syria at all. Get the fuck out.

Assad/Putin didn’t prevent ISIS from incubating their terrorist Caliphate in Syria for years

“To secure his victory, experts say, Assad helped incubate the extremism that led to the rise of the Islamic State and the further spread of jihadism in Syria – the very elements he now vows to destroy in Idlib, the last rebel enclave in the country and home to millions of civilians and refugees.”

How Assad helped create ISIS to win in Syria and got away with the crime of the century

I don’t care what you are think we Anericsns have a right to do, because when terrorists as god awful as ISiS set up a Caliphate Capital within any borders and goes unchallenged America has the right to go in there and kill them bomb them and wipe them out.m

Sorry to see Trumpo pull out before the extermination is done.
Barak Obama ordered the United States military to help Al Qaeda murder the leader of a sovereign nation and to take control of their own country.

You are a liar. Before I advise you of your deceit I wanted to know exactly what the hell you think you were talking about.

When you make shit up you need to provide much more specifics, so we can know what what you are lying about right from the start.
Dumbass, the news that Obama helped So Qaeda take over Libya is only news if you have been in a coma for years now. Documented, recorded, reported...I and others have posted a plethora of links and articles....of course your lazy ass could always GOOGLE it...if you were smart enough...

tinydancer, post: 21434437
WTF? You have no right to be in Syria at all. Get the fuck out.

Assad/Putin didn’t prevent ISIS from incubating their terrorist Caliphate in Syria for years

“To secure his victory, experts say, Assad helped incubate the extremism that led to the rise of the Islamic State and the further spread of jihadism in Syria – the very elements he now vows to destroy in Idlib, the last rebel enclave in the country and home to millions of civilians and refugees.”

How Assad helped create ISIS to win in Syria and got away with the crime of the century

I don’t care what you are think we Anericsns have a right to do, because when terrorists as god awful as ISiS set up a Caliphate Capital within any borders and goes unchallenged America has the right to go in there and kill them bomb them and wipe them out.m

Sorry to see Trumpo pull out before the extermination is done.
1) Americans are not the world's policeman
- Liberals

2) Invading a foreign nation without the request or permission of that nation is an International War Crime

3) Democrats argued that Iraq was the Middle East's problem...the same was true with Libya and Syria, but since those 2 were BARRY'S WARS they are ok to snowflakes...
tinydancer, post: 21434437
WTF? You have no right to be in Syria at all. Get the fuck out.

Assad/Putin didn’t prevent ISIS from incubating their terrorist Caliphate in Syria for years

“To secure his victory, experts say, Assad helped incubate the extremism that led to the rise of the Islamic State and the further spread of jihadism in Syria – the very elements he now vows to destroy in Idlib, the last rebel enclave in the country and home to millions of civilians and refugees.”

How Assad helped create ISIS to win in Syria and got away with the crime of the century

I don’t care what you are think we Anericsns have a right to do, because when terrorists as god awful as ISiS set up a Caliphate Capital within any borders and goes unchallenged America has the right to go in there and kill them bomb them and wipe them out.m

Sorry to see Trumpo pull out before the extermination is done.
1) Americans are not the world's policeman
- Liberals

2) Invading a foreign nation without the request or permission of that nation is an International War Crime

3) Democrats argued that Iraq was the Middle East's problem...the same was true with Libya and Syria, but since those 2 were BARRY'S WARS they are ok to snowflakes...
Bad, bad, bad Democrats...bad, bad....

Give it a break Tinkerbell, or you are going to have another anxiety attack.
you're a dumbass
Very insightful comment. Better hurry and get off the computer, your school bus will be arriving soon.
your OP is a very insightful comment. Better hurry and get off the computer, your school bus will be arriving soon.
I just knew you were too dense to come up with anything original!
it really is not worth my time
you have NO knowledge of history if you can't see this as the right thing to do
Inferior Whites Have a Self-Interest in Preaching Racial Equality

I saw through the Arab Spring from the beginning, but Netwits cheered, "People like us overthrew their own governments!"

Unevolved inferior races are in no way like us. Giving the uncivilized civil rights is a contradiction; self-determination for those genetically determined to tear down what only we could have built and exterminate or enslave us was a policy forced on us by our terminally decadent ruling class.
Funny how Barry was all onboard the Arab Spring train, helping oppressed people overthrow their leaders....well, all of them except the Iranians, who he turned his back on.
Barak Obama ordered the United States military to help Al Qaeda murder the leader of a sovereign nation and to take control of their own country.

You are a liar. Before I advise you of your deceit I wanted to know exactly what the hell you think you were talking about.

When you make shit up you need to provide much more specifics, so we can know what what you are lying about right from the start.
Dumbass, the news that Obama helped So Qaeda take over Libya is only news if you have been in a coma for years now. Documented, recorded, reported...I and others have posted a plethora of links and articles....of course your lazy ass could always GOOGLE it...if you were smart enough...


Agree with post #477. I always know you are a liar.
Are you still in the payroll from foreigners?
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
we never should've been there any way
do I need to list the MANY examples of why??
WIN--saving US $$$ and LIVES--you dumbass
What is so hard about grasping the concept that it is the way Trump is cutting and running and betraying our allies that is so hard to understand. Putin just tweeted that Trump is correct. You know he is thrilled about Trump's decision. Once again there is a right way and wrong way to do this. Trump threw our allies under the bus. The word of the USA is shit. Thanks, Trump.

"Racist" Is Nothing But a Virtue-Signaling Snob Term Invented by a Class That Has No Right to Exist in a Man's Country

Unlike the unpatriotic sissies you feralphile degenerates look up to, who ran away to college to avoid the draft, I've had experience with how worthless and deadly our allies can be. But no one will criticize the Vietnam War as proof that there is such a thing as racial inferiority, so we will continue to sacrifice the lives of those who know that the Whiteys Hating Whitey ruling class's college education is for people who are afraid to grow up.
Barak Obama ordered the United States military to help Al Qaeda murder the leader of a sovereign nation and to take control of their own country.

You are a liar. Before I advise you of your deceit I wanted to know exactly what the hell you think you were talking about.

When you make shit up you need to provide much more specifics, so we can know what what you are lying about right from the start.
Dumbass, the news that Obama helped So Qaeda take over Libya is only news if you have been in a coma for years now. Documented, recorded, reported...I and others have posted a plethora of links and articles....of course your lazy ass could always GOOGLE it...if you were smart enough...


Agree with post #477. I always know you are a liar.
Are you still in the payroll from foreigners?
F* you, too, propaganda pusher. You can't actually provide anything worthwhile to rebut what others say so you just personally attack them. You're as worthless as the slime trail a snail leaves behind....and just as easy to ignore.
Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

Barry invades Syria.
- Democrats cheer.

Trump orders air strikes in Syria.
- Democrats condemn and call for Congressional approval...


"The air strikes launched by Donald Trumpagainst the Assad regime met a mostly positive reaction in Washington on Friday night. Many Republicans applauded the strikes while Democrats mostly focused their criticism on the lack of congressional authorization rather than strikes themselves."

Ummm, Barry and Democrats said Barry needed no specific authorization to help Al Qaeda in Libya or for Barry to order the Syrian invasion....

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