Trump / Putin two great Leaders

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Both men are stellar examples of what a great nation's leader should be. They are strong nationalists who put their country 1st, and care about the welfare of their people.

Putin is wildly popular in his country, with a +85% approval rating. (a number American politicians would die for}

I suspect Trump's approval rating will skyrocket the longer he is in office.

And under Trump's leadership, I look forward to Russia and the U.S. becoming strong allies in the future. ..... :thup: ... :cool:
Both men are stellar examples of what a great nation's leader should be. They are strong nationalists who put their country 1st, and care about the welfare of their people.

Putin is wildly popular in his country, with a +85% approval rating. (a number American politicians would die for}

I suspect Trump's approval rating will skyrocket the longer he is in office.

And under Trump's leadership, I look forward to Russia and the U.S. becoming strong allies in the future. ..... :thup: ... :cool:

not necessarily an INDICATOR of right vs wrong. The mass murdering dog MAO approached 100% as did the dogs SADDAM AND KHADAFFY DUCK and the rapist pig got 100% BY LAW
Both Russia and the U.S. are democracies with open elections.

It is a natural fit that the two nations should be close allies.

In fact, Russia would make a much better ally than feckless France or bankrupt Greece. .... :cool:
Putin is a Dictator....Trump is working on it...

Seriously though, everyone who has a mind and can read history knows as a fact, Dictator Putin is a murderous thug...
Both Russia and the U.S. are democracies with open elections.

It is a natural fit that the two nations should be close allies.

In fact, Russia would make a much better ally than feckless France or bankrupt Greece. .... :cool:
Let's not get carried away. Putin is a murderer. That said, there are plenty of murderers leading countries. Russia CAN be an "ally" in certain respects, but he needs to be on a short leash.
Putin is a Dictator....Trump is working on it... Seriously though, everyone who has a mind and can read history knows as a fact, Dictator Putin is a murderous thug...
Putin was freely elected in an open and monitored democratic election. The vast majority of Russian people really like Putin's style of leadership and agenda for their country.

So who are we to criticize their choice for a leader? ...... :cool:
Putin was freely elected in an open and monitored democratic election. The vast majority of Russian people really like Putin's style of leadership and agenda for their country.

So who are we to criticize their choice for a leader? ...... :cool:
We are AMERICANS who don't murder our political competition.

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