Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

This is great, Trump is going to close the border....liberals piss and moan. Trump isn't going to close the border...liberals piss and moan. I'm all for transparency but you fricken loons are getting a little too transparent.

Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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This is great, Trump is going to close the border....liberals piss and moan. Trump isn't going to close the border...liberals piss and moan. I'm all for transparency but you fricken loons are getting a little too transparent.

Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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Great, it only took you a minute or two to find something else to piss and moan about.
Anti-Trump tards.

Attack him for doing what he says, attack him for being too aggressive, attack him for not being aggressive enough, attack him for reconsidering....

No matter what he did, you would attack him.

You have no credibility.

I thought we established that, especially with turds like Mcrockhead from when they started posting.
This is great, Trump is going to close the border....liberals piss and moan. Trump isn't going to close the border...liberals piss and moan. I'm all for transparency but you fricken loons are getting a little too transparent.

Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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Great, it only took you a minute or two to find something else to piss and moan about.

What can I say, I do not worship the man so I am allowed to criticize him. Sucks for you that you have yo spend your days defending such a pussy of a man.

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This is great, Trump is going to close the border....liberals piss and moan. Trump isn't going to close the border...liberals piss and moan. I'm all for transparency but you fricken loons are getting a little too transparent.

Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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Great, it only took you a minute or two to find something else to piss and moan about.

What can I say, I do not worship the man so I am allowed to criticize him. Sucks for you that you have yo spend your days defending such a pussy of a man.

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Actually, it must suck for you to be so fricken petty.
'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.
Or maybe it was another one of the outrageous trial balloons he seems to float out there with regularity....Y'know, like he described in a certain book he wrote a few decades back?

He says outrageous shit and guys like me who are used to it chuckle with the knowledge that he's just doing what he does best: shooting his mouth off...I know he doesn't actually have any intent on following through...Or, in the case when he offered Chuck-n-Nancy everything they wanted viz. DACA, he knows the other side would reject it out-of-hand.

But chumps like you who get up every day looking for an excuse to shit your pants, get up every day and shit your pants over it.

You're so consumed by your blind hatred for the man, that you actually play yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
This is great, Trump is going to close the border....liberals piss and moan. Trump isn't going to close the border...liberals piss and moan. I'm all for transparency but you fricken loons are getting a little too transparent.

Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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which empty threats? the ones issued to little Kim? the ones issued regarding tariffs to China and the EU? the ones issued to NATO to pay their fair share? the ones issued to the dems that the wall will be built?
If Trump had followed through and shut down the border the same people would be on here bitching about him doing that.

Yes, because it is a stupid thing to do. But then again shit talking and then not following through is also a stupid thing to do.

The correct action would have to not make threats you do not plan to follow through on.

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Thank you for proving my point I love people who bitch about how others try and deal with a problem while offering no alternative.

Like the nonexistent Republican health care plan.

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Yes like that it flows both ways.
If Trump had followed through and shut down the border the same people would be on here bitching about him doing that.

Yes, because it is a stupid thing to do. But then again shit talking and then not following through is also a stupid thing to do.

The correct action would have to not make threats you do not plan to follow through on.

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Thank you for proving my point I love people who bitch about how others try and deal with a problem while offering no alternative.

Many times on this forum I have provided a 3 point plan that would solve the problem and save money vice spending more.

1. Pull at least 50% of the troops out of Europe and station them on the southern border and let them defend this nation for a change.

2. Go after those businesses that hire illegals so hard that a few go bankrupt,sending a message to the rest it is not worth it.

3. Create a viable guest worker program so that industries that need transient workers can still bring them in legally.

Do those things and there is a 100% chance of solving the problem.

What does not solve the problem is making empty threats. This is something most parents learn.

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Those all sound good now just get the collective idiots in Congress to do it. If they would do their job and this is their job there would be no need for threats.

They will not do their jobs because people like you re-elect them at a 95% clip. Why do the hard work when nobody will fire them?

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The failure to do border security has been going on for decades it has not been addressed when either party had control it has not been addressed when there were big Congressional turnovers it was not when Obama and the Democrats had full control for two years it was not when Trump and the Republicans did none of the current crop of Democrats wanting to be the 2020 nominee show any interest in addressing it. So given all this just who the fuck should we be voting for who would deal with it? We get a lot of lip service from those wanting to be elected to Congress but never get any follow through when they are.
President Donald Trump on Thursday said he would give Mexico a year to stem the flow of illegal drugs and migrants over the southern border, and if the country cannot, he said he would impose auto tariffs, and if that didn’t work, would close the border.

“You know i will do it. I don’t play games. ... so we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border,” Trump told reporters at the White House.

