Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Oldstyle, post: 21439469,
This wasn't something that fell apart during was something that was always going to be and the Iraqi leadership KNEW that Obama was going to pull troops no matter what!

Are you saying there were no negotions?

Are you saying Panetta was lying when he said this: I can say very clearly that any kind of U.S. presence demands that we protect and provide the appropriate immunity for our soldiers,”

“After months of preparations on both sides for a complete pullout by Dec. 31 of more than 40,000 remaining U.S. troops, the Iraqi government said in recent days that several thousand could stay on as military trainers. The condition, however, is that they lose the legal immunity they now enjoy. It is, an Iraqi government spokesman said this week, the primary dispute preventing an agreement.

On Thursday at a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta shot back, saying U.S. troops would not remain in Iraq if they were to be subject to the Iraqi criminal justice system.

“I can say very clearly that any kind of U.S. presence demands that we protect and provide the appropriate immunity for our soldiers,” he said.“

Experts: Immunity dispute won’t end U.S.-Iraq cooperation

Your lie makes no sense. If Iraq could give our troops immunity you are claiming that Obama was negotiating in bad faith and would have refused to keep troops there with immunity.

Think about it. You are lying. Obama wouid have kept troops there if they had immunity.

You're SO full of shit! What Panetta describes in his book is people in the State Department and Department of Defense who were trying their hardest to negotiate a new SOFA with Iraq in order to keep troops in the country but President Obama and his closest White House staff giving those negotiations no backing whatsoever! Panetta explains that there was no way in the world that Maliki was going to fight for a new SOFA in the Iraqi Parliament when he knew that even if he was successful...Obama wasn't going to sign it because he and his little cadre of insiders had already decided pulling out all of the combat troops was going to play well in the upcoming election. So are you calling Panetta a liar?
Oldstyle, post: 21431533
Iraq Wants $88 Billion for Rebuilding. Allies Offer a Fraction of That.

"The State Department emphasized that the United States since 2014 had already given Iraq $1.7 billion in humanitarian aid and $6 billion in economic and security assistance, money mostly committed during the Obama administration."

Why did you lie that Iraqis wanted troops to stay and that Obama could have used billions in promised aid as leverage to get Iraqis to accept immunity.

Sadr was not giving up on no immunity for anything.

You are so dishonest it is pitiful.

The Iraqi leadership wanted US troops to stay to provide stability. Obama didn't want US troops to stay because he was going to run for reelection as the President who brought combat troops back from Iraq and "ended" the war there! This wasn't something that fell apart during was something that was always going to be and the Iraqi leadership KNEW that Obama was going to pull troops no matter what! US military leaders were worried about the Iraqi army being able to handle security in the country and conveyed that concern to Barack Obama but he turned a deaf ear to what they were saying because it didn't allow him to campaign as he wanted to. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if Obama had made aid to Iraq contingent on their allowing us to keep 30,000 combat troops in Iraq with a new SOFA...that deal WOULD have gotten done! The reason it didn't was that Barry had no reason to make it happen...other than the advice of his Chiefs of Staff which he ignored!

Missing lots of facts there oldstyle. It did not work that way.

Your informations most likely came from Hannity and his followers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My information came from Leon Panetta! The people that want to ignore the facts of what happened are you and Not Fooled! Barack Obama was not keeping combat troops in Iraq! The expiring SOFA gave him the out he needed and he took it. Barry NEVER negotiated for a new SOFA...he gave that ZERO backing from his White House and Maliki and the Iraqi leadership knew it!
tinydancer, post: 21439223
You have no right to occupy Syria.

Never said we did liar. If 2000 US Troops could occupy Syria and bring about stability I might rethink my opposition to that however.

As I said we are there to kill every last ISIS maggot.
Notfooled, I've known tiny dancer a long time and she never lies to anyone. She's well-grounded in current events, and doing the right thing means a lot to her.
She’s a compulsive liar.
Oh, Jillian, Jillian, the Liberal, and you have such a cute avatar, too. *sigh*
Oldstyle, post: 21443861
Barry NEVER negotiated for a new SOFA..

You are a liar. Your own posts confirm it.

Oldstyle, post: 21440757,
Leon Panetta: How the White House Misplayed Iraqi Troop Talks

That Op Ed by Leon Panetta sums up what happened rather succinctly...

Yes. In your link Panetta says the White House “seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one”

State and Defense are representatives of the White House and they certainly were negotiating on behalf of the White Houae. according to Panetta in your link.
Oldstyle, post: 21443861
Barry NEVER negotiated for a new SOFA..

But in your link Panetta says the White House “seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one.”

That is what I understand from multiple source to be true. Obama was negotiating for a new SOFA that included immunity.

Yet you say Obama was not negotiating.

Your source says Obama was negotiating so which is it?

Tell us. Why did you lie that Obama never negotiated.
Oldstyle, post: 21443861
Barry NEVER negotiated for a new SOFA..

