Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

easyt65, post: 21434041
HILARIOUS to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly arguing the US must be the world's policeman, that it is a mistake to pull out of a nation we never should have invaded....

Neither Obama or Trumpo invaded Syria to overthrow an existing government that was zero threat to the US or anyone else to in the region in an action that Obama said would be a dumb war.

I opposed the US invasion of Iraq for the very reason that your Trumpo now figured out. Bush lied to justify the invasion. 4600 Americans died. You support that because you are an idiot.

Syria is entirety different. Obama sent advisers in to help locals kill ISIS. Very simple. I was for it when Obama sent them and I support when Trumpo sent more.

Pulling them out and abandons our allies is what I oppose.

wow the sheep are badly misinformed.warmonger Obama expanded warmonger Bushs war going into Syria murdering women and children,they are part of the NWO regime against america. trump is not part of that system and is pulling out which would never have happened had clinton been elected since she is part of that system also.

America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign | Medea Benjamin
Most Americans would probably be astounded to realize that the president who has been painted by Washington pundits as a reluctant warrior has actually been a hawk. The Iran nuclear deal, a herculean achievement, and the opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba unfortunately stand alone as President Obama’s successful uses of diplomacy over hostility.

While candidate Obama came to office pledging to end George W Bush’s wars, he leaves office having been at war longer than any president in US history. He is also the only president to serve two complete terms with the nation at war.

President Obama did reduce the number of US soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, but he dramatically expanded the air wars and the use of special operations forces around the globe. In 2016, US special operators could be found in 70% of the world’s nations, 138 countries – a staggering jump of 130% since the days of the Bush administration.
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easyt65, post: 21434678
the news that Obama helped So Qaeda take over Libya is only news if you have been in a coma for years now.

I know you are lying by the simple fact that al Qaeda never took over Libya. So the preposterous lie that Obama helped AQ take over Libya is shot down before the pilot pulls his socks up in the morning.

I dint have time to track down every conspiracy theirs you haters can dream up,

But here is a summary of recent memory milestones about Libya.

Rise of General Haftar
2016 March - New "unity" government arrives in Tripoli by boat after opposing forces block airspace.

2016 April - UN staff return to Tripoli after absence of nearly two years.

2016 September - Libyan National Army of General Khalifa Haftar seizes key oil export terminals in the east.

2016 December - Pro-government forces oust Islamic State militants from coastal town of Sirte, which they had seized 18 months previously.

2017 July - Islamic State group ejected from Benghazi after three years of fighting.

2018 July - General Haftar claims that his forces are fully in control of Derna, the last Islamist stronghold in the east and the only city in the region hitherto outside his control.

2018 September - Libya's UN-backed government declares a state of emergency in Tripoli, after dozens of people are killed in clashes between rival militia groups in the city's southern suburbs.

Libya profile

al Qaeda controls nothing in Libya - you are lying.
easyt65, post: 21434041
HILARIOUS to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly arguing the US must be the world's policeman, that it is a mistake to pull out of a nation we never should have invaded....

Neither Obama or Trumpo invaded Syria to overthrow an existing government that was zero threat to the US or anyone else to in the region in an action that Obama said would be a dumb war.

I opposed the US invasion of Iraq for the very reason that your Trumpo now figured out. Bush lied to justify the invasion. 4600 Americans died. You support that because you are an idiot.

Syria is entirety different. Obama sent advisers in to help locals kill ISIS. Very simple. I was for it when Obama sent them and I support when Trumpo sent more.

Pulling them out and abandons our allies is what I oppose.

WTF? You have no right to be in Syria at all. Get the fuck out. And Obama did more than send in advisors. The CIA right from the get go were assisting SA/Qatar/Turkey in trying to overthrow Assad and replace him with an MB government like the shit they did in Egypt and Libya.

The Arab Spring was complete bullshit.

Most Americans would probably be astounded to realize that the president who has been painted by Washington pundits as a reluctant warrior has actually been a hawk. The Iran nuclear deal, a herculean achievement, and the opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba unfortunately stand alone as President Obama’s successful uses of diplomacy over hostility.

While candidate Obama came to office pledging to end George W Bush’s wars, he leaves office having been at war longer than any president in US history. He is also the only president to serve two complete terms with the nation at war.

President Obama did reduce the number of US soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, but he dramatically expanded the air wars and the use of special operations forces around the globe. In 2016, US special operators could be found in 70% of the world’s nations, 138 countries – a staggering jump of 130% since the days of the Bush administration.
Liberal groups hit Obama on Syria

Strange things happen in Washington....

Dems were against the US being the world's policeman, were against Afghanistan and Iraq...Democrats bashed Bush for not pulling troops out...

