Trump puts a lot of coal workers to work

Trump has misled his poor, dumb Chumps in so many ways. The nature of job creation and and salvation is just one more lie on the pile.

He has led them to bleev we don't make as much stuff as we used to, when the fact is we are manufacturing more things than ever before.

It just doesn't take as many workers to make all that stuff than it used to.

Trump has misled his Chumps into bleeving he is going to bring back all those lost jobs from overseas. The fact is 88 percent of lost manufacturing jobs didn't go overseas. They just became obsolete, and are never coming back. The 12 percent which went overseas are jobs making T-shirts and Trump ties and suits.

So the future in job creation won't involve bringing jobs home from overseas. It will involve creating new jobs in young industries.

Trump has led the Chumps to bleev he can bring back coal jobs, when the fact is coal is on the outs. Natural gas is where its at, baby.

Even solar is bigger than coal. There are more than twice as many solar jobs as coal jobs.

an American capitalist... Yippee !! no solyndra, no nationalizing general motors and chrysler.
Trump has misled his poor, dumb Chumps in so many ways. The nature of job creation and and salvation is just one more lie on the pile.

He has led them to bleev we don't make as much stuff as we used to, when the fact is we are manufacturing more things than ever before.

It just doesn't take as many workers to make all that stuff than it used to.

Trump has misled his Chumps into bleeving he is going to bring back all those lost jobs from overseas. The fact is 88 percent of lost manufacturing jobs didn't go overseas. They just became obsolete, and are never coming back. The 12 percent which went overseas are jobs making T-shirts and Trump ties and suits.

So the future in job creation won't involve bringing jobs home from overseas. It will involve creating new jobs in young industries.

Trump has led the Chumps to bleev he can bring back coal jobs, when the fact is coal is on the outs. Natural gas is where its at, baby.

Even solar is bigger than coal. There are more than twice as many solar jobs as coal jobs.

an American capitalist... Yippee !! no solyndra, no nationalizing general motors and chrysler.
Solyndra was a single failure in a program of several successes which netted a profit for the American taxpayer.

Of course your propagandists didn't tell you the WHOLE truth. They never do.
He has created a 100 jobs. So at this rate, he will have created a 1000 jobs in the coal industry by the end of his term. Trump says 50,000 and delivers a 1000. That's about par for the course. If the company hadn't got a state grant for 3 million, this mine would have never opened.
Trump needs to sign Crazy Bernie's Clean Energy Worker Just Transition Act which provides comprehensive job training and benefits to workers as they transition from coal jobs to jobs making solar panels & wind turbines.

it also direct resources to the most affected communities in Appalachia to clean up the disastrous enviromental legacy of coal mining
homes, office buildings, factories, schools, libraries and other buildings can be made more efficient with state-of-the-art insulation and modern heating and cooling systems.

for every dollar invested in efficiency upgrades, families enjoy 4 dollars of saving, and for every billion dollars spent, 8 thousand jobs would be created, roughly 10 times as many as the same investment in the coal industry would create.
Creating possibly the most disgusting job a person can have is nothing to celebrate.
70 jobs is a lot.
But not when lying scum Tramp's administration is claiming they added 50,000 coal mining jobs since the last quarter and 7,000 in May alone!!!! 70 jobs got inflated to 7,000and the retarded fools swallow it whole!

"Since the fourth quarter of last year until most recently, we've added almost 50,000 jobs in the coal sector. In the month of May alone, almost 7,000 jobs."
— Scott Pruitt on Sunday, June 4th, 2017 in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press"
The radical left was quick to cite statistics that the welfare roles in traditionally republican coal mining states spiked during the Obama administration. What the statistics failed to note was that the Obama administration deliberately put them out of work by shutting down the coal industry. It's ironic that the much touted solar industry wasn't slated for jobs in the coal country but for sunny California. It's just as well because the solar industry failed by itself even though Obama pumped tens of millions of taxpayer dollars into the scheme. Elitist democrats like Hillary never visited coal country Americans or most of fly over country for that matter but she vowed to kill the coal industry for no reason other than coal dust dirtied up her designer clothes. The bottom line is that the good people who work in the coal industry ain't your enemy lefties, idiots like Hillary are.
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What the statistics failed to note was that the Obama administration deliberately put them out of work by shutting down the coal industry.
Fracking, which the Right worships, killed the coal industry.
Putting 70 workers on the job when 500 actual coal mining jobs were lost is still a defeat, OP.
70 whole jobs?! Sheesh, at this rate well have those 50,000 jobs created somewhere around 2050. Yea! Winning!
Wait, but according to Goldman Sachs' Gary Cohn (now working for Trump White House) 'SOLAR IS THE FUTURE! Coal is dead.'

national review: "Discarded solar panels are piling up all over the world, and they represent a major threat to the environment."

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