But in your link Panetta says the White House “seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one.”

That is what I understand from multiple source to be true. Obama was negotiating for a new SOFA that included immunity.

Yet you say Obama was not negotiating.

Your source says Obama was negotiating so which is it?

Tell us. Why did you lie that Obama never negotiated.

Did you even read what Panetta wrote? He says that the negotiations were being done by people at the Department of Defense but that they were being resisted by Obama's inner circle at the White House at every turn. Panetta related that resistance was "heated" at times! In other had people trying their best to get a new SOFA because it was needed to keep combat troops in Iraq past the deadline established under George W. Bush...but Obama and his people in the White House were "pushing back" on those efforts and not doing so mildly! THAT was the situation that Panetta and Maliki faced! A President that not only didn't LEAD the negotiations...but actively opposed them!
Oldstyle doesn't lie either. But I get your credo: :th_spinspin:

When someone goes through the motions of negotiating...but in reality never had any intentions of reaching a deal...are they really negotiating? That's what the Obama White House did back then but Not Fooled refuses to admit that was the case. Why? Because then he'd have to admit that Barack Obama made a political calculation that withdrawing combat troops would help his reelection campaign and that was more important to him and his inner circle than stability in the Middle East. Panetta states quite clearly that he thinks that was a huge mistake and that the ISIS slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent people could have been prevented...not to mention the forced migration of millions to escape ISIS. Barack Obama OWNS that. He made a bad call and his inner circle at the White House went right along with that bad call.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
When did the left become so pro-war? TDS has really fucked them up.

The reaction by the MSM, the left, and the right to this ending an illegal foreign intervention, proves yet again the ruling class has control of much of these factions.
Oldstyle, post: 21443861
Barry NEVER negotiated for a new SOFA..

But in your link Panetta says the White House “seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one.”

That is what I understand from multiple source to be true. Obama was negotiating for a new SOFA that included immunity.

Yet you say Obama was not negotiating.

Your source says Obama was negotiating so which is it?

Tell us. Why did you lie that Obama never negotiated.
Was Obama a President or the leader of a Troop of Boy Scouts...........he could have done a deal.........he didn't want to do a deal............only later under international pressure to return just as Bush predicted.................and that afer ISIS had taken most of the North of Iraq........only held at the mountains by the Kurds........who don't run.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
When did the left become so pro-war? TDS has really fucked them up.

The reaction by the MSM, the left, and the right to this ending an illegal foreign intervention, proves yet again the ruling class has control of much of these factions.
These dumb fucks will not be happy til this shit ends in WWIII...........

beautress, post: 21443660
Notfooled, I've known tiny dancer a long time and she never lies to anyone. She's well-grounded in current events, and doing the right thing means a lot to her.

This is one of her ‘broken record’type of lie.

“And you can thank Obama/Harper/Cameron and others for allowing the rise of ISIS and now we have a real problem on our hands because they have spread far and wide”

I’m sorry if you believe Obama/Harper/Cameron and others allowed the rise of ISIS.

It’s a lie because ISIS did not incubate and gather strength in the US, Canada, or the UK So the truth is not one of those leaders allowed the rise of ISIS.

Oh for crying out loud you fool, all our western leaders were active in the attempt to overthrow Assad by backing a bullshit rebellion in Syria. The ISIS jhihadis came from over 80 countries idiot.

All our governments were involved directly or indirectly Including your CIA. The money and arms never reached "rebels". The MB passed them on to ISIS and al Nusra

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels
beautress, post: 21443660
Notfooled, I've known tiny dancer a long time and she never lies to anyone. She's well-grounded in current events, and doing the right thing means a lot to her.

This is one of her ‘broken record’type of lie.

“And you can thank Obama/Harper/Cameron and others for allowing the rise of ISIS and now we have a real problem on our hands because they have spread far and wide”

I’m sorry if you believe Obama/Harper/Cameron and others allowed the rise of ISIS.

It’s a lie because ISIS did not incubate and gather strength in the US, Canada, or the UK So the truth is not one of those leaders allowed the rise of ISIS.

Oh for crying out loud you fool, all our western leaders were active in the attempt to overthrow Assad by backing a bullshit rebellion in Syria. The ISIS jhihadis came from over 80 countries idiot.

All our governments were involved directly or indirectly Including your CIA. The money and arms never reached "rebels". The MB passed them on to ISIS and al Nusra

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels
And the remnants of those forces are in Idlib.......Turkish border..........the new humanitarian crisis.....
tinydancer, post: 21439223
You have no right to occupy Syria.

Never said we did liar. If 2000 US Troops could occupy Syria and bring about stability I might rethink my opposition to that however.

As I said we are there to kill every last ISIS maggot.
Notfooled, I've known tiny dancer a long time and she never lies to anyone. She's well-grounded in current events, and doing the right thing means a lot to her.
She’s a compulsive liar.