>flip flop<

Suddenly Barry, the Novel Peace Prize Winner, helps Al Qaeda take over Libya and gets Putin's permission to invade Syria....refused to pull troops out, and are attacking Trump for pulling troops out.

Republicans were for going into Afganistan after 9/11...then supported the mistake of going into Iraq....

Then they opposed Barry's Libyan War AND Syrian Invasion...and now they are bashing the idea of LEAVING Syria....

What politicians stand for / support depends on what day it is, who is in power, and who is calling the shots...
Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

Barry invades Syria.
- Democrats cheer.

Trump orders air strikes in Syria.
- Democrats condemn and call for Congressional approval...


"The air strikes launched by Donald Trumpagainst the Assad regime met a mostly positive reaction in Washington on Friday night. Many Republicans applauded the strikes while Democrats mostly focused their criticism on the lack of congressional authorization rather than strikes themselves."

Ummm, Barry and Democrats said Barry needed no specific authorization to help Al Qaeda in Libya or for Barry to order the Syrian invasion....

You are lying again. Obama did not invade Syria.
Barak Obama ordered the United States military to help Al Qaeda murder the leader of a sovereign nation and to take control of their own country.

You are a liar. Before I advise you of your deceit I wanted to know exactly what the hell you think you were talking about.

When you make shit up you need to provide much more specifics, so we can know what what you are lying about right from the start.
Dumbass, the news that Obama helped So Qaeda take over Libya is only news if you have been in a coma for years now. Documented, recorded, reported...I and others have posted a plethora of links and articles....of course your lazy ass could always GOOGLE it...if you were smart enough...


Agree with post #477. I always know you are a liar.
Are you still in the payroll from foreigners?
F* you, too, propaganda pusher. You can't actually provide anything worthwhile to rebut what others say so you just personally attack them. You're as worthless as the slime trail a snail leaves behind....and just as easy to ignore.

Truth hurts.
Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

Barry invades Syria.
- Democrats cheer.

Trump orders air strikes in Syria.
- Democrats condemn and call for Congressional approval...


"The air strikes launched by Donald Trumpagainst the Assad regime met a mostly positive reaction in Washington on Friday night. Many Republicans applauded the strikes while Democrats mostly focused their criticism on the lack of congressional authorization rather than strikes themselves."

Ummm, Barry and Democrats said Barry needed no specific authorization to help Al Qaeda in Libya or for Barry to order the Syrian invasion....

You are lying again. Obama did not invade Syria.

Truth hurts.

yeah we KNOW the truth hurts you on your hero Obozo,no need to announce it.:biggrin:

Nice game of dodgeball there of pesky facts.:haha::iyfyus.jpg::rofl:
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Let get back to the topic.

Bottom line.....
Trump is a total dumb moron POTUS.

After talking to Endrogan he agreed to pull troops out of Syria without consulting to his own SOD and senior staff.
easyt65, post: 21434041
HILARIOUS to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly arguing the US must be the world's policeman, that it is a mistake to pull out of a nation we never should have invaded....

Neither Obama or Trumpo invaded Syria to overthrow an existing government that was zero threat to the US or anyone else to in the region in an action that Obama said would be a dumb war.

I opposed the US invasion of Iraq for the very reason that your Trumpo now figured out. Bush lied to justify the invasion. 4600 Americans died. You support that because you are an idiot.

Syria is entirety different. Obama sent advisers in to help locals kill ISIS. Very simple. I was for it when Obama sent them and I support when Trumpo sent more.

Pulling them out and abandons our allies is what I oppose.

wow the sheep are badly misinformed.warmonger Obama expanded warmonger Bushs war going into Syria murdering women and children,they are part of the NWO regime against america. trump is not part of that system and is pulling out which would never have happened had clinton been elected since she is part of that system also.

America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign | Medea Benjamin
Most Americans would probably be astounded to realize that the president who has been painted by Washington pundits as a reluctant warrior has actually been a hawk. The Iran nuclear deal, a herculean achievement, and the opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba unfortunately stand alone as President Obama’s successful uses of diplomacy over hostility.

While candidate Obama came to office pledging to end George W Bush’s wars, he leaves office having been at war longer than any president in US history. He is also the only president to serve two complete terms with the nation at war.

President Obama did reduce the number of US soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, but he dramatically expanded the air wars and the use of special operations forces around the globe. In 2016, US special operators could be found in 70% of the world’s nations, 138 countries – a staggering jump of 130% since the days of the Bush administration.
The surge, which democrats opposed, won the war in Afghanistan.

In Iraq, Barry refused to allow the US to destroy ISIS mile-long convoys headed to Iraq and instead allowed ISIS to take over territory already liberated by US troops at great expense.