“If Mexico doesn’t apprehend these people coming” into the United States from Central America, “we’re going to tax the cars. And if that doesn’t work, we’re going to close the border,” Trump said during a meeting of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council. “If, in a year from now, drugs continue to pour in, we’re going to put tariffs up.”

The move represents a significant step back from Trump’s recent threats to shut the border as early as this week.


Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Martha McSally, R-Ariz., both warned the president against taking the step. The senators face re-election next year in states Trump will also need to win in order to guarantee him a second term in the White House.

The announcement that Trump in considering new auto tariffs on Mexican imports could spell even more trouble for a major trade deal reached last year between the U.S., Mexico and Canada, known as USMCA. The deal has yet to be ratified by the legislative bodies of any of the three countries, and it faces an uphill battle in each of them for domestic reasons that are unique to each country.

The new, yearlong timeline for Mexico to take action also ensures that Trump can continue to use the southern border as a rallying cry for his 2020 reelection campaign.

In 2016, Trump’s pledge to “build a wall” between the U.S. and Mexico was one of the pillars of his campaign. He has yet to build such a wall.

Trump gives Mexico a year to stem the flow of drugs and migrants or he will impose auto tariffs or close the border

But something tells me that USMB Trumpettes believe that their Trumpenführer is WINNING on this issue. Don't you?
Trump: “Mexico's tough. They can stop them, but they chose not to. Now they're going to stop them. And if they don't stop them, we're closing the border. They'll close it. And we'll keep it closed for a long time. I'm not playing games.”

Reality: “Yes you are.

Ask this thing if Trump was playing games --

I wonder in the history of the United States, how many so-called winners have kept going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the losers......for years........:eusa_think:
This is great, Trump is going to close the border....liberals piss and moan. Trump isn't going to close the border...liberals piss and moan. I'm all for transparency but you fricken loons are getting a little too transparent.

Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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Great, it only took you a minute or two to find something else to piss and moan about.

What can I say, I do not worship the man so I am allowed to criticize him. Sucks for you that you have yo spend your days defending such a pussy of a man.

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Actually, it must suck for you to be so fricken petty.

I do not find it petty to want my president to not talk trash and then back down like a pussy.

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The Mexican border patrol arrested 1400 migrants at their southern border yesterday...the day before they arrested 600....two bus loads of migrants were turned away today...I think Mexico has gotten the long as they seem to be cooperating the border will not be closed...but if they revert back to their old ways tariffs will be applied...if that doesn't work the border will be closed....
Trump is winning this....give it time...the truth will come out eventually....despite CNN....
I am very unhappy about this.
He was never serious....In case you hadn't noticed, he says shit like this all the time in order to gauge the reaction.

Of course, this never stops the knee-jerk haters from reacting viscerally to their hatred and squealing like stuck pigs...People steeped in the emotional response never notice the pattern, which is right in front of their noses to see.
This is great, Trump is going to close the border....liberals piss and moan. Trump isn't going to close the border...liberals piss and moan. I'm all for transparency but you fricken loons are getting a little too transparent.

Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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Great, it only took you a minute or two to find something else to piss and moan about.

What can I say, I do not worship the man so I am allowed to criticize him. Sucks for you that you have yo spend your days defending such a pussy of a man.

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Actually, it must suck for you to be so fricken petty.

I do not find it petty to want my president to not talk trash and then back down like a pussy.

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I don't think that the Cheeto gives a fuck about what you want, or your petty opinion of how he goes about his business.
'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.
As if you couldn't make yourself look any more stupid. It's clear to me that the threat to close the border was aimed at Mexico. Anyone with half a brain knows that illegals don't come in to this country from check points and legitimate border crossings.

Closing the border would hurt Mexico way more that it would hurt us. I look for Mexico to act in ways that will help us stop the flow seeing how the evils pos in congress refuse to lift a finger.

And here it was just two days ago libstains were all crying how it would be so awful if the evil Trump closed the border and attacked all those poor tomatoes and avocados. What happened to "border closing bad"? Shame on you gutless lying two faced liberal swine. Not one of you has a soul.
Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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Great, it only took you a minute or two to find something else to piss and moan about.

What can I say, I do not worship the man so I am allowed to criticize him. Sucks for you that you have yo spend your days defending such a pussy of a man.

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Actually, it must suck for you to be so fricken petty.

I do not find it petty to want my president to not talk trash and then back down like a pussy.

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I don't think that the Cheeto gives a fuck about what you want, or your petty opinion of how he goes about his business.

I couldn't agree more and aren't these the same dipshits that were screaming bloody murder about Trump threatening the close the border and how it would ruin the country??

Why yes. They certainly are.

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