Jillian my fave board douche bag who can't debate her way our of a wet paper bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prove I'm a liar. Go for it.
beautress, post: 21443660
Notfooled, I've known tiny dancer a long time and she never lies to anyone. She's well-grounded in current events, and doing the right thing means a lot to her.

This is one of her ‘broken record’type of lie.

“And you can thank Obama/Harper/Cameron and others for allowing the rise of ISIS and now we have a real problem on our hands because they have spread far and wide”

I’m sorry if you believe Obama/Harper/Cameron and others allowed the rise of ISIS.

It’s a lie because ISIS did not incubate and gather strength in the US, Canada, or the UK So the truth is not one of those leaders allowed the rise of ISIS.

Gee just for fun why don't you challenge me in the bull ring on Syria. One on one. I'll teach you some lessons so that instead of just posting opinions you can learn to debate with facts

I'll meet you in the bullring anytime.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
I am glad he pulled the troops out -- he can lie all he wants, I could care less -- as long as we are out...

He can do the same for Iraq and AFG....yes, republicans will look like total hypocrites, but they have no shame, fuck what they think...bring the troops home...
The foundation for another 9/11? Is that OK?
beautress, post: 21443660
Notfooled, I've known tiny dancer a long time and she never lies to anyone. She's well-grounded in current events, and doing the right thing means a lot to her.

This is one of her ‘broken record’type of lie.

“And you can thank Obama/Harper/Cameron and others for allowing the rise of ISIS and now we have a real problem on our hands because they have spread far and wide”

I’m sorry if you believe Obama/Harper/Cameron and others allowed the rise of ISIS.

It’s a lie because ISIS did not incubate and gather strength in the US, Canada, or the UK So the truth is not one of those leaders allowed the rise of ISIS.

Oh for crying out loud you fool, all our western leaders were active in the attempt to overthrow Assad by backing a bullshit rebellion in Syria. The ISIS jhihadis came from over 80 countries idiot.

All our governments were involved directly or indirectly Including your CIA. The money and arms never reached "rebels". The MB passed them on to ISIS and al Nusra

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels
And the remnants of those forces are in Idlib.......Turkish border..........the new humanitarian crisis.....

Sigh. What a mess we've made. If I had the power to do so I would drag the likes of Harper, Cameron and Obama before La Hague for crimes against humanity for all they caused with this bogus Arab Spring.
Oldstyle, post: 21443861
Barack Obama was not keeping combat troops in Iraq! The expiring SOFA gave him the out he needed and he took it.

Everything you posted to support your lie contradicts your lie. Both sides were negotiating for nearly a year. If the expiring SOFA gave Obama an out there wouid have been no negotiating with Obama to keep as many troops there that Iraq would approve.

Obama would have left troops in Iraq if they were granted immunity. The immunity was not solely Obama’s demand it was Leon Panetta and the Joint Chiefs’ as well.

You are telling lie after lie to build your false case against Obama and you cannot justify one single lie individually and on its own merit.

It’s like whack a lyin mole with you.
Last edited:
beautress, post: 21443660
Notfooled, I've known tiny dancer a long time and she never lies to anyone. She's well-grounded in current events, and doing the right thing means a lot to her.

This is one of her ‘broken record’type of lie.

“And you can thank Obama/Harper/Cameron and others for allowing the rise of ISIS and now we have a real problem on our hands because they have spread far and wide”

I’m sorry if you believe Obama/Harper/Cameron and others allowed the rise of ISIS.

It’s a lie because ISIS did not incubate and gather strength in the US, Canada, or the UK So the truth is not one of those leaders allowed the rise of ISIS.

Oh for crying out loud you fool, all our western leaders were active in the attempt to overthrow Assad by backing a bullshit rebellion in Syria. The ISIS jhihadis came from over 80 countries idiot.

All our governments were involved directly or indirectly Including your CIA. The money and arms never reached "rebels". The MB passed them on to ISIS and al Nusra

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels
And the remnants of those forces are in Idlib.......Turkish border..........the new humanitarian crisis.....

Sigh. What a mess we've made. If I had the power to do so I would drag the likes of Harper, Cameron and Obama before La Hague for crimes against humanity for all they caused with this bogus Arab Spring.

The world could have solved the Arab Spring by buying Rice and giving it away...............would have been more cost effective..........................Instead we choose the world on fire..............starvation........millions dying..........

Nature of man to kill itself off and look the other way when it we can seem righteous.........................

In regards to the Russia Russia Russia BS...investigatins..........they are smoke screens to keep us at each others throats as they do whatever they freaking want................Russia would have a hard time beating Turkey conventionally let alone us.............

But the Soap Opera of Stupidity must go on.
The foundation for another 9/11? Is that OK?

Israel did 911. If you had an IQ over 10, you'd understand.... To you, this is a "757." To someone with an IQ of at least 50, this is a CRUISE MISSILE...


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