Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

eagle1462010, post: 21435264
What vital interest is that...............LOL

It is in our vital interest to kill or capture
every last breathing ISIS maggot, if that bothers you - too bad.
Who the fuck gives you the idea that I care about the scum ISIS.............I've stated there are hardly many left..........I've given those reports on numerous threads.............from CENTCOM...........and the DOD.....

I think you overestimate what is left of the them..........period..........2000 of them isn't a dang army...........derp.
easyt65, post: 21435180
you are exposed as an easily insulted, fragile snowflake who can't stand to hear the facts

You don’t present facts. Just lies. Post one simple clear proven fact that you can honk you posted. You gave five minutes.
eagle1462010, post: 21435595
Who the fuck gives you the idea that I care about the scum ISIS..........

I realize you don’t care. Who the fuck do you think you are to think everybody else has to be as dumb as you.
STFU.........I've quoted CENTCOM data and not BS like you are doing.............

ISIS is for the most part those reports.........which part of that doesn't register in your brain........if there is any grey matter there at all.
easyt65, post: 21435180
you are exposed as an easily insulted, fragile snowflake who can't stand to hear the facts

You don’t present facts. Just lies. Post one simple clear proven fact that you can honk you posted. You gave five minutes.
I post links, articles, actual laws, regulations, etc... and every time I do, some snowflake who is offended by those facts always 1) personally attack me, 2) accuse me of things ... usually of the most ridiculous things and always without evidence / anything to support their claim.

They rant, they rave, they spin, they spew, and in the end it is all based on their own butt-hurt....

Thanks for the demo....

BTW....5 minutes is up. No evidence. No proof. Nothing. Just more opinionated butt-hurt. FAIL.

FUNNY how not one single liberal bothered to ask Barry WHY, while supposedly waging war against ISIS, he protected the ISIS Black Market Oil Production / business, which supported / financed 50% of their terrorist their attack on France...

He placed it in the 'Rules of Engagement' (ROE) allies were forced to obey.

After the bombing in Paris our allies said 'enough of that shit', and France and Russia launched air strikes against those ISIS facilities....what did Obana have our military do? Drop flyers down to ISIS warning them the attack was coming...
Obama presents plan to pull 10 times as many troops out, Johnlaw is not butthurt.
What a friggin stupid comment. That is the best you can do is "butthurt:. What an idiot.

Go ahead link us to the threads you created when Obama presented plans to pull way more troops out than Trump. You know those non-existent threads. Just assume I spent the next few minutes mocking you. :itsok:
More friggin idiocy, bringing up Obama. Who gives a shit about Obama. Trump goes rogue and singlehandedly upends US policy and makes us look the fool around the world as well as making our enemies stronger and you bring up Obama. Geesus, you can't make this stupidity up.

Once again liberals lecture us on why we should do what the world demands.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
Russia and Syria have nearly wiped out ISIS, knucklehead....There's no call for Murica to be there in yet another undeclared war.
That is not what US Intelligence is saying. Nothing wrong with pulling troops out of harms way, but there is a reason our allies, the intelligence communities and Republicans in general are all upset over this move.
If Trump did it, America benefits. It's just that simple.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Western nations have no right to remain in a sovereign nation. It's that simple.


But do you prefer other countries like Russia or Iran rule an area where US vital interest is at stake?

Assad and his government rule his own nation. It is a secular government and the law is based on French law and sharia is optional. Russia has been an ally to Syria since 1940 s and there really has been no issue with any western countries until for some bizzaro reason our freaking insane leaders decided it was a good idea to back this crazy fake Arab Spring and help the Saudis, Qatar and Turkey turn certain ME countries over to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Assad has never been a brutal dictator. All lies.

Syrian women.


But our leaders wanted to turn these free women into this?????????????????????????? And I'm not just blaming Obama. Harper, Cameron and a slew of others actually signed a document to say that they would back this shadow Syrian government in Qatar.

I've personally had it with the insanity of regime change.

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eagle1462010, post: 21435264
What vital interest is that...............LOL

It is in our vital interest to kill or capture
every last breathing ISIS maggot, if that bothers you - too bad.

You have no right to occupy Syria. And you can thank Obama/Harper/Cameron and others for allowing the rise of ISIS and now we have a real problem on our hands because they have spread far and wide. Look north for example. Trudeau is taking them in.
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Oldstyle, post: 21431533
Iraq Wants $88 Billion for Rebuilding. Allies Offer a Fraction of That.

"The State Department emphasized that the United States since 2014 had already given Iraq $1.7 billion in humanitarian aid and $6 billion in economic and security assistance, money mostly committed during the Obama administration."

Why did you lie that Iraqis wanted troops to stay and that Obama could have used billions in promised aid as leverage to get Iraqis to accept immunity.

Sadr was not giving up on no immunity for anything.

You are so dishonest it is pitiful.