Barry ordered the invasion into Syria...after helping Al Qaeda kill Gadaffi and take over Libya ...

Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, aiding, supporting, and protecting Terrorists (The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Hezbollah,...), Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS-13, violent illegals....not to mention Iran and Russia
Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

Barry invades Syria.
- Democrats cheer.

Trump orders air strikes in Syria.
- Democrats condemn and call for Congressional approval...


"The air strikes launched by Donald Trumpagainst the Assad regime met a mostly positive reaction in Washington on Friday night. Many Republicans applauded the strikes while Democrats mostly focused their criticism on the lack of congressional authorization rather than strikes themselves."

Ummm, Barry and Democrats said Barry needed no specific authorization to help Al Qaeda in Libya or for Barry to order the Syrian invasion....

You are lying again. Obama did not invade Syria.

Truth hurts.

yeah we KNOW the truth hurts you on your hero Obozo,no need to announce it.:biggrin:

Nice game of dodgeball there of pesky facts.:haha::iyfyus.jpg::rofl:

You do know that Obama is no longer the POTUS.

We are now talking to your Boi Trump. So far only Putin is giving him a thumbs up for US troops withdrawal. Even Bibi is pissed at Trumpee.
easyt65, post: 21434041
HILARIOUS to see Democrats and snowflakes who screamed for years how the US is not the world's policeman and that we have no business being in the Middle East suddenly arguing the US must be the world's policeman, that it is a mistake to pull out of a nation we never should have invaded....

Neither Obama or Trumpo invaded Syria to overthrow an existing government that was zero threat to the US or anyone else to in the region in an action that Obama said would be a dumb war.

I opposed the US invasion of Iraq for the very reason that your Trumpo now figured out. Bush lied to justify the invasion. 4600 Americans died. You support that because you are an idiot.

Syria is entirety different. Obama sent advisers in to help locals kill ISIS. Very simple. I was for it when Obama sent them and I support when Trumpo sent more.

Pulling them out and abandons our allies is what I oppose.

wow the sheep are badly misinformed.warmonger Obama expanded warmonger Bushs war going into Syria murdering women and children,they are part of the NWO regime against america. trump is not part of that system and is pulling out which would never have happened had clinton been elected since she is part of that system also.

America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign | Medea Benjamin
Most Americans would probably be astounded to realize that the president who has been painted by Washington pundits as a reluctant warrior has actually been a hawk. The Iran nuclear deal, a herculean achievement, and the opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba unfortunately stand alone as President Obama’s successful uses of diplomacy over hostility.

While candidate Obama came to office pledging to end George W Bush’s wars, he leaves office having been at war longer than any president in US history. He is also the only president to serve two complete terms with the nation at war.

President Obama did reduce the number of US soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, but he dramatically expanded the air wars and the use of special operations forces around the globe. In 2016, US special operators could be found in 70% of the world’s nations, 138 countries – a staggering jump of 130% since the days of the Bush administration.
The surge, which democrats opposed, won the war in Afghanistan.

In Iraq, Barry refused to allow the US to destroy ISIS mile-long convoys headed to Iraq and instead allowed ISIS to take over territory already liberated by US troops at great expense.

Barry ordered the invasion into Syria...after helping Al Qaeda kill Gadaffi and take over Libya ...

Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, aiding, supporting, and protecting Terrorists (The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Hezbollah,...), Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS-13, violent illegals....not to mention Iran and Russia

You are on a payroll to spread these kinds of foreign propaganda.

They should ban members like you for spreading these kind of fake news.
Centcom says only about 2000 ISIS are left in MERV area of's not an army anymore........but they are living in tunnels and caves......and fighting to the death............that can be handled by the Kurds, Syrians and Russia.........if they can't beat that few of ISIS.

Then they deserve to be beaten.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Western nations have no right to remain in a sovereign nation. It's that simple.


But do you prefer other countries like Russia or Iran rule an area where US vital interest is at stake?
You are on a payroll to spread these kinds of foreign propaganda.
Snowflake, ya got one shot here to produce any evidence to support your bat-shit crazy delusions /'re not going to get 2 years and still come up empty like Mueller....

Post the evidence to support your mental dementia / false accusations....ya got 5 minutes. Tick Tock....

Once that 5 minutes runs out and you are exposed as an easily insulted, fragile snowflake who can't stand to hear the facts / anything negative about your puppet-masters ... Feel free to STFU...

Tick Tock, snowflake....
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Western nations have no right to remain in a sovereign nation. It's that simple.


But do you prefer other countries like Russia or Iran rule an area where US vital interest is at stake?
What vital interest is that...............LOL

We have no need of the cursed deserts of the Middle East..............those deserts are soaked in blood throughout history.

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