The Iraqi leadership wanted US troops to stay to provide stability. Obama didn't want US troops to stay because he was going to run for reelection as the President who brought combat troops back from Iraq and "ended" the war there! This wasn't something that fell apart during was something that was always going to be and the Iraqi leadership KNEW that Obama was going to pull troops no matter what! US military leaders were worried about the Iraqi army being able to handle security in the country and conveyed that concern to Barack Obama but he turned a deaf ear to what they were saying because it didn't allow him to campaign as he wanted to. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if Obama had made aid to Iraq contingent on their allowing us to keep 30,000 combat troops in Iraq with a new SOFA...that deal WOULD have gotten done! The reason it didn't was that Barry had no reason to make it happen...other than the advice of his Chiefs of Staff which he ignored!
“Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that U.S. troops are leaving Iraq after nearly nine years of war because Baghdad rejected American demands that any U.S. military forces to stay would have to be shielded from prosecution or lawsuits. “

Oldstyle, post: 21439469
The Iraqi leadership wanted US troops to stay to provide stability.

That is not true. You have nothing to base that on.

Muqtada al Sadr is a leader. A very powerful leader as I have shown. He held the reins to Maliki being Prime Minuster.

It’s like Trumpo and Rush Limbaugh - Rush tells the Orange Buffoon what he can and can’t do.

I have posted reports that strongly back what I’m telling you.

You post your worthless speculation likely based on versions of history printed in the right wing hater propaganda machine

I’ll give it to you straight from Iraq’s Prime Minster in October 2011.

“Iraq PM: Immunity issue scuttled US troop deal
The Associated Press
BAGHDAD — Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that U.S. troops are leaving Iraq after nearly nine years of war because Baghdad rejected American demands that any U.S. military forces to stay would have to be shielded from prosecution or lawsuits.

The comments by Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite, made clear that it was Iraq who refused to let the U.S. military remain under the Americans' terms.”

Iraq PM: Immunity issue scuttled US troop deal

So stop lying. It’s as pathetic as it is deplorable.
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tinydancer, post: 21439223
You have no right to occupy Syria.

Never said we did liar. If 2000 US Troops could occupy Syria and bring about stability I might rethink my opposition to that however.

As I said we are there to kill every last ISIS maggot.
Oldstyle, post: 21439469
The Iraqi leadership wanted US troops to stay to provide stability.

That is a lie. Here is the truth:

“Iraq PM: Immunity issue scuttled US troop deal
The Associated Press
BAGHDAD — Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that U.S. troops are leaving Iraq after nearly nine years of war because Baghdad rejected American demands.

Iraq PM: Immunity issue scuttled US troop deal

It is a lie, Oldstyle, because if the PM of Iraq wanted US troops to stay they they would have simply agreed to renew the exact same terms of the 2008 SOFA. They granted immunity in 2008 for three years. Obama had no new demands.

So you started driving to your conclusion based upon the above defined lie.

Your conclusion “There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if Obama had made aid to Iraq contingent on their allowing us to keep 30,000 combat troops in Iraq with a new SOFA...that deal WOULD have gotten done!” Is based on several false premises.

I will explain your remaining lies in future posts

Obama didn't want US troops to stay because he was going to run for reelection as the President who brought combat troops back from Iraq and "ended" the war there! This wasn't something that fell apart during was something that was always going to be and the Iraqi leadership KNEW that Obama was going to pull troops no matter what! US military leaders were worried about the Iraqi army being able to handle security in the country and conveyed that concern to Barack Obama but he turned a deaf ear to what they were saying because it didn't allow him to campaign as he wanted to. ...........

......,The reason it didn't was that Barry had no reason to make it happen...other than the advice of his Chiefs of Staff which he ignored!
tinydancer, post: 21439223
You have no right to occupy Syria.

Never said we did liar. If 2000 US Troops could occupy Syria and bring about stability I might rethink my opposition to that however.

As I said we are there to kill every last ISIS maggot.
The argument on withdrawal isn't about ISIS dummy............they are done...........

It's about after they are gone issues............Kurds........FSA........and the powers in the region not knowing what to do with them..............ISIS isn't the argument..........Never was.......everyone wants them dead and for all purposes.........They are dead................

But if you know the Middle East.........the Hydra will grow another another name and take it's place.....Always does and always will..................Been that way for over a thousand with it.........That is Reality.
Oldstyle, post: 21439469
Obama didn't want US troops to stay because he was going to run for reelection as the President who brought combat troops back from Iraq and "ended" the war there!

If Obama did not want to keep 2000 to 5000 US troops in Iraq after 2011, how can it be true as reported by the AP that Baghdad rejected American demands.

“Iraq PM: Immunity issue scuttled US troop deal
The Associated Press
BAGHDAD — Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that U.S. troops are leaving Iraq after nearly nine years of war because Baghdad rejected American demands.

Iraq PM: Immunity issue scuttled US troop deal

Oldstyle, post: 21439469
This wasn't something that fell apart during was something that was always going to be and the Iraqi leadership KNEW that Obama was going to pull troops no matter what! US military leaders were worried about the Iraqi army being able to handle security in the country and conveyed that concern to Barack Obama but he turned a deaf ear to what they were saying because it didn't allow him to campaign as he wanted to. ...........

......,The reason it didn't was that Barry had no reason to make it happen...other than the advice of his Chiefs of Staff which he ignored!

What American demand did Baghdad reject?

It is written in Black and white:

Same AP Link:

“"When the Americans asked for immunity, the Iraqi side answered that it was not possible," al-Maliki told reporters in Baghdad. "The discussions over the number of trainers and the place of training stopped. Now that the issue of immunity was decided and that no immunity to be given, the withdrawal has started."
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